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⑴ 消失的柴郡貓是什麼意思呀

柴郡貓(Cheshire cat)是英國作家劉易斯·卡羅爾(Lewis Carroll,1832-1898)創作的童話《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記(Alice's Adventure in Wonderland)》中的虛構角色,形象是一隻咧著嘴笑的貓,擁有能憑空出現或消失的能力,甚至在它消失以後,它的笑容還掛在半空中。

卡羅爾創作這個角色的靈感可能來源於英國俗語「笑得像一隻柴郡貓」(grin like a Cheshire cat),該俗語的來源眾說紛紜,有的說是柴郡盛產一種做成笑臉貓形狀的乳酪,有的說是當地有一位貴族,他的大衣袖子上畫了一隻獅子,獅子畫得很糟糕,倒像一隻笑臉貓,還有人說是來自柴郡一位叫Caterling的笑容醜陋的護林員的綽號。柴郡貓(郡:英國的行政區域單位,柴郡為一個郡的名稱,由於本書影響,現在西方人都把露齒傻笑的人稱為柴郡貓。) 柴郡貓:一隻總是咧著嘴笑(grin)的貓,來源於英諺「笑得像一隻柴郡貓(grin like a Cheshire Cat)」。它幫了愛麗絲幾次忙。
《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》里的柴郡貓出現於第六章,出場時坐在公爵夫人家的壁爐前,愛麗絲看到它一直在咧著嘴笑,便問公爵夫人為什麼它在笑,公爵夫人告訴她因為那是一隻柴郡貓。 "Please would you tell me,"said Alice,a little timidy,for she was not quite sure whether it was good manners for her to speak first,"why your cat grins like that?" "It's a Cheshire cat,'said the Duchess,"and that's why." 離開公爵夫人家後,柴郡貓指給了愛麗絲去三月兔和帽匠家的路,後來在女王的槌球賽場上又在愛麗絲面前出現,連動輒叫喊砍頭的女王也對它無計可施。
或許由於其神秘感,這只總是咧嘴微笑著、不參與任何事而保持冷眼旁觀的柴郡貓一直是《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》中最受歡迎的角色之一。後人在戲仿《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》的作品中經常有這只貓的身影,例如漫畫《紅茶王子》的一部番外篇和《櫻蘭高中HOST部》的一集;吉卜力的動畫電影《龍貓》中咧著嘴笑的貓巴士;《鬼媽媽》(《Coraline》)中幫助Coraline走出險境的無名黑貓;《潘多拉之心》中的笑面貓;而在根據此童話改編並加以大膽創作的漫畫《汝名艾麗斯》(Are you Alice?)中,柴郡貓更是一個舉足輕重的迷人形象。 柴郡貓

相似度:4 性 格: 易於相處,安靜,很少發出喵喵的聲音,不喜歡孤獨。感情豐富,需要主人的關懷。 參考原型:紅虎斑異國短毛貓肥嘟嘟的體形,一身的短毛及面部輪廓。它也是大名鼎鼎的加菲貓的原型喔!
相似度:4.5 性 格: 沉著、穩重,個性溫馴可愛,悠閑,溫馴而堅毅。 參考原型:英國短毛貓與柴郡貓具有十分神似的面部表情,嘴巴的笑容,加上灰灰的短毛,你是否在其中看見總是咧著嘴笑的柴郡貓的影子呢?
相似度:3.5 性 格: 獨立、開朗、樂觀、積極,勇敢和吃苦耐勞,性格溫和,和藹可親。 參考原型:美國短毛貓身上的斑紋,特別是藍斑的美國短毛貓,你會很容易發現這可是跟柴郡貓的身體具有一模一樣的花紋喔!
相似度:3 性 格: 感情豐富,有愛心,喜歡有人陪伴,不喜歡孤獨 參考原型:玩偶貓胖胖的身體,藍藍的眼睛,雖然是長毛貓,但是你可以很容易在裡面發現柴郡貓的影子喔!
柴郡貓(Cheshire Cat)
cv:山口勝平 或譯為 笑面貓 年齡:不明 身高:173cm 特徵:黑發紅眸(只有一隻左眼) 最重要的東西:艾麗絲的記憶(用紅緞帶繫上的金色鈴鐺) 漫畫:《潘朵拉之心》望月淳 關於左眼:「阿嵬茨的意志」挖走了布雷克的左眼,裝在笑面貓身上。未被殺前是沒有眼睛的。 (也有可能是一百年前被文森特刺瞎了。)
第三本 『給年輕罪人帶來歪念的說話,是忘記不了的記憶殘渣。那連自己的存在也被否定的瞳孔,拒絕一切的光明……』 第四本 『為了拯救被笑面貓拐走的愛麗斯,奧祖=謝查烏斯踏足被封閉的記憶,並在裡面遇上了那個人——所有的事物彷佛都是命中註定的……』 第五本 『100年前的災害時,愛麗絲住在那兒。被藏起的記憶中,從推論出的結論明白存在的消失……那才好像是拯救她的辦法……』 柴郡布雷克
《Alice's Adventure in Wonderland》,Lewis Carroll
《這樣的貓和那樣的狗——妙趣橫生的英語動物習語》,Chirstine Ammer著,邢馳鴻譯,外語教學與研究出版社2005年版
維基網路英文版-Cheshire cat
維基網路英文版-Cheshire Cat in popular culture


⑵ 關於愛麗絲夢遊仙境的英文單詞以及中文

alice in wonderland

⑶ 有寓意的英文單詞類似於petak philippe的

Petak Philippe 是那一國的品牌?

⑷ 愛麗絲故事梗概(英語)


The story is about a little girl named Alice and her sister fell asleep at the riverside when read books, and chasing her dream of a rabbit wearing a vest and into the rabbit hole, which came to a wonderful world.

