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1. 高二英語第一單元課件



一、教法建議 。

本單元通過對迪斯尼樂園及沃爾特迪斯尼本人成功之路的簡介,使學生了解美國文化特色的同時樹立起正確的成功觀,培養百折不撓的意志品質;學習並熟練掌握問路、引路等日常交際用語;總結歸納賓語從句,並通過創設情境,使學生能夠靈活運用。 在教學中建議使用整體教學、分層次訓練的方式。英語教學應面向全體學生,並根據學生的不同英語水平分層次進行能力訓練。每個層次的訓練內容相同但難易程度不同,從而達到因材施教的目的。 建議教師授課前在黑板上掛一幅世界地圖,並幫助學生在地圖上找出法國、日本的東京、美國的洛杉磯和佛羅里達;同時設置相關問題:「你們能說出這幾個城市、國家之間的共同點嗎?」讓學生稍作思考後告之;在他們那裡都有迪斯尼樂園。同時,最好附以有關迪斯尼樂園的圖片、幻燈及錄像。通過這種較為直觀的方式,激發起學生的學習興趣,提高學習效率。 本單元能力目標: 1.對話(Lesson 1) a.朗讀:語音語調准確,情感適度; b.歸納:歸納出用英語問路、指路的方法。 Asking Directions:

★Excuse me。Can you tell me the way to…?

How can I get to…?

Where is…?

Where is the nearest…?

Which is the way to…?

Giving Directions:

★Go straight ahead till you see…

down this street till you get to…

through the gate and you will find the entrance to…

★It's about…yards/metres down this street。





a.理解課文大意,能回答有關問題。(Wb。P74 Excise 1)


Lesson 2 Walt Disney

Para。 1 Walt Disney's greatest wish。

Para。 2 Encouragement from his friends。

Para。 3 Walt Disney and his mouse friend。

Para。 4 The Birth of the cartoon character,Mickey Mouse。

Para。 5 Disney's successes。

Lesson 3 Disneyland

1953: the first Disney Park was opened Rules: wear clean shoes and trousers

1971: Disney World was opened in Florida not allowed to have beards

1983: Tokyo Disney was opened tie back the long hair

1992: Euro-Disney was opened always smile and be friendly

The Sleeping Beauty Castle: The Tomorrow Land Building:

A favourite place for visitors Go inside the space




a.單詞:ahead, entrance, free, sign, encourage, well-known, unsuccessful, studio, operate, imagine, though。

b.片語:take along (wish sb。), in the hope of, of interest, lose heart, day after day, as far as…, bring sth。 on, in this way。

以上單詞和片語可通過對話錄音,教師介紹Walt Disney和Disneyland過程當中呈現,然後用問答討論課文內容等方式,再現以上單詞和片語,加深理解詞義,掌握用法,最後用句型轉換或補全句子等方式鞏固、開發運用。

例1 What will you do if your friend fails in the exam?

I will __________ him (or her) not to__________ ____________ 。(encourage; lose heart)

例2 On May Day, parks are ___________ to visitors。 (free)

例3 When Disney was young, he wanted to be a famous artist。

When Disney was young, he _________ _________ __________ _________ __________becoming a famous artist。 (was, in, the, hope, of)

例4 They didn't show any interest in Disney's pictures, so they said, "Sorry, we don't think there is _________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ _________。"(anything, of, interest, in, your, pictures)


1.The road ahead was blocked by a big fallen tree。

2.Ahead of us is the Sleeping Beauty Castle。

3.The new building was finished three months ahead of time。

4.Haven't you seen the sign saying "No Smoking"?

5.Are dark clouds a sign of rain?

