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發布時間: 2021-02-23 17:10:12

『壹』 對不起,我不應該強迫你。用英語怎麼說求大神解答!

Sorry , I shouldn't have forced you .

『貳』 我不喜歡被強迫做我不喜歡的事,這讓人感覺很討厭。英語翻譯

很簡單,用一個it的形式主語開頭的句子就好 , (當然裡面還有一個簡單的定語從句還有注意前後時態一致的問題)
固定套子:it is +adj+for+sb +to do sth

It's sick of me to be forced to do something which I won't be willing to do(但這里be sick of 固定搭配了)

i don't like being forced to do the things i don't like to, which makes me feel disgusting
中間少了個do 應該這樣理解:
i don't like being forced to do the things (省略了that)i don't like to(填上do), which makes me feel disgusted(這里要用disgusted啊,disgusting修飾物啊和interested/interesting一個道理吧,學過點英語的應該到知道)
carrieyang 的沒什麼大問題···就是感覺英式說法不很地道,老外說話很少有直接人就做主語的,很喜歡物作主語,因此經常會看到被動語態的句子,就是我們漢語里的「被字句」

『叄』 "我不喜歡別人強迫我做不喜歡的事"用英語怎麼說

I don't like people forcing me to do something that I don't like

『肆』 「我不喜歡別人強迫我做我不喜歡的事情」翻譯成英文

I don't like to be compelled to do something that i don't like .

『伍』 「我不喜歡你」用英語怎麼說

I don't like you/I dislike you。

『陸』 我不想被懲罰用英語怎麼說

I do not want to be punished.

『柒』 強迫我做不喜歡的事"用英語怎麼說

Force me to do what I don't want to do.

『捌』 我不喜歡被約束用英語怎麼說

I don't like being restricted

『玖』 英語翻譯:我不喜歡被任何人掌控,控制。(be in control of)

I don't like to be controlled by anyone, and control. (be in control of)

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