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Ⅱ 2009年12月英語四級考試答案


Ⅲ 2010年12月大學英語四級CET4真題及答案

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Ⅳ 2009年12月英語四級B卷答案。

1-7 2331241
8 student's grades,GPA and overall academic performance ring high school 9 recongize 10 excellence

11-18 21234132
19-22 3413 23-25 214 26-28 214 29-31 314 32-35 3142

36 claasified 37 background 38 ablum 39 appreciation 40 cantact 41 implies 42 image 43 instrumes
57-61 14234 62-66 21221 67___86 43133432313242442134
A卷:1-7ABCBBAC 8:student's grades,GPA and overall academic performance ring high school 9 recongize 10 excellence 11-18 12124341 19-22 3231 23-25 242 26-28 331 29-31 241 32-35 3142 36 claasified 37 background 38 ablum 39 appreciation 40 cantact 41 implies 42 image 43 instrumes
47-56 BJKCIDFEAM 57-61 32314 62-66 42413 67-86 32321124341321442314 87 do it accordance with my intructions 88 abandoned pursuing the knowlege 89 that we can find the methods to cure the cancer 99 keep pace with the increasing need or the consumers 91 the less possibility you can catch a cold

Ⅳ 2009年12月大學英語四級考試真題(B卷)閱讀答案

想快速提高英語水平,外教水平很重要 標准口音(建議找歐美外教)才行,如果多比較就能發現差異明顯,口音學偏就麻煩了!為什麼非要去學習中心呢 現在不是有在線學英語.好.嗎 我試過ABC天卞英語中心還挺好的 關鍵是老師的指導,感覺他們那裡的教學模式還是有一定的獨到之處的,建議你做選擇的時候多比較下 PART I Writing PART II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 1.A .D .B .A .B .B .D .challenged .can be prounf of 10.stay silent PART III ListeningComprehension 11.D 1.A 1.C 1.C 1.D 1.B 1.A 1.B 1.A 0.D 1.D .C .B .C .A .A .D .B .C 0.B 1.C .D .B .C .A .trend .phenomenon .scene .offences 0.murder 1.particularly .explosion .associated .chaning national borders greater econmic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong .are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its story. .failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems PART IV Reading Comprehension . F desire . K naturally . H escape 0. G diversity 1. N respect . I establisng . B characters . A abundant . O widen . M properly .C .B .A 0.D 1.B .B .D .B .A .C PART V Cloze .A .D .A 0.B 1.D .C .B .C .B .D .A .C .D 0.C 1.B .A .D .B .C .A PART VI Translation .they haven't got answers yet .what most parents care .in case that the weather get cold 0.decided to start their own business 1.till a doctor discoverd it accidentally 應該是陝西版的,西安大學生在網上的,希望是你想要的,元旦快樂。

Ⅵ 2009年12月英語四級B卷答案


In recent years, extravagance and waste have become increasingly serious in some of the university campus. We can see that papers, bottles and cans are thrown away after use; food is wasted just because of its poor taste; clothes are discarded simply owing to their old fashion. As a consequence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on creating a green campus。

There are at least two criteria to distinguish what is green campus. On the one hand, natural resources must be conserved and made full use of, for example, we, as college students, should take the wise use of papers and second-hand textbooks into account. On the other hand, ecation to build up thrift habits must be promoted by relevant departments and professionals at various levels。

Accordingly, it is necessary for us to take effective steps. For one thing, university authorities should respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources, such as water, electricity, and so on. For another, we should enhance the awareness of college students that creating a green campus is of utmost significance to both our society and ourselves。


