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發布時間: 2023-09-16 20:21:42

① 有關玉米基金英文閱讀

[中國日報] 李宇春魅力--玉米愛心基金(中英文對照)
[中國日報] 李宇春魅力--玉米愛心基金(新搜索的中英文對照)
[china daily] Super Girl triggers donation craze
[中國日報] 超級女生引起的捐獻
Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun is helping to spearhead a new fund to help children with leukaemia.
The winner of the American Idollike Super Girl singing contest last year has been chosen as the ambassador for the 「Yu Mi Loving Fund」 of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation(CRCF).
It is designed to raise money for China』s impoverished leukaemiastricken children, whose families are burdened by expensive medical bills and can do little but wait to die.
Around 160 fans of Li cane from all over the country, including some from HongKong, to participate in yesterday』s ceremony for the launch of the fund in Beijing.
The fans, including teenagers, middle-aged and elderly people, vied with one another to put donations into a big red box, and then got a T-shirt as a souvenir from the hands of Li. Some of them even donated many times, contributing all the money in their wallets, to get more chances to get up close to their idol.
「Li Yuchun has unimaginable influence among Chinese people, however young or old, male or female,」 said Wang Rupeng, general-secretary of CRCF.
CRCF的綜合秘書Wang Rupeng說:「李宇春在中國人中引起了難以想像的影響,無論是男女老少」。
He said his foundation had invited Li to serve as the image spokeswoman for the 「Little Angel Fund,」 that is also designed to help poor children with leukaemia late last year.
他說:他的基金會邀請李宇春做 「小天使基金」的形象代言人,該基金也是用於去年下半年幫助貧困的白血病兒童的。
「When the news was published, the website of CRCF was soon jammed and broke down many times as too many fans piled up to donate money on the request of their idol.」 Wang recalled, adding that the 「hit rate rank」 of the foundation』s website climbed to around 8000th position globally from the previous 20000th.
「The telephone lines of my foundation were also engaged all the time as those who could not log on to the Web asked us how to send their money via remittance.
「Many fans even traveled a long distance to go to the foundation with their donations.」
At present, CRCF has received more than 6000 donations from fans totaling 400000yuan(US$50000). The donations have been helping 31 poor children hit by leukaemia, Wang said.
「Given the huge influence of Li, CRCF decided to set up the special YuMi Loving Fund, hoping that more fans can take part in the charity move,」 Wang said.
Li, the 22-year-old, who wore little make up for the launch, said at the ceremony:」 It does not need many words here. Let us take action.」

② 節約糧食的英語作文附中文


節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇1

From the previous "yen" graally with the development of The Times graally evolved into "people in food more and more odd variety of food on our table, let everybody forget about food's original meaning.

At the feast, the family often to visit a lot of people, up traditional dishes served up, old people's eyes are full of smile and satisfaction, and the child is beside the mouth with chopsticks muttered: "how is the food."

Remember that day, when served the food on the table, her cousin began to complain: "tired of the food ate so many years early, we go out to eat KFC, McDonald's." Table was drumming knock to ring, grandma and grandpa some angry, brow displays a vicissitudes of life eyes stared at the several courses, eyes drifting far away: "the children ah, you now just thinking of all day to eat good, in fact, some have been very good to eat, think that year again we would eat meat are not always have!"

Sat on a side of the alts are also beginning to argue that: "mom and dad, now is the 21st century, old-fashioned things don't always say to the children, the children, always want to eat some good, human nature. The past is the past don't want to."

Grandparents listened to, look a bit awkward and disappointed, helplessly shook to shake, "said is right, but.." "Good good, don't say that." Words haven't say that finish is interrupted, they sighed deeply.

Finished eat, left a lot of leftovers on the table, looking at these dishes, grandma and grandpa want to say something but did not say anything or hesitant, quietly sitting next to her at the same time I seemed to hear the sighs.

Sitting next to me listen to you pour out, think of the articles in the book to see, which have better life now, those who are affected by war of aggression, they are not the same as grandpa's grandmother that generation. Many people do not have enough to eat lunch because of the war, they don't have the heart to want to eat good, because they are somewhat extravagant eat. Although we are now living standards have improved, but also can't think of oneself everywhere, maybe save a little food to save a little water, those people won't show so poor.








節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇2

In the annual Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, my mom and dad happily to grandma's home for dinner.

Comes in at the door, my grandmother would gladly hello I: "aa, come and taste the grandfather had just bought fresh meat cakes!" A listen to these words, my heart suddenly cool, muttered aloud: "I don't eat the moon cake, is really sick!" Aside the father embarrassed shook his head: "you are so happy, some people eat pretty good!" Grandmother also very sigh with emotion: "when I was young, I have to eat less than the moon cake, crying too!"

Originally, my grandmother when I was a child shopping not only costs money, but also by, buy rice with food stamps, meat faster... At the feast, more want to get up early, before dawn to arrive at the town line, have to wait at least four or five hours to get quantitative food. Now that I think about it, is really hard!

