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『壹』 「英語四級」用英語怎麼翻譯

全稱: College English Test Band 4

『貳』 歷年英語四級的翻譯真題及答案解析


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



The Annual Chinese Speech Contest for Foreigners was held in Changsha this year. The contest was proved to be a good way to promote cultural exchanges between China and other regions all over the world. It provides an opportunity for young people around the world to understand China better.

A total of 126 players from 87 countries gathered in the capital of Hunan province to participate in the semi-final and the final from July 6th to August 5th.

Competition is not the only activity. Players also have a chance to visit famous and historical attractions in other parts of China.




Lijiang, an ancient town of Yunnan Province, is one of the most famous tourist destinations. Its pace of life is slower than that of most cities of China. There are many natural beauties everywhere in Lijiang and many ethnical minorities provide tourists with a great variety of cultural experience. Lijiang is also well-known as the 「city of love」in history. Many stories about life and dying for love have spreaded widely among the locals. Nowadays, for tourists home and abroad, the ancient town is regarded as a paradise of love and romance.



參考解析 :Chinese parents usually intend to pay too much attention to their childrens study to such an extent thatthey even dont require their children to help them do the chores.Their primary requirement for their childrenis to study hard, get good grades and go to famous universities, They believe this does good to their childrenbecause in the society of China which is full of intense competition, only perfect academic performance canensure a bright future.Chinese parents also believe if their children can make great achievements in thesociety, they will receive respect accordingly.Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbiesand interests to provide better conditions for their children.


1.翻譯第一句時,「過於關注……」還可以譯為focus too much on…/be too focused on…等;「做家務」還可譯為do housework.

2.翻譯第二句時,「努力學習」「考得好」和「能上名牌大學」作表語,可用動詞不定式來表達.「他們對孩子的首要要求」是句子的主語,有兩種譯法:一是直接用名詞短語表達,即their primary requirement for theirchildren;二是用名詞性從句表達,即what they require their children first to do.


Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.





坐落 locate

迷人的 charming

經歷 undergo

寬敞 spacious


Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang Province.10cated on the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.This is a charming place,with many ancient bridges,Chinese hotels and restaurants.0ver the past 1,000 years,the water system and life styles in Wuzhen have not undergone many changes.thus making it a museum showing the ancient civilization.All the houses in Wuzhen are built of stone and wood.For centuries,the local people have built houses and markets along the river.Countless beautiful spacious courtyards hide between houses,and visitors will make a surprising discovery wherever they go.

『叄』 2021年6月英語四級翻譯難點解析




An increasing number of English-ecated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China's rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China,where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage.


根據全國老齡工作委員會(the China National Committee On Aging)的數據來看,到2053年,中國60歲及以上的老人數量預計 會從目前的1.85億一躍變為4.87億,或者說是占總人口的35%。擴 張的比例是由於壽命的增加和計劃生育政策(family planning policies) 限制大部分城市家庭只生一個孩子。快速老齡化對社會和經濟穩定 造成了嚴重威脅。


The number of people aged 60 and above in China is expected to jump from the current 185 million to 487 million, or 35 percent of the population, by 2053,according to figures from the China National Committee On Aging. The expanding ratio is e both an increase in life expectancy and by family planning policies that limit most urban families to a single child. Rapid aging poses serious threats to the country』s social and economic stability.


西安是中國古代13個王朝(dynasty)的首都。毫無疑問,它是中國歷史與文化的完美代表。西安居於「中國古都」之首,在中國歷建都時間最長、影響力。它是絲綢之路(the Silk Road)的起點,是中華文明的發祥地。西安到處都是令人驚嘆的歷史奇觀,因此吸引著眾多的國內外遊客。那裡有著中國最古老、最壯觀的博物館和寺廟,其中最的是擁有2000年歷史的兵馬俑博物館(the Terracotta Warriors Museum)。


Xi'an is the capital of 13 ancient Chinese dynasties. It is no doubt the perfect representative of Chinese histoiy and culture. With the longest history of being a capital and the greatest influence in China's history, it tops all the Chinese ancient capitals. It is the starting point of the Silk Road as well as the birthplace of Chinese culture. Filled with amazing historic wonders, Xi'an is attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad. It boasts the oldest and most spectacular museums and temples in China, among which the most famous is the 2000-year-old Terracotta Warriors Museum.


