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發布時間: 2024-05-12 03:54:57

『壹』 英語新聞稿.求翻譯.....謝謝大家...






在建議的計劃,代理商的傭金可以徵收3% ~ 5%的鐵礦石進口總額的指控。他說,中國必須爭取有一個統一的鐵礦石價格進口來規范市場,並將長期現貨價格之間的差異。




中國將致力於提高鋼鐵生產621.5萬噸,今年,鋼廠已經增加鐵礦石進口產品以滿足日益 上周預計證券可編程序控制器(Plc)預測2010年的鐵礦石價格上升了55%的人相比,有百分之二十的徒步旅行。



『貳』 英語新聞稿格式及結構



1、新聞要素: 不可忽略5W1H(Who、What、When、Where、 Why、 How)。







The vice premier said a thorough investigation into the cause of the incident should beconcted and that those responsible for it should be punished seriously in accordance with law.

A lesson should be drawn from the incident and people should be put first, he stressed, addingthat more efforts should be exerted to crack down on unlicensed proction and corruption behindproction safety incidents.

He also demanded local authorities have a scientific outlook on development.

Proction safety should be strengthened through more investment, scientific andtechnological progress and better management, the vice premier said.

『叄』 短篇英語新聞稿近期的

North Korea: Kim's Uncle Sacked for 『Criminal Acts』
SEOUL — North Korea announced on Monday the dismissal of Jang Song Thaek, the once powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong Un, for what it described as a string of criminal acts including corruption, womanizing and drug-taking.

South Korea's spy agency last week said it believed Jang, long regarded as the second most powerful man in the secretive state, had been relieved of his posts in November.

The sacking means Pyongyang is undergoing its biggest leadership upheaval since the death in 2011 of former leader Kim Jong Il, the younger Kim's father.

」Jang and his followers committed criminal acts baffling imagination and they did tremendous harm to our party and revolution,」 the North's KCNA news agency said in a report following a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party politburo on Sunday.

The meeting decided to dismiss Jang from all his posts and expel him from the Workers' Party, KCNA said. Kim Jong Un attended and `」guided」 the meeting, it said.

KCNA listed a series of acts committed by Jang that it said led to the decision to remove him, including mismanagement of the country's financial system, corruption, womanizing and abusing alcohol and drugs.

」Jang pretended to uphold the party and leader but was engrossed in such factional acts [such] as dreaming different dreams and involving himself in double-dealing behind the scene,」 KCNA said.

」Affected by the capitalist way of living, Jang committed irregularities and corruption and led a dissolute and depraved life.」

Jang is married to Kim's aunt, the daughter of the North's founding leader Kim Il Sung, and was widely considered to be working to ensure his nephew firmly established his grip on power in the past two years.

Last week a South Korean official said Jang was likely alive and in no immediate physical danger, as was his wife, Kim Kyong Hui.

Experts say Jang's removal will help the younger Kim consolidate his power base with a group of younger aides.

Jang had been a prominent fixture in many of the reports and photographs of Kim Jong Un's public activities, but his appearances have tapered off sharply this year and he has not been in official media since early November.

South Korean media said on Friday that a man who managed funds for Jang had fled and sought asylum in South Korea.

The aide, who has not been not named, was being protected by South Korean officials in a secret location in China, cable news network YTN and the Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper said, citing sources familiar with the matter.

『肆』 求一篇簡單的英語新聞稿~~

Twenty-one member economies are taking part in the APEC summit in Honolulu, hosted this year by the United States.Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Honolulu Thursday, as ministerial talks were under way.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in remarks at the East-West Center, said the United States will increase its Pacific investments in the coming decades.「It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the 21st century, the world』s strategic and economic center of gravity will be the Asia-Pacific, from the Indian subcontinent to western shores of the Americas,」 Clinton said.U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, speaking to reporters, said the crisis in Europe remains the central challenge to global growth. He says APEC finance ministers voiced support for last week's pledge by the G20 leaders to work for global recovery. He says China can help through a more flexible exchange rate.「China, in particular, must continue to allow its currency to strengthen, and China has acknowledged the importance of faster exchange rate adjustment,」 Geithner said.The United States hopes to expand Pacific trade, and to finalize a framework for a Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade zone. Talks now involve nine nations, including the United States, Australia, Peru, Chile and Vietnam.President Barack Obama will arrive here Friday and meet with other Asia Pacific leaders over the weekend.