1.B revising their financial aid polices

2.D It cut its merit-based aid to help the needy students

3.C attract good students

4. D it』 not right to give aid to those who can afford the tuition

5. B fierce competition among institutions

6. B They regard it as a necessary evil

7. C Many students from middle-income families have come to rely on it

8. qualified

9. recognizes

10. excellence


11.A, get some small change

12.B, buying a gift for a child

13.A, taking photographs

14.B, he can provide little used information

15.D, he knows his own imitations

16.C, her gym exercise has yielded good results。

17.D, The professor』s suggestion is constructive


19.C ,he has to work ring the day

20.B,learn data processing

21.C, every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks

22.A, what to bring for registration。

23.D. A financial trader

24.B, He considers cooking creative

25. D, It can be a good thing


26. C Live is not possible in outer space。

27. C It has a large ocean under its surface。

28. A LIght is not an essential miles long

29.B What Dr.Meyer's instructions exacty were。

30.D She asks them to repeat what they are supposed to do。

31.A it lacks the stability of the printed word。

32.C Challenging work

33.A Many tedious jobs continue to be done manually。

34.D Give them responsibilities as part of team。

35.B They concern a small number of the people only。


In the humanities, authors write to inform you in many ways. These methods can be (36) classified into three types of informational writing:factual, descriptive, and process. Factual writing provides (37) background information on an author, composer or artist or on a type of music, literature, or art. Examples of factual writing include notes in the book jacket or (38) album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music which you might read ina music (39 )appreciation course. This kind of writing provides a (40) context for your study of humanities. As its name(41) implies, descriptive writing simply describes or provides an (42) image of, a piece of music, art or literature. For example, descriptive writing might list the colors an artist used in a painting or the (43)instruments a composer included in the musical composition. So as to make pictures of sounds in the readers』 mind by calling up the specific details of the work.. (44) Descriptive writing in the humanities. particularly in literature is often mixed with critical writing .Process writing explains a series of actions that bring about a result. (45).It tells the reader how to do something, for example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film. This kind of writing is often found in art, where understanding how an artist created a certain effect is important. (46)Authors may actually use more than one type of technique in the given piece of informational writing。



K recruited

J recording

L total

C aspects

B analyzed


H quality

N unsure

G established

A already

E contributing


passage one

57. C She will present to the world a new image of African-American women

58. B They are of an inferior social group

59. D What Michelle should do as wife and mother in the White House

60. C However hard she tries, she can』t expect to please everybody

61. A Help change the prevailing view about black women

passage two

62. A Institution worldwide are hiring administrators from the U.S。

63. B Their ability to raise funds

64. D Most of their revenues come from the government

65. A she was known to be good at raising money

66. C They will view a lot of things from a new perspective


67.B focuses

68.D adequate

69.A currently

70.C challenges

71.B retirement

72.A over

73.B learning

74.D on

75.C needs

76.D portion

77.A when

78.C homes

79.B ever

80.A for example

81.C adjust

82.D to

83.B unpredictably

84.C available

85.A sense

86.D roles


87. You would not have failed if___(按照我的指令去做)

You had followed my orders。

88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never ___(放棄對知識的追求)

abandoned the pursuit of knowledge。

89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before____(我們找到治癒癌症的方法)

