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❶ 考研英語一,閱讀理解應該怎麼復習




❷ 英語翻譯一篇文章,謝謝

Fossil Fuels 化石燃料 ⑴Most of the energy we use for heating, lighting, transportation and manufacturing comes from fossil fuels. These are carbon-based fuels from oil, coal and natural gas. 大部分我們用於供暖,照明,運輸和製造業的能量都來源於化石燃料。這些含碳燃料產生於石油,煤炭和天然氣。(「carbon-based fuels」查了詞典,指的就是「含碳燃料」。) ⑵There are three main disadvantages to using these fuels. Firstly, they are causing climate problems because of the Greenhouse Effect. When we burn fossil fuels they proce carbon dioxide which causes global warming. Secondly, when we have used up all our coal, oil and natural gas, we will have nothing left to burn. Thirdly, they are not very efficient. The internal combustion engine that we use in most cars, trucks and buses, for example, is only about 14% efficient. 使用化石燃料主要存在三個方面的不足。 第一,使用化石燃料會產生氣候問題,造成溫室效應。焚燒化石燃料的時候會產生二氧化碳,導致全球氣候變暖。第二,我們把煤炭,石油和天然氣都用完後,我們將一無所有。第三,化石燃料的使用效率不是很高。比如安裝在我們大多數的汽車,卡車和公交車里的內燃機大約只有14%的功率。(前面一句中的「because of」不知道在這邊具體用法和想要表達的意思,所以這句話的翻譯我就猜測其可能的意思。後面的一句中,我覺得這邊的「efficient」表達的不是很准確。) ⑶Scientists are working on another fuel—hydrogen. There are a couple of advantages to using hydrogen as a fuel. Firstly, because two-thirds of the earth's surface is water and water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. There is an almost unlimited supply of hydrogen. Secondly, burning hydrogen does not cause global warming. Thirdly, it is much more efficient than carbon-based fuels. 科學家正在研究另外一種燃料---- 氫氣。氫氣作為一種燃料有幾個優點。第一,因為地球表面的三分之二被水覆蓋,而水是由氫氣和氧氣組成,所以,氫的供給源源不斷。第二,燃燒氫氣不會造成全球氣候變暖的問題。第三,氫氣比含碳燃料的使用效率更高。(「a couple of」不能看到「couple」 就這問是「兩個」,我查了一下詞典,其實這個片語解釋為「幾個」) ⑷Unfortunately there are problems with hydrogen at the present time: there is the problem of separating it from water cheaply, and there is the difficulty of storing it. It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe. It can also be stored as a liquid but only at extremely low temperatures. It seems likely, therefore, that there will have to be a completely new technology before hydrogen replaces fossil fuels. Solving these problems is an urgent matter. Although China, India and Australia have huge amounts of cheap coal, and there are still large oil and gas reserves elsewhere, the effects on the planet』s climate will be bad if they are used. 不幸的是,目前使用氫氣存在許多問題:如何用較低的成本將氫氣從水中分離出來,還有如何儲存氫氣,這些都時難題。氫氣可以儲存在高壓水槽中,但是這樣很危險,也可以像液體那樣儲存,但是必須是在溫度極其低的環境之下。因此,看來在氫氣取代化石燃料之前必須研究一個完全新型的技術。解決這些問題是當務之急。盡管中國,印度,澳大利亞擁有大量的煤炭,在其他地方也有大量的石油和天然氣,但是使用它們會對地球的氣候帶來不良影響。(「It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe 」不知道理解有沒有偏差。「an urgent matter 」譯成「當務之急」,似乎在我們生活報道中更常用一些。)

❸ 在英語中,coal(煤炭)這個單詞是可數名詞還是不可數名詞

Coal 不同的情況下,可數、不可數都可以用。
coal KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 煤[U]不可數 2. (燃燒中的)煤塊[C] 可數3. 木炭[U] 不可數

vt. 1. 給...加煤 2. 把...燒成炭

vi. 1. 上煤,加煤 The ship called at Boston to coal. 船停靠在波士頓上煤。

❹ 煤炭英文






n.煤; 煤塊; 煤堆; 木炭

vi.上煤; 加煤

vt.給…加煤; 把…燒成炭


用作名詞 (n.)

He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火爐里加了一鏟煤。

The country is rich in oil and coal. 這個國家石油和煤的資源豐富。

Coal can be converted to gas. 煤可以轉化成煤氣。

I'm in charge of discharging a large amount ofcharcoaland coal at the coal mine. 我負責在煤礦卸一大堆木炭和煤。

用作及物動詞 (vt.)

The workers were coaling the ship when he came back. 當他回來的時候,工人們正在給船加煤。

用作不及物動詞 (vi.)

