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『壹』 急求人教版初中英語試講教案 謝謝

英語教學過程首先是語言環境的影響和語言材料的輸入,然後是大腦中語言規則的內化生成,最後達到創造性地輸出話語。除了好的語言環境之外,後幾個方面都是大腦自然發生的,這就要求我們要觀察學生的學習過程,研究學生的學習規律,並積極指導學生掌握科學的學習方法,而且要注意指導方法應及時、具體有針對性和啟發性。在當前素質教育大力推行的環境下,學生的時間多了,怎樣指導學生合理利用有限時間提高學習效率成為教師研究的課題,對英語這門課來說,更要加強具體環節學法指導,培養學生的自學能力。學好英語在一般情況下可用如下規則描述:「動因+興趣+決心+持之以恆=見效」。要學好英語,就要對語言本身及語言所傳達的各種文化信息感興趣。當學生讀到或聽到別人用簡潔的英語表達深奧的思想時,興奮不已,立即記住,這就表明學生已對語言產生了興趣。沒有這種興趣,難以在語言學習中登堂入室。因此,首先要培養學生學習英語的興趣。對於初中學生來說,適時的利用課件可以提高學生對語言的興趣和認知能力,並可以輔助教學,因為課件中有很多關於西方文化和傳統習俗的資料和視頻,中學生對於新鮮事物充滿了好奇,所以能很好的刺激學生對新課程的興趣,並可以積極的參與進來,能夠使得課堂氣氛活躍。當然,課件只是輔助教學,不可喧賓奪主,一節課只播放圖片,視頻,只讓學生看熱鬧,看了之後卻沒收獲,而是要真正有效的利用好課件的作用,寓教於樂,要使課堂活動豐富多彩。對於同學們來說,要積極參與並思考,把課件中的主要內容銘記於心,也要做好筆記,因為課件中有很多知識的展示和講解,對於學習是很有幫助的。情景教學是現在英語課堂教學中必然要採取的教學方式,也是必不可少的,用情景引導學生用准確的英語語言來表達自己的思想,這也是課堂教學中的重要環節。因此,對於課堂中的聽說讀寫環節不可省略。比如,課堂上的情景對話可以很好的反映出學生對本節課句型的掌握,給出情景,讓學生編成自己的對話,這樣不僅可以很好的復習句型,也可以讓學生自由發揮,充滿成就感。但是,在我們的英語課堂中,不乏有學生渾水摸魚,不能意識到「說」的重要性,動不起來,不能有效利用課堂時間,所以叫起來之後支支吾吾,課後更不可能自發的來練習,因此,同學們要意識到課堂時間的寶貴,爭取用好每一分鍾,要大膽表述自己的想法,使思維活躍起來。對於初中學生來說,預習環節顯得尤為重要。預習的好壞直接影響到課堂教學目標能否順利實現。在學生掌握好詞彙之後,在預習中要讓學生細讀,質疑,鼓勵學生多問個為什麼,通過藉助字典,工具書和小組討論,弄懂存在的問題,對於難以理解的知識要在文中做好標記,上課有針對性地聽講,在本學期,我們繼續以學案導學的形式來指導教學,這樣可以更加有效地指導學生的預習。同學們在預習環節中,要有效利用各種方法盡可能的首先自己解決問題。在學案中我們設置了許多問題,也有個別知識的講解,同學們最好先自己找出重點難點,認真閱讀課本,然後嘗試合上課本,自己獨立解決問題,而不是照著課本抄,當然,在預習時,肯定有很多問題一時解答不出來,然後再通過查閱課本,工具書,與同學討論來解決,也就是要動腦,而不是簡單的抄寫,只有這樣,才能將知識記牢。