We find the cure for cancer。

90. Proction has to be increased considerably to ___ . (與消費者不斷增長的需求保持同步)

Keep up with the constantly growing needs of consumers。

91. The more exercise you take, ____ 。(你越不大可能感冒)

The less likely you are to catch a cold。

Ⅶ 09年12月英語四級答案詳解

Part Ⅰ Writing
本次四級作文主題為「綠色校園」,這是一個看似簡單普通的話題,寫起來卻不是那麼容易。因為很多考生對於「綠色校園」所表達的內涵感覺比較生僻。假如對「綠色校園」這一主題感到難以把握,考生可以從作文提綱入手進行分析以獲取對「綠色校園」這一概念的相關信息。根據作文提示2,可以看出此處的「綠色校園」指的決不僅僅是青青的草地和高大的樹木構成的校園綠色風景,也不僅僅指對校園環境的珍視和愛護,而是指一種環境保護的文化氛圍和師生具有的環境素養,以及由此帶來的和諧的人文環境和社會績效。在深入理解概念的基礎上,考生還應對 「綠色校園」的重要性進行剖析,這時,考生可以從多個角度組織素材,比如從校園的環境問題出發,進而擴展到師生的環境意識對「綠色校園」所產生的長遠意義以及為未來環境改善所做的貢獻。最後是闡述建設「綠色校園」所要採取的措施。需要注意的就是作文給分的重點在於考生如何用恰當的語言詞彙表達自己的思想觀點。而不是寫得越多,得分就越高。一般分成三個自然段,大概十句話,基本的分布為首段、末段合起來五句或六句,中間段五句或四句,做到結構清楚,重點突出,就可以了。
Creating a Green Campus
Recently, with the idea of making and maintaining 「a green earth」 being the focus of the society, 「green campus」 has become a more and more popular concept in universities or colleges, which, undoubtedly, will bring us an ever-lasting benefit to both our campus and our society.
The concept of 「green campus」 does not only mean a green environment but also refers to an environmental sense in people』s mind. Campus plays a crucial role in ecating the young generation and the consciousness of 「green campus」 will definitely proce a profound effect on students』 various environmental protection activities after their graation. What』s more, the young generation is under the burden of severe environmental pollution and there are many problems waiting for them to solve.
To make 「green campus」 come true, firstly, it is necessary to work out effective principles for the development of sustainable and recyclable campus. Secondly, it calls for people』s awareness of the serious pollution around us and actual action to rece the waste. Last but not least, it is necessary to strengthen the ties between campus and society, so as to ensure that 「green campus」 can work smoothly with the co-effort of the whole society.
【生動的用詞】 maintain保持;concept概念;profound長遠的;sustainable可持續的;recyclable可循環的。
【豐富的短語】bring benefit to帶來利益;play a crucial role in發揮關鍵作用;under the burden of在……重負下;come true實現;call for要求。
正確拼寫 詞性及詞義 錯誤的拼寫
focus n. 焦點 focuse
effect n. 影響 effection /affect
environment n. 環境 envirment/invironment
burden n. 負擔 burdon
solve v. 解決 slove
serious a. 嚴肅的 serous
true a. 真的 ture
society n. 社會 soceity
theory n. 理論 thery
1. realize → be aware of 意識到
We』d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. 我們最好意識到周圍污染的嚴峻性。
2. keep → preserve 保持
It is necessary to ecate the students to be conscious of the importance to preserve the environment. 有必要教育學生意識到保護環境的重要性。
3. lead → conct 引導
This will help conct the activities of the college students. 這有助於引導大學生的行為。
6. The idea of 「a green campus」 is beyond a green environment. 「綠色校園」絕不僅僅是一個綠色環境。
7. The construction of 「a green campus」 will greatly stimulate students to take part in various environmental protection activities. 建設「綠色校園」將會極大激勵學生參與環境保護。
8. To bring 「a green campus」 to its full play, effective measures should be taken. 為全面實施「綠色校園」,必須採取有效措施。
9. Campus construction is of vital importance not only to the physical development of students but to their mental health as well. 校園建設不僅對學生的身體發展很重要,而且對他們的心理健康也很重要。
