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發布時間: 2022-02-22 03:07:19

A. 用英語怎麼說:特別干凈有條理的人和睡覺 neat freak & crash (87)

LH: 我剛收拾完房間,現在我要把所有文件分類,然後放在這些不同顏色的文件夾里。 LL: Wow, you really are a neat freak. LL: Calm down. Li Hua. To be neat is to be very clean and orderly. A freak is a person that is really weird or unusual. Together, a neat freak refers to someone who likes to keep things extremely clean and organized. LL: Yes, see, your room always looks perfect, you always make your bed. You never throw your clothes on the floor. And you have all your papers well organized. LH: 那你和neat freak剛好相反。你的房間總是亂糟糟的,床也不鋪,衣服滿地亂扔,還有,你的各種學習資料也是到處亂放。 LL: Well, I’m not a neat freak, so I don’t care if everything is neat and perfect. LH: 我看哪,Larry, 你就是太懶了– I think you are just too lazy。 LL: Well, maybe I am a little lazy, but look at your room, books, sweaters and even newspapers are stacked in order, and you’re a real neat freak. LL: Alright. Now that you’ve finished cleaning, why don’t we go to a movie. LH: Sure, let’s go!******LL: That movie was so long. It’s almost midnight! I’m so tired that I think I’m going to go home and crash. LL: No, I don’t mean crash as in car-crash. I mean crash as in go to sleep. LL: Yes, I really want to go home and crash means that I really want to go home and sleep. LL: Yes, you can say that. Another example is: I crashed at Jim’s house the other night because it was too late to go home. LL: Of course you can, but right now Li Hua, what I really want is to crash in my own bed. I can’t wait to get home. LH: 有那麼著急嗎? 剛才看電影的時候我看你眼睛還張的大大的呢。不過,我也挺累的了。我想我一到家也會倒頭就睡著的 I will also crash when I get home. 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是neat freak, 表示特別愛干凈、有條理的人。

B. 他很有條理,處理事情井井有條用英語怎麼說

He is very organized to deal with things in good order.

C. 英語翻譯:教我們怎樣有條理的想問題

teach us how to view questions in an organized way

D. 如何有條理的學好英語

1. 勤奮和持續堅持。大多數人學不好英語根本的原因是懶惰和三天打魚兩天專曬網。

2. 把英語當成一門聲屬音而不是文字來學。英語首先是一門聲音,文字不過是聲音的標本而已。所以大量的聲音輸入和輸出是必不可少的,早期要多運用耳朵和嘴巴,少用眼睛。一個兒童學會母語靠得就是聽說,打通耳朵是其學習語言的第一步,它首先在它聽不懂的噪音里建立聲音秩序。

3. 建議從學單詞開始就聽音背單詞,建立起人對英語單詞聲音形象的條件反射能力。而且英語單詞的拼寫大多數是有規律的,你記住了它的聲音,拼寫也就簡單了,你說也就能脫口而出了。


E. 怎樣記英語筆記有條理

我分為幾類 片語:從A寫到Z ,當然是每天積累的,而不是讓你照著什麼材料抄一大堆 語法:包括各種從句,虛擬語氣,獨立主格結構,倒裝句,主謂一致這幾大語法 重點單詞解析 還有就是弄個錯題本,在老師講英語題時把那些你覺得比較難比較重要或易錯的劃上,課下把它抄下來,沒事多看看。

F. 高一英語單詞,短語,句型……如何有條理的學習(包括如何自學)(方法)

我曾經和你一樣其實你現在報班也不起作用我是一直自學的所以我說的基本是自己體會的,哪怕是零起點的班因為人多的原因所以不是每個人都能顧及。 因此你可以這樣學習(僅供參考) (一)准備的東西:一套國際音標;(如果會說普通話最少一個月時間每天最少2小時練習要聽錄音跟讀,連普通話發音都有問題就要視情況增加練習了) ;;新概念英語1 (二)操作步驟:1復習一遍字母,每天練習音標(要大聲讀,旁邊的人覺得你惡心你基本上就進步了) 2背誦一些簡單的詞彙最好超過600單詞量要通過背簡單句子來記憶詞彙。(比如常見的打招呼等禮貌用語) 3開始學習新概念1冊,每天堅持。(一天不堅持,相當於退步三天) 最後說說:你最好找個老師或者大學生家教都可以,基礎總不能走彎路吧。讓他帶領你打完基礎大概一兩個月,在講授知識的過程中順便傳授你方法這樣的方法才是靈活的方法。學習方法是文字無法說清的你沒有基礎所以會完全按照所謂的說明步驟來練習這樣對你是誤導是不負責任的。只有面對面的交流才可以理解通透,靈活的使用方法。才能學好英語。所以我不提倡一開始就尋找所謂的方法而是找個老師讓師傅把你領進門,在自己修行堅持。不然自己用了錯誤的方法堅持達到了不能更改的地步就完了。所以不要迷信別人的方法。或者上面的東西我說的東西也不用買,先找個英語好的家教,讓他根據你情況給你挑一些適合你的教材這樣是最好的。所以我說的也未必是對的,只是自己體會的。有可能不適合別人

G. 做事有條理 英語翻譯

be very organized in doing sth.

or: be methodical in doing sth.

H. 「做事有條理」的英文怎麼說

do things in an orderly way

I. 英語高手幫幫忙!!!

Traffic Problems

It』 reported that in many cities, like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, nearly 70% of the families are considering buying a family car within the 5 to 10 years. I think private cares should not be encouraged in China, especially in the big cities.
As you know, China』s traffic situation is as bad as other major countries in the world. There is too much traffic in city and it』s getting worse. Too many people drive to work. Commuters have to spend a lot of time on the way. Some times the traffic jams cause long halts. Besides that, another big problem in many cities is the terrible air pollution. Too many private cars are causing too much smog. It』s especially bad in rush hours. Central city or business district in the downtown is especially affected by the air pollution.
According to this situation, I think government should plan to extend the extra charge for private cars with high emissions and invest more on uplift of public transportation. This will result in more people taking public transportations as buses and underground. Fewer people will drive to work.
Everybody hope to live in a cleaner and safer city. I think if forget buying a family car, you can get more.

J. 有條理的 用英語怎麼說


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