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❶ 七下英語綠色表格翻譯


❷ 七年級下冊的英語單詞

七年級英語單詞表(人教版) 下面有仁愛版

Unit1 第一單元單詞及短語

1. pal n.好朋友;夥伴
2. pen pal 筆友
3. Canada 加拿大
4. France 法國
5. Japan 日本
6. the United States 美國
7. Australia 澳洲;澳大利亞
8. Singapore 新加坡
9. the United Kingdom 英國
10.country n. 國家
11.Sydney 悉尼
12.New York 紐約
13.Paris 巴黎
14.Toronto 多倫多
15.Tokyo 東京
16.live v.居住
17.language n.語言
18.Japanese n.日語;日本人
19.would n. 世界
20.French n.法國人;法語
21.like n.(pl.)愛好
22.dislike v.討厭;不喜歡;

Unit 2 第一單元單詞及短語

1. post n.郵件;郵遞
2. office n.辦公室;事務所
3. post office 郵局
4. library n.圖書館
5. restaurant n.餐館;飯店
6. bank n.銀行
7. supermarket n.超級市場
8. St. abbr.(=street)街;街道
9. street n. 街;街道
10. pay 付錢;支付
11. pay phone n.投幣式公用電話
12. park n.公園
13. ave abbr.(=avenue)大街;林蔭道
14. avenue n.大街;林蔭道
15. center n.中央;中心
16. bridge n.橋
17. mail n.郵件;郵政
18. there adv.在那裡
19. near prep.在---附近
20. across prep.橫過;在對面
21. across from 在---對面
22. next prep.緊靠---的旁邊;貼近
23. next to 緊靠---的旁邊;貼近;最接近
24. between 介於(兩者或多者)之間
25. front 前面;前邊
26. in front of 在---前面
27. behind 在---之後
28. neighborhood n.附近;街區;附近地區
29. just adv.直接地;就;只;僅僅
30. straight adv.一直;直接
31. turn v.轉彎;轉變方向
32. left adv.﹠n.向左;左邊
33. down adv.﹠prep.向下;下去;沿著
34. right adv.﹠n.向右;右邊
35. on the right 在右邊
36. open adj.開著的;營業中的
37. market n.市場;市集
38. clean adj.清潔的;干凈的
39. quiet adj.寧靜的
40. dirty adj.骯臟的
41. house n.房子;住宅
42. welcome int. 歡迎
43. garden n.菜園;花園
44. district n.區域;地方
45. enjoy v.享受---的樂趣;欣賞
46. walk n.散步;步行
47. take a walk 散步
48. through v.穿過;通
49. beginning n.開始
50. tour n.旅行;游歷
51. visit v.參觀;游覽
52. place n.地方;地點
53. fun n.愉快;開心
54. have fun 玩得開心
55. if conj.(表條件)如果
56. hungry adj.飢餓的
57. arrive v.到達;抵達
58. way n.路;路線;路途
59. take v.乘;坐;搭(車、船)
60. taxi n.計程車;的士;計程車
61. airport n.飛機場
62. pass v.通過
63. hope v.希望;盼望;期待
64. yours pron.您的;你的(用在信末署名前,做客套語)

Unit3 第一單元單詞及短語

1. koala n.(澳洲)樹袋熊;考拉
2. tiger n.老虎;虎
3. elephant n.大象
4. dolphin n.海豚
5. panda n.熊貓
6. lion n.獅子
7. penguin n.企鵝
8. giraffe n.長頸鹿
9. zoo n.動物園
10. cute adj.可愛的;聰明的
11. map n.地圖;圖
12. smart adj.聰明的;漂亮的
13. animal n.動物
14. box n.方框;盒;箱
15. kind of 有幾分
16. south n.南;南方; adj.在南方的;南部的;向南的
17. Africa 非洲
18. bingo n.賓戈(一種游戲)
19. ugly adj.醜陋的;難看的
20. clever adj.聰明的;機靈的
21. friendly adj.友好的
22. beautiful adj.美麗的;美好的
23. shy adj.害羞的;怕羞的
24. other adj.其他的;另外的
25. grass n.草
26. sleep v.睡;睡覺
27. ring prep在---期間
28. at night 在晚上;在夜裡
29. leaf n.葉;樹葉
30. lazy adj.懶惰的;懶散的
31. meat n.(食用的)肉;肉類
32. relax v.放鬆;休息

Unit4 第一單元單詞及短語

1. shop 商店;店鋪
2. assistant 助手;助理
3. shop assistant 店員
4. doctor 醫生
5. reporter 記者;通訊員
6. policeman 男警察
7. waiter 侍者;服務員
8. bank clerk 銀行職員
9. hospital 醫院
10. now 現在;此時
11. star 擔任主角;主演
12. policewoman 女警官;女警察
13. nurse 護士
14. money 錢;金錢;貨幣
15. give 給;授予
16. get 獲得;得到;購買;拿來
17. wear v.穿;戴
18. uniform n.制服
19. sometimes adv.不時;有時
20. in prep.在---期間;在(一段時間)之內
21. dangerous adj.危險的
22. thief n.小偷;賊
23. late adv.晚;晚於通常時間
24. out adv.在外;向外
25. talk v.談話;談論
26. station n.車站;局;台
27. TV station 電視台
28. police n.警方;警察
29. police station 警察局
30. newspaper n.報紙
31. hard adv.辛苦地;努力地
32. as prep.作為
33. at prep.按照;根據
34. summer n.夏季;夏天
35. story n.故事;事跡;小說
36. magazine n.雜志;期刊
37. young adj.年輕的,年紀小的
38. play n.戲劇;劇本
39. news n.新聞;消息
40. children n.孩子(child的復數)
41. international adj.國際的
42. teach v.教;講授
43. skill n. 技能;技巧
44. sir n.先生;閣下
45. madam n.女士;夫人

