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1. 2021年12月英語四級閱讀理解真題解析(卷三)




Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touchsomeone ?

46.C)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships .

47.D)How close the communicator『s relationships are .

48.B) They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.

49.A)Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.

50.D)Take other people's preference into consideration .

From climate change to the ongoing pandemic (大流行病) and beyond ,the issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic .

51.A)It faces problems that are getting more varied and compli-cated.

52.C) People are divided about the nature of interest .

53.D)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to crossdisciplinarythinking.

54.C) Making innovative procts needs multidisciplinary procts.

55.B) Broadening their interests .


1、了解文章main idea(主要意思)

做英語閱讀理解就好像做語文閱讀理解時一樣,要知道這篇文章的主旨或者說是中心思想,對文章所講的主旨內容和它的中心思想做到心裡有數。達到一種高度——只要一做英語閱讀理解題,腦子里就要條件反射的蹦出main idea,然後再去閱讀問題和文章。


帶著尋找main idea的思想,先去看一遍問題,把問題中的關鍵詞圈出來,然後再去粗略的讀一遍文章。在讀的時候,不用做到每個單詞都看懂,每句話都能翻譯出來。只要對文章大致上有一個了解就夠了,這樣文章的main idea也就出來了。




2. 2022年6月英語四級作文部分真題及答案(第三套)





Write proposals for the service of school hospital


Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope you are doing great. I am Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English Language ecation. I am writing to make suggestions on making an application for improving our school clinic' s services.

The first feature of the application is a website that enables students to express their dissatisfaction about the doctors attitude. Due to the large number of patients, it is quite easy for students to encounter the doctor' s impatience, which leads to mental discomfort in the process of seeing a doctor. Moreover, booking a doctor in advance is another useful aspect of this application. With the help of this feature, students can avoid wasting time waiting for the call of doctors, because they need to arrive in the clinic at the time they booked before.

Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Li Ming



cease 停止

take up 從事

upon graation 畢業時

although 盡管

consistent 連續的

lifelong 終生的

career 職業

a variety of 很多

factor 原因

lead to 導致

occupation 職業

lucrative 誘惑性的

to begin with 首先

freedom 自由

independence 獨立

privilege 特權

highly-paid position 高薪職位

more importantly 更為重要的是

in that 由於

offer 提供

certain 某種

peace 安靜

rush 匆忙

anxiety 焦慮

please 取悅

paycheck 收入

steady 穩定的

handsome 豐厚的、英俊的

big salary 高工資

equal 抵得上

satisfaction 樂趣、滿足

gentle 安寧的

3. 求 2016年6月大學英語四級第三套真題及答案 網盤資源





4. 2018年6月大學生英語四級真題試卷及答案(第三套)

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