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發布時間: 2023-09-16 17:31:15

A. 四年級英語閱讀理解及答案解析




Suppose you work in a big company and find English very important for your job. Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English.

Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.

Global English Center

◆General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

◆3-month (700yuan), 6-month(1,200yuan)and one-year(2,000yuan)

◆Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.— Fri.

◆Experienced (有經驗的) college English teachers

◆Close to city center and bus stops

Tel: 67605272

Add: 105Zhongshan Road, 100082

Modern Language School

◆Special course (課程) in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management.

◆Small classes(12-16 students)on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00-5:00p.m.

◆English teachers from Canada and USA

◆Language lab and computers supplied (提供)

◆3-month course: 1,050yuan; 6-month course: 1,850yuan

Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675Park Road, 100056 Tel: 67353019

The 21st Century English Training Center

◆We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.

◆We also have a six-week TOEFL (托福) preparation class ring winter and summer holidays.

◆Entrance exams: June 1and Dec. 1

◆Only 15-minute walk from city center

Call 67801642 for more information.

The International House of English

◆Three /Six-month English courses for students at very low cost: 60yuan for 12hours per week; convenient(方便的)class hours: 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00p.m.

◆A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills(same cost as day classes).

◆Best foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language.

◆Free sightseeing and social activities(活動).

◆Very close to the Central Park.

For further information call 67432308.

1.You work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day. You should choose _______.

A. Global English Center and the International House.

B. Global English Center and Modern Language School.

C. Modern Language School and the 21st Century.

D. The 21st Century and the International House.

2.The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that _____.

A.its teaching quality is better B. it is nearest to the city center

C. its courses are more advanced D. it requires an entrance examination

3. If you take the evening program at the International House, you will pay about _____.

A. 60 yuan B. 240 yuan C. 720 yuan D. 1,000 yuan

4. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it _____.

A. offers free sightseeing and social activities B. has a special course in spoken English

C. costs less than the other schools D. has foreign English teachers




Tel: 722863

Tickets $4

Monday, 8 January for two weeks


Charles Lawrence’s popular comedy

Wednesday, 24 January to Saturday, 27 January

Shanghai Festival Ballet



Monday, 29 January for one week


Tim Danny’s thrilling mystery

Performances: Mon. -----Fri. 7:30 Sat. 8:00

Tea and coffee served ring the interval

1.The phone number of the Newton Theater is ________.

A. Tel. 24-27 B. Tickets $4 C. Mon. 8 Jan D. 722863

2.The Newton Theater is in _________.

A. Danny B. Lawrence C. Oxford D. Shanghai

3.The Shanghai Festival Ballet(芭蕾舞)will perform (表演) ________.

A. four B. three C. six D. five

4._______ begins on Monday, January 29th.

A. Newton Theater B. My Fat Friend C. Swan Lake D. Run and Kill

5.Performances start at _______ on weekdays.

A. 8:00 B. 7:30 C. 5:00 D. 6:00

6.You can get _______ at the Newton Theater ring the interval (幕間休息).

A.bread and oranges B. water and cakesC. coffee and tea D. fish and chips




1.A 既然“每天從上午9:00工作至下午4:30,連周末都工作,那麼只能選擇晚上有課程的學校了。”,那麼在這四所學校中只有Global English Center和The International House設有晚間課程。不難判斷A為正確答案。

2.D.21世紀英語培訓中心與眾不同之處是需要進行Entrance exams (入學考試),這一點在其他三所學校的廣告中均未談及;而其它如“教學質量好”、“離市中心近”等,在另外三所學校的廣告中也可以見到。因此D為正確答案。

3.D 廣告中說“每周12小時60元”,那麼一個月四周要近千元。故D為正確答案。

4.B “你也許喜歡去International House的原因”可以從廣告前言和廣告本身中得知。前言中說,“你現在正在找地方提高英語,特別是口語”,而The International House的廣告中說“提供四個月的口語能力訓練課程”,因此,只有a special course in spoken English才是最吸引你的,而不是“觀光、社會活動或價格便宜”。另外,選項D與廣告實際內容不符。故B為正確答案。