Unit5 第一單元單詞及短語

1. clean v.打掃;清除
2. read v.讀;閱讀
3. on prep.通過;以---的方式
4. apartment n.公寓;住宅
5. TV show 電視節目
6. sure adv.當然;的確
7. wait v.等待;等候
8. wait for 等候;等待
9. toy n.玩具
10. west n.西;西方; adj.西方的;向西方的;在西方的
11. activity n.活動
12. shop v.買東西;購物
13. mall n.購物商場;商業街
14. pool n.水池;水塘
15. camera n.照像機
16. bird n.鳥

Unit6 第一單元單詞及短語

1. rain v.下雨
2. windy adj.有風的;多風的
3. cloudy adj.多雲的;陰天的
4. sunny adj.陽光充足的
5. snow v.下雪
6. weather n.天氣;氣候
7. Moscow 莫斯科
8. Boston 波士頓
9. cook v.烹調;煮
10. study v.學習
11. how』s=how is
12. bad adj.壞的;劣質的
13. terrible adj.很糟的;極壞的;可怕的
14. pretty adv.相當;很;頗
15. hot adj.熱的
16. cold adj.寒冷的
17. cool adj.涼爽的
18. warm adj.溫暖的;曖和的
19. humid adj.潮濕的;濕潤的
20. vacation n.假期;休假
21. on vacation 在度假中
22. take a photo 拍照
23. lie v.(現在分詞lying)平卧;躺
24. beach n.海灘
25. look at 看;朝---看
26. group n.團體;組
27. cool adj.令人滿意的;絕妙的
28. surprised adj.感到驚訝的
29. heat n.熱;熱度
30. relaxed adj.放鬆的;得到休息的
31. winter n.冬季
32. scarf n.(pl. scarfs或scarves)圍巾
33. everyone pron.每個人
34. have a good time 玩得高興;過得快樂
35. man n.男人;人;人類

Review of units 1-6
1. describe v.描述;形容
2. look for 尋找;尋求
3. talk about 談論;討論;議論
4. direction n.方向
5. unit n.單元
6. most adv. (many和much的 最高級)最
7. following adj.下列的;下述的
8. in order to 為了
9. improve v. 改進;改善

Unit7 第一單元單詞及短語

1. hair n.頭發;毛發
2. curly adj.捲曲的;捲毛的
3. straight adj.直的;筆直的
4. tall adj.高的
5. medium adj.中等的
6. height n.高度
7. thin adj.瘦的
8. heavy adj.重的
9. build n.體格;體形
10. like prep.像;如同
11. always adv.總是;始終
12. captain n.隊長;首領
13. team n.隊;組
14. popular adj.受歡迎的;通俗的;流行的
15. blonde adj.金黃色的
16. good-looking adj.漂亮的
17. bit n.一點兒;少許
18. a little bit 一點兒;少許
19. joke n.笑話;玩笑
20. never adv.決不;從不
21. stop v.停止;終止
22. brown adj.棕色的;褐色的
23. person n.人;人物
24. beard n.胡須
25. glasses n.(pl.)眼鏡
26. look n.外表;外貌
27. remember v.牢記;記住
28. pop singer 流行音樂
29. singer n.歌唱家;歌手
30. not…any more 不再……
31. say v.講
32. nobody pron.沒有人;沒人

Unit 8 第一單元單詞及短語

1. would modal v.(will的過去式)表示意願
2. I』d = I would
3. noodles n.面條
4. beef n.牛肉
5. mutton n.羊肉
6. cabbage n.洋白菜;捲心菜
7. potato n.土豆;馬鈴薯
8. special n.特色菜
9. drink n.飲料
10. large adj.大的;寬廣的
11. size n.大小;尺寸
12. bowl n.碗;一碗的容量
13. he』d= he would
14. juice n.果汁;果汁飲料
15. mpling n.餃子
16. porridge n.粥;糊
17. tea n.茶;茶葉
18. green tea 綠茶
19. rice n.米;稻;米飯
20. soup n.湯;羹
21. onion n.洋蔥
22. fish n.魚;魚肉
23. Tel abbr.(=Telephone)電話
24. RMB abbr.人民幣
25. Mon. abbr.星期一
26. Tues. abbr.星期二
27. Wed. abbr.星期三
28. Thurs. abbr.星期四
29. Fri abbr.星期五
30. reason n.原因;理由
31. menu n.菜單

