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發布時間: 2022-03-27 14:24:56

㈠ less sure about everything英語翻譯

less sure about everything 字面上指對所有事都不大確信了,而文中要表達的意思是除了這件事以外,對其他所有事都不大確信了,也就是說這件事比所有事更讓我確信,更簡潔一點,就是沒有比這更確定的事了。這是從反面來體現的一種手法。

The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.

因為,作為一個成功者的負重感讓作為一個創業者的輕松感覺給代替, 沒有比這更確定的事情了。這讓我覺得如此自由, 進入了我生命中最有創造力的一個階段。

Pottz was confident of taking the American title, but less sure about the world championship.

㈡ 翻譯一小段英語


㈢ 修煉英語


㈣ 英語求翻譯,盡量快點!

If I had my child to raise all over again,

I'd finger-paint more and point the finger less.
I'd do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch,and watch with my eyes.
我的眼睛不再老盯著表看, 我的眼睛要去觀察一切事物.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
我要多出去徒步, 多出去放風箏
I'd stop playing serious,and seriously play
I'd run through more fields and gaze at more stars
I'd do more hugging and less tugging
I would be firm less often,and affirm much more
I'd build self-esteem first,and the house later
I'd teach less about the love of power,
and more about the power of love.

㈤ 內心篤定 英文怎麼表達..不要機器翻譯

be confident in mind

㈥ 誰幫我翻譯這段英語

在農村生活,周圍都是鳥兒的鳴唱,以及樹間微涼的風的輕聲。但在城市,喇叭聲和警笛聲讓我厭倦。(你這邊有個錯別字……所以builing翻不出來= =)
當我走在鄉間的路上,我大可以盡享周圍的景象風物,pastcark(這又是啥= =)——像是田園樹林之美。然而在城市的街道上行走時,情形大相徑庭,我不得不小心提防疲勞駕駛的司機和粗心大意的padestrians(不認識,對不起= =)。

樓主小心哦,這篇東西不僅中式英語而且還有語法錯誤——如果那三個單詞不是拼寫錯誤或是中間漏句的話= =

㈦ 英語問題!!!









㈧ 求翻譯英語。。



㈨ 幫忙翻譯成英文,一定要注意語法

narrows eyes to see from the angle - negative, and detests, and gets
angry or does not appreciate to walk about - gets angry or is foiled
The both hands twisting are turned round - nervously, it is disturbed or is
To fore-rake - attention or be interested
Sluggishly sits in the chair - bored or lightly one time
Raising the head enres the thorax - and it is self-confident, resolute
Sits on the chair side - uneasy, is sick of, or raises vigilance
Sitting not smooth and steady(ly) - uneasy, is sick of, and nervous or is
raises vigilance faceing squarely the other side - friendly, absolute sincere,
the extroversion has sense of security, and it is self-confident, sincere(ly)
wait to avoid that the sight comes into contact with - cold and detached, and
escapes, and be concerned about, and does not have the sense of security, and
passively, fearful or nervously waiting to nod - agrees or expressed clear,
and understood to shake one's head - negative, and shocks or does not believe
Rock fist - angry or rich attack
Applauds - approve of or is willing to
Beat the yawn - is sick of
The finger is alternately - good luck
Shoulder back of the body - encouragement, congratulations or comforting are
gently clapped
We should scratch one's head - puzzles or does not believe in
Smiles - agree or satisfied
Be difficult to articulate the lip - nervously, is afraid or feels anxious
The foot is shaken - nervously
The both hands are put in that the behind - anger is not appreciated, and
negative defence or attack surround two(ly) that the arm - anger is not
appreciated, and negative defence or attack raises on the eyebrow - are not
believed in or surprisedly

1. the eyes to gaze at others are seen, is expressing being interested in
the other side in some nations, but in other nations, and being thought
unreasonably, not respecting the gesture that OK was in the .2. United States
to others, the table is agreed in the United States, and at the Japan man-year,
this gesture is expressed money, and in France, this gesture is thought "
0", is in Brazil and Germany, and the gesture _ holding up thumb in approval,
and expresses in the United States, " very good " does pretty good " to very
rough .3. of this gesture United States, but in Nigeria, but this gesture is
very rough in Japan as Germany, and it signifies that " first " .4. is in
a lot of nations, and to nod is affirming, whether or not shakes one's head
fixed, but in Bulgaria, some places of Greece, and Iranian, and but being
nodding negative(ly), it is sure to shake one's head

㈩ 英語問題

Why didn't you buy something for yourself? 應選A
something 與anything 的區別和 some 與any的區別相同 在肯定句中通常用something 否定句和疑問句中通常用anything。但是,當期望得到對方的肯定回答時要用something,或是給建議時,也用something。 比如 Would you like something to eat?

Why don't you ask someone to read them for you?
同樣道理,「你為什麼不……「 」這里是給建議,說話者是不存在疑問,而是一種篤定的語氣,這里應用someone,而不是anyone。


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