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發布時間: 2023-09-16 21:40:12

1. 初一英語閱讀理解帶翻譯答案




Last week Mrs. Milly went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.” I can ask him the way,” she said to herself. “Excuse me,” she said. “Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?” The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He was a tourist. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook短語手冊. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly.” I am sorry,” he said.” I do not speak English.”

參考翻譯: 上周米莉夫人去了倫敦。她不知道倫敦很好,迷了路。突然,她在公共汽車站附近看到一個男人。“我可以向他問路,”她對自己說。“對不起,”她說。“你能告訴我去國王街的路,好嗎?“這人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英語!他是一個旅遊。然後他把手伸進了衣袋,掏出了一本常用語手冊。他翻開書找到了一條短語。他緩慢地讀著短語。“對不起,”他說。“我不會說英語。”

判斷正誤T or F

( )1. Mrs. Milly went to London last week.

( )2. Mrs. Milly asked a man the way to a bus stop.

( )3. The man didn’t know the way to King Street.

( )4. The man was a tourist and he knew English well.

( )5. The phrasebook was in the hand of the man.

參考答案: T T T F T


Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He’s a pilot. He was in the R.F.A. He will fly to New York next month. The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo. At the moment, he’s in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. He’ll return to London the week after next . He’s only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn’t very lucky. She usually stays at home!

參考翻譯: 奈傑爾是我們新搬來的隔壁鄰居。他是個飛行員。他在R.F.A.下個月他將飛往紐約。下下個月他將飛往東京。目前,他在馬德里。他一個星期以前飛到西班牙的。再下個星期他將返回倫敦。他只有41歲,他已經去過世界上幾乎每一個國家。奈傑爾是個很幸運的人。但他的妻子運氣不很好。她總是呆在家裡!

1. Nigel’s job is a ________.

A. teacher B. doctor C. actor D. pilot

2. ____ Nigel will fly to Tokyo.

A. next month B. the month after next

C. a week before D. We don’t know in the text.

3. How old will he be the next year?__________

A. forty B. forty-one C. forty-two D. forty-three

4. What does Nigel’s wife usually do?

A. Goes to every country in the world with Nigel. B. Goes to work

C. Fly to New York and London. D. Stays at home.

5. Is Nigel’s wife lucky?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. She is lucky. D. No, she is.

參考答案: D B C D B


Eric and Susan are very good friends. They grew up together, they went to high school together, and they went to college together. Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey. Even though they live far apart, they’re still very good friends.

They write to each other very often. He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast, They never forget each other’s birthday. Last year he sent her some CDs, and she sent him a wallet. Eric and Susan help each other very often. Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.

Eric and Susan like each other very much. They were always very good friends, and they still are.

參考翻譯: 埃里克和蘇珊是非常好的朋友。他們一起長大,一起去高中,和他們一起去上大學。現在Eric住在加州,和蘇珊住在新澤西。盡管他們離得很遠,他們還是很好的朋友。



判斷正誤T or F

( )1. Eric and Susan grew up and went go high school together.

( )2. Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey.

( )3. They never forget each other’s birthday.

( )4. Susan sent Eric some CDs last year and Eric sent Susan a wallet last year.

( )5. Susan lost her job and Eric gave her advice.

參考答案: T T T F F


Joan got home late from work today, and she was very happy. When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down and made a shopping list. She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread. Jone rushed out of 沖出the house and drove to the supermarket. When she got there, she was very disappointed. There wasn’t any lettuce. There weren’t any carrots. There wasn’t any milk. There weren’t any eggs. There weren’t any tomatoes. There wasn’t any chicken, and there wasn’t any bread.

Joan was tired 疲倦and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset不安,煩躁 that she lost her appetite(食慾,胃口),drove home, didn’t have dinner, and went to bed.

參考翻譯: 瓊今天下班回家晚了,她非常高興。當她打開冰箱,她心煩意亂。沒有吃晚餐。瓊坐下來,做了一個購物清單。她需要一個生菜,一堆胡蘿卜,一誇脫牛奶,一打雞蛋,兩磅的西紅柿,半磅的雞肉,和一塊麵包。約恩沖出房子,開車去超市。當她到達那裡時,她很失望。沒有生菜。沒有胡蘿卜。沒有任何牛奶。沒有雞蛋。沒有西紅柿。沒有雞,和沒有任何麵包。


1.Was there anything to eat in the refrigerator?