Unit9 第一單元單詞及短語

1. was v. (is的過去式)
2. did v. (do的過去式)
3. went v.(go的過去式)
4. visit v.拜訪;訪問
5. test n.考試;測驗
6. What about…? ---怎麼樣?
7. stay v.停留;留下
8. at home 在家
9. have v.做;進行;從事
10. do some reading 讀;閱讀
11. practice v.練習;實踐
12. regular adj.正常的;規則的;有規律的
13. irregular adj.不規則的;無規律的
14. present adj.現在時態的;現在的;目前的
15. past adj.過去時態的;以前的;過去的
16. mountain n.山;山脈
17. geography n.地理學
18. spend v.度過;花費
19. yesterday n.昨天
20. No. abbr.(= number) 編號;號
21. middle adj.中等的;中間的
22. middle school 中學
23. most adj.大多數的;大部分的;幾乎全部的
24. go shopping 購物
25. had v.(have的過去式)
26. saw v.(see的過去式)
27. talk n.訪談節目;談話;交談;演講
28. talk show 訪談節目
29. wrote v.(write的過去式)
30. song n.歌;歌曲
31. go for a walk 去散步
32. sit v.坐;使坐下
33. sat v.(sit的過去式)
34. down adv.向下;在下面;下去;降下
35. cat n.貓
36. It is time to … 該是---的時候了
37. wasn』t= was not
38. no adj.沒有的;極少的
39. anything pron.任何事;無論何事
40. suggestion n.建議;意見


1. New York City 紐約市
2. camp n.野營;營地
3. summer camp 夏令營
4. museum n.博物館
5. guide n.向導
6. central adj.中心的;位於中心的
7. didn』t= did not
8. exam n.考試;檢查
9. really adj.真的;是嗎;真是的
10. rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的
11. were v.(are的過去式)
12. fantastic adj.極好的
13. unfriendly adj.不友善的;不友好的
14. awful adj.極壞的;極討厭的
15. delicious adj.美味的
16. expensive adj.昂貴的;價高的
17. crowded adj.擁擠的
18. cheap adj.廉價的;便宜的
19. think of 思考;考慮
20. water n.水
21. cry v.流淚;哭泣
22. corner n.角落;街角;牆角
23. make v.使;促使;迫使
24. made v.(make的過去式)
25. feel v.感到;覺得
26. walk v.走;步行;散步
27. back adv.回原處;往回去
28. decide v.決定;下決心
29. wall n.牆壁;圍牆;城牆
30. the Great Wall 萬里長城
31. palace n.宮殿
32. the Palace Museum 故宮
33. square 廣場
34. Tian』an Men Square 天安門廣場
35. Hutong (漢)胡同
36. make v.做;制定;寫
37. classmate n.同班同學
38. discuss v.討論;議論
39. report n.報告;匯報
40. sex n.性別

Unit11 第一單元單詞及短語

1. soap n.肥皂
2. soap opera 肥皂劇
3. sitcom n.(= situation comedy) 情景喜劇
4. situation n.情景;形勢
5. nothing pron.沒什麼;一個都沒有
6. ha int. 哈(表驚訝.歡樂.勝利. 怒)
7. stand v.忍受
8. mind v.介意
9. king n.君主;國王
10. How about …? ...怎麼樣?
11. fact n.事實;真實事情
12. in fact 實際上;其實;確切地說
13. culture n.文化
14. host n.主持人
15. agree v.同意;贊成
16. agree with 贊同;持相同意見』
17. sunglasses n.(pl.)太陽鏡
18. belt n.皮帶
19. wallet n.錢包
20. key ring 鑰匙鏈
21. by prep.由;被
22. fashion n.時尚;潮流
23. said say的過去式
24. article n.文章
25. put v.放;擺;裝
26. idea n.主意;想法
27. color adj.色彩鮮艷的

Review of units 7-12(總復習)
1. accessory n.配件;飾品
2. snow n.雪
3. order v.預訂;點(菜)
4. opinion n.意見;看法
5. order n.訂單;訂貨
6. form n.表格

Unit12 第一單元單詞及短語

  1. rule n.規則
    2. hallway n.走廊;過道
    3. classroom n.教室
    4. fight v.打架;爭吵
    5. Ms n.女士
    6. outside adj.外面的;在外部的
    7. dining n.進餐;吃飯
    8. hall n.大廳;禮堂
    9. have to 不得不;必須
    10. else adj.﹠adv.其他的;別的;另外的
    11. sports shoes 運動鞋
    12. gym n.(=gymnasium) 體育館
    13. Dr abbr.(= doctor) 醫生
    14. by prep.到---之前;不遲於
    15. wash v.洗;洗滌
    16. later adv.後來;以後
    17. the Children』s Palace 少年宮
    18. no talking 不許講話
    19. loudly adv.大聲地


❸ 初一英語表格閱讀理解

第 I 卷

聽 力 部 分(40分)

一、聽寫 把你聽到的句子所缺的單詞填在橫線上,每條橫線上只准填一個單詞(共10分,每格1分)。

(1) I don』t know the ___________of 「___________」.

(2) Can you tell me the ___________ between ___________ and China?

(3) ___________ up, or you』ll miss the ___________.

(4) In ___________, many ___________ turn yellow.

(5) ___________ Day is on ___________ 8.

