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發布時間: 2023-09-17 05:31:59

❶ 英語盲人怎樣學英語


失去視力的人。俗稱「瞎子」。亦喻胡塗、不明事理的人。《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百寶箱》:「﹝杜十娘﹞乃錯認 李公子 ,明珠美玉,投於盲人,以致恩變為仇。」 清 李漁 《閑情偶寄·詞曲下·格局》:「是 西施 之美,不特有目者贊之,盲人亦能贊之矣。」孫犁 《澹定集·答吳泰昌問》:「但是那篇小說題目我忘記了,內容記得是寫一家盲人的不幸。」

❷ 英語翻譯


閱讀短文, 按照題目要求用英語回答問題。Last December, Doris Low turned 90. Once a week she still d

小題1:She helps transform literature into Braille (for blind readers/ the blind).
小題2: (Because) her mother』s eyes began to fail and she heard an/ the advertisement.
小題4:She has brailled and proofread hundreds of books, and read books into onto tape.
小題5:Low is kind and helpful because she has devoted much time to transcribing books into Braille as a volunteer.
Or: Low is kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight in helping others.

❹ 盲人的英語作文及翻譯

Every year 15th, October is the WhiteCane Safety Day. It is no doubt that it is a festival for the blind people. It remindsus of caring the blind. I want to ask you when you meet blind people, have youever help them. Some people are born of blind and some suffer from accidents. Ina word, they are different from our normal people. Their life color is black,without any light. Can you imagine what kind of life would be for the blind? Sothey need help to live better and need love warm their heart. The appearing of seeingeye dog is a good way to show our care for them. But when we see the blind, westill should help them incumbent. For example, when we see a blind personcrossing the road, we should give our hand to him. When they drop things, weshould help them pick it up initiative. Helping people in need is our Chinesetraditional virtue all the time. Let us strengthen our awareness to help theblind! Make a world filled with love.


❺ 英語標准翻譯


❻ 假如你是王明,去盲人學校幫助盲人打掃衛生,給他們讀書,給他們做游戲寫一英語作文

If I am a blind person. I will also look like Helen. The triumphant music same hope ascends the sky for me three day of light. If ascends the sky actually really has only given me three minutes light, I will not complain about his bias. Because for me three minutes already enough. I dare to affirm. Regretting. Last minute! I started to worry. Starts to think that the time too have been as it concerns me few, feels helpless I wait when comes calmly, has been left over the half minute clock. Not willingly I run immediately the corridor, treats the distant sky to weep and wail loudly: On jeepers! I should not be the blind person!

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