㈠ 求英語達人翻譯:你沒刷牙嗎,嘴巴那麼臭(用來罵人)
You kiss your mom with that mouth?
㈡ 小心你的牙齒用英語怎麼說
Mind your teeth!
㈢ 你多久去看一次牙醫用英語怎麼說
How often do you_go__ _seeing__ _a__ _dentist___?
㈣ 你應該去看牙科醫生 用英語怎麼說
you should go to see a dentist.
㈤ 你一天刷幾次牙英文
① 你每天刷幾次牙?
>> How many times do you brush your teeth a day?
>> How many times do you brush your teeth every day?
>> How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
>> How many times every day do you brush your teeth?
② 他每天早晚各刷一次牙:
>> He brushes his teeth once in the morning and once in the evening.
>> He brushes his teeth twice a day:in the morning and in the evening.
>> He brushes his teeth both in the morning and evening.
③ 他長了很多蛀牙,只能找牙醫拔掉了 :
>> He has a lot of cavities,so he has no other choice but find a dentist and pull them out.
④ 爸爸牙齒掉了很多/掉光了,裝上了假牙 :
>> A lot his dad/father's teeth fell out,and he had to get dentures.
⑤ 這道菜很香 / 這道菜太酸了 / 太苦了.
>> This dish is (really delicious / too sour / too bitter).
⑥ 這道菜好像變質了.
>> This dish seems to have gone bad.
⑦ 我們要經常反思自己所做過的事情,有錯誤馬上改正 :
>> We need to reflect often on our actions and correct any mistakes at once .
⑧ 在成功或是失敗的時候,都要經常自我反思 :
When you fail or succeed,you should often reflect on your actions.
⑨ 你應該反思自己,想想哪裡做錯了 :
You should reflect on your actions and figure out where you went wrong.
㈥ 你應該愛護你的牙齒,用英文怎麼說兩種說法
You should take good care of your teeth.
You should take care of your teeth
㈦ 對你的牙齒有害,用英語怎麼說
㈧ 你的牙齒不好嗎用英語
do you have toothache ?
㈨ 你的牙怎麼了(英語翻譯)
what's wrong with your teeth 或者
what's the matter with your teeth