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發布時間: 2024-04-09 21:35:43

㈠ 璇嶆眹涓庤娉曠粨鏋勶紙浜岋級璇娉曠粨鏋 - 鍥涚駭璇娉





??銆愪緥1銆慖t is vital that enough money _____ to fund the project.
??A錛塱s collected B錛塵ust be collected
??C錛塨e collected D錛塩an be collected

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 鍦↖t is/was+褰㈠硅瘝錛堝俛dvisable錛宨mportant錛宯ecessary錛寀rgent錛寁ital錛宻trange絳夛級鍚庣殑that寮曡搗鐨勪富璇浠庡彞涓鐢"錛坰hould+錛夊姩璇嶅師褰"榪欐牱鐨勮櫄鎷熻姘斿艦寮忚〃紺"寤鴻銆佽佹眰銆佹儕濂囩瓑"銆傛嵁姝わ紝鍙浠ラ┈涓婇夋嫨C錛変負姝g『絳旀堬紝鑰屼笉鐢ㄨ冭檻鍏跺畠閫夐」銆傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"閲嶈佺殑鏄涓鴻繖涓欏圭洰絳歸泦鍒拌凍澶熺殑璧勯噾銆"

??銆愪緥2銆慏espite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot ______the movie could nothold our attention.
??A錛塼hree-hours B錛塼hree-hour
??C錛塼hree-hours D錛塼hree-hour's

??銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら樿櫧棰樺彞杈冮暱錛屼絾浠呯湅棰橀」渚垮彲浠ョ寽嫻嬪埌鍙鑳借冨埌鐨勮璦鐐廣傚啀瑙傚療絀烘牸鍓嶅悗錛岄┈涓婂彲浠ヤ笅緇撹:姝ら樿冪殑鏄"鏁拌瘝+鍚嶈瘝"鏋勬垚澶嶅悎褰㈠硅瘝浣滃畾璇鐨勭敤娉曘傝屽湪榪欑嶅嶅悎璇嶄腑鍚嶈瘝瑕佺敤鍗曟暟錛屼笉鐢ㄥ姞's銆傝繖鏍峰湪涓嶇敤闃呰誨叏鍙ユ垨鐞嗚В鍏ㄥ彞鐨勫墠鎻愪笅涔熷彲浠ラ夊嚭姝g『絳旀圔錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"灝界¤繖閮ㄩ暱杈3涓灝忔椂鐨勭數褰辨紨鎶楂樿秴錛屾儏鑺傜揣鍑戱紝鍗存湭鑳藉惛寮曟垜浠鐨勬敞鎰忓姏銆"

??銆愪緥3銆慣he traditional approach ______with complex problems is to break them down into smaller錛宮ore easily managed problems.
??A錛塼o dealing B錛塱n dealing C錛塪ealing D錛塼o deal

??銆愮畝鏋愩 鏄劇劧錛岀┖鏍煎唴濉鍏ョ殑閮ㄥ垎搴旇ュ拰with complex problems緇勬垚鐭璇浣滃悕璇峚pproach鐨勫畾璇錛岃〃紺"澶勭悊鈥︾殑鍔炴硶"銆俛pproach鍚庡簲褰撴帴浠嬭瘝to+鍔ㄥ悕璇嶏紝鏈夌被浼肩敤娉曠殑鍚嶈瘝榪樻湁answer鍜宻olution銆傜瓟妗堟槸A錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"瑙e喅澶嶆潅闂棰樼殑浼犵粺鏂規硶鏄灝嗗叾鍒嗚В涓轟竴涓涓灝忚屾槗浜庤В鍐崇殑闂棰樸"

??銆愪緥4銆慛ot only ______about the food錛宧e also refused to pay for it.
??A錛塼he customer complained
??B錛塪id the customer complain
??C錛墂hen the customer complained
??D錛塼he customer did complain

??銆愮畝鏋愩 鍙ラ栦負鍚﹀畾璇嶆垨甯︽湁鍚﹀畾鎰忎箟鐨勮瘝璇鏃訛紝濡俷ever錛宐y no means錛宭ittle錛宻eldom錛宯o sooner...than錛宯ot only...but錛坅lso錛夌瓑錛屽父鐢ㄩ儴鍒嗗掕呫傚洜姝わ紝鍒氭帴瑙﹁繖涓鍙ュ瓙灝辯煡閬撻夐」B錛夋槸姝g『絳旀堛傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"榪欎綅欏懼涓嶄粎鎶辨ㄩ熺墿寰堢碂錛岃屼笖鎷掔粷浠