6.I explained what I couldn't explain in words by signs。

7.He signed his name at the bottom of the letter。

8.The policeman signed (for) them to stop。

9.The teacher encouraged the children to study on their own。

10.They are encouraged to speak out their opinions。

11.Several weeks passed, she hadn't received any encouraging news。

12.All the Disney parks are operated by the same company。

13.It's not difficult to operate that machine。

14.The doctor decided to operate on him at once。

15.The operation of a new machine can be hard to learn。

16.Let's meet at the entrance to the cinema。

17.He takes along a notebook wherever he goes。

18.He went there in the hope of meeting some of his old friends。

19.Day after day they did the same thing in the factory。

20.The number of the college students is increasing year by year。

21.He walked as far as the village where I lived。

22.As/So far as I know, he is still working there。

23.The waiter soon brought on the meal。

24.More study should bring on your English。


These photographs will show you ________ 。

A.what does our village look like

B.what our village looks like

C.how does our village look like

D.how our village look like



根據上述原則,A和C的語序不對,再是根據look like來判定用what還是how,like是介詞,跟名詞或代詞作賓語,所以應選B。

Dr。 Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, but I can?/FONT>t remember 。

A.where B.there C.which D.that



— to the Capital Theatre?

—The No。 3 bus over there will take you right there。

A.I'm sorry, which is the way

B.Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get

C.Excuse me, which bus shall I take

D.I'm sorry, could you tell me how I can get


在已經做了對不起對方的事時,用I?/FONT>m sorry表示道歉;在還未做某事你又認為這事會給對方造成一些麻煩時,用Excuse me。英語中到達某處是get to a place。如果用bus作主語,那麼正確的問句是Which bus can take me to the Capital Theatre?因此應選擇B項。

The Value of Time

We have many things to do。 When we are students, we learn and study。 When grown up, we work for society, for our nation, and for the world。 We are born to be busy。 But we cannot live more than one hundred years; we have only a limited time to do much work。 How precious our time is!

Many men do not realize the value of time。 This is, indeed, a great pity。 "Time is money" is an old saying。 In fact, it is more valuable than money。 Wasting time means wasting a part of our precious life。

We have to form the habit of saving time, instead of spending time uselessly。 It is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today, and not leave it till tomorrow。 Laziness is the thief of time。 It not only brings us failure, but does harm to us as well。 Remember that if a man in youth does not do his best, he will feel very sorry when he is old。

—Who is Jerry Cooper?

— ? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting?

A。 Don't you meet him yet?

B。 Hadn't you met him yet?

C。 Didn't you meet him yet?

D。 Haven't you met him yet?





Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side。


If you go through the gate, you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side。

Use your head and you'll find a way。


Keep on trying, and you'll succeed。



Inspector:You want to get to King's Cross Station?

Peter: Yes。

Inspector:It's easy。 There is a bus every ten minutes from Stop Number Two。 The next bus is at nine, and a ticket to King's Cross Station costs fifteen pence。 1 It's all in here, you see。 This is my first day in my job, but it's all in here。

Peter: Good。

Amy: 2 We want to get to Cross Station by car。

Inspector:By car?

Peter: 3 。

Inspector:Oh。 Well, drive along that road。 4 Straight on。

Peter: 5 。

Amy: Yes, thanks。 And gook luck in your new job, inspector。

Inspector:Thank you, madam。 Goodbye!

A.Yes, sorry。

B.Thank you。

C.Is it so far away?

D.But we are in our car, you see。

E.I'm afraid I can't tell you。

F.It takes ten minutes to get there。

G.It's about three kilometers to King's Cross Station。


6.When I saw her, she was standing the e to the cinema, waiting for me。

7.Whenever I lose heart in the study of English, she world always e me and help me with it。

8.Can you i living on the moon?

9.We hope your experiment will be a great s 。

10.Look! There runs a big m and a cat is running after it。


11.Helping the disabled people__________ him a lot of time after work。

A。 spent B。 paid C。 got D。 cost

12.You can take the lift, which is_________ by electricity。

A。 worked B。 lifted C。 ridden D。 make

13.Carl_________ San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland。

A。 is leaving B。 left C。 has left D。 will leave

14.I remember ____________this used to be a quiet village。

A。 when B。 how C。 where D。 what

15.I can hardly imagine Peter __________across the Atlantic Ocean in five days。

A。 to sail B。 sailing C。 sail D。 to have sailed

16.I learned to_________ a bicycle as a small boy。

A。 drive B。 ride C。 operate D。 run

17.「Do you remember_________ he came?」

「Yes, I do, he came by car。」

A。 how B。 when C。 that D。 if

18.You can't imagine __________ when they received these nice Christmas presents。

