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㈠ 考研英語閱讀理解和翻譯



The world is goingthrough the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. Theprocess sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emergingcountries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at thisprocess and worrying: “Won't the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollableanti-competitive force?"

There's no question that the big are getting bigger and morepowerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% ofinternational trade in 1982. Today the figure is more than 25% and growingrapidly. International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment ofproction in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. InArgentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s, multinationalswent from 43% to almost 70% of the instrial proction of the 200 largestfirms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smallereconomic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of theworld economy。

I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&Awave are the same that underlie the globalization process: fallingtransportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers andenlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers'demands. All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to consumers. Asproctivity grows, the world's wealth increases。

Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave arescanty. Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms todaycould re-create the same threats to competition that were feared nearly acentury ago in the U.S., when the Standard Oil trust was broken up. The mergersof telecom companies, such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices forconsumers or a rection in the pace of technical progress. On the contrary,the price of communications is coming down fast. In cars, too, concentration isincreasing—witness Daimler and Chrysler, Renault and Nissan—but it doesnot appear that consumers are being hurt。

Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched. Afew weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamergers in the bankinginstry. Who is going to supervise, regulate and operate as lender of lastresort with the gigantic banks that are being created? Won't multinationalsshift proction from one place to another when a nation gets too strict aboutinfringements to fair competition? And should one country take upon itself therole of“defending competition" on issues that affect many othernations, as in the U.S. vs. Microsoft case?

33. What is the typical trend of businesses today?

[A]To take in more foreign funds

[B]To invest more abroad

[C]To combine and become bigger

[D]To trade with more countries

34. According to the author, one of the driving forces behindM&A wave is _________。

[A]the greater customer demands

[B]a surplus supply for the market

[C]a growing proctivity

[D]the increase of the world's wealth

35. From paragraph 4 we can infer that _________。

[A]the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers

[B]WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs

[C]the costs of the globalization process are enormous

[D]the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition

36. Toward the new business wave, the writer's attitude can be saidto be _________。






33. What is the typical trend of businesses today? 今天的商業典型的發展趨勢是什麼?

[A]To take in more foreign funds 吸收更多外資

[B]To invest more abroad 進行更多對外投資

[C]To combine and become bigger 合並做強

[D]To trade with more countries 與更多國家貿易

【答案】 C

【考點】 事實細節題。

【分析】 文章第一段中說“世界正在經歷一場前所未有的最大的的並購浪潮。這個浪潮從異常活躍的美國開始,橫掃歐洲,並以不可比擬的威力影響到正在崛起的國家”,因此可以判斷正確答案是[C]。

34. According to the author, one of the driving forces behindM&A wave is _______。


[A]the greater customer demands 更大的消費需求

[B]a surplus supply for the market 對市場的剩餘供給

[C]a growing proctivity 日益增長的生產率

[D]the increase of the world’s wealth 世界財富的增長

【答案】 A

【考點】 事實細節題。

【分析】 根據“合並浪潮的推動力”可以定位到第三段。在作者看來,“日趨下降的運輸與通訊費用,較低的貿易與投資壁壘,以及市場的擴大和為滿足市場需求而進行的擴大生產,是推動這股巨大的並購浪潮的最主要的力量,也是推動全球化進程的力量”。將四個選項對比這三個因素,只有[A]包括了根據顧客的需要擴大市場這個因素。

35. From paragraph 4 we can infer that _____。


[A] the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers


[B] WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs


[C] the costs of the globalization process are enormous


[D] the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition


【答案】 D

【考點】 推斷題。

【分析】 [A]“日益增長的集中肯定會損害消費者的利益”與原文第四段第一句不符合,因為作者說“這股合並浪潮是帶來益處還是弊端的實例還很少”,因此很難說肯定會帶來損害。[B]提到“世通”,說是一個帶來利益和降低成本的好例子。這句說是“價格沒有隨著合並而提高”,並沒有提到價格降低問題,因此,合並雖然沒有傷害消費者,也沒有給他們帶來利益。[C]本段沒有涉及。[D]可以從文中“很難想像當今的幾個石油公司的合並能夠再次造成像100年前美國標准石油托拉斯對競爭形成的威脅”,這說明當年這個石油公司肯定曾經對競爭造成巨大威脅。

