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⑴ 怎樣快速記英語單詞,短語,句型

一、多「說」。 .
「讀」可以分為兩種。一種是「默讀」。每天給予一定時間的練習將會對你提高閱讀速度有很大的好處,讀的內容可以是你的課本,但最好是一些有趣的小讀物,因為現在的英語高考越來越重視閱讀量和閱讀速度。每道題的得分都與你的理解程度有很大關系,所以經過高中三年閱讀的訓練後,你必定會在高考中勝券在握。 另一種是「朗讀」這是學語言必不可少的一種學習途徑。


概括起來,只有四個字:下苦功夫。我這絕對不是隨便說說漂亮話而已。 憑我這幾年學習英語的體會,只有日積月累,通過量變,才有可能實現質的飛躍。記得曾經有一段時間,在下了一番苦功夫之後,我仍感到自己的英語水平提高的太慢,於是就故意放鬆了幾天。誰知等到再從新開始學習時,才明顯的感覺到自己退步了許多。從那以後,我就給自己制定了這樣一條座右銘:「拳不離手,曲不離口」,持之以恆。學好英語,興趣很重要。正如愛因斯坦所說「興趣是最好的老師」。學習英語的興趣大大激發了我的求知慾。有人說,英語水平高是將來找到理想的工作甚至出國的資本。 這固然不錯,但除此之外,我更覺得,英語是一扇窗口,他向我們展示的是一片廣闊的天地,一派新奇的景象。當我能夠用英語同外國朋友交流,了解國外的社會、歷史、科學和文化,並取得第一手資料時,我才真正的領悟了掌握一種語言的妙處。

學好英語,一套科學的學習方法是必不可少的。由於個人實際情況不同,生搬硬套是行不通的。 但我相信:只要仔細體會,逐漸摸索,人人都可以創造出一套有特色並且行之有效的學習方法。在這里,我想同大家談談我在學習英語過程中的一些體會,以供參考。 盡管在中學時我的英語基礎不錯,但剛跨入大學校門的時候,我還是深深地感到了自己的差距。 要具備一定的聽、說、讀、寫能力,首先要掌握五千到八千詞彙。而作為一個高中畢業生,我當時的詞彙量真是少得可憐。於是,我決定把迅速擴大詞彙量作為主要突破口。 有的同學喜歡背大部頭的詞彙手冊,而我覺得這樣做,既枯燥,又不利於靈活運用。我於是就把著眼點放到了閱讀上,詞彙與閱讀齊頭並進,產生了事半功倍的效果。 為了迅速擴大詞彙量我從一開始就選擇一些當時對我們來說難度偏大的閱讀材料。上千字的文章,通常會有二、三十個生詞。這些文章涉及的范圍很廣,包括了多個領域的詞彙。

我通常採取「兩遍閱讀法」,即第一遍著重訓練閱讀能力,第二遍著重擴大詞彙量並培養語感。起初進行閱讀訓練時,我參考了《Active Readers》這本書。 首先從提高閱讀速度入手。集中精力閱讀一篇長度適中的文章,記下起止時間,並計算單位時間的閱讀量。迫使自己進行快速閱讀,便成了我的習慣。 在第一遍閱讀過程中,我將重點放在訓練速度,掌握文章大意及基本結構上,並找出問題,以便進一步閱讀時著重解決。 第二遍閱讀的重點有兩個:一是擴大詞彙量。具體做法是:把文章再過一遍,查出生單詞,記到小筆記本上,有時間就拿出來背。 背單詞,我從不利用整時間。當學習別的內容效率較低的時候,對我來說,背單詞最合適。每次背的時間不一定很長,貴在多次反復。 當時我使用的是英漢詞典,因為我覺得英文解釋不便於記憶。而在擴大詞彙量的初期階段了解詞的釋意最為重要。就這樣,隨著閱讀量的增加,面的擴寬,我的詞彙量也就突飛猛進了。 只是到了後來准備TOEFL、GRE等考試時,我才開始背詞彙手冊,並使用英文解釋,以了解詞的確切含義及使用的語言環境。