??銆愪緥1銆慣he little man was ____ one metre fifty high.
??A錛塧lmost more than B錛塰ardly more than
??C錛塶early more than D錛塧s much as

??銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら橀樺彞鏈変竴涓寰堥噸瑕佺殑瑙i樹俊鎮"little"錛屾寚浜鴻韓鏉愮煯灝忥紝鏈夊惁瀹氱殑鍚涔夈傝4涓棰橀」涓錛屽彧鏈塀錛変腑鐨刪ardly鏈夊惁瀹氱殑鍚涔夛紝hardly more than鎰忎負"涓嶈凍"錛屼粠鍚﹀畾瑙掑害鎻忚堪浜虹殑韜楂橈紝絎﹀悎鍙ュ瓙鎰忎箟涓婄殑閫昏緫鍏崇郴銆傚洜姝ょ瓟妗堟槸B錛夈傝宎lmost more than鍜宯early more than鎰忔濈浉鍚岋紝鍧囦負"鍑犱箮瓚呰繃"錛屾湁鑲瀹氱殑鍚涔夈俛s much as鎰

??銆愪緥2銆慪ou _____ her in her office last Friday:she s been out of town for two weeks.
??A錛塶eedn't have seen B錛塵ust have seen
??C錛塵ight have seen D錛塩an't have seen

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら樼殑4涓閫夐」鍧囦負"鎯呮佸姩璇+涓嶅畾寮忓畬鎴愬紡"鐨勭粨鏋勶紝琛ㄧず璇磋瘽浜哄硅繃鍘誨彂鐢熷姩浣滅殑涓昏傚垽鏂錛屼粠璇娉曡掑害娌℃湁鎻愪緵瑙i樹俊鎮銆備粠鍙ユ剰鑰冭檻錛宯eedn't have seen鏈"涓嶅繀鐪嬭侊紝鍏跺疄宸茬粡鐪嬭"鐨勫惈涔夛紝might have seen鎰忎負"涔熻哥湅瑙佽繃"錛宮ust have seen琛ㄧず"涓瀹氱湅瑙佽繃"錛屾樉鐒跺拰鍘熷彞鍐掑彿鍚庨潰鐨"濂瑰幓澶栧湴宸茬粡涓や釜鏄熸湡浜"鐩哥煕鐩俱傜瓟妗堝簲璇ユ槸D錛夈俢an't have done鐢ㄤ簬鎺ㄦ祴榪囧幓鐨勫姩浣滀竴瀹氭病鏈夊彂鐢燂紝絎﹀悎鍙ユ剰銆傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"涓婃槦鏈熶簲浣犱笉鍙鑳藉湪鍔炲叕瀹よ佸埌濂癸紝濂瑰幓澶栧湴宸茬粡涓や釜鏄熸湡浜嗐"

??銆愪緥3銆 _____you are familiar with the author's ideas錛宼ry reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.
??A錛塏ow that B錛塃ver since C錛塖o that D錛堿s long as
??銆愮畝鏋愩 浠庡彞瀛愮粨鏋勭湅錛岀己灝戜竴涓榪炴帴璇嶃傝岄夐」涓鎵鎻愪緵鐨勯兘鏄榪炴帴璇嶏紝鍥犳ゆ棤娉曚粠璇娉曠粨鏋勪笂鏉ュ垽鏂銆備粠鍙ュ瓙鐨勬剰鎬濅笂鐪嬶紝絀烘牸鍐呭簲濉鍏ヤ竴涓琛ㄧず鍥犳灉鍏崇郴鐨勮繛鎺ヨ瘝銆侭錛塭ver since錛堣嚜鈥︿互鏉ワ級寮曞兼椂闂寸姸璇浠庡彞;C錛塻o that錛堜互渚誇簬錛屼互鑷翠簬錛夊紩瀵肩洰鐨勬垨緇撴灉鐘惰浠庡彞錛屼笖涓嶆斁浜庡彞棣;D錛塧s long as錛堝彧鏈夛級琛ㄧず鏉′歡錛屽潎涓嶇﹀悎瑕佹眰銆侫錛塶ow that錛堟棦鐒訛級寮曞煎師鍥犵姸璇浠庡彞錛岀﹀悎鍙ユ剰錛屾晠鏄絳旀堛傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"鏃㈢劧浣犲凡緇忕啛鐭ヤ綔鑰呯殑鎬濇兂瑙傜偣錛岃瘯鐫浠ユ渶蹇鐨勯熷害璇誨畬鎵鏈夌殑絝犺妭銆"鍙﹀栧嚑涔庢墍鏈夋湁鍏寵繛鎺ヨ瘝鐨勮冮橀兘瑕佷粠鎰忎箟鐨勯昏緫鍏崇郴鍏ユ墜錛屽洜涓鴻繛鎺ヨ瘝鏈韜鍗蟲槸榪欑嶉昏緫鍏崇郴鐨勮澆浣撱