這是某劇院張貼的一則廣告,文字簡練,但包含的信息較多。從上至下,依次是:劇院名稱(Newton Theater),劇院所處的城市名稱(Oxford),劇院的電話號碼和票價。下面是劇本名稱及演出日程安排,最後介紹了上演時間(星期一至星期五是7:50開演,星期六是8點開演)。廣告末端的那句話意思是“幕間休息時提供茶和咖啡”。

1.D 該小題所問的是劇院的電話號碼。

2.C 本題選Newton劇院所在的城市。

3.A 從廣告上看,上海芭蕾舞團的演出時間是從1月24日到27日,共四個晚上。故A為正確答案。

4.D 1月29日(星期一)上演的劇目是Run and Kill。

5.B 從廣告上的Performances後面的內容推斷,應指“演出時間”,也就是題干中的weekdays(工作日:從周一到周五)所指的時間,即7:30。

6.C 根據廣告最後的“Tea and coffee served ring the interval”這句話的前三個詞即能判斷出來。


B. 兩篇小學四年級英語閱讀理解及答案分享

Where Do They Sit?他們坐在哪裡
Six children go to the cinema to see a new film.The film is about animals.
Their seats numbers are 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F. They sit in the same row.Mingming doesn’t sit next to John.He sits next to Sue. Helen sits between Sam and John.Sam sits in 5A.Mary sits on the left of Mingming. Which seats do they sit in?

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B
How lucky the man is!這個人真幸運
It is in summer. A young man comes to a forest (森林). He’s walking along the edge (邊緣) of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is getting ready to jump on him.
What does he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a crocodile (鱷魚). Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile.
( )1. There is a river on the right of the young man.
( )2. A young woman comes to a forest.
( )3. There is a wolf on the right of the young man.
( )4. The crocodile jumps on the young man .
( )5. The crocodile eats the wolf.
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

C. 小學四年級英語閱讀理解題




One day a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf sees the sheep and wants to eat it very much. He says to the sheep, “You make my water dirty. I can’t drink it now.” The sheep says, “I am far away from you. How can I make your water dirty?” The wolf has nothing to say.

Then the wolf has another idea. He says to the sheep, “Last year you said something bad behind me.” They sheep cries, “No, I didn’t. I wasn’t born at that time.”

“Then it must be your daddy,” the wolf says. Then it rushes towards the sheep and eats it.


1. A sheep is __________ water near a river.

2. A wolf wants to ________ the sheep.

3. Last year you ________ something bad behind me.

4. The wolf rushes _______ the sheep and eats it.

5. The sheep is far away _______ the wolf.


It’s Children’s Day today. Every student is happy. They bring their toys to the classroom and have a toy show.

There is a small toy car on the desk. It can run very fast. It’s Peter’s favorite toy. Lily has a lovely doll. It is on the chair. The doll has golden hair and blue eyes. It wears a dress. Look at the plane on the shelf. Mike says it can fly. There is a man in it. And there is a boat on the desk. It is not big, but it’s new. Zhou Jie likes it very much.

There are so many toys. They are all beautiful. The students play with the toys happily.


( )1. What day is today? Today is ______.

A. Children’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Spring Festival

( )2. What color are the doll’s eyes? They are ______

A. brown B. black C. blue

( )3. Where is the plane? It’s _______

A. on the desk B. on the chair C. on the shelf

( )4. What’s Zhou Jie’s favorite toy? It’s a ______.

A. plane B. boat C. car

( )5. Is the boat new?

A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does


Mary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favourite number is 3 and her favourite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favourite number. Whose favourite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in a restaurant. He likes Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.


( )1. Mary’s favorite number is 13.

( )2. Nancy’s favorite country is America.

( )3. Ron likes Fance.

( )4. Kate’s father is a teacher.

( )5. Kate likes Chinese food.