10. There is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campus. 毫無疑問,對於綠色校園應該給與更多的思考。
devastation n. 毀壞 disastrous a. 損失慘重的
doom v. 厄運,毀滅 existence n. 存在,生活
healthful a. 健康的 messy a. 骯臟的,凌亂的
participation n. 分享,參與 preserve v. 保存,保護
preventive a. 預防性的 purify v. 澄清,凈化
stimulation n. 激勵,鼓舞 arouse consciousness 喚起意識
本次作文難度適中,與之前考試中出現的「限塑」主題有千絲萬縷的聯系。考生要想在本次作文中獲取高分,除了審題恰當獨到,還要有扎實的語言基礎。如本文主題「綠色校園」可以採用多種表達:green campus和environmental-friendly campus;「綠色校園的構建」可以使用create,build up,establish和construct等,以體現考生對詞彙多樣性的積累。
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. aid n. ①幫助,援助 ②助手v. 幫助,援助
【用】financial aid經濟援助;merit aid/ Merit-based獎學金;need-based aid助學金或經濟資助;foreign aid外援,對外援助;hearing aid助聽器;aids and appliances用具,設備【搭】in aid to用來幫助,起……作用;lead one』s aid (to)援助,給予幫助;in aid of作為援助……之用【拓】aidance n. 協助,幫助;aidant a. 幫助的;aided a. 輔助的
2. project v. ①設計 ②發射n. 事業,計劃,工程
【用】Project Hope希望工程;project manager項目經理;project plan項目規劃;project budget項目預算,工程預算【拓】projection n. 突出,發射;projecting a. 突出的
3. selective a. 選擇性的
4. 【用】selective analysis重點分析;selective breeding選擇育種,選擇性繁殖 【拓】select v. 挑選,選拔a. 精選的;selection n. 選擇,挑選,選集
5. package n. 包裹;套裝軟體,程序包a. 一攬子的
【用】package design包裝設計;package agreement一攬子安排,一攬子方案;package holiday(旅行社安排一切的)一攬子旅遊;package tour包辦旅行(路線、地點、時間和費用等均作統一規定和安排的旅遊);package program組裝程序【拓】pack n.包裝,背包v. 包裝,壓緊;packaged a. 袋裝的;packager n. 打包機
6. ranking a. 頭等的;n. 等級,地位
【用】ranking list排名;ranking method等級法,排序法
【拓】rank n. 等級;隊列;v. 排列,列隊
7. grant v. ①授予 ②承認;n. ①授予物 ②撥款
【用】grant of a patent授予專利權【搭】take…for granted認為……是理所當然; Granted/Granting that即使……(也)【拓】grants n. 補助金,津貼(grant的復數)
8. enrol v. 登記,入學,參軍,注冊
【搭】enrol in選課,參加【拓】enrollment n. 登記,入伍;enrollee n. 入學者,入伍者
9. eliminate v. 消除,排除
【用】eliminate illiteracy掃盲;eliminate poverty消除貧困;eliminate noise 消除雜訊【拓】eliminate 是指把已進入者從中排除;exclude v. 指把想進入者拒之門外
10. qualify v. 使具有資格,證明……合格【用】qualifying examination資格考試,初試;qualifying competition預選賽,資格賽 【搭】qualify as 取得……資格,作為……合適;qualify for有……的資格,合格【拓】qualified a. 有資格的,合格的
11. excel v. 勝過,優於,擅長n. [計算機] 軟體名稱
【搭】to excel in/at (在某方面)勝過(或超過)別人;to excel in music 擅長音樂
【拓】 excellent a. 極好的,卓越的;excellence n. 優秀,長處
12. submit v. 使服從,提交【用】submit oneself to discipline遵守紀律;submit registration提交登記表,提交注冊【搭】submit to 服從;submit…to 將……呈交給【拓】 submission n. 服從,投降
1. 【原題譯文】隨著越來越多的低收入學生追求高等教育,一些學院__。
B【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是more and more,low-income students和pursuing higher ecation。由此即可定位到原文第二段,全文的主旨段。
【篇章分析】原文第二段指出:「But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years, some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as merit aid, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars.」原文中with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population和題干中with more and more low-income students pursuing higher ecation意思一致;原文中re-examining和B選項中revise意思相同。所以答案為B。
2. 【原題譯文】位於米德維爾的阿勒格尼學院三年前做了什麼?
D【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是大學名稱Allegheny College in Meadville和do,由此定位到原文第三段。