36. Toward the new business wave, the writer’s attitudecan be said to be _____。


[A]optimistic 樂觀的

[B]objective 客觀的

[C]pessimistic 悲觀的

[D]biased 歧視的

【答案】 B

【考點】 作者態度題。

【分析】 本題考查考生是否了解作者的態度。文中作者提到了“合並”的益處,但是同時也在第四段中提到“我們必須警惕這樣的合並浪潮”。作者是從兩個方面來談論這個問題的,因此我們可以判斷作者的態度應該是客觀的。


1. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role ofsmaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stabilityof the world economy。

【結構分析】本題的主幹是“This phenomenon has created serious concerns”,兩個“over”引導介賓短語,是並列的成分,做“concern”的定語。而“of smaller economic firms”與“of nationalbusinessmen”都是第一個“role”的定語。

2. I believe that the most important forces behind the massiveM&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: fallingtransportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers andenlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers’ demands。

【結構分析】本句主句是“I believe ”,“that”引導一個賓語從句,在這個賓語從句中,後面的“that”前面省略了“forces”,這個“that”引導一個定語從句,修飾這個省略的“forces”。冒號後面的部分是“the most important forces”的同位語,其中“markets”後面的“that”引導定語從句修飾“markets”,“capable ofmeeting customers' demands”是“operations”的定語。








㈡ 哪裡2016考研英語二閱讀理解答案解析

21、[B]remodel the way of thinking
根據題干Cortina定位在第二段。典型的欲揚先抑,首段說coding classs不重要arent essential, 第二段引出中心Cortina認為較早的接觸電腦是有益的beneficial,緊接著具體說明好處在於,他們就學習了電腦知識就懂得如何去開發手機應用程序,創作藝術,或者驗證假設。答案關鍵句在於第三句的比較:It』s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.對於他們來說與大孩子相比,改變思維並不難。綜上所述,[B]remodel the way of thinking是對原文「transform their thought」的同義改寫。對比處為命題點。
22、[D] interest
根據題干「in delivering lessons for high-schoolers」、「Flatiron 」,定位到第四段。其中deliver是gear的同義改寫。Lesson是curriculum的同義改寫。The high-schoolers get the same curriculum, but 「we try to gear lessons toward things they』re interested in」(高中生們上同樣的課程,但是「我們力圖以他們的興趣來調整課程」),說明該校開設課程是主要考慮到「學生的興趣」,故選[B] interest。
23、[A] help students learn other computer languages
根據Deborah Seehorn 定位到文章第五段最後一句But the skills they learn —..... — apply to any coding language,。他們所學的技能......可以應用到任何編碼語言中去。選項[A]help首先體現了文章主體感情色彩beneficial,computer languages對應 coding language。
24、[C] become better prepared for the digitalized world
根據題干關鍵詞「the last paragraph」迴文定位在最後一段。最後一段第一句指出Flatiron的學生不會全都進入IT界。因此馬上可以排除A. compete with a future army of programmers和B. stay longer in the information technology instry(都在談IT行業)第三句進一步指出這些學生將會一生「被電腦包圍」(對應the digitalized world),第四句繼續表明態度,越早學習電腦思維方式越好(且又一次進行比較the earlier the better),[C] become better prepared for the digitalized world是對上述內容的概況總結。
25、[B] persuade
根據題干關鍵信息「coax」(Line 4, Para.6),定位到最後一段第四行how to coax the machine into procing what they want本文通篇態度明確,對電腦級相關知識都是強烈的正面態度,只有A選項(「勸說,勸誘」)帶入後符合中心思想:其他選項;[B] frighten「嚇唬,使驚嚇」[C] misguide「誤導」,都是明顯負面感情色彩,故排除;[D] challenge「挑戰」,即「挑戰電腦去生產他們想要的」,與A比較後順利排除。

㈢ 考研英語閱讀理解翻譯歷年真題

“I've never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It's a stupid endeavor.” That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps not for another five years. It seems the reproctive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.

Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has proced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you're dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.

Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy's mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He's plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missy?s fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”

The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin's work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when we?re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?” [397 words]

6. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because_____ .

[A] animals are tortured to death in the experiments

[B]the public has expressed strong disapproval

[C] too many lives are wasted for laboratory use

[D] cloning becomes a quest only for profit

7. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?

[A] The client holds a suspicious view toward it.

[B] There is a lack of funds to support the research.

[C] The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.

[D] Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.

8. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?

[A]Few private cloning companies could afford it

[B]Few people have realized its significance.

[C] An exact of a cat or bull can be made.

[D] It is becoming a prosperous instry.

9. From the passage we can infer that _____.

[A] Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon

[B] scientists are pessimistic about human cloning

[C] human reproctive system has not been understood

[D] rich people are only interested in cloning animals

10. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning______.

[A] is stupid and should be abandoned [B] has been close to success

[C] should be taken cautiously [D] is now in a dilemma



confines n. limits or borders范圍,界限;邊界 例:the confines of human knowledge 人類的知識范圍 / the confines of family life 家庭生活的范圍


aborted a. *① 流產的 ② 出問題的,出故障的

canine a. 犬的,犬科的

cramped a. 狹窄的,擁擠的 例:working in cramped conditions 在擁擠的環境里工作

embryo n. 胚胎

fetus n. 胎,胎兒

Missyplicity n.這是個臨時造的詞,是三個部分的合成:Missy指文中提到的那條狗密斯,


plop vi.&vt.(使)撲通一聲落下 例:Can you plop some ice in my drink? 能在我的飲料中放點冰塊嗎? 文中是比喻用法,指“投入資金”

surrogate n.代理, 代理人,代用品 vt.使代理, 使代替;*surrogate mother 代理母體

veterinary a.獸醫的 例:veterinary medicine/science獸醫學

vexed a.*① 氣惱的,煩惱的 例:the vexed parents of an unruly teenager因孩子難管教而氣惱的父母 ②(問題等)爭論不休的,難於解決的 例:vexed question/issue棘手的問題

viably ad. ① 可實施地,切實可行地 *② 能存活地,能生長發育地


1. That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.

該句主幹是That's an interesting choice of adjective。現在分詞短語coming from... 做後置定語,修飾前面的名詞choice,相當於一個定語從句(which is)coming from... ;在分詞短語中,定語從句who... 也做後置定語,修飾先行詞a man。

2. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems.

該句主幹是He knows that... 。that引導的賓語從句是一個主從復合句,且從句位於主句之前,主句是the offspring will face the problems... ;從句是讓步狀語從句:even if he gets a dog viably pregnant;should they survive是個省略了if的條件狀語從句,為插入語,修飾主句。另外,主句的賓語the problems後接有過去分詞短語shown... 做後置定語,相當於一個定義從句(that)are shown... ;冒號後的名詞短語做the problems的同位語。




引用專家Mark Westhusin和一位試圖克隆其愛犬的富人的話(never met a human worth cloning,a stupid endeavor)表達作者的觀點。接著介紹Mark Westhusin所進行的克隆動物的實驗(two calves,a cat and a dog),並特別指出對狗的克隆最具難度(one of the mysteries of modern science)。


第二段:指出Mark Westhusin克隆動物的經驗使他極力反對克隆人(vexed by talking of human cloning)。首句是段落主題句。段中詳細介紹了一個克隆狗的項目(the Missyplicity project)中出現的狀況:①從成百上千的卵中只獲得一打左右基因匹配的胚胎;②轉移到母體時沒有一個胚胎存活下來。從這些細節中可以推出,克隆是低效而且危險的。這在末句“Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous”得到了證實。該段最後還給出了Mark Westhusin的觀點:動物實驗中的浪費現象在人的研究中不能被接受。因此,該段將Mark Westhusin反對克隆人的態度表露無疑。

㈣ 2023年考研英語真題答案


㈤ 2014考研英語二閱讀text3真題及答案


㈥ 考研英語閱讀理解漢語翻譯



The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbours, cannot be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet. Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.

