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高考中英語閱讀理解分為4篇,即A,B,C,D 四篇。均為信息文,信息文,意思如字面,是為了傳遞信息的,其文章主題是圍繞一個主題展開的,如2020年全國卷1 A篇講的是Train Information, 內容涉及到坐火車的時刻表,失物招領等。信息文中的信息排列還是很清晰的的,比小說類的題材要簡單很多,大部分內容字面意思懂了,題就能做對,現在我們從高考閱讀出題特點,題型特點,各個題型的做題技巧,怎麼提升自己的閱讀理解能力來聊聊如何拿高分。這些做題技巧也是侯老師獨家歸納總結,並且經過學生提分案例的驗證,可以是高考英語提分的精華部分。

如上文所述,高考英語閱讀理解有四篇,四篇的難度排列順序有講究,分別從容易到難排列。前面的A篇最簡單,單詞簡單,句子短,甚至不需要看原文,看著題找答案就行了,所以A篇是送分題,絕對不能失分。A篇後的B, C, D篇,難度依次加大,成績一般的孩子,讀完了C篇,就覺得腦子不夠用了,D篇根本讀不下去,以至於做錯題,屬於很正常。所以我建議平時模考在70分以下的同學,好好琢磨A,B,C的答案,以提高自己的爭取率,把該拿的分數拿到手,再挑戰D篇。



文章主旨題,考察的是學生對文章主題的整體把握,這是很重要的一項總結能力,讀完長長的一篇文章,即使有些細節不清楚,起碼應該知道文章是在講什麼。那麼應該怎麼解題呢?要看每段話的第一句,然後總結歸納重復出現的名詞和動詞,最後跟題中的選項核對,看哪一項最符合文章的主題。為什麼一定要額外注意名詞和動詞呢?因為在語言中,名詞和動詞是支撐和體現意思的單位,其他的一些詞類,如冠詞,介詞,助動詞,只是完成了語法功能,並不能支撐意思的表達。你見過有誰說話,光說,a, the, in 的嗎?

詞義題,考察的是該單詞在文章中是什麼意思,有些詞會有一詞多意的情況,這個時候要考慮文章的語境中該單詞是什麼意思。詞義,首先要觀察這個單詞的特點,如果是復合詞 compound word,要看組成這個單詞的每個部分,各個組成部分拼在一起,就是該單詞的意思,如 deskmate,hi-tech,很容易猜出來。其次要看這個單詞的詞性,即根據前後的單詞,推斷出這個詞是名詞,代詞,動詞,形容詞,還是副詞。比如,孩子一看 an UFO,知道UFO是一個名詞,因為前面有冠詞an。然後推斷出詞性後,依然要根據上下文的關系來推斷這個詞的意思。如句子中During a performance, the elephants plays a variety of instruments, including drums and xylophones. 題目的要求是學生猜出a variety of 是什麼意思。首先這個短語位於名詞的前面,表示是修飾instruments 「樂器」的,後面又給出了兩個例子:鼓和打擊樂,可見是不止是一類樂器,是好幾種,所以 a variety of 指的是各種各樣的。


指代題,送分題,絕對的送分題。指代題的問法經常是: What does 「it」refer to in line 24? 既然文章中用到了代詞「it」,表明前面肯定提到了某個名詞,然後後面可以用「it」,所以這里要注意查找前面出現的名詞。但高考題常常會挖個坑,前面有幾個名詞,學生可能只覺得只有最近的那個名詞才是正解。所以正確的做法是要把名詞帶入句子中,在句子中核實驗證。


推斷題,是比較難的題型,要求學生根據文章某一段,或者某幾句,推斷出言外之意。常見的問法:What can you infer from Paragraph 2? 之所以難,是因為學生不僅要理解字面意思,還可以體味到深層次的意思。這個要求其實對學生的思維有了更高的要求。如果有的學生平常沒有較高深層次的思考能力,這個題並不容易做對。如果一個學生平常老師讓干什麼就干什麼,從來不問為什麼,那麼就是思維力不夠,要加強對思維的培養和鍛煉。

由此可見,高考閱讀理解要拿高分,不僅僅是背誦單詞的問題,還要結合技巧和思維培養。而且每個學生的思維方式不同,看待世界的角度和方式不同,要培養思維,真的需要因人而異。根據我的經驗,單詞好背,思維難轉換;思維轉換不過來,即使是讀了同一篇文章,看到的東西也是不一樣的。學生常常說的一句話是:我以為,我覺得,我認為; 我反問一句: 你以為的就是作者以為的么?學習外語,無非是學習另一種思維,而學會理解別人,向來都是人生的一大難題,成年人也未必能夠做好,更何況是高中生?


