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發布時間: 2023-09-17 05:49:33

1. 五年級下冊英語單詞跟讀軟體是什麼




2. 五年級下冊英語快樂閱讀答案


3. 小學英語五年級聽力內容【三篇】 小學英語五年級上冊


【導語】海闊憑你躍,天高任你飛。願你信心滿滿,盡展聰明才智;妙筆生花,譜下錦綉第幾篇。學習的敵人是自己的知足,要使自己學一點東西,必需從不自滿開始。以下是大範文網為大家整理的《小學英語五年級聽力內容【三篇】》 供您查閱。



1. A: When is your birthday? B: It"s in winter.

2. A: When is your birthday? B: It"s in March.

3. A: Is your birthday in August? B: No, it"s in October.

4. A: When is your birthday? B: It"s in July.

Let"s talk


1.What"s your favourite month?

2.What"s the weather like in July?

3.When is your birthday?

4. What color do you like best?

5. Is it hot in December?

Part B

Let"s learn


1. Today is National Day.

2. It"s May 8th , Women"s Day. I go shopping with my mother.

3. It"s the first day of June.

4. A: When is your birthday, Sarah?

B: My birthday is Mar. 13th .

5. A: When is your Grandpa"s birthday? B: It"s Dce. 25th . It"s on Christmas Day.

Let"s talk


1. When is your father"s birthday?

2. What"s the date today?

3. Who has a birthday in October?

4. What day is it today?

5. When is Teacher"s Day?



1. It"s spring now.

2. A: What"s the weather like in fall? B: It"s windy.

3. It often snows in winter. We can make a snowman.

4. I like summer, because we have a long holiday.

5. A: What season is it? B: It"s spring.

Read and Write

三、聽錄音,根據短文內容判斷下列句子的正誤。對的打"√檔蠢稿", 錯的打"×"。(本短文讀三遍,每遍之間停留2秒。聽錄音之前行孝,你有10秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,短文聽完後,你有10秒鍾的答題時間。)

The weather in Shanghai is not always good. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very hot. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in spring. In summer it is very hot. Fall is the best season. The days are clear and dry and it is sunny and warm all the time. In winter it is often cold and wet.We can go up north. We can play in the snow. But I don"t like it, it"s too cold for me.

Part B

let"s learn


1.M: Which season do you like best?

W: I like fall best, because I can fly kites.

2. A: What would you like to do in summer? B: I would like to take a trip.

3. A: Do you plant trees in spring? B: Yes, I do.

4. A: What"s your favourite season? B: I like summer.

A: What would you like to do? B: I"d like to swim.

5. My favourite season is summer.

6. I can go swimming in winter.

Let"s talk.


1. What would you like to do?

2. What"s your favourite season?

3. Why do you like winter?

4. Which season does your father like best?

5. What do you do in summer?

Read and write.


Miss White: Which season do you like best, Mike?

Mike: Fall. It"s always sunny and cool. I can go hiking.

Miss White: How about you, Zhang Peng?

Zhang Peng: I like winter best. I can play with snow.

Miss White: Do you like winter, Sarah?

Sarah: Well, winter is good, but spring is my favourite season. It"s green and beautiful.How about you, Miss White?

Miss White: I like summer best. I like to swim in the sea.


一、 聽錄音,選擇最合適的圖畫或答案。(每小題讀兩遍,每一小題聽完後,你有4秒鍾的答題時間。

1. W: I usually eat dinner at home.

2. M: I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.

3. We do morning exercises at 8:30. 4. I eat breakfast at school. (5. We have Chinese class today.

Let"s talk

一、聽對話錄音,根據聽到的內容完成下列表格。 (對話將連續讀兩遍,聽完錄音後,你有10秒鍾的答題時間。)

A: You are our new English teacher. Can I ask you some questions?

B: Sure.

A: When do you get up?

B: I usually get up at 6:30.

A: When do you eat breakfast?

B: At 6: 45.

A: What time do you go to work?

B: I go to work at 7:00.

A: When do you go home?

B: I often go home at 5:50 in the afternoon.

A: When do you eat dinner?

B: I usually have dinner at about 6:20.

A: Thank you.

B: You"re welcome.


1. When do you get up?

2. When do you go to bed?

3. I eat dinner at 7:00. And you?

Part B

Let"s learn

一. 聽錄音,選擇最合適的圖畫或答案。(每小題將連續讀兩遍,每一小題聽完後,你有4秒鍾的答題時間。)

1. We usually climb mountains on Saturdays.

2. Mike often plays the piano at school.

3. I often visit my grandparents on the weekend.

4. Let"s go hiking together next weekend.

5. I often visit grandparents on Saturdays.


M: Amy, What do you usually do on the weekend?

