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發布時間: 2024-04-24 08:47:02

A. 四級英語口語練習:「脫貧、扶貧」用英語怎麼說

【導讀】一部貼近生活見證成長的電視劇《山海情》暖心熱播,《山海情》(Minning Town)


poverty elimination 脫貧;消除貧困

據牛津詞典的釋義,eliminate的詞義是to remove or get rid of sth/sb,即排除、清除、消除。

▷Efforts should be made to improve local living environment, raise the local
living standard, and enhance people』s ability to work, and follow-up plans and
measures are also needed to sustain the results of poverty elimination.


poverty alleviation 扶貧

alleviate意為to make sth less severe,即減輕、緩和的意思。我們看到,官方除了在上述「脫貧」的表述中使用poverty

▷We will take targeted measures against corruption and misconct in poverty
alleviation, and improve the methods used in evaluation and oversight.


poverty rection 減貧

▷China is taking concrete actions to support poverty eradication



B. 英語四級口語速成方法


C. 50個必備英語四六級口語考試熱門話題

1. My view on opportunity and challenge.

2. Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life.

3. Do you want to find a job you are interested in or a well-paid one? You’re free to talk about your future jobs.

4. What kind of TV programs do you like best? You are required to make a conversation about one of your favorite TV programs you have watched recently?

5. How do you define “Happiness”?

6. Have you ever taken part in a certain elective course? How is it going on? Why did you choose it? Do you benefit a lot from it?

7. What kind of physical challenges do you enjoy best? Describe the excitement of that activity. And how about mental challenges? (Reference words: mountaineering, skating, car racing, chess games, marketing, etc.)

8. What’s your own way of spending two-day weekend? Anything special? You are welcome to name some advisable choices for our weekend.

9. What is your favorate holiday? (reference: Spring Festival ,Moon’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter , Christmas, etc.)

10. Do you love traveling? What places of interest have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner and tell him or her what you learn from it?

11. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it?

12. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays?

13. Your best friend’s sister is going to marry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations.

14. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal?

15. You find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit smoking.

16. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty.

17. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner.

18. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner.

19. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our ty to achieve this goal?

20. Campus marriage: good or bad?

21. My view on the value of life.

22.There still exists sexual discrimination against the female in job market in China. What’s your opinion on it?

23. Do you think honesty is going out of style ?why or why not?

24. Are you afraid of making mistakes? What helps you overcome them? Can you give an example?

25.Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the reasons?

26. What is intelligence? Does a high score in an intelligence test mean one is intelligent ?

27.What kind of feeling do you have when you are praised? How do you feel when you are blamed?

28. If a foreigner comes to visit our university, how do you make a brief introction of our campus to him or her?

29. Your friends ask you to go to see a film this evening. You don't want to go as you have a lot of homework to do. What do you say to them?

30. What is your idea of a qualified teacher?

31. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how?

32. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your definition of “true love”?

33. What can you do to resist temptation(誘惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.)

34. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why?

35. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(網友)? Why or why not?

36. Is it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a good job? You two are on opposite sides and are supposed to give your own opinions.

37. If you got 5,000,000 Yuan by winning lottery ticket, what will you do? Share your opinion with your partner.

38. “Laughter is the best medicine.” You two can discuss it freely.

39. Do you think there is a friendship between parents and children? How can you improve it?

40. Do you often judge people by appearances? How do you think about it?

41. What are the essential qualities to success?

42. Do you think what is your most difficult part when you learn English?

43. Can you describe the importance of self-confidence? Can you give some examples or tell your own experience about it?

44. What do you think a young person can learn from an old man?

45. Do you think who are more important, old friends or new friends? What’s the most important among friends?

46. Do you have any idea of the greenhouse effect?

47. What’s your feeling about the earthquake in Wenchuang?

48. When an earthquake comes, what should we do to protect ourselves?

49. Discuss a person you respect or admire. And why?

50. What can we do to build up a healthy environment?


D. 鑻辮鍥涘叚綰у彛璇鑰冭瘯鍐呭





鑰冨畼鎸囦護濡備笅錛欻ello,welcome to the CET Spoken English Test鈥擝and Four.We wish you both good luck today.

Now let鈥檚 begin with self-introctions,Candidate A,would you please start?(鑰冪敓A鍏堜綔絳旓紝鏃墮棿20縐)Thank you.Candidate B,now it鈥檚 your turn.(鐒跺悗鑰冪敓B浣滅瓟錛屾椂闂29縐)Thank you.OK,now that we know each other,let鈥檚 go on.