第二遍閱讀的第二個重點在於培養語感。仔細地體會精彩的語言,留意詞的使用以及搭配,對某些段落我常出聲朗讀,甚至背誦下來。 這樣做,有利於加強語感;為寫作打基礎。通過這種兩遍閱讀法,所讀內容在我頭腦中留下的印象一般都很深刻,而且也提高了閱讀材料的利用率。 我十分重視閱讀材料的選擇。不單從興趣出發,相反,有意識地讀一些自己不甚了解、甚至不大感興趣的科普、歷史、哲學等方面的文章。另外,針對不同的訓練目的,我還選取了內容難度不同的閱讀材料。 例如,進行快速閱讀時,可以選擇生詞量較小、篇幅較短的文章;而重點在擴大詞彙量、拓寬視野的閱讀訓練,就選擇英美報刊雜志。此外,我還注重循序漸進,根據不同階段自己英語水平的變化選擇相應的閱讀材料。 在聽、說、讀、寫四個方面,我從「讀」中受益無窮。通過有意識的大量閱讀、一方面擴大了詞彙量,另一方面培養了語感。而這兩方面我認為是掌握一種語言的兩大支柱。 至於聽、說、寫三個環節,我其實並沒有經過什麼特殊的訓練。讀的東西多了,詞彙量足夠大,語感足夠強,只要多加練習,這三方面的能力也就自然而然的提高了。

在聽、說方面,英文廣播以及原版電影都是極好的傳播媒介。另外,利用一切可能的機會同外國朋友交談,並著力模仿,都頗有成效。至於寫作,在閱讀量還不足的初始階段,我並不急於自己動筆寫,而是學習、模仿一些經典篇章。 《新概念英語》第三冊,還有精讀課本中的一些精彩篇章,我都背過,並常利用早晨的時間大聲朗讀,或者收聽廣播。這樣一來,耳朵里聽到、眼睛裡看到了地道的英語,久而久之,自己也就學會說、學會寫了。 有人問我:怎樣才能在各種英語測試中取得高分。實際上,我並沒有什麼專門的應試對策。在聽、說,讀、寫能力逐步提高的基礎上,只要稍微做一些模擬試題,了解各種測試特點,成績就自然不會壞。 我認為,與其到考試前夕,搞題海戰術,倒還不如踏踏實實、一點一滴的積累。 在我看來,學好英語的「訣竅」無非是苦幹加巧幹。因為我深信:功到自然成。.

⑵ 英語句型有規律嗎

英語語法是有期規律的(個別特殊的例子除外,這就需要你去專門記憶的專),對於單詞的屬詞性,你無須刻意的去記,最好要在語境中掌握單詞的用法,比如某些動詞可以直接加賓語,那麼它就是及物動詞(vt.),有些必須加了介詞後才能跟賓語,那麼它就是不及物的,同時很多單詞它既有名詞的詞性,又有動詞的詞性,但意思可能會發生變化,就像在漢語中也有這些分類,只是作為一個native speaker你沒注意而已。這需要你多聽,多讀,多說,注意同一個單詞在不同句子中的用法,而不是純粹地去死記硬背一個單詞。建議你專門去買一本語法書來看,裡面會有很詳細的解釋。

⑶ 英語,單詞 句型

自我歸納 to do
1, Please permit my explaining it.
2, I won』權t permit dogs in the house.
3, You cant park here without a permit.

