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② 2002年上半年廣東省高等教育自學考試經貿英語閱讀答案

Text 4

The development of modem nationalism ring the 16th century shifted attention to the problem of increasing the wealth and power of the various nation-states. The economic policy of the leaders of that time, known as mercantilism, sought to encourage national self-sufficiency. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred ring the 16th through the early 18th centuries.

Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power. Without the gold and silver mines in the New World from which Spain drew its riches, a nation could accumulate these precious metals only by selling more merchandise to foreigners than it bought from them. This favorable balance of trade necessarily compelled foreigners to cover their deficits by shipping gold and silver.

Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war. With gold and silver, a ruler could hire mercenaries to fight, a practice followed by King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain when he used Hessian troops ring the American Revolution. As needed, the monarch could also buy weapons, uniforms, and food to supply the soldiers and sailors.

Mercantilist preoccupation with precious metals also inspired several domestic policies. It was vital for a nation to keep wages low and the population large and growing. A large, ill-paid population proced more goods to be sold at low prices to foreigners. Ordinary men and women were encouraged to work hard and avoid such extravagances as tea, gin, ribbons, ruffles, and silks. It also followed that the earlier that children began to work, the better it was for their country's prosperity. One mercantilist writer had a plan for children of the poor: "When these children are four years old, they shall be sent to the county workhouse and there taught to read two hours a day and be kept fully employed the rest of the time in any of the manufactures of the house which best suits their age, strength, and capacity."

As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with Smith, continues with the British economists Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo, and culminates in the synthesis of John Stuart Mill, who as a young man was a follower of Ricardo. Although differences of opinion were numerous among the classical economists in the three-quarters of a century between Smith's Wealth of Nations and Mill's Principles of Political Economy (1848), members of the group agreed on major principles. All believed in private property, free markets, and, in Mill's words, that "only through the principle of competition has political economy any pretension to the character of a science." They shared Smith's strong suspicion of government and his ardent confidence in the power of self-interest represented by his famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with indivial pursuit of private gain. From Ricardo, classicists derived the notion of diminishing returns, which held that as more labor and capital were applied to land, yields after "a certain and not very advanced stage in the progress of agriculture steadily diminished."

Through Smith's emphasis on consumption, rather than on proction, the scope of economics was considerably broadened. Smith was optimistic about the .chances of improving general standards of life. He called attention to the importance of permitting indivials to follow their self-interest as a means of promoting national prosperity.

Malthus, on the other hand, in his enormously influential book An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), imparted a tone of gloom to classical economics, arguing that hopes for prosperity were fated to founder on the rock of excessive population growth. Food, he believed, would increase in arithmetic ratio (2-4-6-8-10 and so on), but population tended to double in each generation (2-4-8-16-32 and so on) unless that doubling was checked either by nature or human prudence. According to Malthus, nature's check was "positive": "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to proce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race." The shapes it took included war, epidemics, pestilence and plague, human vices, and famine, all combining to level the world's population with the world's food supply.

The only escape from population pressure and the horrors of the positive check was in voluntary limitation of population, not by contraception, rejected on religious grounds by Malthus, but by late marriage and, consequently, smaller families. These pessimistic doctrines of classical economists earned for economics the epithet of the "dismal science."

Mill's Principles of Political Economy was the leading text on the subject until the end of the 19th century. Although Mill accepted the major theories of his classical predecessors, he held out more hope than did Ricardo and Malthus that the working class could be ecated into rational limitation of their own numbers. Mill was also a reformer who was quite willing to tax inheritances heavily and even to allow government a larger role in protecting children and workers. He was far more critical than other classical economists of business behavior and favored worker ownership of factories. Mill thus represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state.

36. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred _____.
a) in the 16th century
b) in the 17th century
c) in the 18th century
d) ring the 16th through the early 18th centuries

37. Which of the following statements is not true? ___
a) Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power.
b) Mercantilists emphasized the importance of agriculture.
c) Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war.
d) Mercantilism also inspired several domestic policies.