1錛庤搗鍙ュ滻瀹氫互鎴戠殑璇濋樻槸鈥﹀紑濮嬨侻y topic today is鈥︹

2錛庣浜屾靛紑濮嬫弿榪板浘鐗嘔n the picture,we can see that鈥︹

3錛庣涓夋靛彂琛ㄨ瘎璁猴紝綾諱技浜庢彁鍑哄緩璁錛屽彂鍑哄懠鍚侊紝鍋氬嚭鎬葷粨錛屽氨鏄鎴戜滑鍥涘叚綰т綔鏂囨ā鏉挎渶鍚庣殑閭f靛唴瀹癸紝We need to pay attention to鈥︹︹︹




E. ​2019騫6鏈堣嫳璇鍥涚駭鍙h8000鍙ワ細鎺ュ彈璇鋒眰鍜屽緩璁





銆銆Can I help you? *鐩磋瘧鏄鈥滄垜鍙浠ュ府鍔╀綘鍚?鈥

銆銆Excuse me. (鍔抽┚銆)

銆銆Can I help you? (鏈変簨鍚?)

銆銆What can I do for you?


銆銆Sure. What is it? *榪欑嶈〃杈炬柟寮忔槸浣滀負瀵瑰規柟璇鋒眰甯蹇欑殑鍥炵瓟銆

銆銆Sure, what can I do?

銆銆Sure. How can I help?

銆銆What is it?


銆銆Any problems?

銆銆Is there a problem?

銆銆What seems to be the problem?

銆銆Anything wrong?


銆銆What's the matter?

銆銆What's the matter? (鎬庝箞浜?)

銆銆I don't feel well. (鎴戣夊緱涓嶈垝鏈嶃)


銆銆Of course. *涓鑸鎯呭喌涓嬬殑璇存硶錛屸滃綋鐒垛濄

銆銆Did you finish the report? (浣犲啓瀹屾姤鍛婁簡鍚?)

銆銆Of course. (褰撶劧銆)

銆銆Wanna come to my party? (浣犳潵鍙傚姞鎴戠殑鑸炰細鍚?)

銆銆Of course. (褰撶劧銆)

銆銆Sure. *姣擮f course.瑕佷翰鍒囦竴浜涖



銆銆Sure thing.

銆銆For sure. *淇氳銆


銆銆No way. (緇濆逛笉琛屻)


銆銆No problem. *No problem鏄疍on't worry鐨勯殢鎰忕殑琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡銆

銆銆Could you give me a hand? (鑳藉府鎴戜竴鎶婂悧?)

銆銆No problem. (娌¢棶棰樸)

銆銆There's no problem.

銆銆You bet.

銆銆All right.




銆銆My pleasure.


銆銆Whose idea is it?


銆銆Yes, thank you. *鍚戝規柟琛ㄧず鎰熻阿鐨勫績鎯呫

銆銆Would you like to try? (浣犳兂璇曡瘯鍚?)

銆銆Yes, thank you. (濂界殑錛岃阿璋銆)

銆銆No, thank you. (涓嶏紝涓嶇敤浜嗐)


銆銆Yes, please. *璇鋒眰瀵規柟甯蹇欐椂銆

銆銆Would you like some more? (鎮ㄦ兂鍐嶈佺偣鍎垮悧?)

銆銆Yes, please. (鏄鐨勶紝鎷滄墭鎮ㄣ)


銆銆Go ahead. *鍌淇冨規柟璇磋瘽鎴栬屽姩鏃躲

銆銆May I? (鎴戝彲浠<鍏堚︹︺夊悧?)< p="">

銆銆Go ahead. (鎮ㄨ楓)


銆銆After you.

銆銆After you. (鎮ㄥ厛璇楓)

銆銆Thank you. (璋㈣阿銆)

銆銆Go ahead. *Go ahead姣擜fter you璇姘旇侀殢渚褲


銆銆My pleasure.

銆銆Thank you for the report. (璋㈣阿浣犵殑鎶ュ憡銆)

銆銆My pleasure. (鍝閲岋紝鎴戜箰鎰忎箣鑷熾)

銆銆It's my pleasure.

銆銆I'd be happy to.

銆銆It's no problem.


銆銆Why not? *琛ㄧず鈥滄病鏈夌悊鐢變笉鍚屾剰鈥濈殑璇鎰燂紝鎰忎負鈥滃綋鐒垛濄佲滃緢鎰挎剰鈥濄

銆銆Should we have more drinks? (鎴戜滑鍐嶅枬鐐瑰効鍚?)

銆銆Why not? (褰撶劧銆)

銆銆No reason not to.


銆銆No, not at all.

銆銆Would you mind if I smoked? (鎴戝彲浠ユ娊鐑熷悧?)

銆銆No, not at all. (娌″叧緋伙紝鎮ㄨ楓)


銆銆I will.

銆銆Do your homework now. (浣犵幇鍦ㄥ氨鍋氫綔涓氥)

銆銆I will. (榪欏氨鍋氥)

銆銆I'm going to.

銆銆I'll do it.


銆銆Got it. *鐗瑰埆鏄鍦ㄥ惉鍒板懡浠ゅ拰鍚╁拹鏃剁敤銆

銆銆Get it? (鏄庣櫧浜嗗悧?)

銆銆Got it! (鏄庣櫧銆)

銆銆Got you.

