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發布時間: 2020-12-27 16:07:18

A. 英語四級考試需要准備的單詞或片語的范圍有哪些呢


B. 大學英語四級考試短語復習


C. 英語四級必備:這些高頻片語要知道!

1.利遠大於弊:The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

2.理論和實踐相結合:integrate theory with practice

3. 勞動力市場:labor market

4.擴大知識面:expand one's scope of knowledge

5.可以替代 think 的詞:

believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that

6.可靠的信息源:a reliable source of information

7.可降解的/可分解的材料:degradable / decomposable material

8.考慮到諸多因素:take many factors into consideration

9.開闊眼界:widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision

10.據報道:It is reported that...

11.就我而言/ 就個人而言:As far as I am concerned/ Personally

12.競爭與合作精神:sense of competition and cooperation

13.經濟改革:economic reform

14.經濟/心理負擔:financial burden / psychological burden

15.解釋,占...比例:account for


find solutions to environment and the imbalance of society

17.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息:exchange ideas / emotions / information

18.計劃經濟:planned economy

19.揮金如土:spend money like water

20.緩解壓力/ 減輕負擔:relieve stress / burden

21.環保的材料:environmentally friendly materials

22.歸因於:be attribute to

23.更多地強調:put more emphasis on…


keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…

25.復雜的社會現象:a complicated social phenomenon

26.方便快捷:convenient and efficient

27.反映了社會進步的:mirror the social progress/advance

28.發揮日益重要作用:play an increasingly important role in…

29.而不是:rather than

30.對這一問題持有不同態度:hold different attitudes towards this issue

31. 對…有益:be beneficial to / be concive to…

32.對…有害:do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

33.對…產生有利/不利的影響:exert positive / negative effects on…

34.對…必不可少:be indispensable to …

35.導致很多問題:give rise to / lead to / spell various problems

36.導致,引起:lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in

37.代替:replace / substitute / take the place of

38.大大方便了人們的生活:sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.

39.打下堅實的基礎:lay a solid foundation for…

40.從另一個角度:from another perspective

41.充分利用:make full use of / take advantage of

42.承受更大的工作壓力:suffer from heavier work pressure

43.不可推卸的義務:unshakable ty

44.不可否認:It is undeniable that…

45.保障社會穩定和繁榮:guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

46.寶貴的自然資源:valuable natural resources

47.把時間和精力放在…上:focus one's time and energy on…

48.有其自身的優缺點:has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

49.主要理由列舉如下:The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:

50.必然趨勢:an irresistible trend of…


D. 英語四級常用的片語有哪些


out of doors 在戶外

face to face 面對面地

quite a few 不少,相當多

no wonder 難怪,並不奇怪

word for word 逐字地

decline with thanks 婉言謝絕

little by little 逐漸地,一點點地

fair play 公平競賽,公平對待

quite a little 相當多,不少

no matter 無論

appeal to 呼籲,懇求

attempt at 企圖,努力

attitude to/towards 態度,看法

rest room 廁所,盥洗室

primary school 小學

a great/good deal of 大量,非常,極其

influence in 干涉,介入

the moment (that) 一…(就)

trolley bus 電車

I.D. card 身份證

no more 不再

side by side 肩並肩地,一起

heart and soul 全心全意

step by step 逐步地

ahead of time 提前

all the time 一直,始終

interference with 妨礙,打擾

introction to 介紹

fall in love (with sb) 愛上(某人)

reply to 回答,答復

credit card 信用卡

no doubt 無疑地,很可能

next door 隔壁 once upon a time 從前

once in a while 偶爾

E. 英語四級短語有哪些


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