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發布時間: 2022-03-03 00:38:54

① 缺錢英語的幾種說法

除了 lack of money 以外,
可以用 feeling the pinch 來表示「經濟拮據」的意思。

② 求解英語單詞翻譯

cash 現金
dip 浸, 蘸, 下沉,
subway 地鐵, 地下通道
button 紐扣, 按鈕
colleague 同事
appointment 約會
fault 錯誤,責任
refrigerator 冰箱
campus 校園
assistant 助手
employee 受雇者
drygstore(drugstore)應該是你的拼寫錯誤 原意是葯房、葯店
robber 盜賊, 強盜
insurance 保險, 保險費, 安全保障
dish 盤, 碟, 一道菜, 菜餚, 碟狀物
flavour 味道, 風味, 韻味
volcano 火山
promotion 擢升 、升職
intelligence 智力 ,智慧
recovery n. 恢復, 痊癒, 復原, 重獲
cough v. n。 咳嗽, 咳
order 順序, 訂單, 命令, 秩序, 階層
modest adj. 謙虛的, 適度的, 端莊的,
proud adj. 自豪的, 自尊的, 自傲的,
swifd (swift) adj.快的, 迅速的, 敏捷的
false adj. 假的, 人造的, 不真實的, 錯誤的,
disapproval n。不贊成
average n. 平均數, 平均水平
intelligent 聰明的
board n. 木板, 布告板, 董事會, 船舷或機艙, rent 出租
export 出口
emport (import)進口
lock 鎖,鎖住 ,水閘
acold 寒冷的
promote vt. 促進, 提升, 升遷, 發起, 促銷
片語:check in 登記
check out 退房
fail to 干什麼事情不成功
in low spirit 精神不振
reach the finals 進入總決賽
power failure 電源故障
go over 投奔
travel agency 旅行社
be on a budget 經濟拮據
make ends meet 收支平衡
fitness center 健身中心
come into being 產生
drop 。。。off 掉下,減少,下降
give sb a ride 讓某人搭便車
be occupied with 被佔用
stay in bed for a while till it pick up 在床上躺一會兒直到天氣回暖(pick該改為picks單三形式)

③ 困難用英語怎麼說


英 [ˈdɪfɪkəlti] 美 [ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlti, -kəl-]


children with severe learning difficulties



英 [hɑ:d] 美 [hɑ:rd]



It was one of the hardest things I ever did.




1、hard 指困難的、費力的、難做的、難懂的:

I always found languages quite hard at school.


2、challenging 指困難而有意思的、有挑戰性的、考驗能力的

a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher


3、demanding 指要求高的、需要高技能或耐性的、費力的:

It is a technically demanding piece of music to play.


④ 困難的英語單詞怎麼寫





1、avoid difficulty 迴避困難

2、cause a difficulty 出難題,製造麻煩

3、clear away difficulty 掃除困難

4、clear up a difficulty 排除困難


1、Look at the difficulty in another way.


2、The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.


3、The work was attended to with much difficulty.


4、Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?




1、difficulty指必須付出大量的思考和運用技巧才能解決的任何困難,當表示抽象的困難時,是不可數名詞,既不能與不定冠詞連用,也不能用於復數形式; 表示具體的難處、難事、麻煩時,是可數名詞,既可與不定冠詞連用,也可用於復數形式。


3、difficulty後常接「of+ n. / v -ing」或「in+ v -ing」作定語, in有時可省去,不用動詞不定式。





⑤ 困難英語單詞是什麼困難英語單詞

英[ˈdɪfɪkəlti] 美[ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlti, -kəl-]
n. 難度; 困難,麻煩,難事; 異議,爭論,糾葛; 財政困難,(經版濟)拮據權;
[例句]The country is facing great economic difficulties.

⑥ 結局的英文單詞怎麼寫

jié jú
final result; outcome; ending; grand finale; upshot:
悲慘的結局 tragic result; sad dénouement
自然的結局 natural outcome
合乎邏輯的結局 the logical ending
注視事件發展回的結局 watch the outcome of an affair
比賽只剩下5分鍾答了,可是結局仍然難以預料。 Five minutes from the end, the outcome of the match was still in doubt.
結局好,樣樣好。 All's well that ends well.