二、辨音 找出你在句子中聽到的單詞、片語或數字。(共5分,每小題1分)。 (6)A. match B. catch C. watch D. much

(7) A. clear B. clean C. clever D climb

(8) A. write B. light C. like D. white

(9) A. plenty of sheep B. play with the sheep

C. a play about a ship D. a plate of fish

(10) A. 89263547 B. 89632547 C. 89562347 D. 89326547

三、填表格 根據你所聽到的內容填寫下列表格。(共10分)



goes to school




watches TV


goes to bed


(21) A. Thank you. B. Do you think so?

C. No, my English is poor. D. I don』 t think so.

(22) A. No, thanks. B. It』s my ty.

C. Not at all. D. All right.

(23) A. Yes, I』m glad. B. Yes, I』d like to.

C. No, I don』t like D. No, I can』t

(24) A. That』s a good idea. B. Here you are.

C. See you tomorrow. D. Thank you very much.

(25) A. Yes, but for my daughter. B. No, something for my son.

C. I』d like two sweaters. D. You can do everything, please.五、理解 根據你所聽到的對話以及針對該對話所提的問題,選出最佳答案(共 5分,每小題1分)。

(26) What』s John doing?

A. He』s watering the flowers.

B. He』s reading.

C. He』s gardening.

D. He』s listening the radio.

(27) What does the woman want?

A. A pound of cake.

B. Half a pound of cake.

C. One and half pounds of cake.

D. two pounds of cake.

(28) Where does the man live?

A. In Manchester. B. In London.

C. In China. D. In America.

(29) What』s the girl』s name?

A. Her name is Lisa. B . Her name is Polly.

C. Her name is Fairy. D. Her name is Lilly.

(30) When will they have the party?

A. Sunday evening. B. Friday night

C. Saturday evening D. Friday evening.

六、短文理解 根據你聽到的短文內容選擇正確的答案回答問題。(共5分,每小題1分)

(31) How many people are there in the Brown family?

A. Six B. Four C. Two D. Three

(32) Who is in the kichen?

A. Mr Brown. B. Jim』s father.

C. Sue』s mother. D. Ann』s mother.

(33) Where is Mr Brown reading a book?

A. He is reading a book in his bedroom.

B. He is reading a book at the window.

C. He is reading a book in the living room.

D. He is reading a book under a tree.

(34) Who are playing in the garden?

A. Jim and Sue. B. Jim and Mike.

C. Jim and his sister. D. Jim and Ann.

(35) What are Sue and Ann doing?

A. They are watching TV in the living room.

B. They are playing football in the garden.

C. They are watching TV in Ann』s room.

D. They are watching TV in Sue』s bedroom.

筆 試 部 分

七、語音 (共10分,每小題1分)。

1. 找出劃線部分發音與其他三個不同的單詞。

(36) A. Germany B. term C. exercise D. Berlin

(37) A. mean B. idea C. cheap D. teacher

(38) A. post B. snow C. cold D cover

(39) A. second B. hungry C. bank D. thank

(40) A. October B. card C. ice D. picnic

2. 找出劃線部分重音與其他三個不同的單詞。

(41) A. forget B. maybe C. camera D. windy

(42) A. temperature B. kilometer C. report D. national

(43) A. minute B. November C. expensive D. special

(44) A. India B. person C. meeting D. another

(45) A. early B. degree C. weather D. summer


( ) (46) __________ teacher on the black bike is __________ English teacher.

A. A; an B. The; a C. A; the D. The; an

( ) (47) There __________ a lot of water in the bottle.

A. is B. are C. has D. be

( ) (48) What __________ do you have __________ supper?

A. food; for B. foods; for C. food; with D. foods; in

( ) (49) It』s time __________ go to school.

A. for B. or C. to D. in

( ) (50) They are __________ shoes. __________ are over there.

A. my; You B. mine; Yours

C. her; Her D. my; Yours

( ) (51) Lucy __________ lunch at school every day.

A. haven』t B. hasn』t C. don』t have D. doesn』t have

( ) (52) The children __________ games now.

A. plays B. playing C. is playing D. are playing

( ) (53) Now I can speak ___________ English.

A. an B. many C. lot of D. a little

( ) (54) __________ the picture! What can you ___________?

A. Look; see B. Look at; see

C. See; look D. See; look at

( ) (55) Jim ___________ to school at 6:30 in the morning.

A. going B. go C. goes D. is going

( ) (56) Mr Chen ____________ a beautiful birthday cake for me the day after tomorrow.

A. makes B. will make C. is making D. make

( ) (57) --- ___________ do your parents watch TV?

--- Every morning.

A. How long B. How much C. How far D. How often

( ) (58) On Sunday, he ____________ a good rest at home and ___________his homework.

A. has; does B. has; do C. have; does D.does; does

( ) (59) Look, the children ___________ young trees in the garden.

A. is planting B. are planting

C. plant D. will plant

( ) (60) --- ____________?

--- July 27th, 1994.

A. What day is it today B. Where are you

C. What』s the date today D. How long do you live there

( ) (61) ____________ to go to the cinema with us tonight?

A. Will you like B. Do you like

C. Would you like D. Are you liking

( ) (62) In our village, it』s ___________ hot in July.

A. very much B. much too

C. too much D. many too

( ) (63) My parents ____________ at home now.