A。 how they were excited B。 how excited they were

C。 how excited were they D。 they were how excited

19.The secretary worked late into the night, ____________ a long speech for the president。

A。 to prepare B。 preparing C。 prepared D。 was preparing

20.The computer centre, _______________ last year, is very popular among the students in this school。

A。 open B。 opening C。 having opened D。 opened

21.Our headmaster is strict ___________himself and____________ his work。

A。 with, in B。 with, to C。 in, for D。 against, for

22._________ __________ you will improve your spoken English。

A。 Try your best, and B。 Trying your best, or

C。 Try to your best, but D。 Keep your best, or

23.I don't believe_________ is true。

A。 that he said B。 what did he say

C。 what he said D。 all did he say

24.Standing on the top of mountain, you'll get a wonderful__________ 。

A。 visit B。 sign C。 view D。 nature

25.He looked everywhere__________ the key to his room。

A。 at the hope to find B。 on the hope of finding

C。 in the hope to find D。 in the hope of finding


In school all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages。26 knows his own language, but another one is very useful, 27 when we travel to other countries。 If we go to France, we 28 be able to speak French, and in Germany people will 29 us to understand German。

How many languages are there in the world? There are about fifteen hundred , but many of them are not very 30 。 English is one of the most important 31 so many people use it, not only in English and the USA, 32 in other parts of the world。 About 200,000,000 people speak it 33 their own language , and another 200,000,000 use it as 34 language。 It is difficult to say how many people are learning it。 Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so。

English children study French, 35 is also a very important language。 An Englishman can 36 find someone in almost all parts of the world who is able to talk to him in either English or 37 。

Which is the best way to learn a language ? We should remember that we all learnt our own language well when we were children。 If we could learn a second language 38 same way, it would not seem so 39 。Think of what a child 40 。 It listens to what people say , and it tries to imitate (模仿) what it hears。 When it wants something, it 41 ask for it。 It is 42 the language, talking in it, and thinking in it all the time。 If people had to use a second language all the time , they would learn it quickly。

43 is important to remember ,also ,that we learn our own language by hearing people speak it, not by seeing 44 they write。 We imitate what we hear。 In school 45 you learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak, it is 46 to learn all new words through the ear。 You can read them, spell them, and write them later。

A man who stuttered (說話結巴) once went to a shop where they sold birds。 He wanted to buy a parrot (鸚鵡),a bird which we can teach to 47 。 He said to shopkeeper:「Have you g-g-got a p-p-parrot that can t-t-talk English?」

「Yes sir。」Answered the shopkeeper。「 48 a fine green one what will understand everything you say to it。」

So the man bought it 。 But a few days 49 he took it back to the shop。

「This b-b-bird can't t-t-talk,」he complained (抱怨)。 「It can only st-t-tutter。」 50 a parrot learns to say just what it hears。