W: Well, I usually go hiking on Saturday moring. Sometimes I go shopping. I often play the piano on Saturday afternoon. I do my homework in the evening.

M: How about your Sundays?

W: Usually, I help my mother wash the clothes and water the flowers. On Sunday afternoon, I often visit my grandparents with my parents. And I watch TV in the evening. I like my weekend.

Let"s talk


1. What do you do?

2. Do you often go shopping?

3. What do you usually do on Saturdays?

4. Let"s climb mountains together next Sunday.


W1: What do you do on the weekend, Mike?

M1: I often climb mountains and play football. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you, Amy?

W1: I often play the piano. Sometimes I climb mountains,too. And you , John?

M2: Usually I go hiking and fly a kite. Sometimes I play football. What do you do on the weekend, Sarah?

W2: I often play the piano and fly a kite. Sometimes I go shopping.

單元測試 聽力錄音材料及錄音要求:

一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個單詞,一個片語或者一個句子,根據你所聽到的內容, 選擇相符合的一項,並將其字母編號填在題號前的括弧內,每小題將連續讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完後,你有4秒鍾的答題時間。

1.I usually eat dinner at home.

2. John and Mike often play sports together after school.

3.We have music class every day.

4. When do you get up? I usually get up at 6:30.

5. I have P.E class at 3:50 in the afternoon on Monday.

6. I go to work at 7:00 every day.

7. W:The weather report says it"s going to snow tomorrow. M: Then we can make a snowman.

8. A: What do you do on Thursdays? B:I usually play sports.

9. Usually I go shopping. Sometimes I watch TV on the weekend.

10. I can"t play football in the rain.

二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個句子或一組對話,請根據所聽到的內容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應的括弧內打"√" , 不相符的打"×"。(每小題將連續讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完後,你有4秒鍾的答題時間。)

1.Zhang Peng usually gets up at 7:00.

2. The boys have English class today.

3. Amy often visits her grandparents on the weekend.

4. Chen Jie often goes hiking with her parents on the weekend.

5. The weather report says it"s sunny tomorrow.

6. M: When do you play sports, Chen Jie? W: I play sports at 4:30 after class.

7. W:What do you do on Mondays, John? M: I often play the piano.

8. M: Do you often visit your grandparents on the weekend? W: Yes, I do.

9. I don"t often climb mountains, but I often climb trees.

10. We don"t have music class today. We don"t have music and art class today, either.

三、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個問題,根據你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,並將其前面的字母編號填在題號前的括弧內,(每小題將連續讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完後,你有4秒鍾的答題時間。)

1. M:What do you do, Sarah? W: I"m a student. And you?

2. When do you usually eat dinner?

3. What do you do on Sundays, John and Mike?

4. Do you play the violin on Saturdays?

5. A: Let"s go hiking together tomorrow B: We can"t. A: Why?

四、Listen and fill:聽錄音,根據對話內容填入所缺的單詞, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規范要求。(每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完後,你有6秒鍾填寫答案。)

1. Mike: When do you do morning exercise?

John: At 9:30.

2. Amy: What do you usually do on the weekend?

Tom: I often climb mountains.

3. Sarah: Do you often go shopping?

Chen: No, I don"t.

4. Chen: Let"s play sports together.

Wu: That"s a good idea.

5. Amy: When do you eat dinner?

Zhang: At 7:00 in the evening.

五、Listen and judge. 你將聽到一段獨白,根據獨白內容判斷下列句子的對錯。對的在題號前的括弧內打"√",錯的打"×"。短文將連續讀三遍。(聽錄音之前,你有10秒鍾的時間閱讀題目,短文聽完後,你有10秒鍾的答題時間。)

Hello. I am John. I don"t go to school on the weekend. On Saturdays, I often get up at 8:30. I usually play the piano in the morning. Sometimes I go hiking. On Sundays, I often go shopping with my parents, sometimes I play sports. I often visit my grandparents in the afternoon. Grandma often cooks the meals for us. I like them very much. They are so delicious. This is about my weekend. I like my weekend.



4. 小學五年級下冊快樂英語閱讀

一、1.instead2.allowed3.licence 4.teenagers 5.silly
二、1.drive 2.doing 3.toswim 4.to think 5.pierced6.wearing
三、1.should be asked2.should be allowed 3.shouldbe finished 4.can be used
四、回1.should be allowed2.don't think; aren』答t』tserious enough 3.seemed to 4.allow me to 5.spend timewith

5. 急求遼寧師范大學版小學五年級快樂英語教材第九冊課文的MP3下載地址


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