課堂教學主要圍繞聽、說、讀、寫四個方面,對於「聽」,就要讓學生過好語言關,單詞發音,句子語調,節奏以及所學句型。要培養學生整體理解的能力。對於「說」,要盡量給學生機會說英語,創設大量情景,鼓勵同學大膽發言,對存在問題的語音,語法錯誤等學生說完再做糾正,盡量不要打斷學生的對話,設法使談話內容繼續下去。對於「讀」,要培養學生的閱讀習慣,在閱讀前可以給出幾個問題,讓學生略讀,概括文章大意,然後再精讀,總結出文章中的語言語法現象,讓學生在閱讀中積累詞彙。對於「寫」,讓學生用簡單英語就自己熟悉話題進行寫作練習,注意中英文化之間差異,能准確審題,草擬提綱,錘煉語言,精確表達,平時的練習和寫作習慣就顯得很重要,讓學生多練多思考。同學們要在聽說讀寫中養成良好習慣,跟上老師的思維,聽清老師的指令,有很多同學課堂上精力不集中,導致總是跟不上老師的節奏,課堂效率差,我們老師要關注這些同學,積極引導,同學們自己也要重視起來,培養好的聽課習慣。課後復習也是必不可少環節之一。同學們課後要先閱讀課文,結合學案上的重點難點以及知識講解,回顧課堂上講的詞彙、句型、語法,最後結合練習加以鞏固加深。老師布置的作業要做到精選精練,及時檢查。有可能的話也可以分層指導、布置作業,現在我們的分層教學已經在各個級部開展起來了,可以很好的做到這一點,可以讓不同水平的同學學到更多,這樣就更加具有針對性。同學們在分層教學中更要認真聽講,記好筆記,保存好相應的學案或筆記,作為以後復習的資料。中學生在英語學習過程中還要切忌以下幾個方面:第一,過分講究方法和技巧,而不願意下真功夫。語言的運用是一種技能,但這種技能不是專靠技巧能夠獲得的。太講究方法和技巧會被其佔用很多的時間和精力,而對學習的內容本身投入較少的時間和精力,因此反而會影響學習的效果。因此,要培養學生的堅忍不拔,持之以恆的精神。第二,過分講究速度和效率,不願花時間經常重復(復習)已學過的內容,只求懂了則罷。語言的運用是一種技能,技能則只有靠熟能生巧,要不斷的重復才會熟練,只有熟練了才會形成一種應用自如、不假思索的技能。 第三,三天打魚兩天曬網,沒有恆心,不能長期堅持學習。技能的熟練要有一個過程,在這個過程中會遇到各種困難,但不能向困難低頭,要堅持不懈地反復學習,持之以恆。 第四,只「學」而不「用」,完全是以「學」的態度來學外語。語言的實踐性很強,如果只學而不用,就永遠也學不好。我們學語言的目的就是為了應用,要學會在用中學習,這樣才能提高興趣,達到好的學習效果。第五,不能脫離語言所存在的文化背景,通過文化來學習語言,語言也會學得更好。語言之有魅力,風格之值得研究,主要是因為後面有一個大的精神世界:但這兩者又必須藝術地融合在一起,因此語言表達力同思想洞察力又是互相促進的。對於中學英語學法,應該是形式多樣的,對於中學生來說,課前、課中、課後的三大環節是非常重要的,同學們只有努力做好這幾點,才能在現階段的教育環境下能更好地掌握和學習英語。