38. As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with _________.
a) Smith who wrote the Wealth of Nations.
b) Mill who wrote the Principles of Political Economy.
c) Ricardo who wrote the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
d) Malthus who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population

39.Which of the following statements is false? ______.
a) All the classicists believed in private property, free markets and competition.
b) All the classicists believed in the interference of government.
c) All the classicists shared Smith's strong suspicion of government.
d) All the classicists agreed with Smith's famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with indivial pursuit of private gain.

40. Who represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state? ______.
a) Adam Smith
b) John Mill
c) David Ricardo
d) Thomas Robert Malthus

③ 商務英語自考(專科)考哪幾科

類型序號 課程代號 課程名稱 學分 類型 考試方式
001 0002 鄧小平理論概論 3 必考 筆試
002 0001 馬克思主義哲學原理 3 必考筆試
003 0003 法律基礎與思想道德修養 2 必考筆試
004 0011 大學語文(本科) 6 必考筆試
005 0794 綜合英語(一) 10 必考筆試
006 0795 綜合英語(二) 10 必考筆試
007 0522 英語國家概況 4 必考筆試
008 0831 英語語法 4 必考筆試
009 0595 英語閱讀(一) 6 必考筆試
010 0596 英語閱讀(二) 6 必考筆試
011 0597 英語寫作基礎 4 必考筆試
012 0593 聽力 8 必考實踐考核
013 0594 口語 8 必考實踐考核
101 8005 經貿英語閱讀 4 選考 筆試
102 8006 經貿英語寫作 4 選考 筆試
103 8007 經貿英語聽說 4 選考 筆試
231 0040 法學概論 6 加考 筆試
232 0212 憲法學(一) 4 加考 筆試
說明:1、港澳考生不考001、002、003,但須加考231、232。 2、報考商務英語方向的考生須加考101至103三門課程。 3、原英語專業(專科,代碼002)調整為英語(基礎科段)專業,原外貿英語專業(專科,代碼042)調整為英語(商務英語方向,基礎科段)專業。