The ship called at Boston to coal. 船停靠在波士頓加煤。

The big ship coaled. 這艘大船是用來裝煤的。






carry coals to Newcastle的意思是「多此一舉,做徒勞無功的事」,源於as common as coals from Newcastle(跟紐卡索的煤一樣不稀奇)。紐卡索是英國的主要產煤區,故雲。

haul over the coals的意思是「責備,申斥」,源於中世紀對異教徒的處置,那時國王和貴族向猶太人索要錢財時常將其在燒著的煤火上拖過,直至交出錢財。這個成語現在常用作call over the coals。

❺ 煤用英語怎麼說

問題一:中國煤炭用英語怎麼說 中國煤炭
[網路] China Coal; chinese coal;
China Coal's businesses include coal proction, sales and trading, coke proction and mining machinery manufacturing.

問題二:他們想要多少煤?用英語怎麼說-.- How many loaves of coke do they need?

問題三:煤用英語怎麼說 coal

問題四:煤炭的英語翻譯? coal

A natural dark brown to black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and consisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic pounds.
A piece of this substance.
A glowing or charred piece of solid fuel.
Often used to modify another noun:
coal miners; coal seams; coal haulers.
coaled, coal.ing, coals
To burn (a bustible solid) to a charcoal resie.
To provide with coal.
To take on coal.
Middle English col
中古英語 col
from Old English
源自 古英語
中古英語 col 煤

問題五:「 煤都」用英語怎麼說 中文

問題六:XX煤礦 用英文怎麼說啊? XX Mine

問題七:洗煤用英語怎麼說 洗煤_網路翻譯
[詞典] [化] coal concentrate; coal washing; washed coal;
Mainly used for sludge dewatering, solid-liquid separation and coal washing, etc.
雙語例句 中中釋義

問題八:煤,英文怎麼寫? coal

❻ 中石油職稱英語閱讀理解文章講解



Trends for 21st Century 21世紀的趨勢

1.What problemswillour world encounter in the next1,000 years? Social scientistsand economists, farming experts and environmentalists posethis question and examinedata and informationfrom surveys.

1、在今後的1000年裡(in the next1,000 years),我們的世界會面臨哪些問題呢?(特殊疑問句語序; encountervi. 遭遇)社會科學家、經濟學家、農業專家和環境保護主義者提出(pose)了這個問題,並對調查所得的數據和信息(data andinformation from surveys)進行了研究。

2. In every field, experts examine changes to understandthe state of the field.To understand a country』s economy,economistscheck growthin an instrysuch assteel.To understand the state ofbusiness, they maylook atthe number of building permitsfornew houses. The informationlearnedshows increases or decreases. Important trends emergein each field.

2、各個領域的專家都通過對變化的研究來了解該領域的狀況。為了了解一個國家的經濟狀況(To understand a country』s economy),經濟學家對某個行業,如(such as)鋼鐵業的增長情況(growth)進行調查。為了了解行業的狀況(To understand the state of business),他們可能會調查新房建造許可證的發放數量(the number of 數量;buildingpermits 施工執照;建築許可證)。得到的資料(learned過去分詞作定語,修飾the information)能顯示出增長或減少的情況,各個領域的重要趨勢就能體現出來(emerge vi. 顯現;浮現;暴露)。

3. Population


4. Population is importanttoevery person on Earth. Peopletendto live longerin most places. In Central Europe,however,life spanis droppingbecausehealth careis notwhatit was a few years ago. Factorsaffectinggeneral healthinclude excessive smoking,drinking ofalcoholandpolluted water supplies.

4、人口多少對地球上的每個人都很重要。在大多數地區(in most places)人們的壽命越來越長(tend to dosth. 傾向於;往往會)。但在中歐,由於衛生保健(health care)不如前幾年,人的壽命(life span)正在縮短(is dropping)。影響大眾健康(affecting general health)的`因素包括吸煙過度(excessive smoking),酗酒以及飲水污染(alcohol n. 酒精;polluted adj. 受污染的; watersupplies 供水)。

5. The population explosiononour planethas been increasingat an alarming ratebutthe percentage of increaseis decreasing.One out of every five peopleon Earth is Chinese,yetChina』s growth ratehas slowed.Asthe number of womengoingto schoolincreases, the growth rate declines.

5、我們星球上的人口的爆炸正在以驚人的速度(at an alarmingrate)加劇著,不過增長的百分比(the percentage of increase)在減小。地球上每五個人中就有一個(One out of every five people)是中國人,但中國的人口增長速度己經減慢了。隨著(as)受教育(going to school修飾the number ofwomen)的婦女越來越多,人口增長率正在下降。

6. FoodProction


7. The proction of grainseemsto be decreasingmainlybecauseof climate changes. Natural disasterslike storms and floodshavewashed awaymany crops.