??銆愪緥4銆慔ow close parents are to their children _____a strong influence on the character of the children.
A錛塰ave B錛塰as C錛塰aving D錛塼o have

??銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら橀夐」涓鐨勫姩璇峢ave鍊掑簳搴旀槸璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝榪樻槸闈炶皳璇鍔ㄨ瘝錛
搴斾粠絀烘牸鍓嶅悗涓ら儴鍒嗙殑閫昏緫鍏崇郴鍏ユ墜銆傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濆簲璇ユ槸:"鐖舵瘝涓庡叾瀛愬コ浜茶繎鐨勭▼搴﹀瑰瓙濂崇殑鎬ф牸鏈夊緢澶х殑褰卞搷銆"鐢辨ょ湅鏉ワ紝"How close parents are to their children"榪欎竴涓昏皳緇撴瀯搴旀槸涓涓涓昏浠庡彞錛岃佹眰濉鍏ョ殑搴旀槸涓誨彞鐨勮皳璇鍔ㄨ瘝銆傞潪璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝having錛宼o have涓嶅彲鍗曠嫭浣滆皳璇錛屾晠鎺掗櫎銆傝岀敱how寮曡搗鐨勪富璇浠庡彞搴旂湅浣滄槸鍗曟暟錛屾晠絳旀堟槸B錛夈

??銆愪緥5銆慣he school board listened quitely as John read the demands that his followers ____for.
??A錛塨e demonstrating B錛塪emonstrate
??C錛塰ad been demonstrating D錛塰ave demonstrated

??銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら樹腑鐨刣emand+that浠庡彞鍙鑳戒細緇欒冪敓閫犳垚涓縐嶉敊瑙夛紝鑻ヤ笉浠旂粏鐪嬮樺彞錛屼細浠ヤ負that寮曞肩殑鍙堟槸璇娉曚腑鑰佺敓甯歌皥鐨勫悓浣嶈浠庡彞錛岄┈涓婇夋嫨A錛夌敤鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷艦be demonstrating琛ㄧず鐨勮櫄鎷熻姘斿艦寮忋備簨瀹炰笂錛屽垎鏋愬彞鎰忓彲浠ョ湅鍑猴紝that鍏跺疄寮曞肩殑鏄瀹氳浠庡彞錛屽硅櫄鎷熻姘斿艦寮忎笉鍋氳佹眰銆傜敱浜庡畾璇浠庡彞鐨勮皳璇鍙戠敓鍦ㄤ富鍙ヨ皳璇涔嬪墠錛屼笖寤剁畫鍒頒富鍙ュ姩浣滃彂鐢熸椂錛屾牴鎹涓諱粠鍙ヨ皳璇鏃舵佷竴鑷寸殑鍘熷垯錛屽彧鏈夎繃鍘誨畬鎴愯繘琛屾椂鏈鎮板綋銆傛晠絳旀堟槸C錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"瀛︽牎钁d簨浼氱殑鎴愬憳浠闈欓潤鍦板惉鐫綰︾堪瀹h諱粬鐨勬嫢鎶よ呬滑涓鐩村湪**鐨勮佹眰銆"