⑷ 怎樣才能把幾個英語單片語成一句話


這種句型簡稱為主謂結構,其謂語一般都是不及物動詞,例: Things change.事物是變化的。 Nobody went.沒有人去。 --Did you go by sea?你們走的是海路嗎? --NO,we flew.不,我們是飛去。
這種句型稱為主系表結構,其實連系動詞在形式上也是一種謂語動詞,但實質上表語成了謂語,例: Mr. Turner is an artist.特納先生是位畫家。 The milk turned sour.牛奶變酸了。 She became a lawyer.她當了律師。
這種句型可稱為主謂賓結構,它的謂語一般多是及物動詞,例: We never beat children.我們從來不打孩子。 My sister will fix everything.我姐姐會料理一切。
這種句型可稱為主謂賓賓結構,其謂語應是可有雙賓語的及物動詞,兩個賓語一個是間接賓語,一個是直接賓語,例: He gave the book to his sister.他把這本書給了他的妹妹。 I'll write you a long letter.我將寫給你一封長信。
這種句型可簡稱為主謂賓補結構,其補語是賓語補語,與賓語一起即構成復合賓語,例: I found the book easy.我發現這本書不難。(形容詞easy作補語) I'll let him go.我將讓他去。(不定式go用作補語) 注意:有時兩個或更多的並列主語擁有一個共同的謂語,甚至並列有兩個主語和兩個謂語,這樣的句子仍然是簡單句,例: China and other countries in the east Asia are developing rapidly.中國和東亞其它國家正在迅速地發展。(China and other countries並列主語) Mr. Wang and I often work together and help each other.王先生和我常在一起工作互相幫助。

⑸ 英語句子里單詞是怎樣排列的舉例子最好。

每寫一個句子都要遵循三大句型:1--主-謂-(賓)句型;2--主-系-表句型;3--There be + 主句型。1. I study hard. 我努力學習。(主-謂-狀)2. I study English. 我學習英語。(主-謂-賓)3. I am a teacher in a school. 我是一個學校的老師。(主-系-表-狀)4. There are fifty students in our class.我們班有50個學生。(There be 句型)句子中,主謂賓表是主要成分,定狀補是次要成分,也是修飾成分。 追問: 什麼是主謂賓啊?定補狀?怎麼排? 回答: 與漢語一樣,每說一句話,就有誰,做什麼。如:我想學英語。 I want to study English. 主-謂-賓主語是一個句子的主體部分,說明動作的主體;謂語是主語發出的動作;賓語是承受動作的對象。定語是修飾成分,修飾名詞;狀語是修飾謂語動詞;補語如同漢語的兼語,英語叫賓補或主補。如:That interesting text made me very happy in writing on Monday afternoon. 定 主 謂 賓 賓 補 狀 狀你試著理解一下,如有問題,再說。 追問: 我基礎跟差,我還想問怎麼排列?什麼排在前面?什麼排在後面?