第一篇:1.drinking 2.eat 3.said 4.towards 5.from

第二篇:1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B

第三篇:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T


D. 小學四年級英語閱讀理解題及答案



第一篇:Lucy and Lily’s Bedroom

This is Lucy and this is Lily. They are twins(雙胞胎).They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It’s a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lily’s and that one is Lucy’s .The twins have two desks and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is green and Lily’s blue. Lucy’s skirt(裙子) is on her bed. Lily’s coat is on the clothes line(曬衣繩). Their clock,books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chair. Their bedroom is very nice and tidy(整潔的`).


( )1.Lucy and Lily are _____.

A.brothers B.sisters C.friends D.boys

( )2.Lucy and her sister have _____ .

A.two chairs and one desk B. two desks and one chair

C.two chairs and two desks D. one desk and one chair

( )3.Lily’s chair is _____ and Lucy’s is _____ .

A.ren, black B.yellow, black C.blue, green D.red, yellow

( )4.Where’s Lucy’s skirt?

A.It’s on the clothes line. B.It’s on their desk.

C.It’s on her bed. C.It’s on her sister’s bed.

( )5.Which sentence(句子) is right?

A.Their classroom is very nice. B.Their two chairs don’t look the same.

C.Their clock,coats and pencil-boxes are on the desk.

D.Their schoolbags are under the chair.

第二篇:A Crow and a Fox

One day a crow (烏鴉) finds a piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says, “How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.”

The crow is very pleased (高興的)by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice (聲音). Why don’t you sing a song?”


E. 小學四年級英語閱讀題(三篇)

【 #小學英語# 導語】英語閱讀同中文的一樣,首先,使我們增長見識,其次,能夠提高我們的閱讀和寫作能力,再者,閱讀能擴寬我們的知識面和眼界,這對我們將來找工作是很重要的。最後,閱讀使我們變得有修養,這對我們一生都是很有好處的。以下是 無 整理的《小學四年級英語閱讀題(三篇)》相關明枝資料,希望幫脊衫助到您。


Students in many countries are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(少年). Many are alts. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.
Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required(要求) for study. They study their own language. Maths and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because they want to go to college or university(大學). Some of their books are written in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.
( ) 1. People learn English ________.
A. at school
B. over the radio
C. on TV
D. not all in the same way
( ) 2. It is ________ to answer why so many people want to learn English.
A. hard
B. easy
C. pleased
D. angry
( ) 3. Different kinds of people want to learn English __________.
A. together with other subjects B. for different reasons C. for their work
D. for higher studies at colleges
( ) 4. From this passage we know that _____________.
A. we can learn English easily
B. English is very difficult to learn
C. English is learned by most people in the world
D.English is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it
( ) 5. From this passage we know that ___________.
激野敏A. We don't need to learn any foreign language
B. We can do well in all work without English
C. English is the most important subject in schools
D. We should learn English because we need to face the world.


American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday.
Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programs(節目) help children to understand (理解)the news, others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.
Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime(犯罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.
( )1. Some children spend eight hours more _______.
A. studying
B. playing games
C. watching TV
D. helping their parents.
( )2. On television children can see _____.
A. games
B. big animals
C. oceans
D. almost everything
( )3. Children usually spend _______ a day in school.
A. six hours
B. more than eight hours
C. only a few hours
D. four hours.
( )4. 「Television brings places and events into homes」 means_____.
A. television makes things happen in homes
B. we can know places and events without going to see them.
C. we can see houses and buildings on TV.
D. we can find them easily.
( )5. Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is ____ for children .
A. a bad programs
B. an animal
C. a game
D. an uninteresting film


Last week I went to the cinema. I had a good seat. The film was very interesting. But I didn』t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily. But they didn』t see me. At last I could not hear it. I said to them.
「I couldn』t hear a word!」
「It』s none of your business(沒你的事),」the young man said rudely,「this is a private conversation(私人談話).」
( )1. Last Sunday I went to the cinema.
( )2. A young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me.
( )3. The film was very bad, so I didn』t enjoy it.
( )4. They weren』t watching the film.
( )5. The young man thought the author(作者) would like to listen to their private conversation.
( )6. From this story we can see that the two young people were polite.

