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發布時間: 2021-01-21 04:43:47

1. "依據"用英語怎麼說(必須為及物動詞,單詞)


2. 想要用英語單詞怎麼說


英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑnt]

vt. 需要;希望;應該;缺少

n. 需要;缺乏;貧困;必需品

vi. 需要;缺少


whatever you want無論你要什麼;不管你想要什麼

in want of需要,缺少

for want of因缺乏

want out解除;想要出去


Have an agenda for the other, and you want them to do what you want.





英 [nɪ'sesɪtɪ] 美 [nə'sɛsəti]

n. 需要;必然性;必需品


Construction necessity建設必要性

Basic necessity基本必要 ; 基本需要

Necessity period需求期


英 ['ʃɔːtɪdʒ] 美 ['ʃɔrtɪdʒ]

n. 缺乏,缺少;不足


capital shortage資金短缺 ; 資金欠缺 ; 資金缺乏

Temporary shortage青黃不接

dollar shortage美金缺乏 ;[金融]美元荒 ;[金融]美元短缺 ; 美圓荒

3. 中文翻譯英文(囊括要求單詞)

1. we already provide the relevant information to the police.
2. This baby can not even crawl, there is no way to let alone.
3. He refused to provide us with all the information we needed.
4. This movie is changed base on the Shakespeare.
5. Lots of teachers are frown on this kind of respones.
6. When i talked about my father, she show a recognition of a smile on my face.
7. She used around two year to adapt to the new environment.
8. when he was new to the school, he found out he is not fit in with his classmates.
9. They came from county side, which was sjit off from the modern civilization.
10. we should get in touch as soon as we know our grade.
11. She was really sick, and must leave off her job.
12. Jannie is volunteer to do the clean up job after party.

4. "依據"用英語怎麼說(必須為及物動詞,單詞)


5. 英語單詞和翻譯


rose 玫瑰花
tulip 鬱金香
balsam 鳳仙花
canna 美人蕉
lily 百合花
jasmine 茉莉
sweet pea 香豌豆花
sunflower 向日葵
geranium 大竺葵
morning-glory 牽牛花
cosmos 大波斯菊
pansy 三色堇
poppy 罌粟花
marigold 金盞花
carnation 麝香石竹
amaryllis 孤挺花
dahlia 大麗花
pink 石竹花
crocus 番紅花
iris 蝴蝶花
hyacinth 風信花
daffodil 黃水仙
chrysanthemum 菊
marguerite, daisy 雛菊
gladiolus 劍蘭
cantury plant 龍舌蘭
magnolia 木蘭
yucca 絲蘭
orchid 蘭花
freesia 小蒼蘭
cyclamen 仙客來
begonia 秋海棠
anemone 銀蓮花
wisteria 柴藤
redbud 紫荊
dogwood 山茱萸
hawthorn 山楂
camellia 山茶
hydrangea 八仙花
hibiscus 木槿
peony 芍葯
azalea 杜鵑
rhododendron 杜鵑花
daphne 瑞香
gardenia 梔子
lilac 紫丁香
night-blooming cereus 仙人掌
apple 蘋果
pear 梨
orange 桔子
quince 柑橘
apricot 杏
plum 洋李
pistil 雌蕊
ovary 子房
petal 花瓣
anther 花葯
stamen 雄蕊
nectar gland 蜜腺
sepal 萼片
stalk 花柄
pollen 花粉

pine 松
cerdar 雪松類
larch 落葉松
juniper 杜松
cone 松果
cypress 柏樹
bamboo 竹
box 黃楊
poplar 白楊
cottonwood 三角葉楊
osier 紫皮柳樹
willow 垂柳
birch 白樺
maple 楓樹
sequoia 紅杉
fir 冷杉
hemlock spruce 鐵杉
spruce 雲杉
yew 紫杉
eucalytus 桉樹
locust 洋槐
wattle 金合歡樹
camphor tree 樟樹
rosewood 紫檀
ebony 烏檀
sandalwood 檀香木
satinwood 椴木
linden 椴樹
rowan 歐洲山梨
teak 柚木樹
elm 榆木樹
oak 橡樹
acorn 橡樹果
sycamore 美國梧桐
ginkgo 銀杏樹
holly 冬青
coco 椰樹
date 棗椰樹
hickory 山核桃樹
plane tree 懸鈴樹
beech 山毛櫸
horse chestnut 七葉樹
blackthorn 黑刺李
baobab 猴麵包樹
elder 接骨木
myrtle 桃金娘科植物
cycad 蘇鐵
oil palm 油棕櫚樹
treetop 樹梢
branch 樹枝
twig 小樹枝
bough 大樹枝
knot 樹節
trunk 樹干
leaf 樹葉
sprout 新芽
sapling 樹苗
stump 樹樁
root 樹根
root hair 根毛
taproot 主根
bark 樹皮
resin 樹脂
pith 木髓
cambium 形成層
ring 年輪
wood 木材