A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all

( ) (64) We have ____________ classes on Monday morning. ___________ class is English.

A. four…First B. fourth… The first

C. four … The first D. Four … The first

( ) (65) Here are our textbooks. ___________ are still in the teacher』s office.

A. You B. Yours C. Your D. Ours

九、閱讀理解 根據短文內容,選擇最佳答案(共20分,每小題2分)。

( A )

Mr and Mrs Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.

( ) (66) Mr and Mrs Brown are ____________.

A. Chinese B. English C. America D. Americans

( ) (67) They are working ____________ now.

A. at a school B. in a shop

C. in America D. in Grade 3

( ) (68) Jack is ____________.

A. a student of a Chinese school

B. a girl from America

C. in Class One, Grade Three

D. learning English

( ) (69) Jack likes to play with ___________.

A. his father B. his mother

C. his brothers D. his Chinese friends

( ) (70) Jack learns the Chinese language (語言) by ___________.

A. listening to the language

B. listening to and speaking the language

C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it

D. listening, speaking, reading and writing

( B )

Li lin is a Chinese boy. He studies in the nO.16 Middle School in Beijing. His mother is a worker. She works in a factory. The factory is not big and it is near Li Lin』s school. She likes making things very much. She makes many things every day. Li Lin』s father works in the factory, too. But he doesn』t make any things. He』s a driver and carries things for the workers.

Look! There he is coming. We can see many things in his truck (卡車).

( ) (71) Li lin is ___________.

A. a worker B. a student C. a teacher D. a driver

( ) (72) There are ___________ people in Lin Lin』s family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) (73) Li Lin』s school is ____________ the factory.

A. before B. behind C. near D. at

( ) (74) –What does Li L8in』s father do?

--He』s ___________.

A. a farmer B. a driver C. a teacher D. a soldier

( ) (75) Which is right?

A. Li Lin』s father doesn』t work in the factory.

B. Li Lin』s father works in a different factory.

C. Li Lin』s father and mother work in the same factory.

D. Li Lin』s father teaches in the No. 16 Middle School.


This is Joan』s room. There are two maps (76) the wall. (77) is a map of China, (78) is a map of the world(世界). (79) football is under the chair. (80) often plays football. There (81) two books and (82) orange on the table. Joan is reading a (83) . She isn』t (84) the orange. She』s (85) student.

( ) (76) A. in B. on C. at D. to

( ) (77) A. That B. One C. It D. This

( ) (78) A. other B. The other C. others D. the others

( ) (79) A. She B. Her C. Hers D. They

( ) (80) A. I B. She C. He D. They

( ) (81) A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) (82) a B. an C. the D. two

( ) (83) picture B. book C. TV D. football

( ) (84) eat B. drink C. eating D. drinking

( ) (85) a good B. a well C. an only D. an early

第 II 卷

一、用所給動詞的適當形式填空。(共10分,每空1分, 每空不限填一詞)

(1) What __________ he ___________ (do) now, do you know?

(2) We must ____________ (help) the student with him lessons.

(3) Who ___________ (teach) you English in your school?

(4) Look! The bus ____________(come).

(5) Would you like something ____________ (eat)?

(6) It』s time ___________ (have) classes.

(7) There ___________ (be) two pencils and a pen in the pencil-box.

(8) How much meat ___________ you ___________ (want)?

(9) My mother ____________ (get) up at 5:30 every day.

(10) ___________ (not open) the door, please.


(11) December is the ____________ month of the year. ( twelve)

(12) Turn right at the first ____________

❹ 七年級下冊英語單詞表[順序正確的}


❺ 7年級下冊英語書單詞表



What time do you go to school

up adv 向上

get up 起床;站起


get dressed 穿上衣服


tooth n.(pl. teeth)牙齒

shower n.v淋浴;淋浴器(間)

take a shower 洗淋浴

usually adv.通常地;一般地

forty num.四十

Wow intery.(表示驚奇或敬佩)哇;呀

never adv從不;絕不

early adv. adj早(的)

fifty num.五十job 工作;職業


radio station 廣播電台

o'clock adv.(表示整點)…點鍾

night n.晚上;夜晚



on weekends. (在)周末



past prep.晚於;過(時間)


quarter 一刻鍾;四分之一


do homework 做作業

run 跑;奔



take a walk 散步走一走

quickly adv很快地

either adv或者;也(用在否定片語後)

Either…or ……要麼……要麼……;或者……或者……

lot pron. 大量;許多

lots of 大量;許多

sometimes adv.有時


Life 生活,生命

Rick 里克(男名)



Tony 托尼(男名)


Can you play the guitar?







play chess 下國際象棋


speak English 說英語



be good at… 擅長於……





or conj.或者


talk to … 跟……說



play the drums 敲鼓


play the piano 彈鋼琴


play the violin 拉小提琴

also adv也;而且

people人;人們 home 家,活動本部


be good with… 善於應付……的;對……有辦法


make friends 結交朋友

today adv.在今天

help with在某方面幫助(某人)



on the weekend. (在)周末



Lisa 莉薩(女名)

Jill 吉爾(女名)

Peter 彼得(男名)