Twenty years from now you will be able to listen to a friend on Mars, but the words you hear will have left his mouth at least three minutes earlier, and your reply will take a corresponding time to reach him. In such circumstances, an exchange of verbal messages is possible—but not a conversation.

To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact. It will be a perpetual reminder of universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail. For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal—still less any material object—can ever travel faster than light.

The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit, being part of the very structure of space and time. Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely. At the worst, these will amount to twenty hours—the time it takes a radio signal to span the orbit of Pluto, the outer-most planet.

It is when we move out beyond the confines of the solar system that we come face to face with an altogether new order of cosmic reality. Even today, many otherwise ecated men—like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four—cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space. The first is the space enclosing our neighbouring worlds, the planets; the second is that which embraces those distant suns, the stars, and it is literally millions of times greater. There is no such abrupt change of scale in the terrestrial affairs.

Many conservative scientists, appalled by these cosmic gulfs, have denied that they can ever be crossed. Some people never learn; those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach. And again they are wrong, for they have failed to grasp the great lesson of our age—that if something is possible in theory, and no fundamental scientific laws oppose its realization, then sooner or later it will be achieved.

One day we shall discover a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles. Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light. They will never reach that goal, but they will get very near it. And then the nearest star will be less than five years voyaging from the earth.[514 words]

11.For light to travel across the solar system, it will take_______.

[A] a year [B] nearly a day [C] two months [D] thirty minutes

12.The fact that it will never be possible to converse with someone on another planet shows that________

[A] radio messages do not travel fast enough

[B] no object can ever travel faster than light

[C] western culture has a special idea of communication

[D] certain universal laws cannot be prevailed against

13.Confronted with the new order of cosmic reality, many ecated men________.

[A] become ignorant savage again [B] find the “time barrier” unbearable

[C] will not combine solar and stellar space[D] cannot adapt to the abrupt change of scale

14.Conservative scientists who deny that cosmic gulfs can ever be crossed will________

[A] laugh at the very idea of flight [B] learn a lesson as they did ten years ago

[C] find space travel beyond their reach[D] oppose the fundamental scientific laws

15.The author of the passage intends to show__________.

[A] the limitations of our technology [B] the vastness of the cosmic reality

[C] the prospect of planetary travel [D] the psychological impact of time and space



enclose vt. *① [常用被動態] to surround sth., especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate(尤指用籬笆或圍牆)圍起來 例:A high wall enclosed the courtyard. 一堵高牆把院子圍了起來。 ② 隨信附上,隨信裝入 例:Please enclose a check with your order. 請您隨定單附上支票。

en-?是構成動詞的前綴,表示 ① “使處於某種狀態,使有某種特徵,使成為……”例:danger使陷入危險中,危害,危及,enlarge使變大,擴大,enslave使成為奴隸,奴役 ②“把……包住;包涵”例:encircle圍繞,環繞,包圍,encase把……放入箱(盒、袋等)內

lump n. ① a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape(不定形的)塊例:There were lumps in the sauce. 醬汁中有塊狀的東西。②方糖 例:One lump or two? 要一塊還是兩塊方糖?vt. to accept a situation or decision you do not like because you cannot change it 無奈地接受 例: I?m going to that party! Like it or lump it! 我打算去參加那個聚會!不管喜歡還是不喜歡!

[短語搭配] *lump sth. together 把……合在一起考慮;算在一起 例:Pacifists, atheists and journalists were all lumped together as “troublemakers”. 和平主義者、無神論者和記者都被歸為“搗亂分子”。


enmesh vt. *① 用網捕捉,使陷入網中;文中指“以電話和電視網路將整個世界聯系起來” ② 使陷入,使捲入 例:be enmeshed in difficulties陷入困難中

stellar a.*① 恆星的,與星有關的 ② 極好的 例:the company?s stellar growth公司的良好發展

terrestrial a. ① 陸地的 *② 地球上的


1. The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, makingall men neighbors, cannot be extended into space.

該句主幹是一個被動句The marvelous telephone and television network... cannot be extended into space。其中that引導的定語從句做後置定語修飾network;分詞短語making all men neighbors當結果狀語,修飾整個定語從句。