『貳』 初中英語面試寫作課試講

初中英語老師是如何設計出寫作課的教案,順利完成 面試 試講的呢?下面是我給大家整理的初中英語面試寫作課試講,供大家參閱!


根據新課程標準的指導, 英語寫作 課的基本教學過程是:

(一) 熱身和導入Warming-up and Lead in

(二) 寫前Pre-writing

寫作前,一般應激活學生的寫作動機。可以利用最近生活、熱門話題、關注焦點等,逐步把學生的興趣引導到寫作話題上。然後可以開展頭腦風暴(brainstorming)讓學生就寫作話題的背景知識等進行詞語、語句、 文章 結構等隨意表達,激活學生已有的知識和能力。也可以通過閱讀 範文 獲取有效信息為正式寫作積累語言素材和形成寫作框架(outlining)。

(三) 寫中 While-writing

寫中,這一步驟包含一個主要活動:初稿( drafting)。 在此過程中,老師可以將寫作的具體要求以及注意事項呈現在ppt或者是黑板上。同時老師應注意巡視,並加以指導。

參考案例 Example

寫作初稿 Drafting

T: Just now we have discussed how to describe one person. Let us write a draft about one of friends. You should write it according to the words and the outline on the blackboard.

Ss: ok…

(四) 寫後 Post-writing

寫後,這一步驟是要讓學生進行修改( editing)及 作文 展讀分享、修改潤色文( revising)。在學生完成初稿( drafting)後,老師可以安排學生小組( peer editing)或者個人( self editing)對作文進行修正,注意行文的邏輯結構、 語法、 單詞的拼寫、 連詞的使用和標點符號等。 老師要給予作文適當的點評( evaluating/comment)和反饋,一定要指出學生作品的優缺點,可以讓其他人明確可借鑒之處以及不可取之處,可以以實物投影有代表的性的文章(、良好、及格、較差)的文章,師生共同修改、潤色或讓學生根據老師和同學的點評對自己的。

(五) 小結&作業 Summary & Homework

1.小結:師生英文對話的方式結束本節。(Ask students to think about what we have learned today. And then make a summary.)



T: Today’s homework is “Go on to revise the writing according the evaluations and hand in next class.”


T: Write an e-mail to a friend and tell him today’s events.


T: Retell your passage to your parents and ask them to guess which friend you described in your passage.


T: After class, you should research more information about the sports meeting of ancient on the Internet.

Unit 1

Where’s your pen pal from?

Language goal


. In this unit students learn to talk about where people are from.


Canada ,France, Japan the United States, Australia, Singapore, The United Kingdom, China

3.Target language:

Where is your pen pal from? /she is from Canada.

Where does she live? /She lives in Toronto.

What language does she speak? /She speaks English and French.


Where questions /What questions

Key Points

Where questions /What questions


The names of different countries /The languages of different countries /The differences of “be” and “do” in the sentence.

Section A

1a. This activity provides guided listening and pronunciation practice using the target language.

1.Point to the numbered list of words. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

2.Play the recoding a second time. Ask Ss to repeat the names of the countries

3.Let Ss read the new words aloud indivially or in pairs.

1b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

1.Point out the list of countries in 1a. Let Ss circle the names of the countries the people are talking about.

2.Play the recording the first time.

3.Play the recording a second time. Ss only listen.

4.Check the answers. (Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore)

1c. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

1. Point out the conversations in the picture and ask a student to read each one with you, then in pairs, in groups.

2. Ask various pairs to present a new one to the class.

2a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice using the target language.

1. Point out the list of countries. Read and ask Ss to repeat.

2. Point out the list of cities. Read and ask Ss to repeat aloud.

3. Ask Ss to work, offer help as needed.

4. Correct the work.

2b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

1. Call attention to the list of cities and countries in 2a. Let Ss circle them when they hear the conversations at the first time.

2. Play the recording a second time.

3. Check the answers.(Japan, Tokyo ,France ,Paris, Australia, Sydney)

2c. This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

1. Call attention to the chart in 2c. Play the first conversation on the tape.

2. Play the recording again and have Ss fill in the chart.

3. Check the answers.

2d. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture.

2. Ask two Ss to read it to the class.

3. Ask Ss to work in small groups. Appoint a leader. Make sure everyone talks about at least one of the people on the chart.

4. Ask pairs of Ss to present their conversations to the class.

Grammar focus

1.Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.

1) Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia.

2.Where does he live? He lives in Sydney.

2. Ask Ss to make more sentences with “where, from. and live

3a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice .

1. Point out the diagram and explain how it works.

2. Read the instructions to the class. Ask Ss to work in pairs.

3. Correct the answers.(1.China 2.The United States ,The United Kingdom, Australia,3.Singapore)

3b. This activity provides guided oral practice.

1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask two Ss to read it to the class. Answer their questions about the conversation.

2. Ask Ss to work in pairs.

3. Ask several students to perform their conversations for the class.

4. This activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice

1. Explain the procere.

2. Play the game.

Section B

1.This activity provides reading practice

1. Point out the language textbooks on the desktop.

2. Call attention to the notebook page with the countries listed.

3. Point out the sample answer .

4. Ask Ss to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language book., ask Ss to work in pairs.

5. Ask a student to write his or her answers on the board.

2a. This activity provides listening practice.

1. Call attention to the conversation bubbles in the picture.

2. Play the recording, number each question you bear on the tape.

3. Play the recording a second time.

4. Check the answers.(Answers: What’s her name?1 /Where is she from?2 /Does she have any brothers and sister? 3 /Does she speak English?)

2b. This activity provides listening and writing practice.