⑹ 怎樣快速記英語單詞和英語句型


⑺ 求英語重點句型和單詞

初一年級(上)【知識梳理】 I. 重點短語1. Sit down2. on ty3. in English4. have a seat5. at home6. look like7. look at8. have a look9. come on10. at work11. at school12. put on13. look after14. get up15. go shoppingII. 重要句型1. help sb. do sth.2. What about…?3. Let』s do sth.4. It』s time to do sth.5. It』s time for …6. What』s…? It is…/ It』s…7. Where is…? It』s….8. How old are you? I』m….9. What class are you in? I』m in….10. Welcome to….11. What』s …plus…? It』s….12. I think…13. Who』s this? This is….14. What can you see? I can see….15. There is (are) ….16. What colour is it (are they)? It』s (They』re)…17. Whose …is this? It』s….18. What time is it? It』s….=====================================================1. bring/takeBring表示「帶來、拿來」,指從別處朝說話人所在或將在的地方「帶來、拿來」。而take則表示「拿去、帶走」,它表示的方向與bring相反,指從說話人所在地「拿走、帶走」。如:Bring me the book, please. 把那本書給我拿來。Take some food to the old man. 給那位老人帶去些食物。2. somebody/ anybody/nobody 一般說來,somebody用於定句,anybody用於否定句、疑問句和條件狀語從句。例如: Somebody came to see you when you were out. 你出來時有人來見你。 Does anybody live on this island? 有人在這島上住嗎? I didn't see anybody there. 我在那兒誰也沒看見。 Don't let anybody in. I'm too busy to see anybody. 別讓任何人進來。我太忙,誰也不想見。 There is nobody in the room. 房間里沒人。 Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didn't know about it . 誰也沒告訴我你病了。所以我不知道。 3. listen, listen to, hear這三個詞意思都是「聽」,但是它們的用法不完全相同。它們的區別在於:(1)listen 只用於不及物動詞,後面接人或人物做賓語,著重於「傾聽」,指的是有意識的動作,至於是否聽到,並非強調的重點。如:Listen! Someone is singing in the classroom. 聽!有人在教室唱歌。(2)listen to 為listen的及物形式,後面一定要接人或物做賓語,這里的to是介詞。如:Do you like listening to light music?你喜歡聽輕音樂嗎?(3)hear 可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞,意思是「聽到、聽見」,指用耳朵聽到了某個聲音,表示無意識的動作,著重於聽的能力和結果。如:We hear with our ears.我們用耳朵聽。She listens but hears nothing.她聽了聽,但是什麼也沒有聽見。4. many/ much/ a few/ a little/ few/ little
He has many books.他有許多書。
He drank much milk.他喝了許多牛奶。
(2)a few和a little都表示"有一點兒",側重於肯定,相當於"some",但a few修飾可數名詞,a little修飾不可數名詞,例如:
He has a few friends in London.他在倫敦有一些朋友。
Would you like some coffee? Yes, just a little.喝點咖啡好嗎?好的,只要一點。(3)few和little表示"幾乎沒有",側重否定。few後接可數名詞,little後接不可數名詞。例如:
He is a strange man. He has few words.他是個怪人,他幾乎不說什麼話。
Hurry up, there is little time left.趕快,沒什麼時間了。 5. either/ neither/ both either可作形容詞,一般指"兩者中的任何一個"。有時也可表示"兩個都……"的意思,後跟名詞的單數形式;neither: 指兩者中沒有一個,全否定;both: 指兩者都,肯定。句中可作主語、賓語和定語,both後面應跟名詞的復數形式。如:
Neither of the films is good.兩部電影都不好。(沒有一部是好的)
Either of the films is good. 兩部電影都不錯。(謂語動詞用單數)
Both the teachers often answer the questions.這兩個老師都常常解答問題。6. take part in/jointake part in參加某種活動; join參加,加入某一政黨或組織。例如:Can you take part in my party.你能來參加我的派對嗎?We often take part in many school activities.我們經常參加學校里的一些活動。He joined the party in 1963. 他1963年入的黨。My little brother joined the army last year. 我小弟去年參的軍。7. quite/ rather/ very(1)quite 表示程度「很,十分,完全地」,「相當」。如:She is quite right.她對極了。That's not quite what I want . 那並不完全是我所要的。(2)rather 表示程度上的「相當」,比預想地程度要大,通常用在不喜歡的情況下。如:It's rather cold today.今天的天氣相當冷。(3)very表示程度「很,甚,極其,非常」,用於修飾形容詞或副詞,既可用在喜歡的情況下,也可用於不喜歡的情況下。應注意「a very +形容詞+可數名詞的單數」結構中,"a"應置於"very"之前,該結構相當「quite a/an +形容詞+名詞」的結構。如:Two months is quite a long time. / a very long time. 兩個月是一段很長的時間。It's a very nice day / quite a nice day. 今天天氣很好。 ===================================================II. 重要句型1. be good for sth.2. I think …3. I hope…4. I love…5. I don』t like…6. I』m sure…7. forget to do sth.8. take a message for sb.9. give sb. the message 10. help yourself to sth.11. be famous for sth.12. on one』s way to…13. make one』s way to…14. quarrel with sb.15. agree with sb.16. stop sb. from doing sth. ====================================== 1. above/ over/ on 這三個介詞都表示「在……之上」,但含義不同。on指在某物的表面上,和某物接觸;above指在某物的上方,不和某物接觸,但也不一定在某物的正上方;over指在某物的正上方,不和某物接觸。試比較:There is a book on the desk.課桌上有一本書。I raise my right hand above my head. 我把右手高舉過頭。There is a stone bridge over the river. 河面上有座石橋。2. forget to do sth./forget doing sth.forget to do sth.意思是「忘記做某事」,實際上還沒做;forget doing sth,意思是「忘記做過某事」,實際上已經做過了。試比較:I forgot to tell him the news.我忘記告訴他這條消息了。I forgot telling him the news.我已經把這條消息告訴他了,我卻忘了。類似的詞還有:remember, regret等。