⑦ 英語翻譯


⑧ 求英語高手,中譯英一篇文章(後篇)

~ ~ Harbored warm volcano
Beethoven's heart and there are infinite affection, detail, perspective, harmony, perfect. Beethoven's intention to put their ideas in the song. As the fifth "destiny", a theme began motivation is the fate of God forced knock on the door, No. 6 "Pastoral" more perceived the nature of Beethoven's right to depict the first indication that his movement "is relaxing in the countryside" word.
Napoleon captured Vienna in 1809, Wang Kung-sun have flee, Beethoven's economy is in trouble. Diffuse days in the war, he remained in Vienna, painstaking creation, and his "Emperor" Concerto is the rumbling of the guns in writing.
The "destiny" and "Pastoral" was first performed in Vienna did not favor the people, Beethoven want to leave Germany, but Rudolph Duke, Robert Chavez-Prince and the Duke of three Cardinals strongly to retain, he left. Later, Beethoven's writing "Grand Piano Trio," that those dedicated to the benefactor.
~ Music into the home to ordinary people
Since the air in Europe after the French Revolution a new, personal freedom and human rights thus confirming. Beethoven's music is also of the civilians will bring in music from all of the nobility. Beethoven's achievements, and the credit Chui Shin.
Napoleon's defeat at the Vienna resumed festive atmosphere. In 1812 Beethoven's music injured relief at the premiere "Symphony No. 7" and "Symphony No. 8", very sensational. He also won the respect of the people of Vienna.
Beethoven's from 1804 to 1814 between physical ordeal suffered deafness, but in this 1922 years, his creative rich historical precedent. He wrote the music treasures in the thoughts of mankind's treasures.
His "Symphony No. 7" no title, Wagner that the first song is a symbol of dance, in particular the final warm and flowing movement. "Symphony No. 8" is his Ninth Symphony in the most uncertain and most refreshing song, with the concept and aloof attitude browser life.
The third paragraph of Beethoven's life began in 1815. Then he has the maturity of life more thorough understanding, then writing music, in addition to demonstrating a shock the Symphony No. 9 "Choral" and "solemn mass music", all the piano sonatas polyphonic quartet music, which is all the inherent and profound spiritual mood.

Le St. expressing human ~ ~ thing
Since the death of his brother Karl in 1814, Beethoven and take custody of the nephew rearing responsibilities. But after the adoption process and his nephew to the problems caused him to eat quite a lot. In short he could not love his nephew was transferred to. Beethoven's how people get along with the reasoning completely collapse.
Beethoven's music has become more depressed, more serious health conditions, the economy is very tight. Then he was two full creative works - "solemn Mass QU" and "Ninth Symphony." In particular song before Rudolph was appointed to the throne for the ceremony, the Archbishop concert use. Because of a heavy responsibility, he spent about five years time, completed in 1823. On May 7 at his "Symphony No. 9" premiere, his reputation and pushed to a new peak.
"Symphony No. 9" and "Happy Song" chorus is collected from Schiller's poem "Ode happy." Because he had this idea that after 32 years finally reached a wish. "Symphony No. 9" for the success he has brought the greatest glory of life and joy.
"Symphony No. 9" at the preview of the direct command of Beethoven, but not deaf, orderly chaos, the official premiere at the Umlauf command. Beethoven is still guiding listeners turn their backs on the stage. When the whole song recital just completed, the audience was deeply moved and cheered loudly, thundering applause, but no perceived Beethoven, or after the performance reminded him that the moving scene, tearfully offered.
This is Beethoven's last public appearance, he unwittingly suffering from the liver disease, time spent on benefits graally serious illness days. He will be away from the spiritual world, but more quiet. Then Beethoven seemed to be thin, pure height, looking down at the forthcoming set aside their own world. Writing the final five Qu String Quartet. These chamber music is his last works, but also given the world Beethoven's will. WAN Shi proved right spirit can overcome suffering, and even death can be overcome.

⑨ 英語高手幫忙翻譯~~~~~~~~~~~

Because of poverty of his home, when he was young, he had ever sent newspapers, sent milks, done parttime jobs in construction sites and even act a cadaver in a cinema.He had ever walked 2 hours because lacking of 0.7 yuan for fare; donored his blood when he was hungry only to get the free biscuits; eaten noodle soup others left; eaten shrimps others threw away......But this kind of life made him even stronger.

⑩ 翻譯」拮據的生活」

「拮據的生活」也就是「生活上很拮據,生活的拮據」在英文上也有「一切都很好」的意思,Uptight (Everything』s alright),直譯可以是 「something on a budget 」中文為「在某方面很節省(拮據)」

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