【篇章分析】原文第三段指出:「George Washington University in Washington, D.C., for example, said last week that it would cut the value of its average merit scholarships by about one-third and rece the number of recipients (接受者), pouring the savings, about $2.5 million, into need-based aid. Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago.」題目中的D項It cut its merit-based aid help the needy students與原文cut the value of its average merit scholarships by about one-third and rece the number of recipients, pouring the savings, about $2.5 million, into need-based aid意思相同,所以答案為D。
3. 【原題譯文】有排名意識的大學提供獎學金的主要目的是__。
【篇章分析】原文第七段指出:「But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles.」原文中的recruit表示「招收」,和答案C中的attract意思相似,所以答案為C。
4. 【原題譯文】漢密爾頓的入學和助學金辦公室主任莫尼卡•英澤相信__。
D【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hanilton,由此可定位到原文第十段。
【篇章分析】原文第十段指出:「to be discounting the price for families that don』t need financial aid doesn』t feel right any more.」原文與D項it』s not right to give aid to those who can afford the tuition意思相同,所以答案為D。
5. 【原題譯文】近年來,獎學金的增長比助學金快得多,是因為__。
B【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是merit-based aid和increased,由此即可定位到原文第十二段第二句。
【篇章分析】原文第十二段第二句指出:「typically in a bid to enroll top students in the state』s public institutions.」 in a bid to 可以理解為「為了……,力求……」。enroll top students in the state』s public institutions符合原題意思,所以答案為B
6. 【原題譯文】依大衛•萊爾德來看,許多私立學院對獎學金的態度是什麼?
A【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是David Laird,attitude,private colleges和merit aid,由此即可定位到原文第十四段。
【篇章分析】原文第十四段指出:「David Laird, president of the Minnesota Private College Council, says many of his schools would like to rece their merit aid」。原文和答案A項They would like to see it reced意思一致,所以答案為A。
7. 【原題譯文】為什麼阿勒格尼學院不打算完全取消獎學金?
C【快速解題】本題的題干是Allegheny College和drop merit aid。由此即可定位到原文第十六段。
【篇章分析】原文第十六段指出:「A complicating factor is that merit aid has become so popular with middle-income families, who don』t qualify for need-based aid, that many have to depend on it.」。原文中depend on和答案C選項中的rely on意思相同,所以答案為C。
8. qualified
【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是annual renewal,academic,merit scholarships和recipient,由此即可定位到原文A few words about merit-based aid這一部分。
【篇章分析】原文A few words about merit-based aid部分第四句指出:「These merit scholarships usually help students pay tuition bills, and they can be renewed each year as long as the recipients continue to qualify」。 這些獎學金通常幫助學生交納學費,只要他們繼續符合條件,每年都可以繼續享受。原文中的each year在本題中被換成了annual,原文中的renewed在本題中被換成了名詞renewal,原文中的continue被轉換成了remain,所以本題應該填形容詞qualified。
9. recognizes
【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是athletic和a coach or a referee,由此即可定位到原文A few words about merit-based aid這一部分第三段。
【篇章分析】原文A few words about merit-based aid這一部分第三段:「Recommendation for this scholarships is required, since exceptional athletic performance has to be recognized by a coach or a referee (裁判).」本獎學金必須有人推薦,因為傑出的運動表現必須得到教練或裁判的認可。題目把原文的被動結構變成了主動,而a coach or a referee是第三人稱單數,所以本題應該填的答案是recognizes。
10. excellence
【快速解題】本題的題干關鍵詞是applicants,artistic merit scholarships,proce evidence和show,由此可定位到原文A few words about merit-based aid這一部分第四段。
【篇章分析】原文A few words about merit-based aid這一部分第四段指出:「Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area」。藝術獎學金要求申請者在一定藝術領域有突出表現。原文中的in a given artistic field和題目中的in a particular artistic field同義,題目中需要填的是動詞show的賓語,即一個名詞,而原句中對應的excel卻是動詞詞性,需要變成名詞形式,所以答案就是excel的名詞形式excellence。
「我們仍然相信對成績優異者進行獎勵的效用,好學生很重視獎學金」, 阿勒格尼大學負責招生的副校長斯科特•弗利達霍夫說。
* 關於獎學金制度的幾點補充

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