Don’t eat in class

1、 rule .規則;規章

2、 arrive 到達

3、(be) on time 准時

4、hallway .走廊;過道

5、hall 大廳;禮堂

6、dining hall 餐廳

7、listen 聽;傾聽

8、listen to… 聽……

9、fight 打架;戰斗

10、sorry .抱歉的;難過的;惋惜的


12、wear .穿;戴

13、important 重要的



16、quiet 安靜的

17、out .外出

18、go out 外出(娛樂)


20、dish .碟;盤

21、do the dishes 清洗餐具

22、before prep. conj在… 以前 adv以前

23、make (one’s) bed 鋪床

24、dirty adj.臟的

25、kitchen .廚房

26、more .更多的

27、noisy 吵鬧的


29、read 讀;閱讀


31、feel .感受;覺的

32、strict 嚴格的;嚴厲的

33、be strict (對某人)要求嚴格

34、remember 記住;記起

35、follow 遵循;跟隨

36、follow the rules 遵守規則

37、luck .幸運;運氣

38、keep 保持;保留

39、hair .頭發;毛發

40、learn . 學習;學會

Clark 克拉克(姓;男名)

Amy 埃米(女名)Molly

❻ 新人教版七年級下冊英語課本單詞表

只有科學記憶七年級 英語單詞 ,學習人教版的英語才能收到事半功倍的效果。以下是我為大家整理的新人教版七年級下冊英語課本的單詞表,希望你們喜歡。
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

guitar n.吉他

sing v.唱; 唱歌

swim v. 游泳

dance v.跳舞;舞蹈

draw v.畫

chess n. 國際象棋

play chess 下國際象棋

speak v.說;說話

speak English 說英語

join v.參加;加入

club n.俱樂部;社團

be good at… 擅長於……

tell v. n講述;告訴

story n 故事 ;小說

write v.寫作,寫字

show n.演出;表演 v.展示;

or conj.或者

talk v. n說話;談話

talk to … 跟……說

kungfu n.(中國)功夫

drum n.鼓

play the drums 敲鼓

piano n.鋼琴

play the piano 彈鋼琴

violin n.小提琴

play the violin 拉小提琴

also adv也;而且

people n人;人們

home n 家,活動本部.adv到家;在家

be good with… 善於應付……的;對……有辦法

make v.使成為;製造

make friends 結交朋友

today adv.在今天

help (sb) with sth 在某方面幫助(某人)

center n(=centre)中心,中央

weekend. n.周末

on the weekend. (在)周末

teach v教,講授

musician n.音樂家

Lisa 莉薩(女名)

Jill 吉爾(女名)

Peter 彼得(男名)

Unit2 What time do you go to school

up adv 向上

get up 起床;站起

dress v.穿衣服 n.連衣裙

get dressed 穿上衣服

brush v.刷刷凈 n.刷子

tooth n.(pl. teeth)牙齒

shower n.v淋浴;淋浴器(間)

take a shower 洗淋浴

usually adv.通常地;一般地

forty num.四十

Wow intery.(表示驚奇或敬佩)哇;呀

never adv從不;絕不

early adv. adj早(的)

fifty num.五十

job n.工作;職業

work n.& v.工作

station n.電視台;車站

radio station 廣播電台

o'clock adv.(表示整點)…點鍾

night n.晚上;夜晚

funny adj奇怪的;滑稽好笑的

exercise v.n鍛煉;練習

on weekends. (在)周末

best adj.& adv.最好的(地)

half n.一半,半數

past prep.晚於;過(時間)adj.過去的

quarter n.一刻鍾;四分之一

homework n.家庭作業

do (one’s) homework 做作業

run v 跑;奔

clean v打掃;弄乾凈;adj干凈的

walk n.&v.行走;步行

take a walk 散步走一走

quickly adv很快地

either adv或者;也(用在否定片語後)

Either…or ……要麼……要麼……;或者……或者……

lot pron. 大量;許多

lots of 大量;許多

sometimes adv.有時

taste v.有…的味道;品嘗n.味道;滋味

Life n.生活,生命

Rick 里克(男名)

Jim 吉姆(男名)

Scott 斯科特(男名)

Tony 托尼(男名)

Unit3 How do you get to school

train n.火車

bus n.公交車

subway n.地鐵

take the subway 乘地鐵

ride v騎 n旅行

bike n.自行車a

ride a bike 騎自行車

sixty num.六十

seventy num.七十

eighty num.八十

ninety num.九十

hundred num.一百

minute n.分鍾

far adv.&adj遠;遠的

kilometer n.公里

new adj.新的;剛出現的

every adj.每一;每個

every day 每天

by prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)

by bike 騎自行車

drive v.開車

car n.小汽車;轎車

live v.居住;生活

stop n.車站;停止

think of 認為

cross v.橫過;越過

river n.河;江

many adj.&pron.許多

village n.村莊;村鎮

between prep.介於…之間

between…and… 在……和……之間

bridge n.橋

boat n.小船

Ropeway n.索道

year n.年;歲

afraid adj.害怕;懼怕

like prep.像;怎麼樣

leave v.離開

dream n.夢想;睡夢 v.做夢

true adj.真的;符合事實的

come true 實現;成為現實

Dave 戴夫(男名)