7、穀物產量似乎正在減少,這主要是由於氣候的變化。暴風雨(storms)和洪水(floods)這類自然災害(natural disasters)毀掉了許多莊稼。(wash away 沖走;沖垮)

8.With lessland forcattle and sheep,less meat like beefand lamb is being proced. Proction of chicken, turkey and fishhas increased,however. The amount of ocean fishhas not increased,butfish farm proctionhas.

8、由於(with)可供飼養牛羊的土地減少了,牛肉和羊肉生產越來越少(less meat like beef and lamb is beingproced現在進行時被動語態)。不過雞肉、火雞肉和魚的產量提高了。但海魚(ocean fish)的產量沒有提高,只是人工養魚場(fish farm)的產量提高了。

9. Fish farming is veryefficient:procing a kilogram of fish utilizesless than2 kilograms of feed.In contrastittakes2.2 kilograms of feedtoproce 1 kilogram of chicken. Onekilogram of beefrequires7 kilograms of grain. People,therefore, may eatless red meatinthe future andmore fish.

9、養魚業(fish farming)的生產效率相當高(efficientadj. 有效率的):生產1公斤魚只需要不到2公斤的飼料(less than 少於;小於;不超過;utilize vt.利用),而(in contrast 與此相反;相比之下)生產1公斤雞肉需要2.2公斤的飼料,生產1公斤牛肉需要7公斤穀物(grain)。因此,人們將來可能會少吃紅肉(牛肉、羊肉等)(less red meet),多吃魚類(more fish)。

10. Energy


11.Usingfossil fuelsfor energyhas not changed very muchbutwindenergy useis increasingsignificantly. Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, and America havelarge wind power projects. China, India,Mexico, New Zealand, and Ukraine are also developing wind power.

11、以化石燃料為能源的情況(Using fossil fuels for energy)沒有發生多大變化,但是(but)對風力的利用正越來越受到重視(is increasingsignificantly)。丹麥、德國、荷蘭、英國和美國都有大型風力發電項目(large wind power projects)。中國、印度、墨西哥、紐西蘭和烏克蘭也正在開發風力發電。

12. Energy fromnuclearpower plantsissteadily increasingbutthe problem ofdangerous wastelimits growthin many regions.Becausemany electrical companies consider nuclear energytoo expensive,the trend istowardless dangerous sources of energy.

12、核電廠(nuclear powerplants)提供的能源在穩步上升,但因為核電廠的有害廢料(dangerous waste)問題,在許多地區其發展受到限制。由於許多電力公司都認為核能代價太大(too expensive太昂貴),因此總體趨勢是發展危險性小的能源(less dangerous sources of energy)。

13.Whilenatural gasuse is increasing,use of coalas fuelis decreasing. Naturalgas, an outstandingenergy source,can be used to heat homes, make electricity, and power cars.

13、隨著(while)天然氣使用量的增長,煤炭作為燃料的使用量(use of coal as fuel)正在減少。天然氣這種優質的(outstandingadj. 傑出的)能源可以用於家庭取暖、發電和驅動汽車。(be used to dosth. 被用來做…)

14. Economics


15.Ascountriesaround the world trademore withone another,more procts are available.Butthefast development of the world economywillbring aboutmany new problems.Withfewer trees, the paper instry is procing more paper fromrecycled materials.However,the paper-making processunfortunately damages the planetasit useslarge amounts of water, burnsfossilfuelsand proces large amounts ofchemicalwaste.

15、隨著(as)世界各國之間貿易量的增加(one another 彼此,通常為三者以上;each other 彼此,通常為兩者之間; trade vi. 交易),可買到的產品越來越多(be available 可供使用的)。但世界經濟的快速發展會帶來許多新問題(bring about 引起;導致)。由於樹木減少,造紙廠更多地依靠再生材料(recycled materials)造紙,但不幸的是(unfortunately),造紙工藝(the paper-making process)也對我們的星球造成損害(damages),因為(as)它要用大量的水,燃燒大量的化石燃料(fossil fuels),而且還會產生大量的化學廢料(chemical waste)。

16. Automobile proctionisdown,whilebicycle proctionis up. Crowded highways,high gasoline costs, and ease of bicycling are three reasons forthis change.

16、汽車產量在下降,而(while)自行車產量在上升。導致這一變化的三個原因是:高速公路擁擠不堪(crowded adj.擁擠的),汽油價格昂貴,而騎自行車出行輕便自如(ease n. 輕松;悠閑)。

17. Health


18.Three major health trendsexistaswe begin the new century. Health careis better thanever.Medical research breakthroughs includefinding tumors earlyand saving livesthrough CAT scans and surgery. Surviving cancer is a new trend. HIV/AIDS,however,is spreadingquicklyall over the world.