1. Call attention to the numbered questions in 2a,ask different Ss to read it

2. Point out the answer blanks in 2b and the sample answer.

3. Play the tape and ask Ss to complete the answers indivially.

4. Correct the answers.

2c. This activity provides oral practice

1. Ask each student to work with a partner. Ask and answer

2. Practice one or two exchanges with a student. Then work in pairs.

3. Ask a pair of Ss to perform the conversation for the class.

3a. This activity provides reading and writing practice.

1. Call attention to the letter. Read it to the class or a student to read it for you.

2. Point to the four questions beneath the letter.

3. As Ss work, move around .and help them.

4. When they are finished, ask the questions orally and ask Ss to answers.

5. Write the correct answers on the board so that Ss can check the spelling and other details of their answers.(1.Toronto,Canada,2.A pen pal in China 3.English and a little French. 4.He likes going to the movies with his friends and playing sports. )

3b. This activity provides reading and writing practice.

1. Call attention to the letter from Tom King.

2. Point out the blanks in the letter. Ask them to find the information to complete the letter .

3. Read the letter to the class saying “blank”.

4. Ask Ss to write the missing words on the blank lines indivially.

5. Correct the answers.

3c. This activity provides open-ended practice.

Ask Ss to make their own information card and then write an email about themselves. Tell them to use 3b as an example.
英語教師面試試講講課稿(閱讀) (閱讀課是教師面試最容易考到的題目,下面的講課過程僅供大家參考,我自己 總結 的,寫得比較詳細,希望可以幫到大家。我講的是無生試講,也就是自己跟空氣互動,說真的,就像是自己在自編自導自演一樣,在講台上唱戲,哈哈。我自己以面試第一名考上的呢,也祝願你們順利通過面試。)

I. Lead in: (1 min) free talk/pictures/videos

Now class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?(指向自己的動作)I’m fine too, thank you, sit down please. This class, we are going to learn a new unit together. Before class, I’ll divide you into four groups. This is boy’s group,this is your tree(用樹代表男女生組,分兩組其實足夠了,以免浪費時間,用蘋果樹做加分標志不會顯得太單調)...If you can answer my question correctly and actively, you can get an apple,OK?

(如果一時緊張忘了說什麼,可以問一下學生So, what’s the title? 讓學生讀出來,老師再教讀一遍。)

II. Pre-reading: (2mins)

1) Brainstorm

So,now. Who can tell me, when we think about (閱讀的主題), we usually think of what? (此時畫個示意圖在黑板上,也就是思維發散圖,中間畫個圓圈寫主題,四周寫學生想到的與主題相關的東西)

2) Prediction

With the help of the title(and the picture), could you please tell me what will be talked about in the passage? Let’ answer this question group by group. OK?

In your opinion, what may this article talk about?

(Well, you are pretty good at predicting.)

Now, let’s see is he right,OK?

III. While-reading:(4 min)

1) Skimming (1 min): main idea of the passage and topic sentence of each paragraph.

So,now. You have only 2 mins. Read it quickly and find the main idea of this passage , and what’s the main idea of each paragraph ,OK?(此時下台check學生的完成情況,說些鼓勵的話,如Yes, you are right. You are very clever. Oh, you are making progress. 記住,與空氣互動,不要與考官互動,因為那是大忌)

Time is up, so, who can tell me. 抽問兩個學生,積極鼓勵,並加分。

2) Scanning (2 min):

This time, let’s read for more details. Let’s go through the whole passage and try to find the answers to the questions on the paper I gave you before.OK?Remember when you read the passage, you are sure to meet some new words. Don’t be eager to look them up. Try to underline them and guess their meanings according to the context. Understand me? Here we go! Time is up. Have you finished? Let’s check answers together.

(如果時間不夠,建議只問兩個問題就可以了,可以是教材上的問題,可以自己想的問題,一般會問What; Who; When; Where; Why; How這幾大類。如果實在不知道就自己挑個很簡單的也無所謂,考生很多,沒有考官那麼仔細聽你講。)

3) Intensive reading( 2 min): pair work/group discussion/debate

A方案. Now, here is a pair work. You guys read the passage by your self, and circle out the new words and phrases that you don’t understand. Then discuss with your partner, if they are

really difficult, come to the front and write them on the blackboard,OK?Clear? (假裝下去轉一圈,與學生交流,然後回講台自己寫兩個 短語 或句型)Just now, two of our classmate write something on the blackboard, let’s see together. ( 講解短語,可以夾雜一點中文。當然,挑自己會的講,簡單的講,我當時講得很簡單,估計還是學生以前就學過的呢,你只要裝作是新知識就行。)

B方案. I would like you to join the groups and discuss ….. Now, just go ahead. Later, we will share your ideas with all of us here. Understand me? You have 2 minutes to prepare. Here we go.

