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發布時間: 2021-01-01 09:09:29

⑴ 進了一個三分球,或,投三分球用英語怎麼說

shoot a three-points

⑵ 三分球用英語怎麼說

three-point shot

⑶ 籃球中的超遠距離三分球用英語怎麼說請教高手

你好。three-point shot:三分球
"luckyball" 因該是幸運求,當然也包括超遠距離三分。

⑷ 三分球用英語怎麼說

三分球: three-point shot 簡稱 "three"

⑸ 在線等翻譯~! 急~~! 籃球的投籃 傳球 灌藍 突破 上藍 三分球用英語怎麼說


投 籃 方 式 篇
nk 灌籃
bank shot 擦板球
double pump 拉桿式投籃
fade-away shot 後仰式跳投
hook shot 鉤射投籃
jump shot 跳投
layup 帶球上籃
perimeter shot 中距離投籃
set shot 立定投籃
three-point shot 三分球
統 計 術 語 篇
assist 助攻
block shot 阻攻
defensive rebound 防守籃板球
field goal percentage 投球命中率
field goal 投球命中
free throw percentage 罰球命中率
free throw 罰球
offensive rebound 進攻籃板球
rebound 籃板球
scoring 得分
steal 抄截
three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
turnover 失誤
場 地 裝 備 篇
backboard 籃板
back court 後場
freethrow lane 罰球圈
freethrow line 罰球線
front court 前場
game clock 比賽用時鍾
halftime 中場休息時間
hoop 籃框,籃圈
mid-court 中場
net 籃網
painted area 罰球圈
restricted area near the basket 禁區內籃框下的小圓圈區域
rim 籃框,籃圈
scoring table 記錄台,記分台
shot clock 時限鍾
three-point line 三分線
top of the circle 靠近禁區頂端的三分球線附近
wing (左、右兩邊)底線區域
規 則 篇
blocking foul 阻擋犯規
buzzer 蜂鳴器
charging foul (帶球)撞人(犯規)
dead ball 死球
defensive basket interference 防守方干擾投籃得分
delay of game 阻礙比賽之正常進行
disqualification 犯滿離場
double dribble 兩次運球
ejection 驅逐出場
elbowing 打拐子
expiration 時間終了
first half 上半場
first period 比賽的第一節
flagrant foul 惡性犯規
foul 犯規
foul out 犯滿離場
foul trouble 快要犯滿離場
full timeout 全時(100秒的)暫停
goaltending 干擾投籃得分
hand-checking 以手掌推擋對方進攻球員之犯規動作
held ball 持球
illegal defense 防守違例
illegal offense 進攻違例
jump ball 爭球,跳球
loose ball foul 雙方均無持球權時的犯規
offensive basket interference 進攻方干擾投籃得分
out of bound 球出界線
overtime 加時賽
referee 裁判
second half 下半場
shot clock violation 違反24秒內必須投籃時限之規定
substitute 換人
suspension 停止出賽
technical foul 技術犯規
ten-second violation 進攻方10秒鍾之違例
three-second violation (籃下)3秒鍾之違例
throw a punch 出拳打架
throw in 發球入場
traveling / walking 走步
twenty-second timeout 只有20秒鍾之暫停
戰 術 篇
backdoor cut 從兩邊底線往籃下的戰術
block out 把對方球員擋住,使其不易搶到籃球
cut 切入
double team 用兩位防守球員包夾進攻球員
dribble out the time / milk the time away 進攻方以運球方式消耗掉比賽所剩下時間
fast break 快攻
foul strategy 犯規戰術
give and go (進攻方持球球員的)傳切戰術
jockey for position (籃下)卡位
one-one-one defense 人盯人防守
pick and roll (進攻方做掩飾之球員的)擋切戰術
post-up play (進攻方持球球員背對籃框)單吃對方防守
triple team 用三位防守球員包夾進攻球員
zone defense 區域防守,區域聯防
比 賽 篇
away game / road game 客場比賽
final 總決賽
first round 首輪比賽
guest team 客隊
home court 主場
home court advantage 主場優勢
home game 主場比賽
home team 主隊
losing streak 連敗場數
post season 季後賽
regular season 季賽
schele 賽程
semi-final 准決賽
standings 戰績
winning streak 連勝場數
NBA 球隊一覽表
Golden State Warriors 金州勇士隊
LA Clippers 洛杉磯快艇隊
LA Lakers 洛杉磯湖人隊
Phoenix Suns 鳳凰城太陽隊
Portland Trailblazers 波特蘭開拓者隊
Sacramento Kings 薩克拉門托國王隊
Seattle Supersonics 西雅圖超音速隊
Dallas Mavericks 達拉斯小牛隊
Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金隊
Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭隊
Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼蘇達森林狼隊
Utah Jazz 猶他爵士隊
Vancouver Grizzlies 溫哥華灰熊隊
Miami Heat 邁阿密熱浪隊
New York Knickerbockers 紐約尼克斯隊
Philadelphia 76ers 費城七六人隊
Orlando Magic 奧蘭多魔術隊
Boston Celtics 波士頓凱爾特人隊
New Jersey Nets 新澤西網隊
Washington Wizards 華盛頓奇才隊
Atlanta Hawks 亞特蘭大老鷹隊
Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黃蜂隊
Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛隊
Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫蘭騎士隊
Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞隊
Indiana Pacers 印地安納步行者隊
Milwaukee Bucks 密爾沃基雄鹿隊
Toronto Raptors 多倫多猛龍隊