Unit4 Don’t eat in class

rule n.規則;規章

arrive v.到達

(be) on time 准時

hallway n.走廊;過道

hall n.大廳;禮堂

dining hall 餐廳

listen v.聽;傾聽

listen to… 聽……

fight v. &n.打架;戰斗

sorry adj.抱歉的;難過的;惋惜的

outside adv在外面adj 外面的

wear v.穿;戴

important adj.重要的

bring v.帶來;取來

uniform n.校服;制服

quiet adj安靜的

out adv.外出

go out 外出(娛樂)

practice v.& n.練習

dish n.碟;盤

do the dishes 清洗餐具

before prep. conj在… 以前 adv以前

make (one’s) bed 鋪床

dirty adj.臟的

kitchen n.廚房

more adj. pron.更多的

noisy adj.吵鬧的

relax v.放鬆;休息

read v.讀;閱讀

terrible adj.非常討厭的;可怕的

feel v.感受;覺的

strict adj.嚴格的;嚴厲的

be strict (with sb) (對某人)要求嚴格

remember v.記住;記起

follow v.遵循;跟隨

follow the rules 遵守規則

luck n.幸運;運氣

keep v.保持;保留

hair n.頭發;毛發

learn v. 學習;學會

Clark 克拉克(姓;男名)

Amy 埃米(女名)

Molly 莫莉(女名)

New York 紐約
Unit5 What do you like pandas

panda n. 熊貓

zoo n.動物園

tiger n.老虎

elephant n.大象

koala n. 樹袋熊

lion n.獅子

giraffe n. 長頸鹿

animal n .動物

cute adj.可愛的;機靈的

lazy adj.懶散的;懶惰的

smart adj 聰明的

beautiful adj 美麗的;美好的

scary adj嚇人的;恐怖的

kind n 種類

kind of 稍微;有點兒

Australia n. 澳大利亞

south adj 南方的n 南;南方

Africa n.非洲

South Africa 南非

pet n. 寵物

leg n. 腿

cat n. 貓

sleep n睡覺

friendly adj .友好的

shy adj. 羞怯的;靦腆的

save v .救;救助

symbol n.象徵

flag n. 旗;旗幟

forget v.忘記;遺忘

get lost 迷路

place n .地點;位置

water n.水

danger n. 危險

be in (great) danger 處於(極大)危險之中

cut v .砍;切

down adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep.向下;沿著

cut down 砍倒

tree n. 樹

kill v.殺死;弄死

ivory n.象牙

over prep .超過;多於;在… 上方

(be) made of 由……製成的

Julie 朱莉(女名)

Becky 貝姬(女名)

Thailand n.泰國

Thai n.泰國(人的);泰語(的)

Unit6 I’m watching TV

newspaper n .報紙

read a newspaper 看報紙

use v.使用;運用

Soup n.湯

make soup 做湯

wash v.洗

movie n.電影

go to movies 看電影

just adv .只是;恰好

eat out 出去吃飯

house n.房子

drink v..喝n.飲料

tea n.茶;茶葉

drink tea 喝茶

tomorrow adv在明天 n.明天;未來

pool n.游泳池;水池

shop v. 購物 n.商店

supermarket n. 超市

man n男人;人

race n.競賽

host n.主人;東道主

study v. n學習;研究

state n 洲

the United States 美國;美利堅合眾國

American adj美國的;美洲的n美國人;美洲人

dragon n.龍

Dragon Boat Festival 端午節

any adj.任何的.任一的pron.任何;任一

other adj另外的;其他的 pron.另外的人(或物)

young adj幼小的,年輕的

children n 兒童

miss v.懷念. 思念

wish v 希望

delicious .adj 可口的.美味的

still .adv. 還.仍然

living room 客廳

Steve 史蒂夫(男名)

Laura 勞拉(女名)

Unit7 It's raining!

rain v.下雨n. 雨水

windy adj.多風的

cloudy adj多雲的

sunny adj晴朗的

snow v.下雪;雪Snow

weather n.天氣

cook v.做飯

bad adj壞的;糟的

park n.公園

message n.信息;消息

take a message捎個口信;傳話

him pron.他(he的賓格)

could v.能;可以

back adj.回來;回原處


prkblem n.困難;難題

again adj.再一次;又一次

dry adj.乾燥的

cold adj寒冷的;冷的

hot adj熱的

warm adj溫暖的

visit v. 拜訪 ;參觀

Canada n.加拿大

summer n.夏天;夏季

sit v.坐

juice n.果汁;飲料

soon adv.不久;很快

vacation n.假期


hard adv.努力地;困難的

Europe n.歐洲

mountain n.高山

country n.國;國家

skate v.滑冰

snowy adj.下雪的

winter n.冬天;冬季

Russian adj.俄羅斯的;俄羅斯人;俄語

snowman n.雪人

rainy adj.陰雨的;多雨的






Unit8 Is there a post office near here?