④ 經貿英語閱讀中學到了什麼

經貿英語閱讀開考於1996年,其後在每年的上半年舉行,是高等教育自學考試商務英語專業(專科段)的基礎課程,旨在幫助自學者擴大經貿知識面,增加詞彙量,提高閱讀、翻譯等能力。不少自學者感覺這門課程難度較大,故而信心不足。本文擬分析產生這一情況的原因,進而指出自學者應制定計劃並注意處理好經貿英語與一般英語、詞彙等新知識的獲得與保持,平時學習與針對性練習等幾個方面的關系。 知己知彼,周密計劃 我們中國人都很熟悉「知己知彼」的意義所在。實際上,無論我們做什麼,要想無往不勝,取得成功,都應能做到既知己也知彼。經貿英語閱讀這門課是本專業的「高年級」課程,之所以這樣說,是因為,自學者理應在修完精讀(一)、泛讀(一)、甚至精讀(二)等英語課程以及在學習了國際貿易、國際金融等經貿課程的基礎上,再進入本課程的學習。實際情況是,許多剛報名參加本專業學習的自學者便報考這一門課,特別是在1996年。當時「商務英語」專業可說是名副其實的新設專業(1995年下半年增設),有多門課程尚未開考。也許是因為沒有更多的選擇,又想能早一天開始,早一天如願,約有四百多人參加了考試,而報了名最後怯考者則大有人在。很顯然,大家對「商務英語」專業不太了解,對經貿英語閱讀這門課的基本要求還不甚清楚。在這種情況下報名應考,無疑是犯了兵家大忌。一方面,大家的熱情值得鼓勵,下定決心便付諸於行動。但另一方面,當我們根據自己的興趣、工作的需要等而自學某一專業時,必須循序漸進,畢竟這不是可以一蹴而就的事。「商務英語」專業的自學在這方面也毫無例外。而且,如果我們因為不了解,結果受挫,進而打退堂鼓,那麼就更值得我們去反思這其中的原因了。 要避免不合理性的選擇,很重要的是我們能夠了解「商務英語」專業課程設置(「知彼」),並結合自己的現實水平(「知己」)制訂一個計劃,這一計劃必須是一個稱得上是SMART的計劃(S-Specific,M-Measurable,A-Ambitious,R_Realistic,T-Time-based)。接下來便是嚴格執行計劃。當然根據日後進展對我們先前所制定的計劃作些適當的調整也是我們應有的態度。如果沒有這樣的計劃,不按照本專業設置的有關要求,總是「跟著感覺走」,則必然無異於播種不分時節,而沒有什麼收獲。因此,了解專業設置要求,制定切實可行的計劃,對於我們能順利地自學本專業是極為重要,而我們誰也不能忽視的。 對於經貿英語閱讀而言,我們也同樣需要制定一份周密的計劃。遺憾的是,有些自學者對此不重視,結果才學了一、兩課便三天打魚、兩天曬網,甚至最終放棄努力。我們要「知己知彼」,了解這門課在讀、譯、詞彙等方面的要求(請參閱「考試大綱」),問問自己在語言、經貿知識方面是否有了一定的基礎,只有這樣我們才能咬定青山不放鬆,最終學有所成。 有了計劃,能否實現,關鍵在於我們在執行計劃過程中,能否處理好以下幾個方面的關系。 經貿英語與一般英語的關系 經貿英語是專門用途英語(English for Special Purpose)大家族的一員,它與一般英語(General English)既相聯系,又相區別,兩者的關系可比作「毛」與「皮」的關系。我們中國有這樣一句成語,對它們的關系作出了概括,即「皮之不存,毛將焉附。」這對我們自學者有較大的啟迪。我們認真學習精讀一、泛讀一、精讀二(這幾門課與自考「英語專業」的要求和測試相同),便是為進一步學習經貿英語打好一般英語的基礎。畢竟經貿英語與一般英語在基本詞彙和基本句型的使用上有相同的「共性」,如果忽視了兩者之間的這一聯系,基礎沒打好就急於開始經貿英語的學習,單單在語言方面的困難就足以令我們因為舉步維艱而蒙生退意了。 但是經貿英語作為在外經貿活動中所使用的英語,在詞彙、句式、行文結構這三個層次上都表現出有別於一般英語的個性,譬如,我們要讀懂西方報刊國際經貿文章,就必須掌握一定的有關經濟貿易的專業英語詞彙,如涉及到有關描述經濟貿易發展情況、趨勢、國際貿易收支、貿易摩擦、跨國公司、商品市場等方面的一些專業英語詞彙。現舉一些例子加以說明。 