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發布時間: 2021-02-09 02:35:19

① 現在人們越來越適應快節奏的生活,但相比之下,以我的性格,我認為我更喜歡比較慢一點生活方式的英文翻譯

Noways people are more and mora suitable for fast life. But in compare as my characteristic I think I prefer slow live

② 翻譯:「我喜歡快節奏的生活」 用英語怎麼說

i enjoy the fast-paced life

③ 「慢生活」用英語怎麼說

Slow Life

④ 用英語描述慢節奏生活的缺點

compare like the slow rhythm the life,I thought that the slow rhythm life is one kind of life manner,one kind of healthy point of view,one kind of positive struggle,is highly self-confident thinks actually to the life wants to go.The slow life,is not the support is lazy,slows the tempo delays the time.Only then alternates work with rest,could find balanced in the ever changing social life.The slow rhythm's life is very good.As soon as comes to be possible to be at oneself the striking condition,two come to be possible to let the blood be at saturated and the smooth condition,three come also to be possible to enjoy the life fully.The rhythm of life has been too quick,sometimes will press the human not to gasp for breath,but I hoped that more people will get down slowly as far as possible the rhythm,how colorful under will enjoy our life is,will get down slowly the life,I believed that you will think will be more substantial.

⑤ 為什麼喜歡慢生活節奏的英語作文

,it is a kind of compared to the far hills of the earthly fireworks,Lin is a poetic habitation of way of life,is a return to self,taste life attitude.In this hurried after s in a hurry,we should press the temper,enjoy the life in the slow.
Like slow,because it can make us keep a quiet heart,people struggling in a fast-paced life,if the stone hit the water,a splash water around a countless throw namely,and peace of heart is like still water,no ripples.,the quiet,not quiet beyond reach \"nothing that slow,with a common perspective to look at life,all are in a slow tempo become lovely.
Boil a pot of tea to fold a white plum blossoms,hold a green umbrella slowly look at small rain flower.No summer rain quickly,slowly taste,life is so quiet elegant.

⑥ 我覺得慢節奏的生活是一種享受的翻譯是:什麼意思

I think the slow pace of life is a kind of enjoyment

⑦ 慢生活 用英語怎麼說,出自何處謝謝



在年開始,義大利人Carlo Petrini推動「慢食運動」(Slow Food Movement),現今已成為二十一世紀世界關注的話題。「慢食」風潮從歐洲開始席捲全球,讓我們不斷思考自己的生活。並由此發展出一些列的「慢」生活方式,以提醒生活在高速發展時代的人們,請慢下來關注心靈、環境、傳統。快餐式的生活是粗糙的、缺乏關懷的。於是,一群關注「如何生活是好」的先鋒,在各個領域和層次,以各種創新的方式,體現「慢」的態度——

慢設計(SLOW Design):慢設計涉及的,不只是耐力或速度,而是深思和熟慮,還有溫柔而充滿愛意的關照。現在,以北歐的產品設計、歐洲或美國一些極具人文關懷的雜志為主要體現。

慢食(SLOW Food):其實「慢食」不只說要慢慢品嘗,更是一種懂得珍惜和欣賞的生活態度。「我們吃的東西,應該是以更緩和的步調去培植、去烹煮和食用。Petrini表示,慢吞吞並非慢食的目標,慢的真義是指你必須能掌握自己的生活節奏,掌握自己的品味,世界才會更加豐富。」

慢寫(SLOW Up):在資訊爆炸的時代,每天塞得滿滿的頭條和大標題,人們注重時效、嘩然、轟動、猛料、私隱。「慢寫」的態度,不只是要慢慢寫、經過思考地寫,而是要懂得欣賞和理解,尋回失落的人文精神,好好讀一本書,寫一段感受;研究傳統的文化,不讓它們成廢墟;學習如何言之有物,文字是有靈魂的。經常閱讀和製造快餐化文字,只會讓創造力越來越喪失。

慢愛(SLOW Love):速食般的戀情、一夜情,為了排遣寂寞的戀愛,是否來得太快、太無原則?朴實純真的愛情,是需要你自己先慢下來,懂得欣賞和贊美身邊的事物。否則,寂寞是永恆的。


⑧ 越來越多的人們喜歡過一種慢節奏的生活用英語怎麼說

More and more people like to live a slower pace

⑨ 很多人喜歡慢節奏的鄉村生活的翻譯是:什麼意思

many people like slow county life

⑩ 人們應該放慢生活的節奏,英語怎麼說

People should slow down the pace of life

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