In this world, she sometimes larger and sometimes smaller, so that there is an even into the tears from his own pond in Huicheng; She also met the Duchess of preaching love, the mysterious Cheshire Cat, mythology Griffin and leave the sea turtles, always shouted cut people head to the Queen and a group of poker playing cards soldiers take part in a mad tea party, a curious croquet tournament and a trial, until the final conflict with the Queen when woke up, found himself still lying on the river, is elder sister fell gently flick her face leaves a few films - that put her in a dream a few leaves as a poker chip.

⑸ 這個單詞什麽意思

Cheshire: [ 'tʃeʃə ]


⑹ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境的五十個單詞(雙語),以及30個句子(雙語)

Daisy-chain 雛菊花環
a White Rabbit with pink eyes
the Rabbit-Hole 兔子洞

Dormouse 榛睡鼠
Duchess 公爵夫人
King 國王
Queen 王後

Hatter 帽匠
Tart 水果餡餅
Pigeon 鴿子
Cheshire cat 柴郡貓

a mad Tea-Party 瘋狂的茶會
Pig and Pepper 小豬和胡椒
Flamingo 火烈鳥
Hedgehog 刺蝟

Gryphon 獅身鷹面怪獸
the Mock Turtle 假海龜
Guinea-pig 豚鼠
Lizard 壁虎

conversation 對話
a pack of cards 一副撲克牌
Croquet-Ground 槌球場

⑺ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境的電影名字用英語怎麼說

愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(又名愛麗絲漫遊奇境;英語:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英國作家查爾斯·路德維希·道奇森以筆名路易斯·卡羅爾於1865年出版的兒童文學作品。故事敘述一個名叫愛麗絲的女孩從兔子洞進入一處神奇國度,遇到許多會講話的生物以及像人一般活動的紙牌,最後發現原來是一場夢。本書出版之後即廣受歡迎,兒童和成人都喜愛這部作品,並且反復再版至今。至今已有超過五十種語言的譯本,上百種不同版本,以及許多戲劇、電影等改編作品。在英文中,本書通常被簡稱為Alice in Wonderland,並適用於大部分的改編作品。電影英語名字:Alice (Alice): the story of the protagonist, a lovely little girl, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, reflected in her pure, belonging to the child. In the human growth process, this child's innocence is often eroded. Thus, the innocence of Alice for children, alts are very attractive and valuable.

Rabbit (The White Rabbit): a white rabbit wearing a vest, in the opening story of the Queen is going to take something that shouted "God! God! Be late!" Ran in front of Alice, caused her attention, in order to chase it, only from the rabbit hole Alice fell into the mysterious world, Alice was another mistake in its home drinking a bottle of potion and turned into a giant.

Lizards Bill (Bill the Lizard): Alice in the rabbit home and drink potions into a giant mistake, unable to leave house monster rabbit that appeared in the room, send only a small lizard from the chimney into the situation to see results ranging into Alice was kicked out.

Caterpillar (The Caterpillar): a bucket sitting in a strange mushroom smoking caterpillar, the attitude a bit arrogant, but it taught Alice free way to become big to small. I am a caterpillar

Duchess (The Duchess): a loving woman sermon, spoken language is "all things Jieneng raises a lesson." Alice went to her home where she was met at the Cheshire Cat.

Cheshire Cat (The Cheshire Cat): one is always Liezhezuixiao (grin) the cat, from the saying "smile like a Cheshire cat (grin like a Cheshire Cat)". It helped Alice busy times.

Hatter (The Hatter): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, from the saying "crazy like a hat maker (Mad as a hatter)".

March Hare (The March Hare): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, from the saying "crazy like only the March Hare (Mad as a March Hare)".
Dormouse (The Dormouse): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, always sleeping.

Red Queen (The Queen of Hearts): led a group of soldiers playing cards queen of poker, it is easy to get angry, prone to cut someone's head, but in fact never implemented.

Red King (The King of Hearts): poker king, unlike his wife, so in love with angry, on the contrary to give people a nice guy by his wife instigated the feeling.

Griffin (The Gryphon): Greek mythology, the lion-eagle the first monster, under the command of the Queen with Alice to see the Mock Turtle.

Mock Turtle (The Mock Turtle): Queen of the command to see the role of Griffin with Alice, Alice, tell it to the full text of a strange story of the game.

⑻ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境里的妙妙貓的英文名是什麼

柴郡貓(The Cheshire Cat):一隻總是咧著嘴笑(grin)的貓,來源於英諺「笑得像一隻柴郡貓(grin like a Cheshire Cat)」。它幫了愛麗絲幾次忙。

⑼ 柴郡貓的英語讀音

柴郡貓的英語Cheshire cat
Cheshire cat 英 [ˈtʃeʃə(r) kæt ] 美 [ˈtʃeʃɪr kæt]

n.柴郡貓(Cheshire cat)是英國小說《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》中角色。
Cheshire e Cat 斯蒂芬·弗雷
Cheshire-Cat store 切氏爾
the Cheshire Cat 柴郡貓 ; 妙妙貓
Cheshire Cat Inn 柴郡貓客棧 ; 車夏亞凱特旅館
Cheshire Cat store 切氏爾開特存儲器
cheshire cat pullip 柴郡貓
Cheshire Cat Costume 柴郡貓服裝
like a Cheshire cat 是隨著該書的風行而被廣泛使用
Cheshire Cat Grin 露齒嘻笑的檸檬鯊
Cheshire Cat: I can't help you if you don't even know who you are.
'It's a friend of mine& a Cheshire Cat,'said Alice.

⑽ 柴郡用英語怎麼說

Chesire ;Cheshire ;Cheshire_Region

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