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李 暢 劉泯村 李珺豪 黃泓傑

劉浩男 何昀熹 王宇宙 唐子淇 張宸嫣 白晉渝

賀雪靈 藍浩軒 王崢旭 程啟昊 王嘉慶 張 渝 王渝鑫 何政萱 徐海蓉 楚浩楠 張清宇 劉瀚駿

游佳睿 幸鈺茜 馮新語 王瑞豐 張嘉芮 周文潔

穀雨宸 鄧聿渲 張泉昕 楊亦婧 吳一飛 呂思琪 尹 博 王晗宇 蔡沁暉 張哲瑞 周潤林 成湘玥虧談 羅烜至 王若竹

羅登堯 楊雨婷 沈知遠 朱悅彰 肖皓勻 王彥傑 陳沛銘 文 藝 黃韜鳴 俞睿恆 張桐銷巧碰宇 周子雯 劉文潤 彭一荃 庹俊豐 朱陳晙瑞 柯俊豪 嚴 浩 盧貴涵 胡心怡 鄧 蓓 何志霖 陳雷詩語 周弋洲 宋松嶼 肖涵月 張格郡 路子傑

毛東美 李蘇叡 丁思鋮 席 躍 陳丹珂 劉俊岳 鄭雲起 周彥衫 陶宣屹

莫鎧源 項楚琪 劉曉倩 李浩正 萬晨璽 艾俊辰 高 藩 付莞欽 陳斯穎 嚴 瑞 馮泰瑞 潘勁旭 李宇航 陸姝文 蔡昊恬 張詩懿 杜海源 楊牧凡

夏 瑞 潘薪宇 張華璨 李明炫 徐尊妍 劉昊臻 陳繼卓 張希男 王樂辰 胡立宇 胡煥語 張楠燁 蒲欣怡 陳文博 楊昕瑞 毛鈺濤 伍祖佳 陳湉豫 江俊澄 廖俊東 宋紅利 陳思為 文 翔 鄭冰冰 周顧曲 朱盈燦 朱宏偉 李 博 胡遠卓 楊松霖 任周炫奕 廖星淇 李佳秘 高嘉孜 晏智睿

陳俊安 夏 榛 趙胤翔 喻芃禕 洪一雲 羅曉焓 戴越洋 馬若宸 王心儀 陳時語 李宜峰

陳艷欣 李榮家 陳芷萱 李佳芮 李 想 劉婉彤 李思節 陳希瑞 何海蘊 冉皓中 夏 瑞 李 妍 凌 莉 曾綉雯 胡 藝 袁鋮翼 陳彥余寬汪 趙睿妍 陳研毅 劉昕沂 魏欣奕 袁 瀟

陳之力 蔣忱迅 楊佳銳 周婧珊 李雨宸 胡馨月 楊靜靜 王翔駒 梅譯丹 李丕然 熊韻涵 羅 為 張耀月 伍祉衡 李夢馨 宋喆豪 鄭宇航 鄧雪兒 龍 妍 張心怡 張婧琦 邱 遠 羅文婷 王政焯 蔡明玙 馮欽楷 黃若汐 江玙函 楊啟睿 彭嘉悅 劉清揚 鄒佩珂 陽涵章 曹毅瑋 曹鈺佳 朱虹鋼 李佳憶 夏梓健 楊一言 雷競儒 周 瑞 孫思藝 劉思宇 王添儀 鄒翔宇

4. 小學生英語閱讀文章3篇

【 #小州凳學英語# 導語】閱讀是一種主動的過程,是由閱讀者根據不同的目的加以調節控制的,陶冶人們的情操,提升自我修養。閱讀是一種理解、領悟、吸收、鑒賞、評價和探究文章的思維過程。閱讀可以改變思想、獲取知識,從而可能改變命運。以下是 整理的《小學生英語閱讀文章3篇》相關資料,希望幫助到您。


There are eight 「working dogs」 in Eight Below. The dogs live in Antarctica, 「the bottom of the world,」 as Jerry Shepard puts it. Shepard serves as a guide at the US National Science Research Base. He works with the dogs, feeds them, plays with them and talks to them.

Also on site is map-maker Charlie, and pilot Katie. Then scientist Davis McClaren arrives, weighed down with equipment. McClaren wants to find a piece of a meteorite (隕石) from Mars that crashed to Earth. He will do anything and sacrifice anyone to accomplish his mission.

「You』ve got to take chances for the things you care about,」 Davis declares.

The opening section of Eight Below, centers on Jerry, Davis and the dogs』 journey across Antarctica in search of the meteorite.

Then a storm blows in and things go wrong. Jerry and the other humans must leave immediately, leaving behind Jerry』s beloved dogs. Chained up, the eight dogs can do nothing but wait for their master to return. How will the dogs survive on their own? The dogs show incredible sympathy and empathy for one another. They have the ability to communicate with each other and lay elaborate plans to hunt down a flock of birds.

In the end, held together only by unwavering bonds of friendship, the humans and the dogs alike make a remarkable journey of courage, enrance and belief to find one another in this spectacular but dangerous land.


You might(可能)go to the hospital if you』re ill. You may think it is a little scary(害怕的)to go to a hospital. But doctors and nurses in the hospital can help you feel better.

What happens(發生)inside a hospital? What do the doctors do in differentdepartments(科室)? How do the doctors treat(治療)patients? Kids learn more about hospitals and doctors at the Teddy Bear hospital.

There is a Teddy Bear hospital in Berlin, Germany(德國柏林). Kids can be doctors here. Their teddy bears are their patients.

Real(真正的)doctors teach the kids a lot. The doctors help the kids to examine(檢查)patients and give them shots(打針). They learn to take care of patients.

Otto is one of these kids. He lives in Berlin. He studies very hard. He is looking at an X-ray photo(X光照片)of his teddy bear.


There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.
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