F. 小學四年級英語閱讀理解



第一篇:Class One,Grade Four

It is Tuesday today.Boys and girls are all at school。They usually come to school by bus.

Their teacher is at school.too.The teacher’s name is Gu Yan.She is young.She usually comes to school on foot.

Look at the classroom of Class One,Grade Four.In this room,you can see a boy and a girl.The boy is eleven.His name is Jack.The girl is Emma.She is twelve.John is Jack’s friend.He is an American boy.


( )1.Boys and girls are all at home today.

( )2.The boys and girls go to school by bus.

( )3.Miss Gu is not old.

( )4.Miss Gu usually goes to school by bike.

第二篇:James Is Ill

James is a primary school(小學) student.He’s in Grade(年級) Three now.He has a round face and wears glasses.He likes playing football and swimming.But today he doesn’t go to school.He’s ill.He’s in bed.He had a bad cold.He must stay in bed for a week.


( )1.James is a _____ student.

A.primary school B.middle school C.senior school

( )2.Jame is in Grade _____.

A.Too B.Three C.Two

( )3.Jame likes _____.

A.basketball B.football C.table tennis

( )4.James is in bed because _____.

A.he is tired B.he is ill C.he is sleepy

( )5.James must stay in bed for _____.

A.a day B.a week C.two weeks

第三篇:Our Class

This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together.

I. 仔細閱讀,在下列句子前標上T(對)或F(錯)

( )1. There is an American boy in our class.

( )2. Mary is an English girl.

( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread.

( )4. We are good friends.

( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class.

II. 在A, B, C中選出一個最佳答案

( )1. How many students are there in the class?

A. Twenty-five B. Fifty-five C. Fifty

( )2. What does Mary like eating?

A.hamburger B.hot dog C.Cakes and bread

( )3. What does she like drinking?

A. Apple juice. B. Cola C. Orange juice and milk

( )4. What do the Chinese students like eating and drinking?

A. Rice and tea B. Bread and milk C. Bread

第四篇:Betty and Kitty

Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different (不同的)hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps(集郵). She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities(城市)and countries(國家). But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday,they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.


( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.

( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.

( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.

( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.

( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.


第一篇:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F

第二篇:1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B


I. 仔細閱讀,在下列句子前標上T(對)或F(錯)

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F

II. 在A, B, C中選出一個最佳答案

1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A

第四篇:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F


G. 求小學四年級英語閱讀理解有答案的

Tom is seven , he goes to school every day .The school is next to his home ,.So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time . But today he is late. His mother asks him :

Why are you late today?

I am in the headmaster』 office .

Why do you go to the headmaster』s office?

Because my teacher asks us a question in class , and nobody can answer it , but I can .

It』s good to answer the teacher』s questions, what is the question?

The question is ---who puts ink on my chair?

Headmaster : 校長

Office 辦公室 ink 墨水

Nobody 沒有人 because 因為

1、write T or F

(1) Tom』s home is not far from his school

(2) Tom goes to school by bike

(3) Tom puts ink on the teacher』s chair

(4) It is good for Tom to do

(5) Tom is six

(6) Tom goes to the teacher』s office

H. 小學四年級英語閱讀理解含答案

A Crow and a Fox

One day a crow (烏鴉) finds a piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says, 「How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.」

The crow is very pleased (高興的)by these words. Then the fox speaks again, 「I can see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice (聲音). Why don』t you sing a song?」

This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and begins to sing. As she opens her mouth, she drops(丟掉) the meat. The fox picks up (撿起) the meat at once and goes away with it.


( )1. One day a crow finds a piece of meat.

( )2. Before the crow eats the meat, she meets a fox.

( )3. The fox asks the crow to dance.

( )4. The crow is very clever.

( )5. She is happy and flies to a tall house.







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