❷ 職稱英語解題技巧:領會作者的觀點、意圖和態度

1. The author's main purpose in this passage is
2. The author's purpose of writing this passage is __
3. In this passage the author's attitude toward ...could best be described as
4. What is the author's attitude toward
5. The author's main thought is that __
6. The author probably feels that
7. The author appears to feel that
8. Which of the following does the author want to illustrate in discussing ...?
9. In this passage the author looks on ... with an attitude of
10. What is the tone of the passage?
11. What is the author's opinion about ...?
12. The author uses the example of... to show that ________
I entered the hotel manager』s office and sat down. I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset. "I left the money in my room," I said, "and it's not there now." The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. "Everyone's losing money these days." he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained £50. "I found this outside this gentleman's room." she said. "Well, "I said to the manager, "there is still some honesty in this world!"
1. What did the writer believe had happened to his money?
A. He had left his money in the manager's office.
B. Someone had stolen his money.
C. The manager had the money.
D. The girl had stolen the money.
作者說:「I left the money in my room,and it』s not there now」,這句話的含義就是 「He believed that someone had stolen his money」。因此,選項B是正確答案。
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on indivial tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encour~/ge our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.
1. In the passage the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is ________
A. critical B. questioning
C. approving D. objective
2. The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the student's _______.
A. personal qualities and social skills
B. total personality
C. learning ability and communicative skills
D. intellectual ability
本題要求根據文章的意思推測作者的觀點。根據第二段的內容,可以看出學生的total personality(總體素質)包括了academic ability or intellectual ability, personal qualities和 social skills。也就是說這些能力都是total personality的方方面面。再看一下這一段的第二;三兩句,可以得出正確的答案應該是選項8。其他幾個選項的意思都不全面,都不能反映作者的充分開發學生的全面能力的主張。
3. The author』s purpose of writing this passage is to______.
A. argue for teaching bright and not—SO-bright pupils in the same class
B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C. offer advice on the proper use of the library
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
本題要求讀者了解作者寫這篇文章的意圖是什麼。文章討論了兩種上課的方式: streaming pupils把學生按能力分班進行教學,和mixed—ability teaching把程度不齊的學生混班上課。並對比列舉了前者的弊端和後者的種種優點。因此A項是正確的答案。而選項B、c、D中提到的幾種做法均為mixed.ability teachin9的具體做法,都不能看做是作者寫這篇文章的目的。這個題目要看懂全文才能夠答對。

❸ 2020年高考英語北京卷 - 閱讀理解C

For the past five years, Paula Smith, a historian of science, has devoted herself to re-creating long-forgotten techniques. While doing research for her new book, she came across a 16th-century French manuscript consisting of nearly 1,000 sets of instructions, covering subjects from tool making to finding the best sand.

The author's intention remains as mysterious as his name; he may have been simply taking notes for his own records. But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didn't truly grasp any of the skills the author described. "You simply can't get an understanding of that handwork by reading about it," she says.

Though Smith did get her hands on the best sand, doing things the old-fashioned way isn't just about playing around with French mud. Reconstructing the work of the craftsmen who lived centuries ago can reveal how they viewed the world, what objects filled their homes, and what went on in the workshops that proced them. It can even help solve present-day problems: In 2015, scientists discovered that a 10th-century English medicine for eve problems could kill a drug-resistant virus.

The work has also brought insights for museums, Smith says. One must know how on object was made in order to preserve it. What's more, reconstructions might be the only way to know what treasures looked like before time wore them down. Scholars have seen this idea in practice with ancient Greek and Roman statues. These sculptures were painted a rainbow of striking colours. We can't appreciate these kinds of details without seeing works of art as they originally appeared-something Smith believes you can do only when you have a road map.

Smith has put the manuscript's ideas into practice. Her final goal is to link the worlds of art and science back together: She believes that bringing the old recipes to life can help develop a kind of learning that highlights experimentation, teamwork, and problem solving.

Back when science—then called 「the new philosophy」—took shape, academics looked to craftsmen for help in understanding the natural world. Microscopes and telescopes were invented by way of artistic tinkering, as craftsmen experimented with glass to better bend light.

