❶ 軍醫用英語怎麼說!!
軍醫 military doctor
火鍋 hotpot
歌很好聽 the song is nice
❷ 英語單詞醫生怎麼讀
諧音 多特
造句The doctor cured many people.
❸ 像醫生那一類的英語單詞有哪些分別怎麼讀
dentist [ˈdentɪst] 牙醫
nurse [nɜːs] 護士
surgeon ['sə:dʒən] n.外科醫生
plastic surgeon 整形外科醫生
surgeon general [ˈdʒenrəl] 衛生局局長;軍醫處處長
orthopedic [ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪk] surgeon 整形外科醫生;骨科醫師
veterinary [ˈvetrɪnrɪ] surgeon 獸醫
❹ 英語高手來啊。。至少翻譯1句呀。謝謝!
1.once 可做曾經、一度講。譯文:福爾摩斯這個名字曾使人們想起19世紀的倫敦。
❺ 軍醫 用英語怎麼翻譯
Military surgeon
[jūn yī]
surgeon; medical officer; military surgeon ;
如有不懂,請追問。 謝謝!
❻ 軍醫用英語怎麼說
❼ 軍醫用英語怎麼說
military doctor或者medical officer
❽ 問一下 所有有關醫院的英語單詞
hospital 醫院
hospital for infectious diseases 傳染病醫院
childrens hospital 兒童醫院
obstetrics and gynecology hospital 婦產醫院
tuberculosis hospital 結核病醫院
stomatological hospital 口腔醫院
army hospital 陸軍醫院
field hospital 野戰醫院
hospital of chinese medicine 中醫醫院
tumor hospita 腫瘤醫院
general hospital 綜合性醫院
mental hospital 精神病院
hospital for lepers;leprosarium 麻風病院
sanatorium 療養院
clinic 診療所
first-aid station 急救站
quarantine station 防疫站
medical science; medical service;medicine 醫學
medical book 醫書
medical skill;art of healing 醫術
medical matters 醫務
clinic 醫務所
medical science;medicine 醫學
forensic medicine;legal medicine 法醫學
preclinical medicine 基礎醫學
preventive medicine 預防醫學
Doctor of Medicine 醫學博士
academy of medical sciences 醫學科學院
medical literature 醫學文獻
Bachelor of Medicine 醫學學士
medical heritage 醫學遺產
college of medicine 醫學院
medical witness 醫學證人
medicine 醫葯
general medical knowledge 醫葯常識
medical expenses 醫葯費
medical kit;medicine chest 葯箱
first-aid kit 急救葯箱
property of a medicine 葯性
pharmaceutical college 葯學院
dipping vat 葯浴池
medicated soap 葯皂
drug rash;drug eruption 葯疹
assistant pharmacy 葯劑士
pharmaceutics;pharmacy 葯劑學
medicinal liquor 葯酒
pharmacology 葯理學
efficacy of a drug 葯力
absorbent cotton 葯棉
doctor;physician 醫生
medical officer;surgeon 軍醫
cure;treat 醫治
cure sb of his illness 醫好某人的病
give sb medical treatment 給某人醫病
take stopgap measures 頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳
still<knowledge>of a doctor:醫道
medical ethics 醫德
medical courses in general; medicine 醫科
principles of medical science; medical knowledge 醫理
medical treatment 醫療
public health services 公費醫療
medical team 醫療隊
medical establishment 醫療機構
medicament; drug 葯劑
pharmacist; druggist 葯劑師
unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment; malpractice 醫療事故
malpractice insurance 醫療事故保險
medico-athletics 醫療體育
medical and health work 醫療衛生工作
medical station; health center 醫療站
obstetrician 產科醫生
pediatrician 兒科醫生
ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科醫生
radiologist 放射科醫生
gynecologist 婦科醫生
orthopedist 骨科醫生
urologist 泌尿科醫生
physician 內科醫生
dermatologist 皮膚科醫生
intern 實習醫生
surgeon 外科醫生
dentist;dental surgeon 牙科醫生
oculist;eye-doctor 眼科醫生
plastic surgeon 整形外科醫生
oncologist 腫瘤科醫生
doctor in charge 主治醫生
resident doctor 住院醫生
medicine;drug;remedy 葯
sleeping pill 安眠葯
contraceptive drugs 避孕葯
tonic 補葯
a medicine for colds 感冒葯
expectorant 化痰葯
anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌葯
anti-tuberculous drug 抗結核葯
oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕葯
good medicine;a good remedy 良葯
laxative 輕瀉葯
antipyretic 退熱葯
for oral administration 內服葯
specific medicine;specific 特效葯
for external use 外用葯
preventive medicine;prophylactic 預防葯
sedative 鎮靜葯
take medicine 服葯
change dressings 換葯
decoct herbal medicine 煎葯
fill a prescription 配葯
have a prescription made up(filled) (患者)抓葯
medicinal materials;crude drugs 葯材
medicinal herbs 葯草
tablet 葯片
medicines and chemical reagents 葯品
medicine bottle 葯瓶
remedies 葯石
liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 葯水
lotion 洗液
pill 葯丸
bolus 大葯丸
herbal medicines in a prescription 葯味(中葯方中的葯)
flavor of a drug 葯味(葯的味道或氣味)
medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 葯物
heal with drugs 葯物醫治
drug allergy 葯物過敏
materia medica 葯物學
drug poisoning 葯物中毒
(medicinal)powder 葯粉
ointment;salve 葯膏
apply a plaster 上葯膏
medical department; department of internal medicine 內科
surgical deparment;department of surgery 外科
pediatrics department 小兒科
obstetrics and gynecology department 婦產科
ophtalmology department 眼科
dental department 牙科
ENT(ear-nose-throat)department 耳鼻喉科
urology department 泌尿科
dermatology department; skin department 皮膚科
orthopedic surgery department 矯形外科
traumatology department 創傷外科
plastic surgery 整形外科
anesthesiology department 麻醉科
pathology department 病理科
cardiology department 心臟病科
psychiatry department 精神病科
orthopedics department 骨科
department of cardiac surgery 心臟外科
department of cerebral surgery 胸外科
neurology department 神經科
neurosurgery department 神經外科
thoracic surgery department 腦外科
department of traditional Chinese medicine 中醫科
registration office 掛號處
out-patient department 門診部
in-patient department 住院部
nursing department 護理部
consulting room 診室
waiting room 候診室
emergency room 急診室
admitting office 住院處
operation room 手術室
X-ray department 放射科
blood bank 血庫
dispensary; pharmacy 葯房
ward 病房
laboratory 化驗室
❾ 第二軍醫大學用英語怎麼翻譯
Second Military Medical University
❿ 軍醫用英文怎麼表示
military medical officer 肯定是最適合的了 這個是地道的國外軍醫的說法 因為軍隊里所有高級職位包括軍醫肯定都是officer的軍官職稱
當然直接翻譯的 military doctor 也可以