3. hope/wishhope和wish 在漢語中都有「希望」的意思,但其含義和用法有所不同。主要區別如下:(1)wish可以用來表示不可實現的願望;hope只能用來表示可能實現的願望。例如:I wish I were 20 years younger.我但願自己能年輕二十歲。 I hope you』ll be better soon. 我希望你能很快好起來。I wish the weather wasn』t so cold. 但願天氣不這麽冷。I hope he will come, too. 我希望他也能來。(2)wish可以接sb. to do sth. 的結構,而hope不可以。例如:Do you wish me to come back later? 你是否希望我再來?4. be sure to do sth./ be sure of/about sb. or sth. (1)be sure to do sth.可以用來表示說話人給對方提出要求,意思是「務必」,也可以用來表示說話人做出的推斷,意思是「一定」,「肯定」。例如:Be sure to lock the door when you leave.你離開時務必把門鎖好。It』s a good film. You are sure to enjoy it.這是一部好電影,你肯定會喜歡的。(2)be sure of/about sb.or sth. 可用來表示「某人對某事有把握」。例如:I』m sure of his success.我相信他會成功。I think it was three years ago, but I』m not sure about it.我想那是三年前的事情,但我沒有把握。5. hear from/hear of hear意思是「聽到」,從哪裡聽到要用from來表示。例如:I』ve heard from Xiao Wu that we』ll start out military training tomorrow.我聽小吳說,我們明天開始軍訓。Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han Mei.聽錄音,並寫出你從韓梅那裡聽到的內容。hear from還有一個意思是「收到某人的來信」(=receive a letter from sb.)。例如:I heard from my pen friend in the U.S.A. last month. 上個月我受到了美國筆友的來信。I heard from her last week. 我上周接到了她的來信。hear of和和hear from含義不同。hear of 意思是「聽說」,「得知」(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑問句和否定句里。例如:Who is he? I』ve never heard of him.他是誰?我從來沒有聽說過他。I never heard of such a thing! 這樣的事我從來沒有聽說過。6. It』s a pleasure./With pleasure.It』s a pleasure這句話常用作別人向你表示致謝時的答語,意思是「那是我樂意做的」。例如:---Thank you for helping me. 謝謝你地幫助。---It』s a pleasure. 那是我樂意做的。---Thanks a lot. Bye.非常感謝。 再見。---It』s a pleasure. 那是我樂意做的。再見。類似的話還有 「Not at all.」 「You are welcome.」 「That』s all right.」 With pleasure也用作客氣的答語,主要用在別人要你做某事,而你又非常願意去做的場合。例如:---Will you please pass me the newspaper, please? 請你把報紙遞給我好嗎?---With pleasure. 當然可以。7. seem/look(1)二者都可以作「看起來」講,但seem暗示憑借一些跡象作出的有根據的判斷,這種判斷往往接近事實;look著重強調由視覺得出的印象。兩者都可跟(to be)+形容詞和as if從句。如:He seems / looks (to be) very happy today. 他今天看起來很高興。
It looks (seems) as if it it is going to rain. 好像要下雨了。(2)但下列情況中只用seem不用look:1)後跟不定式to do時。如:
He seems to know the answer. 他似乎知道答案。2)在It seems that ...結構中。如:
It seems that he is happier now than yesterday.他像比昨天高興些了。8. be ready to do/be ready for/ get ready to do/get ready for
(1)be ready to do和be ready for…表示「已作好…的准備」,強調狀態(2)get ready to do和get ready for…表示「為…做准備」,強調行為。如:I'm ready to do anything you want me to do. 我願意/隨時准備做一切做你要我做的事。I'm ready for any questions you may ask.我願意/隨時准備回答你可能問的問題。He's getting ready to leave for Tokyo.他正准備動身去東京。Let's get ready for the hard moment.我們為這一艱難時刻作好准備吧。(3)be ready to do 通常可理解「樂於做某事」,即思想上總是有做某事的准備。be not ready to do表示「不輕易做某事」。如:He's usually not ready to listen to others.他通常不輕易聽從別人。9. at table/at the tableat table在吃飯,at the table在桌子旁邊。例如:The Greens are at table. 格林一家人在吃飯。
Mr. Black is sitting at the table and reading a book.布萊克先生坐在桌旁讀書。10. reach, arrive/get to
三者都有"到達"之意。reach是及物動詞,後直接加名詞,get和arrive是不及物動詞,不能直接加名詞,須藉助於介詞。get to後加名詞地點,若跟副詞地點時,to去掉;arrive at +小地方,arrive in+大地方。如:
Lucy got to the zoo before 8 o'clock. 露西8點前到了動物園。
When did your parents arrive in Shanghai? 你父母何時到上海的?
It was late when I got home. 我到家時天色已晚。11. sick/ill
Li Lei was ill last week. (只作表語)李磊上周生病了。
He's a sick man. (作定語)他是病人。不能說成:He's an ill man.
My grandfather was sick for a month last year. (作表語)我祖父去年病了一個 月。12. in time/on time
in time是"及時"的意思,on time是"准時,按時"。如:
I didn't get to the bus stop in time. 我沒有及時趕上汽車。
We'll finish our job on time. 我們要按時完成任務。13. may be/maybe
It may be in your inside pocket. = Maybe it is in your inside pocket. 也許在你里邊的口袋裡。第一句中may be是情態動詞+be 動詞構成的謂語部分,意思是"也許是","可能是";第二句中的maybe是副詞,意思是"可能",常位於句首,不能位於句中,相當於另一副詞perhaps。再如:
Maybe you put it in that bag.也許你放在了那隻包里。(不能說You maybe put itin that bag.)
It may be a hat.那可能是頂帽子。(不能說It maybe a hat. 或It maybe is a hat.)14. noise/ voice/ sound
noise 指嘈雜聲,噪音大的吵雜聲。voice是指說話的聲音,嗓音,嗓子。sound是指耳朵能夠聽到的聲音、鬧聲等。它是表示聲音之意的最普通的字。有時還用作科學上的聲音。例如:
Don't make so much noise! 別那麼大聲喧嘩!
I didn't recognize John's voice on the telephone. 在電話里我聽不出約翰的聲 音。
He spoke in a low voice. 他低聲說話。
We heard a strange sound. 我們聽到了一種奇怪的聲音。
Sound travels fast, but light travels faster. 聲音傳得快,但是光傳得更快。