『伍』 英語新聞稿怎麼寫




More than seven percent of university studentssurveyed said that they have experiencedharassment from unidentified people on theircollege campuses.


The survey, which polled 601 students from over100 Chinese universities,revealed that 7.58 percentof the respondents had experienced harassment,according to an article in last Monday's edition ofChina Youth Daily.

據上周一《中國青年報》的一篇文章指出,該項研究向昌鍵來自中國100多所高校的601名學生進行了 調查,發現7.58%的受訪者曾經經歷過性騷擾。

Moreover, about 65.24 percent said they had heard of similar situations experienced by theirclassmates.


However, the article quoted some students as saying that in many cases victims dare not todirectly confront their harassers and many felt ashamed to tell their families or teachers.

但是該文章引述一些學生的話稱,在很多情況下,受害人都不敢直接面對騷擾自己的人,也羞於告 訴老師和家人。

Students surveyed also said that enhanced security is required on university campuses.


A total of 58.81 percent of the students said their campuses allow members of the public toenter freely, while 81.38 percent said universities should take measures to control entry.

共有58.81%的學生表示,他們的學校允許社會人員自由出輪慎入,而81.38%的學生則表示高校應該采 取措施控制這一現象。

『陸』 2分鍾英語新聞稿,有翻譯

Putin plans to leave G20 early amid tensions

There have been handshakes and a family photo... but the reception for Russian PresidentVladimir Putin has been less than amicable. According to a member of his delegation, Putinplans to leave the G20 summit early, after Western leaders blasted Moscow for the crisis inUkraine and threatened more sanctions. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is quotedtelling Putin, "I guess I'll shake your hand but I have only one thing to say to you: you need toget out of Ukraine." The conflict in the east has claimed more than 4,000 lives. And a fragileceasefire is dangling by a thread. Yet Russia denies it's involved in a recent escalation ofmilitary activity in Ukraine. But it's certainly the topic of conversation... In a one-on-onemeeting between Putin and British Prime Minister David Cameron, the conflict in Ukraine wasthe only matter discussed. A Russian official says the reason Putin plans to leave the summitearly is because he needs to attend meetings in his own country.


『柒』 四級作文新聞稿怎麼寫

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on
(1) a visit to a Hope elementary school organized by your Student Union
(2) a visit to a Home of old people
(3) a visit to a local farm
You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。

『捌』 跪求英語新聞稿(要一周內的、有中文翻譯、一定要短、網址也寫一下)

According to the Foxnews, painful memories of people could be erased from their mind by a new medical technology, a research made by Johns Hopkins University suggests.
據國外網站「the Foxnews」報道,約翰.霍普金斯大學一項研究表明,一種新型葯物技術可以「抹去」人們的痛苦記憶。
The Johns Hopkins researchers say they are working on ways to remove the proteins from the brain's fear center, which would erase painful memories of people forever.
"When a traumatic event occurs, it creates a fearful memory that can last a lifetime and have a debilitating effect on a person's life," said Richard L. Huganir, professor at the Hopkins School of Medicine.
Huganir and his colleges discovered a "window of vulnerability" when unique receptor proteins are created. Because the proteins are unstable, they can be easily removed with drugs or behavior therapy, ensuring the memory is eliminated forever.

Kate Farinholt, member of NAMI Maryland, a mental health support group, said, while it may be beneficial to erase a memory, there are still unanswered questions.

『玖』 怎麼寫新東方英語四六級講座的新聞稿





『拾』 英語新聞稿格式


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