post n.郵政

office n. 辦公室

post office 郵局

police n.警察

police station警察局

hotel n.旅店;酒店

restaurant n.餐館

bank n.銀行

hospital n.醫院

street n.大街

pay v.付費

pay phone付費電話

near prep.在……附近

acros adv.過;穿過

across from在……對面

front n.前面

in front of在……前面

behind prep.在……後面

town n.鎮;市鎮

around adv.&prep.到處;大約

north n.北;北方adj.北方的

along prep.沿著

go along沿著(這條街)走

turn v.轉向;翻

right adv.向右邊;n.右邊

left adv.向左邊n.左邊

rurn right |/left向右、左轉

crossing n.十字路口

neighborhood n.街區;街坊

spend v.花(時間、錢等)

spend time花時間

climb v.爬

road n.路

often adv.時常;常常

air n.空氣

sunshine n.陽光

free adj免費的

enjoy v.享受;喜愛

enjoy reading喜歡閱讀

easily adv.容易地

money n.錢
Unit9 What does he look like?

curly adj.捲曲的

straight adj.直的

tall adj.高的

medium adj. 中等的

height n.身高;高度

of medium height中等身高

thin adj.瘦的

heavy adj.重的

build n.身材

of medium build中等身材

tonight adv.&n.今夜

little adj.小的

a little 一點,少量

cinema n.電影院

glasses n.眼鏡

later adj.以後

handsome adj.英俊的

actor n.演員

actress n.女演員

person n.人

nose n.鼻子

blonde adj.金黃色的

mouth n.嘴

round adj.圓形的

face n.臉

eye n.眼睛

singer n.歌手

artist n.藝術家

crime n.犯罪活動

criminal n.罪犯

put v.放

each adj.&pron.每個,各自

way n.方式,路線

describe v.描述

differently adv.不同地

another adj.&pron另一,又一

end n.結尾,盡頭

in the end最後

real adj..真正的;真實的

jeans n.牛仔褲





Unit10 I'd like some noodles.

noodle n.面條

mutton n.羊肉

beef n.牛肉

cabbage n.捲心菜;洋白菜

potato n.土豆;馬鈴薯

special n.特色菜;特價品;特別的;特殊的

would v.(表示意願)願意

would like願意;喜歡

yet adv(常用於否定句或疑問句)還;仍然

large adj.大號的;大的

order n.&v.點菜;命令

take one's order點菜

size n.大小;尺碼

bowl n.碗

one(large)bowl of一(大)碗

tofu n豆腐

meat n.(可食用的)肉

mpling n.餃子

porridge n.粥;麵糊

onion n.洋蔥

fish n.魚;魚肉

pancake n.烙餅;薄餅

world n.世界

around the world世界各地

answer n.答案v.回答

different adj.不同的

cake n. 蛋糕

candle n.蠟燭

age n.年齡

make a wish許願

blow v.吹

blow out吹滅

if conj.如果

will v.會

the UK n.英國

candy n.糖果

lucky adj.幸運的

popular 受歡迎的;普遍的

get popular受歡迎;流行

cut up切碎

idea n.想法;主意

bring good luck to…給……帶來好運

Unit11 How was your school trip?

milk v.擠奶

cow n.奶牛

milk a cow給奶牛擠奶

horse n.馬

ride a horse騎馬

feed v.喂養; 飼養

feed chickens喂雞

farmer n.農民;農場主

quite adv.相當;安全

quite a lot(of…) 許多

anything pron.(常用於否定句或疑問句)任何東西;任何事物

grow v. 種植 ;生長;發育

farm n.農場;務農;種田

pick v.采;摘

excellent adj.極好的;優秀的

countryside n.鄉村;農村

in the countryside在鄉下;在農村

yesterday n.昨天

flower n.花

worry v.擔心;擔憂

luckily adv.幸運地;好運地

sun n.太陽

museum n.博物館

fire n.火災

fire station 消防站

painting n.油畫;繪畫

exciting adj.使人興奮的;令人激動的

lovely adj.可愛的

expensive adj.昂貴的

cheap adj.廉價的;便宜的

slow adj.緩慢的;遲緩的

fast adv&adj快地(的)

robot n.機器人

guide n.導游;向導

gift n.禮物;贈品

all in all總的說來

everything pron一切;所有事物

interested adj.感興趣的

be interested in對……感興趣

dark adj.黑暗的;昏暗的

hear(heard) v.聽到;聽見


Unit12 What did you do last weekend?

camp v.扎營;扎帳篷

lake n.湖,湖泊

beach n.海灘,沙灘

badminton n. 羽毛球 運動

sheep n.羊,綿羊

as adv.&pron作為,當做

natural pron自然的

butterfly n.蝴蝶

visitor n.遊客;訪問者

tired adj.疲倦的

stay v.停留

stay up late深夜不留

away adv.離開

run away 跑開

mouse n.老鼠

baby n.幼小的

shout v.呼叫,喊叫

shout at…沖……大聲叫嚷

woof interg(狗叫聲)汪汪

language n.語言

fiy v.飛

kite n.風箏

fiy a kite放風箏

high adj.&adv高的(地)

high school中學

ago adv.以前

India n.印度

tent n.帳篷

put up搭起,舉起

moon n.月亮

surprise n.&v.驚奇,驚訝

get a surpris吃驚

snake n.蛇

scared adj.驚慌的

move v.移動

shout to…對……大聲喊叫

start v.開始,著手

jump v.跳躍

up and down上上下下

wake v.弄醒,醒

into prep.到……裡面

forest n.森林

ear n.耳朵


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