1.第2句中的狀語「毫無疑問」修飾整句話時,可譯為it is no doubt that+從句,也可將no doubt置於系動詞is和名詞之間,譯作it is no doubt the perfect representative…。這樣的表述更簡潔。

2.第3句「西安居於『中國古都』之首,在中國歷建都時間最長,影響力」中,可以將「建都時間最長,影響力」看作是「居於『中國古都』之首」的伴隨狀語,用介詞短語with the longest history…and the greatest influence 來表達。

3.第5句中的「到處都是令人驚嘆的歷史奇觀」是後一分句「吸引……遊客」的原因所在,這里可以用as或for 引導原因狀語從句來表達,也可用一個簡單的分詞短語filled with…來表狀態,語義表達簡潔明了。

4.最後一句中的「那裡有著」可以直譯為there be句型,但過於平淡,宜譯作It boasts…,boast取「自豪地擁有」之義,表達較為生動。「其中……」這個分句可用among which引導非限制性定語從句來表達,使得句子結構緊湊,表達流暢。

『肆』 英語四級段落翻譯大全



蒙古族牧民(Mongolian herdsmen)的生活方式很有特色。牧民們喜歡吃牛羊肉和奶製品,喜歡喝紅茶和磚茶。他們大多住在圓形的蒙古包(Mongolian yurt)里。蒙古包頂上開有天窗(skylight),用來通風和採光。蒙古族是一個能騎善射、能歌善舞的民族。每年七八月舉行的“那達慕”大會(the NadamFair),是蒙古族同胞—年一度的盛大節日。大會上有賽馬、摔跤、射箭比賽和精彩的歌舞表演。每逢盛會,人們都從四面八方趕來參加比賽、觀看錶演,寧靜的大草原頓時變成了歡樂的海洋。


The lifestyle of Mongolian herdsmen is distinctive.Herdsmen like eating beef, mutton and dairyprocts and drinking black tea and brick tea. Mostof them live in Mongolian yurt with a skylight forventilating and lighting. Mongolian people areexperts at horseback riding and shooting and skilled in singing and dancing. The Nadam Fairheld in July or August every year is an annual grand festival for Mongolian people. There arehorse racing,wrestling,archery contest and wonderful dancing and singing performances ringthe festival.During each Nadam Fair, people from different places come to compete and watchperformances, instantly turning the quiet grasslands into a sea of pleasure.

1.蒙古族牧民的生活方式很有特色:作為段落的第一句,翻譯時一定要恰當處理。這里譯者很靈活地把“很有特色”處理為be distinctive,表示跟其他民族不同,特色鮮明;另外,"牧民”還可以譯為shepherds。

2.紅茶和磚茶:不能想當然地把紅茶譯為red tea,而是blacktea;我們對“磚茶” 可能也不太熟悉,磚茶是一種外形為長方體的緊壓茶,文中譯為brick tea,也可音譯為Zhuan Tea。

3.頂上開有天窗:採用介詞短語with a skylight,簡潔明了。

4.能騎善射、能歌善舞:中文為並列關系,英文也應譯為並列的短句be expert at horseback riding andshooting and skilled in singing and dancing。

5.賽馬、摔跤、射箭比賽:可譯為horse racing, wrestling, archery contest。

6.歡樂的海洋:可譯為a sea of joy/pleasure。


泰山(Mount Tai)位於山東省中部。它是中國黃河流域古代文化的發祥地之一,被譽為“五嶽”之首。因其山峰險峻,景色壯麗而聞名於世。中國歷代帝王都把泰山當做天的象徵,紛紛到此封禪(offer sacrifices to)、祭告天地。歷史上的中國文化名人都曾登臨泰山,留下詩文、墨寶。泰山風景區內,現有古建築群22處,古遺址97處,歷代石碑(stele)819塊,歷代刻石1800處,為研究中國古代歷史、書法等提供了重要而豐富的實物資料。泰山不只是一座風景山,更是一座文化山。


Mount Tai locates in the middle of ShandongProvince.It is one of the birthplaces of the ancientculture along the Yellow River basin, and is regardedas the head of the Five Great Mountains. Mount Tai iscelebrated for its precipitous peaks andmagnificent sceneries.In Chinese history, emperors of all dynasties would take a journey toMount Tai, which was considered as the symbol of heaven, to worship and offer sacrifices tothe heaven and earth. The cultural celebrities in ancient China composed numerous pieces ofpoems and calligraphy works after they had toured Mount Tai.Currently, there are 22 ancientarchitecture complexes, 97 historic sites, 819 pieces of stele, 1,800 pieces of carved stones,which provide plenty of important material evidences to make researches on Chinese ancienthistory and calligraphy. Mount Tai is not only a mountain of scenery, but also a mountain ofculture.