??甯哥敤浜庤繖縐嶇粨鏋勭殑榪炶瘝鏈塧nd錛宐ut錛宱r錛宯or錛宯ot only...but also錛宔ither...or錛宯either...nor錛宐oth...and錛宎s well as錛宼han錛...and as well絳夈傚勪簬騫寵屽叧緋葷殑閮ㄥ垎鍙浠ユ槸鍙ュ瓙涓鐨勪換浣曟垚鍒嗭紝濡傚悕璇嶃佷唬璇嶃佹暟璇嶃佸艦瀹硅瘝銆佸壇璇嶃佸姩璇嶃佸姩鍚嶈瘝錛堢煭璇錛夈佷笉瀹氬紡鐭璇銆佷粙璇嶇煭璇銆佸垎璇嶇煭璇銆佷粠鍙ョ瓑銆備絾璇曢樹腑涓鑸浠ョ煭璇鍜屽垎鍙ョ殑騫寵岀粨鏋勪負澶氥傝繛鎺ヨ瘝鎵榪炴帴鐨勯儴鍒嗛氬父鍦ㄨ璦褰㈠紡涓婅秼鍚戜竴鑷達紝鎴栧悓涓轟笉瀹氬紡錛屾垨鍚屼負緇撴瀯涓鏍風殑浠庡彞絳夈傚:

??銆愪緥1銆慔aving no money but _____to know錛宧e simply said he would go without dinner.
??A錛塶ot to want anyone B錛塶ot wanting anyone
??C錛墂anted no one D錛塼o want no one

??銆愮畝鏋愩 棰樺彞涓璪ut榪炴帴鐨勬槸涓や釜騫跺垪鎴愬垎錛屽湪鍙ヤ腑涓璧峰仛鍘熷洜鐘惰銆傛牴鎹騫寵岀粨鏋勭殑瑙勫垯錛宐ut鍚庝篃搴斿綋鐢ㄧ幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶇煭璇銆傚洜姝ょ瓟妗堟槸B錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"浠栨病鏈夐挶鑰屽張涓嶆効璁╀漢鐭ラ亾錛屾墍浠ュ共鑴嗚翠粬涓嶆兂鍚冨崍楗銆"

??銆愪緥2銆慏uring the examination we were supposed to stay in our seats錛宬eep our eyes on our work _____to anyone.
??A錛塨ut couldn t speak B錛塧nd not speak
??C錛塺ather than speak D錛塱nstead of speaking

??銆愮畝鏋愩 浠庨樺彞鍜岄橀」鍙浠ョ湅鍑猴紝絀烘牸涓鎵瑕佸~鍏ョ殑閮ㄥ垎鍦ㄥ唴瀹逛笂鏄搴斿拰stay in our seats錛宬eep our eyes on our work騫跺垪鐨"鑰冭瘯涓瀵規垜浠鐨"鍙︿竴欏"瑕佹眰"錛屽艦寮忎笂搴斿睘浜庡鉤琛岀粨鏋勩傛牴鎹畇uppose鐨勭敤娉曞強騫寵岀粨鏋勭浉涓鑷寸殑鍘熷垯錛屾墍濉閮ㄥ垎涔熷簲涓轟笉瀹氬紡鐭璇銆傜瓟妗堟槸B錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"鑰冭瘯涓瑕佹眰鎴戜滑鍋氬埌鍛嗗湪搴т綅涓婏紝闆嗕腑娉ㄦ剰鍔涳紝騫朵笖涓嶄氦澶存帴鑰熾"

??銆愪緥3銆慣hey usually have less money at the end of the month than ____at the beginning.
A錛墂hich is B錛墂hich was C錛塼hey have D錛塱t is

??銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ゅ彞涓錛岀敤than榪涜屾瘮杈冪殑鍐呭瑰簲璇ユ槸涓や釜鐩鎬簰瀵瑰簲鐨勪簨鐗╋紝鎵閲囩敤鐨勭粨鏋勪篃搴旂浉鍚岋紝鍙涓嶈繃than鍚庣殑浠庡彞涓鏈夋墍鐪佺暐銆傚洜姝ょ瓟妗堟槸C錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"浠栦滑閫氬父鍦ㄦ湀搴曢挶姣旀湀鍒濆皯銆"



? 銆愪緥1銆慏oing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores錛宎nd this is especially true ____it comes to classroom tests.

? A錛墂hen B錛塻ince C錛塨efore D錛塧fter

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 鏈棰樿冩牳鍥哄畾緇撴瀯when it comes to...錛堝綋娑夊強鍒扳︽椂錛屽綋璋堝埌鈥︽椂錛夌殑鐢ㄦ硶銆傝嫢浜嗚В榪欎竴緇撴瀯錛岀粨鍚堝彞鎰忥紝渚誇笉闅鵑夊嚭姝g『絳旀堟槸A錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"鍋氬ソ瀹跺涵浣滀笟鏄鎻愰珮鑰冭瘯鎴愮嘩鐨勬渶鏈夋晥鐨勬柟娉曪紝璇懼爞嫻嬮獙灝ゅ叾濡傛ゃ"