26。A。No one B。 Someone C。 Everybody D。 Any one

27。A。generally B。 strictly C。 specially D。 especially

28。A。can B。 ought to C。 may D。 have to

29。A。hope B。 insist C。 expect D。 help

30。A。necessary B。 easy C。 important D。 difficult

31。A。because B。 although C。 when D。 if

32。A。and B。 or C。 but D。 nor

33。A。as B。 like C。 for D。 with

34。A。another B。 the second C。 the other D。 a second

35。A。that B。 which C。 it D。 this

36。A。hardly B。 sometimes C。 easily D。 freely

37。A。German B。 Russian C。 Japanese D。 French

38。A。by a B。 by the C。 in a D。 in the

39。A。disappointing B。 exciting C。 difficult D。 useless

40。A。does B。 speaks C。 learns D。 likes

41。A。ought to B。 is able to C。 has to D。 decides

42。A。learning B。 using C。 studying D。 trying

43。A。That B。 This C。 It D。 What

44。A。what B。 how C。 why D。 as

45。A。because B。 although C。 as soon as D。 among

46。A。necessary B。 best C。 better D。 possible

47。A。sing B。 write C。 speak D。 talk

48。A。It's B。 Here's C。 That's D。 This's

49。A。later B。 ago C。 before D。 after

50。A。So B。 Also C。 Even D。 Such


O。 Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories 。His real name was William Sydney Porter 。 He was born in North Carolina in 1862。As young boy he lived an exciting life 。 He did not go to school for very long , but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know。

When he was about 20 years old , O。 Henry went to Texas , where he tried different jobs 。 He first worked on a newspaper ,and then had a job in a bank 。 When some money went missing from the bank , O。 Henry was believed to have stolen it 。 Because of that , he was sent to prison 。During the three years in prison , he learned to write short stories 。After he got out of prison , he went to New York and continued writing 。He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there 。 People liked his stories ,because simple as the tales were , they would finish with a sudden change at the end ,to the readers' surprise。

51。In which order did O。 Henry do the following things?

a。 Lived in New York。 b。 Worked in a bank。

c。 Travelled to Texas。 d。 Was put in prison。

e。 Had a newspaper job。 f。 Learned to write stories。

A。e,d,f,b,d,a B。c,e,b,d,f,a

C。e,b,d,c,a,f D。c,b,e,d,a,f

52。People enjoyed reading O。 Henry's stories because __________

A。 they had surprise endings

B。 they were easy to understand

C。 they showed his love for the poor

D。 the were about New York City

53。O。Henry went to prison because ____________

A。 people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper

B。 he broke the law by not using his own name

C。 he wanted to write stories about prisoners

D。 people thought he had taken money that was not his

54。What do we know about O。 Henry before he began writing?

A。 He was well-ecated。

B。 He was not serious about his work。

C。 He was devoted to the poor。

D。 He was very good at learning。

55。Where did O。 Henry get most material for his short stories?

A。 His life inside the prison。

B。 The newspaper articles he wrote。

C。 The city and people of New York。

D。 His exciting life as a boy。

Suppose you were the famous cartoon maker—Walt Disney, and now a newspaper reporter is interviewing you。 Here are the questions and please answer them as creatively as possible。

1。What were you most interested in when you were young?

2。Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man?

3。What are the secrets to the success?

4。What's your plan for the future?


1—5 GDAFB 6。entrance 7。encourage 8。imagine 9。success 10。mouse

11—15 DACAB 16—20 BABBD 21—25 AACCD 26—30 CDBCC 31—35 ACADB

36—40 CDDCA 41—45 CBCAB 46—50 BCBAC 51—55 BADDC

2. 高中英語


3. 最近想開個英語培訓班,不知道應該選什麼教材





4. 高中英語一對一網課哪個效果好
















5. 高一英語必修3unit5課件








教材內容:本課教學內容是新課標《高中英語必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 與以往接觸過的介紹國家的文章相比,本課的內容沒有整體介紹加拿大的地理概況和風土人情,而是透過一個旅人的眼睛來看加拿大。相比較而言,這樣的課文難度更大。


教學難點:①對課文內容中細節的理解。②對網上各種信息源的比較篩選,及學生易受無關因素的干擾而導致的學習效率問題。【難點突破】設置情境,循序漸進,層層遞進。設置富有情趣的情境,激發他們的閱讀慾望,積極主動地進行自主探究。循序漸進的設計問題 , 激發學生的創造思維,層層深入地引導學生進行自主和協作學習。







第一步: 熱身活動:猜單詞。在這個步驟中,我給出兩組前一節課學過的詞,分別讓兩組同學上來猜。所採用的方式類似於《幸運52》:單詞是出現在屏幕上的,其中一個同學背對著屏幕,他是猜者;另一個同學則是解釋者,他要用英語或輔以動作將單詞的意思表現出來。兩組同學之間展開競爭,看誰猜得又快又多。這個活動不僅可以復習上節課的內容,更重要的是活躍了課堂氣氛,令同學們很快融入課堂氛圍。