1.它是中國黃河流域古代文化的發祥地之一:其中“黃河流域”譯為the Yellow River basin; “發祥地”即“發源地”,譯為birthplace。

2.“五嶽”之首:可譯為 the head of the Five GreatMountains。

3.因其山峰險峻,景色壯麗而聞名於世:其中“因…聞名於世”可譯為be famed for或用be celebrated for表達;“山峰險峻”即“險峻的山峰”,譯為 precipitous peaks; “景色壯麗”即“壯麗的景色”,譯為magnificentsceneries。

4.歷代帝王紛紛到此封禪、祭告天地:其中“歷代帝王”譯為emperors of all dynasties;“紛紛”即“多”,而前句中“emperors”用復數已表達出“多”的含義,故可省略翻譯;“封禪、祭告天地”可譯為worship and offersacrifices to the heaven and earth。


西雙版納與寮國(Laos)、緬甸(Myanmar)相連,鄰近泰國和越南(Vietnam), 與泰國的直線距離僅20@公里。西雙版納具有非常獨特的亞熱帶風光,而且動植物資源非常豐富,素有“植物王國”、“動物王國”、“葯材王國”的美稱。西雙版納的意思是“理想而神奇的樂土”,這里以神奇的熱帶雨林自然最觀和少數民族風情而聞名於世,是中國的熱點旅遊城市之一。每年的潑水節(the Water-Sprinkling Festival)於4月13日至15日舉行,吸引了眾多國內外的遊客。


Xishuangbanna adjoins Laos and Myanmar and isclose to Thailand and Vietnam. The straight-linedistance from Xishuangbanna to Thailand is onlymore than 200 kilometers. Xishuangbanna has veryunique subtropical scenery, and it is also ratherrich in flora and fauna, tbus enjoying the reputation of “Kingdom of Plants' “Kingdom ofAnimals" and “Kingdom of Medicine". Xishuangbanna means “an ideal and magical paradise”. Itis famous for natural landscapes of the magical rainforest and customs of national minorities.Itis one of China's hot tourist cities.The annual Water-Sprinkling Festival lasting from April 13thto 15th attracts many tourists home and abroad.

1.句中“與...相連”、“鄰近...”和“與...的直線距離”可分別譯為adjoin,be close to和the straight-line distance from。


3.以...聞名於世:可譯為be famous for。

4.熱點旅遊城市:可譯為hot tourist city。

『伍』 大學英語四級段落翻譯



中國結***the Chineseknot*** 最初是由手工藝人發明的。經過數百年不斷的改造,已經成為一種優雅多彩的藝術和工藝。在古代,人們用它來記錄事件,但現在主要用於裝飾的目的。「結」在中文裡意味著愛情,婚姻和團聚。中國結常常作為禮物交換或用作飾品祈求好運和避邪。這種形式的手工藝***handcraft***代代相傳,現在已經在中國和世界各地越來越受歡迎。

The Chinese knot is originallyinvented by the handicraft *** an. After several hundredyears』innovation, it has evolved into an elegant and colorful art andcraft. In ancient times, itwas used for recording events, while now it i *** ainly a decorative handicraft art. In Chinese, "Knot" means love,marriage and reunion. The Chinese knot is often used as a gift to expressgoodwishes or a tali *** an to ward off evil spirits. The handcraft has passed on forgenerationsand bee more and more popular in China and the world.


中國經濟的高速發展,帶來了消費文化的曰益流行,同時也催生了一批具有高學歷,充分享受資本主義消費模式的年輕人,他們習慣於當月工資當月花。因而被稱為「月光族」***the moonlight group***。「月光族」一詞出現於20世紀90年代後期,是用來諷刺那 些出身富裕、接受高等教育、充分享受快餐文化***fast foodculture***的年輕人。

China』s economy is developing very quickly, and has brought with it a culture of consumption more prevalent with each passing day. At the same time, it has brought into being an ecated group of young people who enjoy capitalist consumption way. They』re used to spending money as soon as they get it every month, and so are called t6the moon?light group」. This word came into being ring the 1990s, to make fun of those bom into wealth,who have received a high ecation, and who ap?preciate fast food culture.


目前,全球變暖是一個熱門話題,但是有關全球變暖的各項證 據似乎還有些不同的聲音。人們現在已經知道,地球的發展經歷了很多周期***cycle***,盡管在歷史上還未出現過像今天這樣的時代,即高度工業化***instrialization***產生如此多的污染。全球變暖主要是由 於二氧化碳氣體***carbon dioxide***的增多。

Global warming is the hot topic around the world at this time but, there is also dissention about the evidence being presented to support the argument. The earth is known to go through cycles; although the past has never proced an age of so much instrialization causing the pollution currently being experienced. A major source of the problem is the increase in carbon dioxide levels.