⑹ 進了一個三分球,或,投三分球用英語怎麼說 英文翻譯

shoot a three-points

⑺ 怎麼用英語解說三分球投進

sb get the ball from downtown

⑻ 請幫忙用英語翻譯一下。謝謝了

"Why did you choose this major?".
The problem of the understanding of the students study professional level, the student can like to take this opportunity to introce myself had done related research.
"You prefer natural scientific or social science?
"" what to do after graation? "The interviewer ChangTong such problems, understand a student like do technique work, creative work or communication, public relations work are introverted or extroverted. For student, choose to suit oneself interest and the development direction of the personality is very important, the school interview pays great attention to the student indivial character study.
How were your results?
"Your professional direction? (what you will go to professional direction?)
1, (family members) to your parents go abroad is a any idea?
Suggest the answer: thank you support, the government of Singapore gives us the opportunity to thank the school provides the opportunity.
2, jilin university in China is a good university, why did you enter oneself for an examination of nanyang university of technology of Singapore and the national university of Singapore?
Suggest the answer: you said, yes, the not wrong in domestic jilin university is a good university, but Singapore nanyang polytechnic university and the national university of Singapore for students, and to provide a full scholarship or world school, so I choose. (don't pay attention to domestic and foreign universities university that comparison is difficult to distinguish between, especially for these haven't you experience.)
3, (as the class cadre), you the deepest impression, most of the fulfillment a activities (or something)??? What???
Answer: the best advice to a group of public welfare activities: (such as: in a year when, to help the class a family difficult students, I organization of students to his house of toys and books, although charity sale to class is not much, there are only 500 yuan, but when we put the money to the charity that classmate, and she was very moved.)
4, what are your personal hobbies? Related field and special events famous said a two?
Suggest the answer: the authenticity of the file you subject investigation, such as you to fill in like singing, he gave one to two stars, and tell their songs, and said why like this several songs. Can a character from star to "why like them, such as their love for their professional charity, love and very rigid.
5, you for the interview partner how to evaluation? If you take one of the name, what do you feel about it?
Answer: I suggest students he also very good, if he lost the election, may be the face a play poor. Hope he can grasp the opportunity. After all
6, self briefly (two minutes to complete)
Suggest the answer: pay attention to don't want to die, so back it's easy to let the examiner feel you are a must don't. The answer is too fluent will make the interviewer to ask some tough questions. Interview is not the time to talk about the life of his meticulous situation or study experience, but to trying to let the interviewer to know you tell them something, these things should make you in many students have the advantage.
7, know how many "Singapore" (human, geography, municipal and two university)
Suggest the answer: check the web page introces Singapore.
8, you to work in Singapore after graation to six years have what idea? Describe a terms in the next 10 to engage in professional (responsibilities, company category, the position, etc.)
Answer: I would like to accept Suggestions related terms of service. In the next ten years, I want to first of all is to grasp the opportunity to study in college, the professional knowledge to learn, and to take part in some social practice, increase your work experience. After graation I want to be engaged in and learn the related work of professional, such ability in the right position of application expertise, and play.
9, how do you know our school recruit students of things? You are recommended to the school or the selection of the exam?
Answer: the teacher know Suggestions to recruit students of the school of things. We are the teacher recommended and school selection combination.
10, you ability to adapt to the new environment? Can cook? How to make the noodles?
Answer: I suggest the stronger ability to adapt. I start from junior middle school in a boarding school, self life relatively strong capacity. I'm good at communication with classmates and teachers, since the childhood, classmates and teachers all like me. I can do some simple dish, noodles to open later in who before cooking it, or we will be burning.