⑻ 英語句型有幾種


1. 否定句型

1) 一般否定句

I don't know this. No news is good news.

There is no person (smoke)/not a person/not any person (smoke) in the house.


He went to his office, not to see him.

I am sorry for not coming on time.

I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right.


All the answers are not right

All is not gold that glitters

I don't know all of them.

I can't see everybody/everything.

Both of them are not right.


None of my friends smoke.

I can see nothing/nobody.

Neither of them is right.

Nothing can be so simple as this.

5) 延續否定

You didn't see him, neither/nor did I.

You don't know, I don't know either.

He doesn't know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of (更不用說) French.

6) 半否定句

We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing.

I know little English. I saw few people.

7) 雙重否定

You can't make something out of nothing.

What's done cannot be undone.

There is no sweet without sweat.

No gain without pains.

I can't help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it.

No man is so old but (that) he can learn.


Everyone is ready except you.

He did nothing but play.

But for your help, I couldn't do it.


I won't do it at all.

I can't see it any more.

He is no longer a boy.

2. 判斷句型

1) 一般判斷句

It is important for us to learn English.

It is kind of you to help me

sincere means honest.

The boy is called/named Tom.

We regarded/consider it as an honor.


It is English that we should learn.

It is he who helped me a lot.


Your sentence doesn't sound/look/appear/feel right.

You look/seem as if/as thought you had been there before.

Maybe/Perhaps/ she is ill.