描寫經濟貿易上升趨勢的詞和短語: an increase / to increase a rise / to rise an upward movement / to go up a jump / to jump a peak / to reach a peak/to peak a recovery / to recover a growth / to grow a leap / to leap a surge / to surge 描寫經濟貿易下降趨勢的常用詞和短語: a decrease/to decrease a fall/to fall a drop/to drop a downward movement/to go down a low point/to reach a low point a fall off/to fall off a slump/to slump a decline/to decline a collapse/to collapse a cut/to cut a leveling off/to level off 對未來的經濟貿易發展趨勢作預測時常用以下幾個動詞: forecast,expect,project,anticipate,hope 在描寫經濟貿易發展變化的程度時,經常需要用百分比來作對比,從而需用有關動詞及與其配套的前置詞: to fall to run at a rate of 5%to increase to slow down from 10%to 5%to grow to increase from a 4.8%average to cut to a 6.5%average 英語經貿文章的句式及句子之間的連接也有其特點,如在對經貿發展趨勢進行比較時經常藉助於多種語法手段,從而有機地把枯燥的數字和信息揉合在一起。例如: The U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics on Omaha's prosperity:At 2.3%in December ,Omaha had the second-lowest unemployment rate of the nation's 50 biggest cities.Only Honolulu was lower at 2.1%,Among tates,Nebraska's 2% jobless rate was the USA's lowest-well below the national rate. 為使句子之間的意思更好地連貫起來,常常使用連接詞,介詞和副詞,如表明對比和情況變化關系的詞有but,however,whereas,either…or和neither…nor等;表示情況內在聯系的連接詞和短語介詞有and,as well as和in the case of等。 就文體而言,英語經貿文章大體可分為四類:一般經濟貿易消息報告;經濟貿易情況簡報;經濟、貿易和商品市場調研報告;經濟貿易評論。每一體裁又有不同的結構,如經濟貿易評論文章主要由以下幾個部分組成:簡單敘述被評論觀點或事情的背景;提出自己的觀點和看法;闡述評論觀點或事情的意義。經濟、貿易和商品市場調研報告一般包括:對前一階段情況作簡單回顧;由統計材料或典型事例闡述對目前情況的看法;對下一階段的形勢發展提出預測;最後有時還提出應採取的對策或建議。 另外,英語經貿文章的選材(請參閱必讀書目的「導言」)的專業性要求我們必須具備一定的專業知識。如果我們對各主題所涉及的知識比較缺乏,必然會覺得文章難讀難懂,因此,我們也必須想方設法克服背景知識方面的障礙,如能在進入本門課程學習前,先期學習國際貿易、國際金融等課程,則對於這門課的學習也是大有裨益的。 詞彙等新知識的獲得與保持 我們在自學《經貿英語閱讀》這門課程時遇到的另一個較大的障礙是詞彙障礙。這是任何一個想提高閱讀能力的人都會面臨的挑戰,那麼如何克服這一障礙呢? 很多自學者在閱讀時對於生詞往往採取了不能「容忍」的態度,但他們不是試圖根據上、下文或詞的構成去猜測詞義,而是遇到生詞就自覺不自覺地查字典。即使有時猜出了詞義,還覺得不放心,查到查了字典後才感覺踏實。這樣功夫花了不少,但收獲卻不大。看來,我們需要變革我們處理生詞的方法。對於所讀篇目中的生詞該不該查呢?答案是肯定的,因為單就考試中的詞彙題一項來說,我們必須能夠認識教材中出現的常用詞彙及一些專業詞彙。但更重要的問題在於我們應該何時查、查什麼以及是否一查就萬事大吉了呢? 「閱讀時…即使遇到生詞也應繼續往下讀…」。