Ⅰ 我會盡我所能,去做自己喜歡做的事用英語怎麼說
his chest. His dark hair was slicked back with
Ⅱ 喜歡做同一件事情用英語怎麼說
like(,love) to do the same thing
enjoy doing the same thing
like doing the same thing
Ⅲ 喜歡做a事勝過做b事用英語怎麼說
Prefer A to B
I prefer skating to skiing.
Ⅳ 做我們喜歡做的事情 用英文怎麼說
do what we like to do
Ⅳ 他一有空就陪我們做一切我們喜歡的事用英語怎麼說
As soon as he has time, he will accompany us to do everything we like.
Ⅵ 我們做喜歡的事。用英語翻譯。
We do our favoriite things.
望採納,Thank you!
Ⅶ 我能做我喜歡做的事情同時也幫助了別人用英語怎麼說
i can do things what i like to do and helped others at the same time.
Ⅷ 因為我可以做自己喜歡做的事了.這句話用英語怎麼說 大家幫幫忙!~~~
Because I can do what I like to do.
Ⅸ 做我喜歡的事 用英語怎麼說
可用關系代詞型連詞 what 引導的賓語從句翻譯:
~Do what I like to do.
~Do what I am fond of.
Ⅹ 他喜歡做一些意想不到的事用英語怎麼說
He likes to do some unexpected things.