He is probably ill.

He is likely ill.

It is possible that he is late

4) 注釋判斷

He can remember so many English words, that is (to say) he is a living dictionary.(活字典)

5) 正反判斷

That sounds all right, but in fact it is not.

6) 比較判斷

It is more a picture than a poem.

7) 互斥判斷

He or you are wrong.

Either he is right or I am.

3. 祝願祁使句式

1) 一般句式

Study hard and keep fit.

Be brave! Don't be shy!

Get out of here.


Do tell me.

Never tell a lie.

3) 委婉祈使句

Please tell me the true.

Would/Will/Won't do me a favor?

Would/Do you mind my smoking?

What/How/ about going on foot?


Let us go. Let us know the time.

Don't let the fire out.

Let's not waste the time.

You'd better start early.

Shall we listen to some music?

Why don't you get something to drink?

Suppose/supposing you pick me up at about six?

I suggest we (should) take the train.


Success to you!

Wish you a good journey.

May you have a happy marriage.

Here's to your success!

Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship!

4. 感嘆句型

How well he speaks!

How kind she is!

What a nice weather it is!

Here he comes!

Such is life!



5. 疑問句型

1) 一般疑問句

Is he a doctor?

Do you the way to the station?


He is a teacher, isn't he?

It is quite cheap, don't you think?

3) 特殊疑問句

What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare?

Who is he?

What is he?(干什麼的)

What is he like?

How is he?

How do you like him?

What do you think of him?

What ever do you mean by saying this?


He is a doctor or a nurse?


Do you know how old he is?

Tell me if (whether) you like it.

What do you think/say/suppose I should do?


1) 表數目

It is exactly ten o'clock.

It is five miles away from here.

He is more than/over/ at least not less than 20.

He is under/at most/no more than 20.


He was born on April 22 1994/in 1994 on the morning of Oct.1.


He is 20 years old/years of age.

He is at the age of 10.


It is four times that of last years.

This is four times as big (again) as that one.

This is four times bigger than that one.

The income is double what it was.

The output of coal was 200% greater than in 1998.


It is 10 meters long/wide/high.

It costs me 100 yuan.

I spent 10 hours to finish it.

It took me 10 days to finish it.

It is worth 100 yuan.

7. 關聯指代句型


I have two books, one is Chinese; the other English.

I have five books, one is Chinese; the others English.

To say is one thing, but/and/ to do is another.

One the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other hand, I am also you friend.

Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.


First/firstly, I wish good health, second/secondly success in your study, third/thirdly good luck in everything.

First stop, then look, finally cross.

At first/in the beginning/ he word hard. Later/Afterwards he is not so diligent.


This is the same book as I lost yesterday.

This is the same book that I lost yesterday.(同一本書)

Don't trust such a man as over praise you.

He/One/Those/They who should come failed to appear.

A man/A person/The one/Anyone/People who saw her liked her very much.

The day/time/moment will come when China is strongest in the world.

4) 兩項連接

He can speak not only English but also French.

The book is both interesting and instructive.

It is neither cold nor hot.

Please either come in or go out.

The old worker has experience and knowledge as well.


Besides literature, we have grammar and writing.

Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air.

In addition to "if", there is many other conjunctions that can introce conditional clauses.

I must go now, incidentally, if you want that book.

You seem to like tea, so do I.

8. 比較句型


He is as tall as I.

He is the same height as I.

She is no less diligent than he.

The lab is no better than a cottage.

2) 差比句

I speak English worse than he does.

He is not so/as tall as I am.

Our knowledge is much inferior to their.

3) 極比句

He is the tallest of all in the class.

None/No one/ is so blind as those that won't see.

Nothing is so easy as this.


The more a man knows, the more he feels his ignorance(無知).

5) 擇比句

He is taller than any other boy in the class

It is better late than never.

They would die than live as slaves

He prefers doing to talking

He prefers to do rather than to talk.

He prefers mathematics to English.

I'd rather stay here.


You think me idle, but on the contrary, I am busy.

They are working hard while you are wasting your time.