A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn’t.

C. Yes, there wasn’t. D. No, there was.

2.Did Joan need any fish?

A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes. she didn’t. D. No, she did.

3. How did Joan go to the supermarket?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D On foot.

4.Joan bought _____________ in the supermarket.

A. carrots B. milk C. tomatoes D. nothing

5.What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?

A. She watched TV. B. She ate dinner.

C. She went to bed. D. She went to work.

參考答案: B B C D C


2. 快樂英語閱讀愛打鳴的小公雞告訴我們什麼道理


3. 有關狐狸和公雞英語故事閱讀



One evening Rooster flew up into a tree to sleep. He fluffed his feathers and flapped his wings three times. But just before he tuched his head under his wing. Rooster spotted a flash of red. It was moving behind the barn. He looded again and saw Fox standing beneath the tree.


"Good evening.Rooster," said Fox. "Have you heard the good news?" Rooster was afraid of Fox, but he tried not to show it. "News?"he asked calmly. "What news?".

“晚上好,公雞。”狐狸說,“你聽到那個好消息了嗎?” 公雞怕狐狸,但是他盡量不顯露出來。“消息?”他鎮定地的問“什麼消息?”

"Why, all the animals have agreed to love one another," said Fox."Oh, really?" said Rooster, trying to sound pleasant.

“嗨,所有的動物都已經同意要相互愛護啦。” 狐狸說。“哦,是真的嗎?”公雞說,並努力令聲音聽起來很愉快。

"That's right," said Fox. "From now on, we are all going to be friends. No more fighting, no more need to be afraid. We can all live together happily. Isn't that wonderful?" "Hmmm. That is great news, fox."

“真的。”狐狸說,“從現在開始,我們都將成為朋友,不再爭斗,不需再害怕。我們可以快樂地生活在一起。那樣不美妙嗎?”“嗯, 這是個絕好的消息,狐狸。”

"Yes, so why don't you come down from that tree so I can give you a great big hug?" But Rooster did not come down. Instead, he stretched up on his tiptoes. He seemed to be looking at something far away.


"What are you looking at,Rooster?" asked Fox. "I see the farmer's two dogs coming this way in a hurry,." said Rooster. "Maybe they want to tell us..."

“你在看什麼,公雞?” 狐狸問道。“我看到農夫的兩只狗正急匆匆地向這邊趕來。” 公雞說,"也許他們想告訴我們。。。“

"Did you say dogs?" cried Fox. "So long, Rooster. I forgot---I have some important errands to take care of." And he turned to run away.

”你是說狗嗎?“狐狸叫嚷道 ,”再見,公雞。我忘記了。。。我還有一些重要的事情要處理。“說著就轉身跑開了。

"Wait!" cried Rooster."Where are you going? The dogs are our friends now. Don't you want to give them a big hug, too?"

”等等!“公雞叫道,”你要去哪兒? 狗現在是我們的朋友。難道 你不想也熱烈地擁抱他們嗎?“

"No, thanks," Fox called back."Maybe they haven't heard the good newsyet." And off he ran across the pasture without a glance behind him.

”不,謝謝."狐狸大聲回應道 ,“也許他們還沒有聽說這個好消息呢。”他頭也不回地跑過了牧場。

Rooster chuckled. "A big hug indeed!" he said to himself."I wouldn't trust Fox as far as I could throw the farmer's tractor." Then he tucked his head under his wing and went go sleep.



One morning a fox saw a cock.He thought,"This is my breakfast.'' He came up to the cock and said,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock was glad.He closes his eyes and began to sing.The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away. The people in the field saw the fox.They cried,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.'' The cock said to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opened his mouth and said,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock ran away from the fox and fled into the tree.