Time is up. Any group would like to share your idea with us? Yes, Amy please. Any different ideas?

IV. Post-reading (1 min) role-play/interview/retell

Here is a dialogue based on the passage.Now, you work in groups and discuss about the dialogue, and practice it. After 2 mins, I’ll ask some of you to act it out,OK?

So,Time is up. who would like to act your dialogue out? Yes, you please,and your partner? Oh,yes, come to the front please. Now, class, it’s show time OK? Let’s enjoy their show. (點頭贊許過程) OK, Thank you very much, all of you are pretty good. Let’s clap for them.

So, Tom please. How did you think about their action? Is it good? Yes. So, if there are 5 points, how many points would you give them? 4? Yes,sit down please.( 讓學生評價學生,新課程理念) V. Summary & Home work (1 min)

We have done a lot of things today. Who would like to give a summary of this class? Yes,Lily please. Yes,firstly, we have talked about…. Then, we discussed. Next, we learned some useful words and expressions. You are excellent. I’ll give you an apple.(加分)

Since time is limited, I cannot hear more creative ideas from you. Now, homework for today. You need to search the Internet and find more information about…next time, some of you will share your information with the whole class,OK? (作業不要讓抄單詞什麼的,最好是開放性的作業,做調查,問卷或者小手工什麼的)

OK, so much for today. See you!

『叄』 初中英語教師面試試講

Mole 3 Plans 教案設計
本模塊圍繞「計劃」這個話題展開,在讓學生學會 be going to 表達的同時學會合理安排生活和制定學習計劃,養成良好的生活和學習習慣。
buy, check, do, have, stay, get up, go to, revise for, a party, a piano lesson, a picnic, my email, my test, some clothes, because, look forward to, do some sightseeing, enjoy the sun and the sea, like foreign culture, stay in a hotel, take the plane
2. 能夠正確使用下列句型:
I』m going to check my email. You』re going to come, too.
Betty』s going to buy some clothes. We』re going to listen to some music.
They』re going to have a picnic. What are you going to do?
Is he going to get up early? Are they going to go sightseeing?
3. 能夠正確使用 be going to 表達自己打算做某事、計劃做某事或有意做某事。
4.能夠把新知識遷移到實際生活中來,結合例文用 be going to 寫作。
2.重點句型:be going to, because
第一課時 Unit 1
第二課時 Unit 2 (Activities 1,2,3,4&5)
第三課時 Unit 3 (Activities 1&2, Around the world) &Workbook
第四課時 Writing (U1 Activity 7, U2 Activities 6&7, U3 Activities 3&4)
Period 1
Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?
本單元要求學生掌握有關出遊的動詞短語,通過討論周末要做的事情,學慣用be going to結構表達自己打算或計劃要做的事。內容主要以對話的形式出現,由於是本模塊的第一單元,只需做好正確的輸入准備,不要求學生對句型所有人稱的使用進行熟練掌握。
plan check my email have a piano lesson
have a picnic get up early go to a party
revise for one』s test stay in bed do one』s homework
buy some clothes play table tennis listen to music
2. 句型:be going to+動詞原形,表達一般將來時。多數學生能夠聽懂、理解、說出下列關於「將來做某事」的句型:
What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to ….
3.對話:談論周末計劃要做的事情。85%左右的學生能聽懂並且理解教材Activity 中的對話內容;程度較弱的學生要求能理解對話。
1. 多數學生經過操練後能比較流利地朗讀並且表演出Activity 3 中的對話,30%左右的學生能脫離課本表演出對話。
2. 全體學生能根據教師提供的分層情境,兩人或多人小組編出一段關於「計劃」的對話,並在全班做展示交流。
1. 通過互相問答練習,鍛煉學生有目的、有計劃地做事,養成統籌安排的好習慣。
2. 通過詢問他人周末計劃情況,加強同學之間的交流與合作,形成互幫互助的良好學習氛圍。
1.重點:學習be going to結構描述將來要做的事。知識目標中詞彙與句型的講授與學習。詞彙與句型在聽、說、讀三方面的多重輸出。