If we can rediscover the values of hands-on experience and craftwork, Smith says, we can marry the best of our modern insights with the handiness of our ancestors.

❹ 高考英語閱讀理解解題技巧全攻略

【 #英語資源# 導語】為了讓同學們被少扣分甚至不扣分, 考 網總結了高考英語閱讀理解題型的超詳細解題技巧和方法,高考來啦,快快收藏起來好好研究吧!



一、 主旨大意題

這類題在設題時常會用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等詞。



What』s the best title for the text?

The best title for this passage is ___.

Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

2. 概括大意題

包括尋找段落大意(topic)和文章中心思想(main idea),常見命題形式有:

What is the general/main idea of the passage? Which of the following expresses the main idea? What is the subject discussed in the text?

BThe writer of the story wants to tell us that_____. The passage/ text is mainly about_____. What』s the article mainly about ?


閱讀理解文章多是議論文和說明文 ,這兩種文體的結構可歸納為:提出問題——論述問題——得出結論或者闡明觀點。對於這類文章,抓主題句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。主題句一般出現在文章的開頭或結尾。主題句具有簡潔性、概括性的特點。主題句在文章中的位置主要有以下幾種情況攔碧。

位於段首 :一般而言,以演繹法撰寫的文章,主題句往往在文章的開頭,即先點出主題,然後圍繞這一主題作具體的陳述。判斷第一句是否為主題句,可具體分析段落的首句與第凳早二,三句的關系;如果從第二句就開始對第一句進行說明,論述或描述,那第一句就是主題句。有些段落,在主題句後面有明顯引出細節的信號詞,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。在閱讀中應盡量利用上述信號詞來確定主題句的位置。

位於段尾 :有些文章會在開頭列舉事實, 然後通過論證闡述作者簡粗舉的核心論點。因此,如果第一句話不是概括性的或綜合性的話,快速讀一讀段落的最後一個句子,看看它是否具備主題句的特徵。如果它具備主題句的特徵,段落的主題思想就很容易確定了。一般說來,當一種觀點不易向人解釋清楚或不易被人接受時,主題句便會到段落的末尾才出現。學生可以充分利用引出結論的信號詞。如so,therefore,thus,consequently;in conclusion,in short;in a word, to sum up等來確定主題句的位置在段尾。當無明顯的此類信號時,學生可在段落的最後一句話前面添加一個引出結論的信號詞,以確定其是否是主題句。

位於段中 :有時段落是先介紹背景和細節,接著用一句綜合或概括性的話概括前面所說的內容或事例,然後再圍繞主題展開對有關問題的深入討論。這種文章的主題句往往會在段落中間出現。歸納起來主要有兩種情況:先提出問題,然後給予回答(主題句),最後給予解釋;或者,先提出問題,然後點出主題思想(主題句),最後給予解釋。

首尾呼應 :主題句在段落的開頭和結尾兩個位置上先後出現,形成前呼後應的格局。這兩個主題句敘說的是同一個內容,但用詞不盡相同,這樣不但強調了主題思想,而且顯得靈活多變。這兩個句子並非簡單重復,後一個主題句或對該主題作最後的評述,或對要點作一概括,或使之引申留給讀者去思考。

無明確主題句:找關鍵詞(出現頻率較高), 歸納總結。









分為直接理解題和間接理解題,前者常用who, what, which, when, where, why和how提問,或判斷正誤;後者需與原文信息轉換,表達上與原文有差異。常見命題形式有:

What can we learn from the passage?

All the following are mentioned except

Which of the following is mentioned (not mentioned)?

Which of the following statements is true/right/false/wrong about…?

2. 排列順序題→首尾定位法 (找出第一個事件和最後一個事件,用排除法縮小范圍)


Which of the following is the correct order of…? Which of the following shows the path of signals described in Paragraph…?

3. 圖文匹配題→按圖索驥理清線索


4. 數字計算題→ (方法:審題→帶著問題找細節→對比、分析、計算)




indicate(象徵,暗示), imply/suggest(暗示), conclude(作出結論), assume(假定,設想).



It can be inferred/ concluded from the text that __________.

The author implies/ suggests that_____.

We may infer that _________.

Which of the following statements is implied but NOT stated?


根據語篇對文章接下來的內容或可能的結局進行猜測,常見命題形式有: What do you think will happen if/when…?