銆銆Gotcha. *淇氳銆


銆銆Say no more. *鐢ㄦ潵鍥炵瓟瀵規柟鎻愬嚭鈥滄兂鈥︹︹濈殑璇鋒眰鏃躲

銆銆I hate to ask you for help, but... (鎴戜笉澶鎯抽夯鐑︿綘錛屼絾鏄鈥︹)

銆銆Say no more. (灝變氦緇欐垜鍚с)

銆銆Be my guest.

銆銆Don't worry about it.

銆銆I'll take care of it.

銆銆Leave it up to me.


銆銆Make yourself at home.

銆銆I like your apartment. (鎴戝枩嬈浣犵殑鍏瀵撱)

銆銆Make yourself at home. (璇烽殢渚跨偣鍎匡紝灝卞儚鍦ㄨ嚜宸卞墮噷涓鏍楓)


銆銆I'd be happy to help you.

銆銆I'd be happy to help you. (寰堥珮鍏翠負鎮ㄦ晥鍔熾)

銆銆That's alright. (璋㈣阿!涓嶇敤浜嗐)

銆銆I'll be happy to help you.

銆銆I'd love to help. *濂蟲у父鐢ㄣ

銆銆I'd be more than happy to help you. *鏇村己璋冮珮鍏寸殑琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡銆


銆銆Certainly. *鎰夊揩鍦般佹劅鍒拌崳騫稿湴鎺ュ彈鍒浜鴻鋒眰鎴栨彁闂鏃訛紝緇欎簣鐨勭ぜ璨屾х殑鍥炵瓟銆

銆銆I'd like more water, please. (鎴戞兂鍐嶈佺偣鍎挎按銆)

銆銆Certainly. (閬靛懡銆)


銆銆Whatever you say.

銆銆I think we should do it this way. (鎴戣や負搴旇ヨ繖鏍峰仛銆)

銆銆Whatever you say. (鐓ф偍璇寸殑鍋氥)

銆銆You're the boss. (鎮ㄦ槸澶村効錛屾偍瀹氬惂!)

銆銆You're in control. (鐢辨偍鎺岀°)


銆銆Anything for you.

銆銆Would you help me out? (浣犺兘甯鎴戝悧?)

銆銆Anything for you. (涓轟綘鍋氫粈涔堥兘琛屻)

銆銆I'll do anything for you. *涓婂彞鏄榪欏彞鐨勭緝鍐欍


銆銆I'll take care of it. *鈥滄垜鏉ュ仛鈥濄佲滄垜璐熻矗浠燴濄

銆銆It's e tomorrow. (鏀浠樻湡鎴姝㈠埌鏄庡ぉ銆)

銆銆I'll take care of it. (鎴戞潵澶勭悊鍚с)

銆銆I'll handle it.

銆銆Leave it to me.

銆銆(You can) count on me. *count on... 鈥滄寚鏈涒︹︹濄佲滀緷闈犫︹︹濄佲滄湡寰呪︹︹濄

銆銆You can leave it up to me.


銆銆Count me in. *鐢ㄥ湪鍚鍒頒簡鏈夎叮鐨勪簨鎯呮垨璁″垝鏃訛紝甯︽湁鈥滆╂垜涔熷弬鍔犲惂鈥濈殑璇鎰熴

銆銆Are you coming? (浣犱篃鏉ュ悧?)

銆銆Count me in. (綆楁垜涓涓銆)

銆銆I'm in.

銆銆I'm into it. *姣旇緝闅忎究鐨勮存硶銆

銆銆Count me out. (鎴戜笉鍋氥/鍒鎶婃垜綆椾笂銆)

F. 英語四級口語萬能句子




1.This is a tough question. I have never heard about it, nor have I ever read about it


2.Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of information in my head now.


3.Have I given enough information? It would be great if you could give me more.


4.Are you asking me something about+「the key of the question」?


5.It is an abstract question. I know little about it.




1.Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion.


2.Therefore, we』d better come to the conclusion


3.There is no doubt that ... has its drawbacks as well as merits.


4.Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion


5.All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.

G. 英語四級口語20秒自我介紹

Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old.
I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office
workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm
happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.

I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful.
There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings,
there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing
basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees
in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many
friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me.
They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.

My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much.
I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy
every day.

H. 這是我的英語四級口語考試自我介紹。希望把它改得更創新,至少多點運用語法從句。

Good morning. My name is Luo wenming. I major in physics. I am from a middle class family, I was born in Foshan,Guangdongon on March, 1994. My father is a doctor, so do other members in my family. Although I am the youngest child in my family, no one ever spoils me. Instead, I
have been expected to be a successful man with advanced ecation. I study hard
at school. In addition to academic subjects, table tennis is my favorite. Whenever
playing, my heart is filled with excitement.

「 helps those who help themselves.」 My father adopts the idea from his father.
Besides in farming, especially in study, I realized it more precisely. (Not really sure what you mean in this paragraph..)

I began to study diligently when I was 9. I started studying English in my early age, because I have learned the its importance. I hope that I can pass the test. And this is my best wish at this moment.

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