Step 1 Lead-in
1. Tell the students: Today we are going to learn Mole3, Unit 1.We』re going to learn English. We』re going to have fun.
2. Show the pictures: Ask the questions and read the phrases.
Step 2 Listening (Activities 1, 2,5)
1. Listen and match the words.
2. Write the phrases under the pictures. Make sure the students can say the phrases quickly and clearly.
3. Activity 5: Listen and repeat.
4. Ask: What is he/she going to do at the weekend?
Answer: He/She is going to check her email/have a piano lesson/revise for his test. etc.
Step 3 Listening (Activities 3, 4)
1. Tell the students: We』re going to listen to a dialogue between Daming and Betty.
2. Then ask: What』s Daming going to do at the weekend? What about Betty?
3. Ask the students to listen and answer the questions.
4. Activity 4. Choose the correct answers, then check them.
5. Listen to the dialogue again and read, then practice and act it out.
Step 4 Speaking (Activity 7)
Complete the diary about what Daming and Betty are going to do at the weekend and retell it..
On Saturday morning,Daming is going to check his email and do his homework. In the afternoon,he』s going to have a piano lesson. In the evening, he』s going to go to a party at a friend』s home and listen to some music. On Sunday morning, he』s going to get up early and play table tennis with some friends. In the afternoon, he』s going to meet Lingling and Tony in the park and have a picnic.
Betty is going to buy some clothes on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday evening, she』s going to go to a party with Daming. She』s going to stay in bed on Sunday morning and revise for her test. On Sunday afternoon, she』s going to have a picnic with Daming, Lingling and Tony.

Step 5 Practise
Ask and answer:
What are you going to do…?
this afternoon/evening, tonight
tomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening)
the day after tomorrow
next Sunday/week/month/year
Step 6 Summary
Today we have learned how to talk about what you are going to do at the weekend. You should know how to use be going to +do. For example:
What are you going to do at the weekend?
I』m going to check my email.
He/She is going to have a picnic.
We/They are going to get up early.
Step 7 Homework
1.Exx.2, 3 & 5 on Workbook P96-97.
2.Prepare Unit 2.

『肆』 教師資格面試教案—初中英語《This is my sister》

初中英語教師資格面試—《This is my sister》教案

人教版七年級上 Unit 2 This is my sister

Section B 2a-2c My family

Teaching topic: My family

Period: one period

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge and skill objectives:

Students will be able to grasp seven words: family, grandfather, grandmother, parents, brother, sister, cousin.

Grasping the sentence pattern "These are" and using it to introce their family.

Students can find out the specific information in passage

Process and method objectives:

Through indivial work, pair work and group work, improving Ss' ability of independent thinking and cooperation.

Through indivial work, students can get the reading skill of finding out specific information.

Emotion, attitude and values objectives:

Be aware of the importance of family and learn to love their family members.

Teaching contents

Words: family, photo, grandfather, grandmother, parents, brother, sister, cousin.

Sentence pattern: These are···

Key and difficult points:

Key points: grasp the words and sentence pattern and learn to introce their own family. And find out the specific information from the text.

Difficult points: how to improve their interest in joining the class.

Major steps and time allocation:

Ⅰ.Lead in (2')

Ⅱ.Pre-reading (10')

Ⅲ.While-reading (20')

Ⅳ.Post-reading (10')

V. Summary (2’)

VI. Homework (1')

Activities and justification

Ⅰ.Lead in

Activity: listen and sing a song Family Fingers

Reason: the music will arouse Ss' interest and the teaching content would be naturally led in.


Play the tape of this passage, and let students guess the main idea of this passage.

Reason: through listening, ss can practice their listening skill as well as get the main idea of this passage.

III while-reading


Activity: Ss read the passage quickly and then try to figure the roles in the pictures.

Careful reading:

Activity 1: read the passage again and fill in the blanks

1. My name is ________.

2. Alan and Mary are my _________.

3. Bob and Eric are my ___________.

4. Cindy is my __________.

5. Helen is my ___________.

Activity 2: read the passage again and answer the questions below.

1. Where are my grandfather and grandmother?

2. Where is Bob and Eric?

3. Who is Cindy?

Activity 3: teach all the new words and the sentence pattern.