At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to write_____



The passage is probably take out of_____

The passage would most likely be found in_____

Where does this text probably come from?



詢問寫作目的的題,選項里常出現的詞 是:explain(解釋), prove (證明), persuade(勸說), advise(勸告), comment(評論), praise(贊揚), criticize(批評), entertain(娛樂), demonstrate(舉例說明), argue(辯論), tell(講述), analyze(分析)等。

詢問語氣態度的題,選項里 常出現的詞 是:neutral(中立的), sympathetic(同情的), satisfied(滿意的), friendly(友好的), enthusiastic(熱情的), subjective(主觀的), objective(客觀的), matter-of-fact(實事求是的), pessimistic(悲觀的), optimistic(樂觀的), critical(批評的), doubtful(懷疑的), hostile(敵對的), indifferent(冷淡的), disappointed(失望的)。


The purpose of the text is_____

What is the main purpose of the author writing the text? By mentioning…, the author aims to show that_____

What is the author』s attitude towards…?

What is the author』s opinion on…?

The author』s tone in this passage is _____.











The underlined word/phrase in the second paragraph means _____.

The word 「it/they」 in the last sentence refers to______.

The word 「…」(Line 6. para.2)probably means ______.

The word 「…」(Line 6. para.2)could best be replaced by which of the following?

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 「…」 ?



首先是找出生詞與上下文之間的邏輯關系,然後才能猜詞。有時文章藉助關聯詞(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等等)表示前因後果。

例如:You shouldn't have blamed him for that,for it wasn't his fault. 通過for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的錯),可猜出blame的詞義是"責備"。


通過同義詞猜詞 ,一是要看由and或or連接的同義詞片語,如happy and *,即使我們不認識*這個詞,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在進一步解釋的過程中使用的同義詞,如Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships. 此句中的Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均為生詞,但只要知道planets就可猜出這幾個詞都屬於"行星"這一義域。

通過反義詞猜詞 ,一是看錶轉折關系的連詞或副詞,如but,while,however等;二是看與not搭配的或表示否定意義的詞語,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.根據not at all...handsome我們不難推測出homely的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。


根據前綴、後綴、復合、派生等構詞知識判斷生詞詞義。如:She is unlikely to have stolen the money. ( 「un」含否定意義,故為「不太可能」之意。)


例如:But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time. Then there is a dry period,or drought. 從drought所在句子的上文我們得知很久不下雨,於是便有一段乾旱的時期,即drought,由此可見drought意思為"久旱","旱災"。而a dry period和drought是同義語。這種同義或釋義關系常由is,or,that is,in other words,be called或破折號等來表示。


例如:Bananas,oranges,pineapples,coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.假如pineapples和coconuts是生詞,我們可以從這兩個詞在句中所處的位置來判斷它們大致的意思。從句中不難看出pineapples,coconuts和bananas,oranges是同類關系,同屬fruit類,因此它們是兩樣水果,准確地說,是菠蘿和椰子。


描述即作者對該人或該物作出的外在相貌或內在特徵的描寫。例如:The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.從例句的描述中可以得知penguin是一種生活在南極的鳥類。後面更詳盡地描述了該鳥類的生活習性。

7. 根據常識猜詞

如:The door was so low that he hit his head on the lintel.(lintel 「過梁」。)

Afraid of waking the baby up, she tiptoed out of the room.(tiptoed 「踮著腳走,躡手躡腳」)



從題型和內容我們可以看出 ,選項可分為:













承接關系(如 so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result 等)

平列關系(如first, second, third…; firstly, secondly, thirdly…; first, next, then…; in the first place, in the second place…; for one thing, for another thing…;to begin with, to conclude 等)。如文中的選項 71,由 Second、Third 得知應選表示平列關系的句子 G.項。

轉折關系(如 however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, whoever,whatever on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, otherwise 等)。比如選項 75,與前句構成了轉折關系,故應選 D 項答案。

層遞關系(如 also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what』s more, too, either, neither,not…but…, not only…but also 等)。如 72 選項,與前句組合為層遞關系,故應選包含 also 的 E.項句子。