(《美國留學指南》)一遇到生詞就停下來去查字典是不足取的,雖然不放過任何一個生詞的精神值得稱道,但更理想的是我們應試著「硬」著頭皮先將整篇文章讀下來,至少是將整個段落讀完,然後再回頭去處理所遇到的生詞。作為語言三大要素之一的詞彙,我們應該了解它的拼寫、讀音、詞性和釋義,然後根據所讀文章的上下文,找出這個詞在文章中的含義,並判斷自己所作猜測的對、錯。 不少自學者查了很多生詞,但真正掌握的卻為數不多,考試時依然還很陌生,主要原因在於很多人是淺嘗輒止,滿足於一查了事。實際上,我們要掌握一個詞,必須多創造或利用機會來用它,如果忽視了這一極為重要的環節,那麼必然難免花了大量時間卻沒有意料中的收獲。另外,我們還應了解一些記憶的規律或者說了解我們為什麼容易遺忘。 記憶分為長期記憶和短期記憶。長期記憶中的語言知識和非語言知識,對理解和產生語言都是至關重要的。(劉潤清、馬丁·韋德爾,1995) 那麼如何能將包括詞彙在內的語言知識以及經貿知識等非語言知識保存在長期記憶中呢?心理學研究表明,產生遺忘的原因主要有兩個:一是暫時神經聯系痕跡得不到強化而不能鞏固和長期留存,以至逐漸消退,最後消失,產生遺忘;二是暫時神經聯系痕跡受到其他刺激的干擾而抑制,產生遺忘。因此,我們可以有針對性地採用防止遺忘的兩種有效方法。一是進行有效復習,使暫時神經聯系痕跡獲得不斷強化而鞏固,例如,及時復習、經常復習、注意分散復習、復習與試圖回憶相結合,多種感官作用和合理分配每次復習的重復次數等。二是排除其他刺激干擾,例如,採用早晚復習等。(章兼中,1988:PP195-207) 大家可分析一下自己目前所採用的方法,相當一部分人可能是先從第一課開始,一直到學完所有篇目,再進行第二輪復習。這樣復習的效果難免不盡人意,因為在進行新一輪復習時還常常是懵懵懂懂,似熟還生,可見遺忘率極高。我們也難以指望如此記憶中的信息對考試和以後實際工作中的閱讀有多大的幫助。所以,我們在了解記憶的有關規律後,要遵循這些規律,進行有效復習,做到溫故而知新。 平時學習與針對性練習 對於參加自考「商務英語」專業的自學者來說,我想應該有兩個目的:一是擴大自己的知識面,提高在外經貿活動中使用英語的能力。另一個目的便是能順利通過本專業各門課程的考試,拿到高等教育自學考試文憑。通過以考促學,實現目的。而要能實現這兩個目的,我們必須處理好平時學習與針對性練習兩者之間的關系。正如任何其它考試一樣,平時扎扎實實地學習是考試成功的基礎,但要能在考試中發揮出自己的水平,我們還要關注平時學習與考試的區別。就經貿英語閱讀而言,我們學習必讀書目中的指定篇目時,沒有時間限制,而考試時則不然,我們應在規定的時間內既快又准地完成。因此,我們對考試的要求與題型應瞭然於胸,並據此進行針對性練習。通過練習,我們才能在考試時得心應手地運用平時所積累的知識。否則會出現學得還不錯,考試時卻不知所措,滿腹的知識就覺得都用不上。當然,我們應注意只做練習而不學課本的傾向。實際上,本課程的考試大綱中寫得很清楚,術語翻譯、詞語及難句解釋、完形填空、詞彙題等均以必讀書目為主要依據。因此我們應能注重平時學習與針對性練習的有機結合。 如果我們意識到平時學習與針對性練習相結合的意義,那麼有些自學者可能要說,必讀書目中的練習較少,而且與考試題型不完全一致。其實在這方面大家可更多地發揮主觀能動性而有所作為的。如閱讀理解,一方面我們可充分利用必讀書目中的練習,演練快讀、查讀、細讀等閱讀方法;另一方面我們還可藉助於「他山之石」,做做同類練習,掌握各項必要的閱讀技能,即如何抓主題思想,如何找主要事實或特定細節,如何進行判斷和推理,如何確定作者的觀點和態度等。比較我們所參加過的以及將要參加的英語考試中的閱讀理解,雖然篇目長短不一,文體有敘有議,難度有深有淺,但閱讀理解題的類型無外乎事實型問題、主旨型問題和推理型問題等。對於翻譯題來說也是如此。大家應注意理解和表達,相關的技巧同樣適用,只不過本門課考試中的翻譯涉及一定的專門知識,有一些專業術語和經貿文章特有的表達方式罷了,而這些則要靠平時積累。 為給大家提供練習的機會,茲將1998年上半年本門課考試中的主觀題部分附在文後,大家可以一試身手。 世上無難事,只要肯登攀。雖然我們在學習這門課時,可能遇到一些困難,希望大家能認真進行分析,找出症結所在,並設法加以克服,同時遵循學習規律,持之以恆,則一定能夠到達勝利的彼岸。

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