Reason: activity1 and activity2 lay a foundation for activity3, and Ss can easily grasp the content through these activities.


Activity 1: Ss introce their own family to his or her partner by using the structure of the passage.

Activity 2: invite several groups to come to the front to introce his family and give the best group reward.

Reason: activity 1 can help Ss practice what they have just learned and activity 2 can cultivate Ss' awareness of cooperation and competition.


Activity: ss summarize what they have learnt, and teacher give supplement if necessary, and remind them that they should love their families.

Reason: review what they have learnt in time, and this kind of summary also reflects the new teaching concept.


Activity: introce the picture in the text book to your parents.

Reason: the open homework would review what they have learned in class but promote communication between parents and children as well.

以上就是關於教師資格面試教案—初中英語《This is my sister》的內容分享,希望能夠幫助到各位考生,如果您想了解更多教師資格證考試相關內容,歡迎關注環球青藤網站進行了解哦!

『伍』 十分鍾左右初中的英語試講


所講的課程是 Unit5

標題:Do you have a soccer ball?

step1: greeting each other;

step2: teaching points;

一、 show student a pen .

1、 Look, this is a pen.

2、 I have a pen.

3、 Do you have a pen ?

4、 If you have ,you should say: yes, i do.

5、 If you don't have,you should say: no, i don't.

二、 ask two students

Teacher ask one student : Do you have a pen ?

Student answer : Yes, I do / No,I don't.

Teacher ask the other student : Does he/she have a pen?

The other studentanswer: Yes, he/she does / No, he doesn't.

The student may not give the correct answer,then, teacher should tell studengts the answer.

三、 Practise the sentence patterns.

四、Ask two studengs to stand up

Ask one: Do you have an english book?

Yes,I do .

Ask the other: Do you have an english book?

Yes, I do.


1、 教學的態度;




『陸』 初中英語教師面試 試講範文

Mole 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes
(一) 教學內容
1. 本課是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一課時。本單元分別介紹了National hero, History makers,Sports stars 和 Superhero。這幾篇文章的主題都是hero,但涉及的領域不同,它們融會貫通,承上啟下,融為一體。
2. 本課是介紹National Hero,是學生比較熟悉和感興趣的話題,前部分需要介紹楊利偉和神州五號,讓學生掌握有關詞彙;後一部分是介紹楊利偉乘坐神州五號宇宙飛船遨遊太空的情況。
3. 本課文出現了較多的定語從句,還有生詞較多(有些單詞表沒有而初中又沒有學過),在這樣的困難前提下,我引導學生通過 culture and background knowledge,結合課本內容豐富自己的知識面,拓寬學生對航天知識的了解,讓學生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激發他們的民族自豪感。
(二) 學生分析
1. 組成情況
2. 學生的知識與技能水平
3. 學生已掌握的學習策略
盡管學生的知識和技能水平一般,但經過了一定時間的訓練後,他們還是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的閱讀技巧。
(三) 教學目標
1. 通過快速閱讀文章,學生能夠對每段文章進行歸納總結,准確地把段落主題與所給的headings聯系起來。
2. 通過仔細閱讀,學生能夠回答關於文章的細節問題。
3. 通過進一步閱讀,學生能夠學生能用英語對采訪自己心目中的民族英雄。並嘗試復述課文。
(四) 教學策略
(五) 教學過程
第一步 導入
T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李連傑)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does 『hero』 mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero?
第二步 介紹文章人物
T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let』s read two passages about Shenzhou V and Yang Liwei.
Shenzhou V is China』s first manned spaceship. It lifted off at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. It was carrying Yang Liwei. It was launched very successfully and landed in Inner Mongolia safely.
Yang Liwei is China』s first astronaut. He was a pilot in the army. He was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots and started training for his space flight in 1998. During the 21-hour space flight, he circled the earth 14 times. When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.
第三步 閱讀文章
(1) Fast Reading
a. Astronaut lands safely
b. Welcome home
c. International good wished
d. An exciting lift-off
e. Introtion
f. During the flight
(2) Careful Reading
學生通過fast reading,完成了headings後,基本對課文有一定的了解,然後呈現出五道問題,要求學生再進行第二次閱讀,對課文進行更深入的了解。
1. How did Yang Liwei feel ing the flight? How did he feel afterwards?
2. What did Yang Liwei do ring the Shenzhou V』s seventh circle of the earth?
3. How many circles did the spaceship complete while Yang Liwei was sleeping?
4. What were helicopters doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earth』s atmosphere?
5. What did Yang Liwei do when he came out of the spaceship?
第四步 鞏固練習
通過兩次閱讀讓學生對課文熟悉,訓練學生的閱讀速度和解題技巧,最後通過ask and answer in pairs,培養學生的口語能力,並強迫他們記住文章的主要內容,為下一步語言運用打下基礎。