18、在我們邁入新世紀之際,呈現出了三個主要的健康趨勢(three major health trends)。(1)衛生保健工作不斷改善(better thanever 好於以前),(2)醫學研究領域有新的突破(breakthrough n. 突破;突破性進展),包括利用CAT掃描(即計算機化X射線軸向分層造影掃描)和外科手術(surgery n.)來及早發現腫瘤並挽救生命(findingtumors early and saving lives)。癌症病人的生存率得到提高也是一個新趨勢。然而,艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)卻正在全世界迅速蔓延(spread vi. 傳播)。

19. The third major trend istowardan attitude of indifference. Peopleseem to have forgottenwaysto keep diseases under control.Althoughmedical sciencehad achievedcontrol overseveral dangerous diseases,some are returning. For instance, tuberculosis, once a dangerous killer, was cured. Now the disease is appearingagain.

19、(3)第三個趨勢是人們的態度變得越來越無動於衷。人們似乎已經忘記了(seem to have forgotten 不定式的完成時形式)如何控制疾病(to keep diseases under control不定式作定語,修飾ways)。雖然(although)醫學早已能夠控制若干危險的疾病(control over 控制;支配;征服),有些病卻正在卷土重來(some are returning)。例如(for instance),曾經是危險殺手(once a dangerous killer)的肺結核原本已被消滅(was cured),而現在這種疾病又死灰復燃了。

20. Nature


21. Pollutioncontinuesto affect our forests and water.The bird population is decreasingbecause ofoil spills and spreading cities. Seas and oceans are changing.Treesarecut down, more soilwashesaway, and water qualityis affected.Many of these trees are in our rain forestswhere thick areas of plants and trees, home for many birds andanimals,aredisappearing.

21、污染不斷破壞著我們的森林和水源(continue to do sth.; continue 後接不定式作賓語)。由於(because of)海上石油泄漏(oil spills; spill n. 溢出)和城市不斷擴大,鳥類的數量正在減少。海洋在改變,樹木遭砍伐(被動語態;cut-cut-cut;cut down 消減;砍倒;wash away 沖走),越來越多的泥土被沖走,水質(water quality)受到了影響(被動語態)。許多熱帶雨林中的樹木遭到砍伐,那裡茂密的(thick)植物和樹木原本是許多鳥類和動物的家園,現在卻正在消失。

22. Conclusion


23.Ourchallengesfor this new centuryare clear. The problems ofnumerousinhabitants onthis small planetwill continue to be important toeach of us. These challenges showthatall of usneedtobeinvolved insolving the problems.May wefind new waystoaccomplish the task?

23、在新世紀中,我們所面臨的挑戰是顯而易見的(clear)。在這個小小星球上(on this small planet)的很多人面對的問題(the problems of numerous inhabitants; numerousadj. 許多的; inhabitantn. 居民;居住者)仍將是關繫到我們每個人(each of us)的重大問題。這些挑戰表明,我們所有人(all of us)都必須參與解決這些問題(need to do sth. 需要做某事;be involved in參與,被捲入…中;涉及到…)。但願我們(may we)能找到新的途徑去完成這一使命(to accomplish the task不定式作定語,修飾new ways)。


在做「閱讀理解題」時,需要特別注意but, however,while, although等「轉折連詞」,理解它們前、後句子所要表達的意思。



As(隨著)the number of women going to school increases, the growth rate declines. (第5段)

As(隨著)countries around the world trade more with one another, more procts areavailable. (第15段)

However, the paper-making processunfortunately damagesthe planetas(因為)it uses large amounts of water, burns fossil fuels and proces large amountsof chemical waste. (第15段)

Three major health trends existas(當…時候)we begin the new century. (第18段)


To understand a country』seconomy, economists check growth in an instrysuch as(比如)steel. (第2段)

While natural gas useis increasing,use of coalas fuel(作為燃料)is decreasing.(第13段)


1. encounterin the next 1,000 years?

A. What problems will our world B.What problems our world will

2. The proction of grain mainly because of climate changes.

A. seems to be decreased B.seems to be decreasing

C. seems to decrease D.seems to is decreasing

3. Natural disasters like storms and floods have washed amany crops.

A. away B. out C. in D. to

4. With less land for cattle and sheep, less meat like beef andlamb .

A. are being proced B.is procing

C. is being proced D.is proced

5.However, the paper-making process unfortunately damagesthe planet it uses large amounts of water, burns fossilfuels and proces large amounts of chemical waste.

A. as B. so C.if D. with

6. Automobile proction is down, bicycle proction is up.

A. which B. while C. where D.when

7.The third major trend is toward an attitude of .

A.difference B. indifferent C. indifference D. different

8.These challenges showthat all of us solving the problems.

A.need to are involved in B.need to be involved

C.needs to be involved in A.need to be involved in

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