2. To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact.

該句主幹是This “time barriers” may have a profound psychological impact。介詞短語to a culture which... 充當狀語成分,修飾句子主幹,其中which引導的定語從句修飾a culture;介詞短語as... 與前面的動詞take構成“動詞+復合賓語”的結構take sth. as sth.(把……看作……)。

3. Those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach.

該句主幹是Those... are now quite sure that... 。who引導的定語從句修飾主語those;連詞and 連接的兩個動詞短語scoffed...和laughed... 是並列關系,一起充當定語從句的謂語。that引導的從句充當表語。




第一段:開篇指出,地球上的通信系統無法延伸到太空中,因此人類無法實現星際之間的對話。接著分析原因:無線電波和光波傳播速度的限制(the same limited speed)使信息需要花很長時間才能到達(the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey)。

第二段:以火星為例,具體說明星際之間無法實現通常意義上的“對話”(a conversation is impossible)。由此可以推知,未來星際之間的交流將採用延時通信(communication delay)的方式。


第三段:指出“時間障礙”對人們造成的心理影響(a profound psychological impact),即人們意識到技術不能戰勝宇宙的普遍規律和限制(universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail)。

第四段:指出速度限制在狹小的太陽系內(the narrow confines of the solar system)不會給人們帶來不便(will not handicap us too severely),並且以冥王星為例說明速度的限制在太陽系內最多造成20個小時的延遲。


第五段:提出觀點一,即,人們應該認識到太陽系之外的宇宙更浩瀚,天體規模的變化更突然(greater, abrupt change of scale)。該段批評了一些人對宇宙的無知(like savages,cannot grasp the profound distinction),並且對太陽系和恆星系兩個概念給予了界定。

第六段:批評那些否認跨越宇宙鴻溝的可能性(appalled by these cosmic gulfs, denied that they can ever be crossed)的保守的科學家。從理論上進行論證:人類的發展證明,只要是理論上證明可能的事情,人類遲早能夠實現(If something is possible in theory, then sooner or later it will be achieved)。

第七段:提出觀點二,即,技術的發展將使跨越宇宙鴻溝變為可能。該段指出未來的航天器驅動方式(a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles)將會接近速度的極限。全文最後以展望星際旅行的前景結束。




1. 事實細節題

(1) 文中出現多處數字,包括:無線電波或者光波的傳播速度都是每秒186, 000英里;無線電信號達到冥王星的時間是20小時;未來乘坐航天器達到最近的恆星需要大約5年的時間。針對這些細節可以命制數字細節題,參見試題11。

(2) 第一段含有兩個層次的因果關系:人類無法實現星際之間的對話是因為信號傳送時間長;信號傳送時間長是因為無線電波或者光波傳播速度的限制。這里可以命制因果細節題,參見試題12。

(3) 結合第三段和第四段考查“速度限制或時間障礙”造成的影響。如:[A] 人類不再盲目崇拜技術;[B] 給人類生活帶來諸多不便;[C] 星際之間無法進行交流;[D] 誘發人類一些心理疾病。(答案:[A])

2. 推理引申題

(1) 針對第二段關於與火星上的人交流的描述考查未來星際之間的交流方式。

(2) 針對第四段末句考查太陽系內通信延遲的時間最長可以達多久。

3. 人物觀點、態度題

第五段和第六段提到了兩類保守的人,根據文中的描述,可以命制人物觀點題,參見試題13和14。也可以考查他們看待時間障礙問題的態度,如:[A] 肯定的;[B] 否定的;[C] 中立的;[D] 含糊不清的.。(答案:[A])

4. 作者觀點、態度題

(1) 考查作者對文中提到的兩類人的態度,如:[A] 褒揚;[B] 批判;[C] 同情;[D] 厭惡。(答案:[B])

(2) 根據第五段至第七段,考查作者觀點,如:[A] 人類在浩瀚的宇宙中十分渺小;[B] 人們應該了解太陽系之外的宇宙;[C] 技術的力量是無窮無盡的;[D] 宇宙速度的限制遲早會被突破。(答案:[B])