解釋關系,如 73 選項應選 F.選項,與 74 選項平等的,是一組祈示句,而非陳述句,故應選 A.項而非 B項。



在 閱讀過程中,要注意文章的開始與結束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因為「開門見山」與「結尾總結」的寫作方式為常見的寫作方式,首段的末句一般是是 全文的主題所在,說明本文將探討哪些內容,並簡要指出文章的寫作思路,有時甚至會以提綱的形式進行呈現。首段的末句對於快速掌握文章的主題具有重要意義, 如果它是文章的主題句,就可以使讀者迅速明確文章情節將如何展開,並對文章的寫作主題有了整體的了解。如果末句不是主題句,則需要繼續尋找。這時,可以考 慮文章的寫作方式是否為「結尾總結」式,如兩者均可排除,則需在文章中其他段落尋找主題句,但要注意,首段與末段的提示作用。












在 完成選項定位後,應通讀全文,檢查文章內容是否完整,語義是否連貫合理、各段落內容是否緊扣主題,語篇結構是否通順連貫、具有一致性、合乎邏輯,寫作思路 是否清晰明了,格式以及用語是否恰當貼切,從而判斷選擇的答案是否正確。同時,我們還應注意對相近選項的對比分析,個別干擾項由於與某個正確選項的內容相 近具有很強的干擾性,這時就需要我們認真分析,仔細甄別,排除干擾,從而得出正確選項。




❺ 高中英語閱讀題不知道為什麼感覺自己總是無法理解作者的意圖,做題時總是會出錯


❻ 面對高考 英語閱讀如何正確領會出題者的意圖


❼ 高三英語閱讀理解題訓練及答案詳解

高考英語試題中閱讀理解佔40分,是試卷中所佔比例最大的一部分。考生們在復習高考英語科目時,可以多做一些試題,下面就是我給大家帶來的,希望大家喜歡!下面就是我給大家帶來的 高三英語 閱讀理解題訓練及答案詳解,希望大家喜歡!


Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the size of the state of Texas. Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers. So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big.

All together, this mass of waste flowing in the North Pacific Ocean is known as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. It weighs about 3 500 000 tons. The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic procts of all kinds.

The eastern part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is about l 600 kilometers west of California. The western part is west of the Hawaiian Islands and east of Japan. The area has been described as a kind of oceanic desert,with light winds and slow moving water currents. The water moves so slow that garbage from all over the world collects there.

In recent years,there have been growing concerns about the floating garbage and its effect on sea creatures and human health. Scientists say thousands of animals get trapped in the floating waste,resulting in death or injury. Even more die from a lack of food or water after swallowing pieces of plastic. The trash can also make animals feel full,lessening their desire to eat or drink.

The floating garbage also can have harmful effects on people. There is an increased threat of infection of disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste. Divers can also get trapped in the plastic.

Its existence first gained public attention in l997. That was when racing boat captain and oceanographer Charles Moore and his crew sailed into the garbage while returning from a racing event. Five years earlier,another oceanographer learned of the trash after a shipment of rubber ckies got lost at sea. Many of those toys are now part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.

In August,2009,a team from the University of California,San Diego became the

latest group to travel to it. They were shocked by the amount of waste they saw. They gathered hundreds of sea creatures and water samples to measure the garbage patch』s effect on ocean environment.

51.How did the writer introce the topic of the passage?

A. By giving an example. B. By listing the facts.

C. By telling a story. D. By giving a comparison.

52.What do we know about the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. It is made up of various kinds of plastic procts.

B. It is a solid mass of floating waste materials.

C. It lies l60 000 kilometers east of California.

D. It is described as a kind of oceanic desert.

53.Why do people pay attention to the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. Because it may prevent the flow of ocean water.

B. Because the polluted plastic articles will move up the food chain.

C. Because it may be from an island in the pacific.

D. Because ships may be trapped in the floating waste.

54.Which column can you find the passage on a newspaper?

A. Sports and entertainment. B. Media and culture.

C. Environment and society. D. Science and technology.

55.The purpose of writing this passage is to____________.

A. warn people of the danger to travel in the pacific

B. analyze what caused the waste patch in the pacific

C. give advice on how to recycle waste in the ocean

D. introce the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch


Europeans should try to stay indoors if ash from Iceland's volcano starts settling, the World Health Organization warned Friday as small amounts fell in Iceland, Scotland and Norway.

WHO spokesman Daniel Epstein said the microscopic(微小的) ash is potentially dangerous for people when it starts to reach the Earth because inhaled(吸入) particles can enter the lungs and cause respiratory problems. And he also said Europeans who go outside might want to consider wearing a mask.