⑼ NBA中投進三分球用英語怎麼說

three-point shot:三分球
bank shot:擦板球
double pump:拉桿式投籃(verb)
fade-away shot:後仰式跳投
hook shot:鉤射投籃
jump shot:跳投
perimeter shot:中距離投籃
set shot:立定投籃
three-point shot:三分球
nba 各種統計術語
block shot:阻攻,蓋火鍋兒
defensive rebound:防守籃板球
field goal percentage:投球命中率
field goal:投球命中
free throw percentage:罰球命中率
free throw:罰球offensive rebound:進攻籃板球
three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率
back court:後場
freethrow lane:罰球圈,禁區
freethrow line:罰球線
front court:前場
game clock:比賽用時鍾
painted area:罰球圈,禁區
restricted area near the basket:禁區內籃框下的小圓圈區域
scoring table:記錄台,記分台
shot clock:時限鍾(進攻方在24秒內必須投籃,並且球必須觸及
three-point line:三分(球)線
top of the circle:靠近禁區頂端之三分(球)線附近
blocking foul:阻擋犯規
charging foul:(帶球)撞人(犯規)
dead ball:死球(停止比賽進行時段)
defensive basket interference:防守方干擾投籃得分
delay of game:阻礙比賽之正常進行
double dribble:兩次運球(違例)
expiration (of game, first half…):(全場比賽,上半場…的比賽
first half:上半場
first (second, third, fourth) period:比賽的第一(第二,第三,
five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全場比賽
flagrant foul:惡性犯規
foul out:犯滿離場,「畢業」
foul trouble:快要犯滿離場,「領到一張准畢業證書」
full timeout:全時(100秒的)暫停
held ball:持球(雙方均持球不放)
illegal defense:防守違例
illegal offense:進攻違例(見isolation)
jump ball:爭球,跳球
loose ball foul:雙方均無持球權時的犯規(通常發生於雙方爭奪籃
offensive basket interference:進攻方干擾投籃得分
out of bound:球出界線(千萬不要說outside)
second half:下半場
shot clock violation:違反24秒內必須投籃(並且球必須觸及籃框
technical foul:技術犯規
ten-second violation:進攻方10秒鍾內未帶球過中場之違例
three-second violation:(籃下)3秒鍾之違例
throw a punch:出拳打架
throw in:發球入場
twenty-second timeout:只有20秒鍾之暫停
nba 球隊一覽表:

western conference西區
pacific division 大西洋組
golden state warriors 金州勇士隊
la clippers 洛杉磯快艇隊
la lakers 洛杉磯湖人隊
phoenix suns鳳凰城太陽隊
portland trailblazers (簡稱blazers) 波特蘭拓荒者隊
sacramento kings 沙加緬度國王隊
seattle supersonics (簡稱sonics) 西雅圖超音速隊
midwest division 中西部區
dallas mavericks 達拉斯小牛隊
denver nuggets 丹佛金磚隊
houston rockets 休斯敦火箭隊
minnesota timberwolves 明尼蘇達木狼隊
san antonio spurs 聖安東尼
utah jazz猶他爵士隊
vancouver grizzlies 溫哥華灰熊隊
astern conference 東區
atlantic division 大西洋組
miami heat 邁阿密熱浪隊
0 new york knickerbockers (簡稱knicks) 紐約尼克隊
philadelphia 76ers 費城七十六人隊
orlando magic奧蘭多魔術隊
boston celtics 波士頓塞爾蒂克隊
new jersey nets 紐澤西籃網隊
washington wizards 華盛頓魔法師隊
central division 中央組
atlanta hawks 亞特蘭大老鷹隊
charlotte hornets 夏洛特黃蜂隊
chicago bulls 芝加哥公牛隊
cleveland cavaliers克里夫蘭騎士隊
detroit pistons底特律活塞隊
indiana pacers 印地安納溜馬隊
milwaukee bucks 密爾瓦基雄鹿隊
toronto raptors 多倫多猛龍隊
backdoor cut:從兩邊底線往籃下的戰術
block out:把對方球員擋住,使其不易強到籃球賽,卡位
double team:用兩位防守球員包夾進攻球員
dribble out the time:進攻方以運球方式消耗掉比賽所剩下時間
eat up the clock:進攻方以運球或傳球方式消耗掉比賽所剩下時間
fast break:快攻
foul strategy:犯規戰術
give and go:(進攻方持球球員的)傳切戰術
jockey for position:(籃下)卡位
milk the time away:進攻方以運球或傳球方式消耗掉比賽所剩下時

one-one-one defense:人盯人防守
pick and roll:(進攻方做掩護之球員的)擋切戰術
post-up play:(進攻方持球球員背對籃框)單吃對方防守球員之戰

triple team:用三位防守球員包夾進攻球員
zone defense:區域防守,區域聯防
(throw a) baseball pass:(快攻時)長傳
(shoot) an air ball:(投)籃外空心球,「麵包「
behind-the-back dribble:背後(換手)運球
carrying the ball:「翻球」
cross-leg dribble:胯下運球
driving to the hoop:帶球上籃
four-point play:投進3分球後因被犯規再罰進一分
make the basket:投籃得分
make the hoop:投籃得分
monster nk:狂猛灌籃
nothing but the net:空心球(入籃)
reverse nk:倒灌籃
reverse lay-up:反手走籃
shoot behind the arc:投三分球
score a basket:投籃得分
tap in:托球入籃
three-point play:投進2分球後因被犯規再罰進一分
assistant coach:助理教練
bench player:(指個人)後備(替換,支持)球員
gm(general manager):球隊經理
point guard:控球後衛
power forward:大前鋒(又稱4號位置球員)
shooting guard:得分後衛
sixth man:第六人
small forward:小前鋒(又稱3號位置球員)
starting lineup:(指全體)先發球員

⑽ 我喜歡投籃,盡管我投籃投不準。英語怎麼說

I enjoy shooting basketball, even my shooting is rather poor,

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