azalea 杜鵑花
begonia 秋海棠
Brazil 巴西木
cactus 仙人掌
camellia 山茶花
carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)
Chinese enkianthus 燈籠花
Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花
chrysanthemum 菊花
dahlia 大麗花
daisy 雛菊
datura 曼陀羅
epiphyllum 曇花
fringed iris 蝴蝶花
fuchsia 倒掛金鍾
gardenia 梔子
India canna 美人蕉
jasmine 茉莉
lilac 丁香
lily 百合
mangnolia 木蘭花
mangnolia 玉蘭花
morning glory 牽牛(喇叭花)
narcissus 水仙花
oleander 夾竹桃
orchid 蘭花
pansy 三色堇
peony 牡丹
peony 芍葯
phalaenopsis 蝶蘭
rose 玫瑰
rose 月季
setose asparagus 文竹
touch-me-not (balsam) 鳳仙花
tulip 鬱金香
violet, stock violet 紫羅蘭
water hyacinth 鳳眼蘭


6. 一個英語單詞的翻譯是「要求,請求」

翻譯:Demand, request;require;claim;


7. 我要求他們背單詞英語翻譯

I ask them to recite words.
I ask them to recite words.

8. 求科技英文的翻譯,要求原文為5000英文單詞左右的科技英文(內容最好是CRM或Call Center相關)

WeStar Technology Ltd. is founded with the upsurge of Development of the West Regions, which is a special company incorporated in 2002 with independent corporation, registered capital is five million yuan.
Our company is a high-technology instry, which builds the GPS (Global Position System), GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location), GIS (Geographic Information System), CALLCENTER (call center) as main operations. It sets proction services, network operators, system integrators as an integer.
We have a number of electronics、、computer hardware and software technical personnel, established a strong marketing network by senior managers and marketers.
We research and develop our own proprietary core technologies, and cooperate with some corporations and scientific academes which keep ahead at Geographic Information、communicational navigation、technological information.
WeStar Global Position Center』s built provides a standardized, systematic, network, collectivize, native vehicle monitoring, scheling, information services platform for the Intelligent Transportation construction of Yunnan.
WeStar Global Position Center is the province online, the National Monitoring and around more than 40 countries and regions roaming operations center of Yunnan, the system can achieve network operator to be in a team, a unit, a region, a city, province, nation, can also operate independently, systems design capacity of motor vehicles 500,000.
Hunmengweishida Technologies Limited is the development of the western region to create a frenzied, with the needs of market development, incorporated in 2002 with independent legal person status of the company, registered capital of five million yuan.
The company is building the GPS (Global Positioning System), GSM (global digital cellular system for mobile communications), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and AVL (trunking communication system), GIS (geographic information system), CALLCENTER (call center) as the main high new technology instry. The company set proction services, network operators, system integrators Trinity.
The company possesses a number of electronics, communications, computer hardware and software technology, established by senior management and marketing staff a strong marketing network.
Companies have to develop our own proprietary core technologies, and with the domestic and international geographic information, communication navigation, information technology is the leader of the enterprises and scientific research units to establish a broad strategic partnership.
Entrust global positioning satellite built for the Intelligent Transportation Yunnan construction of a standardized, systematic, network and a group localization of vehicle monitoring, scheling, information services platform.
Entrust global positioning satellite network center is the province, the National Monitoring and around the country more than 40 countries and regions of Yunnan roaming operations center, the system can be in a team, a unit, a region, a city, the province, a nationwide network operator to achieve, can also operate independently , motor vehicle system design capacity 500,000.

9. 標準的英語單詞怎麼寫


讀法:英 ['stændəd] 美 ['stændɚd]




1、apply a standard 應用一個標准

2、come up to the standard 達到標准,合格

3、establish standards 建立標准

4、accepted standards 公認的標准

5、certain standard 某一標准


1、The standard of length in France is the metre.


2、His work this week hasn't been up to his usual standard.


3、Our teacher sets very high standards of work in his class.


4、Robes are standard apparel in the Middle East.


5、These nails come in three standard sizes.









10. 詳細的英語單詞怎麼說


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