??銆愪緥2銆慗ust because she has failed many times錛宊____ that she will not succeed tomorrow.
??A錛塼hat does not follow B錛塱t does not follow
??C錛塱t is followed D錛塼his will not follow

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 絳旀堟槸B錛夈侸ust because...it doesn t follow that...鏄鍥哄畾鍙ュ瀷錛屾剰涓"騫朵笉鑳藉洜涓衡﹀氨寰楀嚭鈥︼紙鐨勭粨璁猴級"銆傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"騫朵笉鑳藉洜涓哄ス澶辮觸榪囧ソ澶氭★紝灝辮村ス鏄庡ぉ涓嶄細鎴愬姛銆"


??銆愪緥1銆慣oday錛宊____ major new procts without concting elaborate market research.
??A錛塩orporations hardly introce ever
??B錛塩orporations hardly ever introce
??C錛塰ardly corporations introce ever
??D錛塰ardly corporations ever introce

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 榪欐槸涓涓鏈夊叧璇搴忕殑棰樼洰銆傞夐」C錛夊拰D錛変腑閮戒互鍓璇峢ardly寮澶達紝璞hardly榪欐牱甯︽湁鍚﹀畾鎰忎箟鐨勮瘝鎴栫煭璇浣嶄簬鍙ラ栨椂錛屽彞瀛愬簲璇ュ掕咃紝鑰孋錛夊拰D錛夊潎鏈鍊掕咃紝涓嶅悎涔庤娉曪紝鍏堝綋鎺掗櫎銆傞夐」A錛変腑ever涓巋ardly鍒嗙諱綅浜庡姩璇嶅悗錛屼笉絎﹀悎鑻辮琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡錛屼篃鍙鎺掗櫎銆傜瓟妗堟槸B錛夈俬ardly ever鎰忎負"鍑犱箮浠庝笉;寰堝皯;闅懼緱"銆傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"鐜板湪娌℃湁鍝瀹跺叕鍙鎬細鍦ㄦ病鏈夎繘琛屽懆瀵嗙殑甯傚満璋冩煡鐨勬儏鍐典笅灝卞紩榪涗富瑕佺殑鏂頒駭鍝併"

? 銆愪緥2銆慖t is not unusual for workers in that region _____.
??A錛塼o be paid later than more a month
??B錛塼o be paid more than a month late
??C錛塼o pay later than a month more
??D錛塼o pay late more than a month

? 銆愮畝鏋愩 姝ら樹腑姣忎釜閫夐」閮藉嚑涔庡拰棰樺彞涓鏍烽暱錛屼嬌鑰冪敓瑙夊緱鏈変簺娣蜂貢錛屽彲鑳芥棤娉"涓涓嬪瓙"鎵懼埌絳旀堛傝繖鏃跺彲閲囩敤鎺掗櫎娉曘傛牴鎹棰樹箟錛寃orkers鍜屽悗闈㈢殑鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮忕殑鍔ㄨ瘝搴旀槸琚鍔ㄧ殑鍏崇郴錛屾晠鎺掗櫎C錛夊拰D錛夈侫錛変腑later than more a month涓嶇﹀悎鑻辮琛ㄨ揪涔犳儻錛屼篃搴旀帓闄ゃ傜瓟妗堟槸B錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑鎰忔濇槸:"閭d釜鍦板尯鐨勫伐浜轟滑涓涓澶氭湀鍚庢墠鎷垮埌宸ヨ祫鏄甯告湁鐨勪簨銆"

??銆愪緥3銆慱____ 錛宧e does get irritated with her sometimes.
??s he likes her much B錛塎uch though he likes her
??C錛塗hough much he likes her D錛塎uch as he likes her

??銆愮畝鏋愩 A錛変笉絎﹀悎鍙ユ剰;B錛夊拰C錛夊湪緇撴瀯涓婁笉絎﹀悎鑻辮琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡錛岄兘搴旀帓闄ゃ傚艦瀹硅瘝鎴栧壇璇嶅湪鍙ラ栵紝 鍚庢帴as寮曞肩殑浠庡彞錛岀浉褰撲簬although鎴杢hough寮曞肩殑璁╂ョ姸璇浠庡彞銆侻uch as he likes her灝辯瓑浜嶢lhough he likes her very much錛岀﹀悎鍙ユ剰銆傚洜姝ょ瓟妗堟槸D錛夈傚叏鍙ョ殑