這周頒布的一項新法律要求子女必須經常探望年齡超過60歲的 父母,並確保他們經濟和精神上的需求得到滿足。星期二,新華社 報導了一條新聞,來自江蘇市無錫市的一位77歲的老太太起訴她的 女兒忽略她。這是新法律生效後的第一起案件,當地法院規定她的 女兒至少每月探望母親兩次,並提供財力支援。但是這項法律引發 了爭議。有人說這給了那些因為工作、學習或者其他原因搬離家鄉的人更多壓力。

A new national law introced this week requires the offspring of parents older than 60 to visit their parents 「frequently」 and make sure their financial and spiritual needs are met. On Tuesday, Xinhua reported a news that a 77-year-old woman from Jiangsu city of Wuxi sued her daughter for neglecting her. In the first case after the new law came into effect, the local court ruled that her daughter must visit her at least twice a month and provide financial support. But the law』s introction has proved controversial. Some say it puts too much pressure on those who move away from home for work, study or other opportunities.


茶馬古道***Tea-horse Ancient Road***兩邊,生活著20多個少數 民族。不同的地方有著各自美麗而神奇的自然風景和傳統文化,比如:大理,麗江古城,香格里拉***Shangrila***,雅魯藏布江大峽谷和布達拉宮***PotalaPalace***。古道的兩旁有廟宇、岩石壁畫、騷站***post house***,古橋和木板路,還有少數民族舞蹈和民族服裝。時至今天, 雖然這條古道的蹤跡都消失了,但它的文化和歷史價值仍然存在。

Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20 minori?ties. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city, Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace. The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges and plank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances and folk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain.

『陸』 鍥涚駭鑻辮緲昏瘧鎶宸фラ





緲昏瘧鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍦ㄤ繚璇佸噯紜鏃犺鐨勬儏鍐典笅錛屽彲浠ラ傚綋榪愮敤涓浜涢珮綰ц瘝奼囨垨鑰呰瘝緇勶紝璁╂枃絝犳洿鍔犲嚭褰┿傛瘮濡傦紝鍙浠ユ妸鈥淚 think鈥濇崲鎴愨渁s far as I concerned鈥濓紱鎶娾淏ut鈥濇崲鎴愨淗owever絳夌瓑銆



姣斿傦紝鍥涘ぇ鍙戞槑搴旇ヨ瘧涓衡淭he Four Great Inventions鈥濓紝瀹炲湪璁頒笉浣忓氨鎶婅繖涓鍗曡瘝瑙i噴鍑烘潵錛屽彧瑕佽兘鎶婃剰鎬濊存竻妤氬氨鍙浠ャ

『柒』 「英語四級」翻譯成英語怎麼說

大學英語四、六級考試(College English Test,簡稱CET)

『捌』 大學英語四級歷年翻譯真題及答案.12






Chinese parents have frequently tended to pay too much attention to their children's study, so that children don’t help them do the housework. Their only requirement for their children is to study hard, perform well in the exams, and go to a famous/prestigious university. They believe it is good for their children, because in such a highly competitive society, only good results could ensure a promising future. Chinese parents also believe that parents will be honored if their children can achieve great success in society. Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies and interests, to create much better conditions for children.






The annual Chinese speech contest for foreigners was held in Changsha this year。 The contest proves to be a good way to promote cultural exchanges between China and other parts of the world。 It offers the young all over the world an opportunity to know more about China.126 candidates from 87 nations gathered in the capital of Hunan province to attend the semifinal and the final from July 6 to August 5。 Besides the contest, the candidates also got a chance to visit famous tourist attractions and historical interests in other parts of China。






The ancient town of Lijiang in Yunnan province is one of the famous tourist destinations。 Its living rhythm is slower than that of most other Chinese cities。 Lijiang is full of natural beautiful sceneries, where numerous minority nationalities provide rich and varied cultures in order to give tourists a different experience。 Historically, Lijiang was also known as “ the city of love”。 Plenty of stories about living for love and dying for love have been spread among the natives。 Nowadays, the old town equals the paradise of love and romance in the eyes of Chinese and foreign tourists。

『玖』 大學英語四級考試翻譯原文與參考譯文


Part IV Translation

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.





Chinese ecators have already realized the significant meaning of reading for the country. Some ecators suggested setting aside a special day for national reading in 2003. What they emphasized is reading good books, especially classical works. People could better learn to feel grateful, have more sense of responsibility, be willing to cooperate with others through reading, which is exactly fit for the purpose of ecation. It is more important for primary and secondary students to read. Were they not interested in reading at the critical time, developing habit for reading in the future will be more difficult.

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