一天早上,一隻狐狸看到了一隻公雞。他想:這是我的早餐。他朝公雞走來,對他說:“我知道,你能唱得非常好聽,你能唱給我聽么?”公雞很高興。他閉上眼睛開始唱歌。狐狸看到這些抓住它放到自己的嘴裡走了。在田地里的人們看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公雞逃走了。”公雞對狐狸說:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人們認為你叼走了公雞。告訴他們這是你的,不是他們的。” 狐狸張開她的嘴說:“公雞是我的,不是你們的。”就在那時,公雞逃離了狐狸的嘴巴,跑到了樹底下。



Yang Zhu had a younger brother named Yang Bu.

One day Yang Bu went out wearing white clothes. It happened to rain, so he took offhis white clothes and changed into black clothes and went home. He dog did not know that he had changed clothes, so it came at him barking.

Yang Bu got angry and was about to beat the dog. At this time Yang Zhusaid to him. "Don't beat it. You may also make this kind of mistake too. If your dog went out in white, and came back in black, wouldn't you be surprised?"




4. 閱讀下面的短,然後按要求寫一篇150字左右的英語短文。 [寫作內容]1.以約30個詞概括上文的主要內容。2.

Hatched by a hen, an eagle lived like a chicken. He wanted to fly like an eagle but discouraged by his fellows. Eventually he died bitterly without knowing he himself was an eagle. (33 words)
Some factors may account for why the eagle was made a chicken. Firstly, the eagle was influenced by the chickens around him, scratching for food just like them without a higher goal. Secondly, the eagle failed to reflect on himself, so he didn』t know he had the potential to fly high. Finally, he lacked enough self-confidence, so he gave up his dream of flying like an eagle, just because of the discouraging words from others.
There are many such eagles in our daily life. I think we should avoid negative influences, set a high goal and work hard to achieve it. Besides, we must be confident in our potential and make good use of it to become real eagles.

5. 求很多初中英語閱讀文章譯文

(一)Tom was an eight-year-old boy.He come to a new town with his parents.His family was very rich(富有的).They lived in a big,beautiful house with a big garden.They had a driver,a cook,a gardener(園丁) anda lot of servants(傭人).
Tom was going to a new school.On the first day his mother said to him,「Tom,be modest(謙虛) at school.Don't say we are rich.」
Tom said,「All right,Mom.」
Then Tom went to his new school and met his new teacher and new classmates.And he sat down with the other children in his class.The teacher said,「Good morning,boys and girls.This is Tom,your new classmate.Now let him introce himself to you.」
Tom stood up and said,「My name is Tom.My family is poor(窮).My father is very poor.The gardener is very poor.The cook is very poor.And all the other servants are very poor.So I am very poor,too``` 」
湯母站起來說:"我叫湯母,我家裡很窮,我爸爸非常窮,園丁非常窮,廚師也非常窮,所有的傭人都非常窮,所以我也非常窮...... (二)I think both of the boys and girls can cry.
cry is not a reflect of weakness,it's just an approach of expressing one's emotions.
Man who lost his lover will cry,solders who see the moving stories ring they rescue the victims in Sichuan will cry ,too.there is a phrase in the movie"arrogant and prejudice"like"when the time comes i want to cry,i will look up and watch the stars in the sky,so that the tears won't run off."
so ,everyone will cry,it's just noone want others to know,there's nothing about that a true man won't cry at all. 我認為男孩和女孩都可以哭。

6. 急求一篇英語閱讀短文的中文翻譯,感謝!~(^_^)


7. 六年級英語閱讀理解短一點加翻譯答案

large number of people in the world eat fastfood. Whenever you go into a
fast food restaurant,you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there.But do
you know in which country people like fastfood best?
The English people are the world's biggest fans of fast food, while the
French(法國人) are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey
done last year.
The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say they
can't give up fast food because it's delicious. And 44% of Americans and 37% of
Canadians say the same.
The' French, proud of their delicious and highclass cuisine, don't like fast
food. 810/o of them think it is unhealthy,'followed by 75% of the Japanese.
How about the Chinese? How often do you havehamburgers or fried
chicken? It doesn't matter whether you like western fast food or Chinese food.
The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.人在世界上大量吃快餐。每當你進入一個
食品。810 / O,他們認為這是不健康的,由日本75% 'followed。

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