㈡ 英語里各種親戚的稱呼


㈢ 《父母在子女成長中扮演怎樣的角色》四級英語作文,復制的不要

Title: How Parents Play Roles in Their Children's Growing -up
Although a parent's role in their children's learning evolves as kids grow, one thing remains constant: parents are your children's learning models. Therefore, parents must be a role model for learning. In the early years, parents are their children's first teachers — exploring nature, reading together, cooking together, and counting together. When a young child begins formal school, the parent's job is to show him/her how school can extend the learning you began together at home, and how exciting and meaningful this learning can be. Parents help their kids organize their time and support their desires to learn new things in and out of school.
Also parents play roles in the following:
Pay attention to what your child loves.
Tune into how your child learns.
Practice what your child learns at school.
Set aside time to read together.
Connect what your child learns to everyday life.
Connect what your child learns to the world.
Help your child take charge of his respomsibilty.
When parents do all their can , their kids will be benefit in their whole life.

㈣ 求一篇關於父母跟子女的理想關系的文章(英文)

A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis mutual understanding and respect. Parents can not impose their ideas on their children.

They should treat their children as independent indivial. It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to children』s ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children. On the other hand, children should listen to their parents』 advice for they』re more experienced.

Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents. Always keep one thing in min---whatever they do comes from their love for us. It is necessary children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.

㈤ 2019年12月四級翻譯真題答案及解析——家庭教育





Chinese families attach e importance to children's ecation. Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well ecated. Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's ecation, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn. The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities. As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.




【解析】此舉為主謂賓結構,十分重視:attach e importance to

【參考答案】 Chinese families attach e importance to children's ecation.



【參考答案】Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well ecated.


【解析】出現“不僅……而且……”, 選擇“not only…but also…”處理,可以將not only提前,將句子處理為半倒裝。

花時間做某事:spend time (on / in) doing sth.

情願:bewilling to;投資:investin;督促:push/urge

【參考答案】Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's ecation, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn.



多數:most / the great majority of; 名牌大學:prestigious universities.

【參考答案】The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities.


【解析】此句子有兩個狀語成分,其中“由於改革開放”是原因狀語,處理為“eto”或“as a result of”;“讓其拓寬視野”是結果狀語,處理為so as to broaden their horizons.

改革開放:the reform and opening up; 國外學習:study abroad;參加國際交流項目:participate in international exchange projects

【參考答案】As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons.


【解析】期待某人做某事:expectsb. todosth; 注意此處“健康”處理為副詞,修飾動詞“成長”;

為…做貢獻:contribute to

【參考答案】Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.


㈥ 以父母與孩子的關系為話題字數不低於100的英語作文

A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap. Parents complained that children didn't show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents didn't understand them at all. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.

One cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life. In traditional socieries, children live in the same area as their parents, marry people their parents know and approve of, and often continue the family occupation. In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different.

In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to be better than them. However, these ambitions for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often they discover that they have very little in common.

Finally, the speed of change in our society is another cause of it. In a traditional culture, people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.

No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes.





㈦ 大學英語四級歷年翻譯真題及答案.12






Chinese parents have frequently tended to pay too much attention to their children's study, so that children don’t help them do the housework. Their only requirement for their children is to study hard, perform well in the exams, and go to a famous/prestigious university. They believe it is good for their children, because in such a highly competitive society, only good results could ensure a promising future. Chinese parents also believe that parents will be honored if their children can achieve great success in society. Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies and interests, to create much better conditions for children.






The annual Chinese speech contest for foreigners was held in Changsha this year。 The contest proves to be a good way to promote cultural exchanges between China and other parts of the world。 It offers the young all over the world an opportunity to know more about China.126 candidates from 87 nations gathered in the capital of Hunan province to attend the semifinal and the final from July 6 to August 5。 Besides the contest, the candidates also got a chance to visit famous tourist attractions and historical interests in other parts of China。






The ancient town of Lijiang in Yunnan province is one of the famous tourist destinations。 Its living rhythm is slower than that of most other Chinese cities。 Lijiang is full of natural beautiful sceneries, where numerous minority nationalities provide rich and varied cultures in order to give tourists a different experience。 Historically, Lijiang was also known as “ the city of love”。 Plenty of stories about living for love and dying for love have been spread among the natives。 Nowadays, the old town equals the paradise of love and romance in the eyes of Chinese and foreign tourists。

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