第五步 語言運用


第六步 布置作業

A Teaching Plan for Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 Festivals

General objectives:
1.To read to learn the main Chinese seasonal festivals and their history origin and meanings.
2.To help them learn some phrasal verbs and functional items about the topic and try to use them.
Language aim:
Be celebrated by, fall on , mark, be decorated with, tradition/traditional, serve, take part in, get together
2.important sentences:
The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.
The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.

Ability aim:
1).Improving the ability of getting the general information and specific information from reading a text.
2). Using own words to describe some important Chinese festivals.
Emotion aim:
To promote students』 qualities of a patriotism(愛國主義精神,愛國心) by learning the main Chinese festivals and learn their history origin and their meanings。
Teaching important points and difficult points:
1).To get information from reading
2).To talk about festivals freely in English.
Teaching methods:
Brainstorming, task-based teaching method , heuristic teaching method , group work.
Teaching aids:
a recorder, a computer, and blackboard
Teaching proceres:
Step1. Greeting and reviewing.
Greet the class as usual.
Ask: what we can celebrate in our life? Get students to answer using the key words in warming up. eg,
Graation, a birthday, Christmas, passing an exam, winning a scholarship, a sporting victory, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the New Year, a wedding, Halloween, the Dragon Boat Festival
Step2. Leading-in.
Show students many pictures of different seasons on the screen , asking: What』s your favourite season? Why? Help students answer using the words that they have already learned. Then ask: What festivals happen ring your favourite seasons? Show more pictures about different festivals on the screen to help them to answer.
Students can work together to answer this question. Eg,
T:What is your favorite season? What festivals happen ring your favorite season? ( have a discussion)
(S1: I liker summer. There are Children』s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother』s Day.
S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.
S3: ……
T:Well done. Thank you.
Explain the differences between Day and Festival.
Get students to read the text quickly, match the pictures with the festivals.
Activity2. Guessing.
Show some describing sentences on the screen to let students read and guess the names of the three festivals .
Activity3. Careful-reading
This time let students read the text carefully and get more detailed information to fill in the table of exercise3 on page36.
Ask some students to report their answers to the class.
Step4. Practice
Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to fill in the blanks according the text.
1.The Mid-Autumn Festival happens in September or______. it is important because it is a special _____ for family.
2. There are many different kinds of mooncakes ____ fruit, coffee, chocolate and so on.
3. The ____ ____ Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.
4.The Dragon boat race marks the _____ of the hottest season of the year.
5.________Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration.
Step5. Post-reading.
Let students discuss with a partner and answer the following question.
Which festival in China is most important for children? Young people? Old people? Women and men?
Then ask some students to give a report.
Step6. Homework.
1. do the exercise 9 on Page 37
2. remember the new words in Lesson One.
3. use your own words to describe a festival that you are familiar with.
Step7. Blackboard design.
Lesson 1 Festivals
The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.
The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.

『柒』 十分鍾初中英語試講


所講的課程是 Unit5

標題:Do you have a soccer ball?

step1: greeting each other;

step2: teaching points;

一、 show student a pen .

1、 Look, this is a pen.

2、 I have a pen.

3、 Do you have a pen ?

4、 If you have ,you should say: yes, i do.

5、 If you don't have,you should say: no, i don't.

二、 ask two students

Teacher ask one student : Do you have a pen ?

Student answer : Yes, I do / No,I don't.

Teacher ask the other student : Does he/she have a pen?

The other studentanswer: Yes, he/she does / No, he doesn't.

The student may not give the correct answer,then, teacher should tell studengts the answer.

三、 Practise the sentence patterns.

四、Ask two studengs to stand up

Ask one: Do you have an english book?

Yes,I do .

Ask the other: Do you have an english book?

Yes, I do.


1、 教學的態度;




『捌』 初中英語試講





『玖』 求一份初中英語試講教案!

















































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