① 潮州小吃「腸粉」用英語怎麼表達
「Strip flour」
② 廣東腸粉英文是怎樣寫
Guangdong Rice Rolls 採納我吧 肯定對!!!
③ 急急急~~英語翻譯!~~
法國地瓜(蕃薯)粉 French Rice Flour Noodles with Sweet Potato
法國地瓜(蕃薯)面 French Noodles with Sweet Potato
德國牛肉粉 German Rice Flour Noodles with Beef
德國牛肉麵 German Noodles with Beef
義大利腸粉/面 Spaghetti Bolognaise
中國爽身粉/面 Chinese Rice Flour Noodles(爽身粉是什麼啊?強生的twins?)
④ 為什麼腸粉的英語翻譯成CHEUNG FUN
[名復] steamed vermicelli roll;
A small portion of the Rice Noodle Rolls for myself and a large portion of the Fired Rice Noodles with Beef for my friends.
⑤ 腸粉配方用英語怎麼說
Changfen formula
The making method of rice noodles roll
[詞典制] rice noodles roll;steamed vermicelli roll;
A small portion of the Rice Noodle Rolls for myself and a large portion of the Fired Rice Noodles with Beef for myfriends.
⑥ 腸粉粉用英語怎麼說
Im powder powder
⑦ 腸粉 英文怎麼說
steamed vermicelli roll