We must work like him.

He behaves as his father does.

He speaks English as if/though he was a foreigner.


1) 一般事實

If we succeed, what will the people say?

Suppose it rains, what shall we do?

Persevere(堅持) and you'll succeed.


If I were you, I would go.

If you had seen it, you would have been moved.


Unless you try, you'll never succeed.

Don't move, or/else/otherwise I'll shot.


If only I have another chance, I shall do better.

Only in this way can we learn English well.

So/As long as we don't lose heart, we'll succeed.


Since that is so, there is no more to say.

Now that you are grown up, you must stop this behavior.

11. 時間句型


When I see him, I'll tell him.

2) 表同時

You'll grow wiser as you grow older.

Work while you work, play while you play.

He worked, at the same/in the meantime he listened to the music.


Every/each time when I went to his house, he was out.

By the time that we got there, he was out.


Sometimes he sings, sometimes he dances.

At one time the baby cries, at another it talks.


I stopped hem before he began to talk with me.


I'll tell you after I finish it.


As soon as I see him, I'll tell him.

Once you begin, you must continue.

The (very) moment/instant (that) I saw him, I recognized him.

On hearing the news, she bust into tears.

Hardly had I seen the light, when I heard a loud thundering.


I haven't seen him since I came here.

A friend is never know till/until a man have need.

12. 地點句型

1) 一般地點

Where have you been?

Where there is a will, there is a way.


Hebei lies in the east of China.

Japan is lies to the east of China.

The house faces (to) the south.

He is sitting at the front of the classroom

He is standing in front of/before me.

He is sitting at the back of/behind me.

He is sitting in the back of/at the rear of the classroom.

He is sitting next to/besides me.

He is sitting close to/near me.

At the top of/On top of the shelf, there are some books.

He is sitting on the left/right.

The mountain you see to the right is the Purple Mountain.


He didn't go to school because he was ill.

Since we are all here, let's begin our meeting.

It might rain yesterday, for the ground was wet.

Now (that) we have finished the work, we can go home.

I am glad to meet you.

I am sorry that I hear that.

Thank you for your help.

That is why he failed to come.

He didn't come because of/on account of the weather.

He went out of curiosity.

I succeeded thanks to his help.

This failure is e to the fact they lack experience.

Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled.

What are studying English for?

For what reason did you choose this?

What's the point of asking his to do that?

How come you never told me about it?

What with the wind and what with the rain, our walk was spoiled.


He stopped aside so that she could go in.

He sits in the front in order that he can see words clearly.

He gets up early so as to/in order to have time to do exercises.

He repeated it for fear that there should be any mistake.

15. 結果句型

It was very cold, so that the river froze.

They cost a lot of money, so/therefore we use them carefully.

He is such a good man that every one likes him.

He ran so fast that no one could catch him.

He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty.

I was caught in the rain. As a result, I had a bad cold.

16. 程度句型

How often do you write to your parents?

How long do you stay at home?

It is so beautiful that we all love it.

It is too big for you.

He is too excited to speak.

He is not old enough to know this.

The letter must be sent as soon as possible

You must work as hard as you can.

As far as I know, I can speak only English.

17. 讓步句型

Though/Although he is rich, (yet/still) he doesn't show off.

Yang as he is, he know a lot of things.

Even if/though he succeeded, he was not proud.

No matter what you say, I'll still try to do it.

Keep calm, whatever happens.

In spite of this, we must go ahead with our plans.

Regardless of all the difficulties, we'll fight it out to the end.

18. 轉折句型

I searched everywhere but could not find him.

You may go, only return quickly.

He is seriously ill, still there is hope of his recovery.

It looked like rain, however it was clear in the afternoon.

He is still young, yet he is high up in the position.

He didn't tell me the truth, I know it, though.

19. 省略句

I think/say/suppose/expect/believe/hope so.

Why not come earlier next time?

Selected from English Sentence Patterns by Lei Xin.

⑼ 如何牢記英語單詞、句型


⑽ 怎麼樣才可以又快又牢的記住英語單詞和英語句型









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