第二步: 讀前活動(一):自由展示。在上這一課之前,我給學生布置的預習任務是介紹你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?學生們自由組成小組,上網查找相關資料,然後對所搜集的信息進行整理,最後形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在課堂上,由本小組的發言代表上來進行展示和介紹。這一環節是這節課的重頭戲。

第三步: 讀前活動(二):自由交談。給學生提出這樣一個問題:如果你有機會去加拿大,你最想看什麼?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there?先要求他們在小組內討論,然後再在全班同學面前發言。

第四步: 讀前活動(三):小組討論。經過了前面的大量的有關加拿大的信息的沖擊,你願意用哪三個詞語來描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 請小組代表發言。

第五步: 加拿大概況綜述。這一步驟是對上幾個步驟的總結,同時也是教師整合並優化了有關加拿大的各種信息所進行的展示。目的是進一步加深同學們對加拿大的了解,對他們所獲取的知識進行梳理,也為下一個步驟展開鋪墊。

第六步: 略讀課文。(first reading)在這個步驟中,我給出了8個問題,讓同學們帶著這8個問題來閱讀課文。讀完後回答問題。

1.Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2.What is the continent they are crossing?

3.What is 「The True North」?

4.Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5.What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6.Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7.Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8.Name two natural resources that Canada has.

第七步: 精讀課文。(second reading) 在這個步驟中,我給出了5個跟課文內容有關的句子,讓同學們判斷正誤。如果該句是錯的,請給出正確答案。

1.The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

2.Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

3.You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

4.The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

5.Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.

第八步: 復述課文(retelling) 給出課文中的關鍵詞彙,讓同學們用自己的話來復述課文。

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

second largest

go eastward


5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver

surrounded by


第九步: 口頭作文(oral practice) 設定一個情境,給出一些關鍵詞彙,讓同學們模仿課文來編一段對話或一篇短文。

Suppose two of your cyber pals in Canada come to visit Shenzhen and you are meeting them at the airport. While you are driving them home, you are telling them something about China and Shenzhen, just as what Danny Lin said in the text.

Work in groups. You are required to present either a short passage or a short dialogue.

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

third largest

go northward


from south to north

here in Shenzhen

along the coast

theme parks

第十步: 作業布置。要求學生將第九步中的口頭作文寫出來,變成書面作文。

Write down the short passage or the short dialogue that you』ve just worked out.


本節課是新課標《高中英語必修3 Unit 5》,我將本節課設計為競賽、導入、個人探究、互動交流、協作探究和討論及口頭作文等九個步驟。我充分發揮自製網路課件的優勢,使本節課的內容更加充實,容量更多。既貫通了所要學的知識,又拓展了課外知識,使得本節課學生在學習過程中興趣更加濃厚 , 積極地自主探究,討論問題熱烈,課堂氣氛活躍!現將課堂教學反思總結如下:


1、信息技術與英語學科內容的整合。網路是信息的海洋、包羅萬象的課本 , 把信息技術作為英語教學的認知工具和知識載體,圍繞英語學科知識進行整合實驗,不僅可以擴大英語閱讀的「面」和「量」,而且也培養了學生諸如「信息的獲取、信息的重組和加工以及信息的交流」等多種信息素養。







6. 如何輔導高中英語





7. 哪位朋友有免費的高中英語課件下載網站,幫忙推薦個,謝謝啦!


8. 親們,哪裡有好的高中英語課件


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刑期滿英語怎麼說及英文單詞 發布:2024-09-17 03:12:55 瀏覽:278
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我最喜歡的天氣是雨天英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-17 02:52:14 瀏覽:291
我在英語上有困難英語怎麼翻譯 發布:2024-09-17 02:08:47 瀏覽:303
原液英語怎麼翻譯 發布:2024-09-17 01:57:40 瀏覽:550