My grandmother said she always forget the Mid-Autumn festival. That year, day of hei meng is unconscious, as the eldest brother in the home as usual, the grandmother took the basket to buy vegetables. At that time, people buy food queues is like a long dragon, the grandmother is squeezed to be out of breath. It was getting light, my grandmother thought from his pocket - a small piece of delicious moon cakes to fill our stomach. One touch pocket, she immediately mbfounded: moon cakes are mud stick on clothes pocket. Grandma sorry: four children eat a moon cake in the home, I don't have to eat, think of was packed can't eat now. Finished buy vegetables, she walked sadly on the way home, mother saw grandma, her tears, sad to say not a word.

Listen listen, my eyes could not help but wetting. I was born in, bliss to eat at ordinary times is always choice. Now think about it, really made my grandmother's childhood life strange! Thought of here, I watched the edamame, taro, moon cake on the table, ashamed to smile, and then eat it slowly, suddenly found that was not the love eat food is so delicious.

Tell us where fortune is in a special day, although that time long gone gray, but our life is really to need our light "growth" to forever!







節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇3

新華學實施了改善學生健康的「蛋奶工程」。wet hua是該學校的一名學生。這天,wei hua 又得到了剛發下的雞蛋和牛奶。他打開那盒牛奶喝了一點點,就不想喝了。連續吃了一段時間的牛奶和雞蛋,wei hua感到吃膩了,就偷偷地把雞蛋和大半盒的牛奶扔進了垃圾桶里。遠處的王老師看到了他的舉動,並對他進行了教育。他對此感到抱歉,決定今後要節約糧食,不再浪費糧食。

參詞彙rubbish bin垃圾桶, be tired of 對感到厭(膩)了,

throw扔, save節約




to improve students』 health xin hua middle school has carried on the milk and eggs project for students

【答案】to improve students』 health xin hua middle school has carried on the milk and eggs project for students wei hua is a student at the school today wei hua got the milk and egg again as usual he opened the box of milk and drank a little he felt tired of the egg and the milk he didn』t want to have them any more then he threw the milk and egg into the rubbish bin at that moment miss wang saw this from far away she came over and told him not to do this again wei hua felt sorry to do so he promised not to waste food any more

節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇4

As a child, I am so luck. I don』t need toworry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, andhave beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasureall these things.

I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a littlefor one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices.

I will be fullafter eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV.

It isabout some Africa children who are suffering starvation. They are so poor.

Theyare not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowlof rice is very rare for them.

Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I amregret about wasting food before.

How can I waste so much rare food? From nowon, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.





節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇5

When I was small, my mother told me not to waste the food, so I cultivate the behavior of eating up the food. When I go out to eat, I will buy the food that is suitable for me, unlike other kids, they will buy as much as they want, and they can』t eat up, throwing away the food. But I will make sure I can eat up the food.


節約糧食的英語作文附中文 篇6

Along with the advance of the society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is wasting food.


As college students, we have the responsibility to do something for it.


Wasting food is not only an immoral behavior, but also pollutes the environment.


So, we should form good habit to solve this problem.


We can start from small things, such as, don't order more food than we can eat, eat up all the food in the bowls and so on.


At the same time, we shouldn't eat junk food but healthy food.


It's good for our health to have a balanced diet.


In order to our healthy body, we had better eat in school or at home as soon as possible.


③ 八年級英語閱讀填詞,急求翻譯



填詞:speaking, deal, through, louder, include, sides, anything, filled, stick, gone


Street fairs are very popular everywhere in the United States. Generally speaking, each town will have at least one, and usually two street fairs every year. Street fairs mostly happen in the spring and the fall, and are a great deal of fun.
The most important event at a street fair is the parade. The high school marching band would lead it. They play marching music and walk through the streets. The band is followed by many different types of people and cars.
Firefighters will drive a few fire trucks in the parade, police officers will drive their police cars and both will turn their alarms on. Sometimes, it becomes a game between them to see whose can be louder!
Other groups in the parade include children from different clubs, Scottish people, people who can play the flute, people dressed up as cartoon characters. Basically, if you think of a group, it will probably have a spot in the parade.
Lastly, anyone else not in a group can join the parade at the end.
The parade is not the only thing in the street fair. Along the sides of the streets, there are many booth set up to sell things. Food for one-there is popcorn, ice cream, soda, cotton candy ... anything you can imagine is everywhere. Another thing is balloons. Children love ballons.
Street fair is a great way to have fun with friends and meet new people, because there are also many games to play. One fun game that everyone enjoys is apple-bobbing. There is a big barrel filled with water, and in it there are some apples. The point is to stick your head into the water and try to catch an apple with your teeth. When all the apples are gone, sometimes people use the water for water fights.

④ 7年級英語閱讀求翻譯




領航員,與其夥伴測量水深時,他的夥伴叫道「Mark Twain!」,意思是「兩個標記」,亦即水深兩潯(約3.7米,1潯約1.852米),這是輪船安全航行的必要條件。還有一個原因是,他的船長塞勒斯,曾經是位德高望重的領航員,不時為報紙寫些介紹密西西比河掌故的小品,筆名「馬克·吐溫」。

46、look at
47、how much

made by my own hands,hope you can adopt it,thanks

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