5. 詞義句意題

(1) 考查第五段lump together的含義。

(2) 根據上文推測第六段末句If something is possible in theory... then sooner or later it will be achieved的含義,如:[A] 未來的人類終將跨越宇宙鴻溝;[B] 任何設想都不要違背自然規律;[C] 保守的人永遠不能正確預見未來;[D] 理論與實際的距離只是時間問題。(答案:[A])



[A] 一年。 [B] 將近一天。 [C] 兩個月。 [D] 30分鍾。

[精解] 答案B本題考查考生的數字推理能力。原文中沒有直接的回答,但是第一段末句指出:“無線電和光的傳播速度相同。”第四段最後一句又指出,無線電傳到太陽系中最遠的冥王星,要20小時。所以[B]項正確。


[A] 無線電的傳播速度不夠快 [B] 沒有物體能比光的速度快

[C] 西方文化有特別的交流觀念[D] 某些普遍規律不能被戰勝

[精解] 答案A本題考查事實細節。第一段後兩句指出,“永遠不可能和另一個星球人進行對話。即使有今天的無線電設備,信息傳播也需要好幾分鍾,甚至好幾個小時,因為無線電和光波都是以有限速度傳播。”第二段中舉了一個和火星人交流的例子,得出的結論是:“交換語言信息是可能的,但是不可能對話。”[A]項指的是傳播速度的限制,為正確項。[B]是第三段末句的改寫,是事實,但它與無法實現星際對話沒有必然的聯系。[C]項在第三段提到,但“認為即刻交流是理所當然的文化”是人思維局限的表現,而“人無法和另外一個星球的人進行對話”是自然規律事實,後者不能表明前者。該段也提到,“時間的局限性”(即無法和外星人進行對話)提醒我們不是所有的技術都能戰勝普遍規律和限制,因此這里說明的是“技術的局限性”,而不是[D]項中的“規律的不可戰勝性”。


[A] 又變成無知的野人 [B] 發現“時間局限性”不可容忍

[C] 將不會把太陽系和恆星系結合起來[D] 不能適應這種突然的大規模的變化

[精解] 答案D本題考查事實細節。文章第五段第二句提到,“許多在別的方面受過教育的人,像只能數到三的野人,無法明白太陽系和恆星系的巨大不同。……(後者比前者)確實大幾百萬倍,地球上的事物在規模上沒有這樣巨大的變化。”可見,他們無法適應如此巨大的規模變化,選擇[D]。[A]項拘泥於字面含義,沒有理解文中舉出“野人”只是為了說明那些受過教育的人在變化面前的無知,而不是真的變成了野人。[B]項文中未提,[C]項中“結合”應換成“區分”,才符合文意。


[A] 嘲笑飛行的想法 [B] 像10年前一樣吸取教訓

[C] 發現太空旅行非他們所能及[D] 反對基本的科學規律

[精解] 答案C本題考查事實細節。倒數第二段談到這些保守科學家時,作者指出:“一些人從來不吸取教訓;他們60年前懷疑飛行的可能性,10年前恥笑飛往其他行星的想法,現在又滿有把握地說恆星是我們永遠不能及的。”據此,最為相近的答案應該是[C]。


[A] 我們技術的局限性 [B] 宇宙現實的廣闊性

[C] 星際旅行的前景 [D] 時間和空間對心理上的影響

[精解] 答案C本題考查寫作目的。綜觀全文,作者從無線電和光速談起,批評了很多持保守態度的人,進而論證人類終將跨越宇宙鴻溝。文章最後描述未來星際旅行標志了人類跨越宇宙鴻溝的實現。可見,[C]是作者要說明的問題。


神奇的電話和電視網路將整個世界連結在一起,使所有的人都成了鄰居,但是卻不能延伸到宇宙中。你永遠不可能和另一個星球上的人進行對話。即使有今天的無線電設備,信息傳播也需要好幾分鍾,有時候甚至好幾個小時,因為無線電和光波都是以每秒186, 000英里的有限速度傳播。








㈦ 09年考研英語的閱讀partA的text1的答案到底是什麼啊

Habits are a funny thing.答案:cdada

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