A. 你喜歡貓嗎還可以。 請翻譯成英文
猴子在椰子樹下看書 The monkey read a book under the coconut tree兔子在照鏡子The rabbit in the mirror狗在河裡游泳The dog is swimming in the river鴨子從家用的垃圾桶探出半回個身子Duck from household garbage out half a body貓從門答背後探出腦袋The cat heads out from behind the door採納啊~!!!
B. 用英語翻譯:難道你不喜歡貓嗎
So you don't like cats?
C. 我姐姐非常喜歡貓英語翻譯兩種
my sister likes cats very much.
my sister is fond of cats.
D. 他們喜歡貓用英語怎麼寫
They like cats.
They don't like cats.
Do they like cats?
E. 英語翻譯 她正在漸漸愛上貓. like不是沒有進行時嗎該怎麼說呢
She has grown to like the cat.
F. 他喜歡貓,英文怎麼說
He likes cats.
G. 簡單英語作文:我喜歡貓以及翻譯
I like cats. When I was a child. My mother kept a cat. I named her Lilly. We played together. When I was doing my homework. She just sat besides me quitely. When I watched TV, she lied to my knees. Lilly died When I was in Grade 6. I really missed her now.
H. 她最喜歡貓和運動,用英語怎麼翻譯
She likes cats and sports best.