Other experts, however, weren't convinced the volcanic ash would have a major effect on peoples' health and said WHO's warnings were "hysterical." They said volcanic ash was much less dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution. Volcanic ash is made of fine particles of fragmented volcanic rock. It is light gray to black and can be as fine as talcum powder. During a volcanic eruption, the ash can be breathed deep into the lungs and cause irritation even in healthy people. But once it falls from a greater distance — like from the cloud currently hovering above Europe — its health effects are often minimal, experts say.

"Not all particles are created equal," said Ken Donaldson, a professor of respiratory toxicology at the University of Edinburgh, "In the great scheme of things, volcanic ash is not all that harmful." And he said most Europeans' exposure to volcanic ash would be negligible and that only those in the near districts of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk.

Dr. Stephen Spiro, a professor of respiratory medicine and deputy chair of the British Lung Foundation, said the further the particles travel, the less dangerous they will be. "The cloud has already passed over northern Scotland and we haven't heard of any ill effects there," he said. Spiro said to wear masks or stay indoors to avoid volcanic ash was "over the top" and "a bit hysterical."

60. The text is mainly about .

A. the effect of volcanic ash

B. the health risk of volcanic ash

C. the disadvantages of volcanic ash

D. the opinions on health risk of volcanic ash

61. Which one is true according to Paragraph3?

A. The volcanic ash』s effects on Europeans were little.

B. The ash caused irritation even in healthy people.

C. Other experts thought WTO』S warnings were useful.

D. The volcanic ash was more dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution.

62. The underlined word 「hysterical」 in Paragraph4 most probably means .

A. amazing B. practical C. valuable D. overstated

63. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The volcanic ash wouldn』t be harmful to people.

B. All experts thought the volcanic ash did great harm to our health.

C. People close to the volcano would likely be at risk according to some experts.

D. Europeans should stay indoors because Iceland's volcano starts settling.


51.D。推理判斷題。根據第一段」Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the state of Texas.Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers.So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big.」可知,作者拿得克薩斯州與大量的垃圾漂浮物進行比較,所以選D項。

52.A。細節判斷題。根據第二段中的」The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic procts of all kinds.」可知,這些垃圾漂流物是塑料製品。

53.B。細節理解題。根據第五段中的」There is an increased threat of infection of

disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste.」可知受污染的塑料製品會通過食物鏈來影響人類。

54.C。推理判斷題。根據本文內容可知,這篇 文章 最有可能出現在報紙上」環境與社會」這個欄目里。



60.D. 主旨大意題。本文主要就火山灰對人的健康的危害問題世衛組織和其他專家給出不同觀點。A太籠統;B不能體現不同的觀點;C與文章內容無關;D符合題意。

61. A. 細節理解題。第三段最後一句可知A是正確的;由第三段中During a volcanic eruption……in healthy people.可知B錯誤;由第三段中Other experts, however, weren't convinced…… cigarette smoke or pollution可排除C D。

62. D. 詞義猜測題。由上文中volcanic ash is not all that harmful和下文中only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk可知D正確, 誇大的,言過其實的。

63.C. 由第三段 But once it falls from a greater distance….. effects are often minimal和第四段中 only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk以及第五段中 the further the particles travel, the more diluted and less dangerous they will be可知C正確。ABD觀點表達絕對。

❽ 高中英語閱讀理解解題技巧精選




閱讀文章的標題往往是全文的主題,它能給我們啟發和想像,幫我們理解全文的內容和走向。所以審視標題有利於文章的理解,提高解拆大題的效率。主題句往往對全文起提示、啟示、概括、歸納之作用,根據主題句既可以知道文章描述的是誰或什麼,也可以知道作者希望讀者了解主體方面的哪些內容。文章主題句一般出現在文章的開頭或結尾。用歸納法寫的文章主題句一般是文章的最後一句。作者一開始往往先陳述事實與細節描繪,最後一句從上文的細節描繪推出結論或建議,歸納要點與共性。用演繹法寫的文章主題句一般是第一句,作者遵循從一般到個別的寫作程序,在一開頭就提出了全文的論點即主題,而在下面幾節針對這一主題從不同的方面加以論述、論證,即從概述開始,隨之加以細說。高考對閱讀文章主旨題的考察側重深層理解,目的在於考察學生對整篇文章主題或局部段落的概括能力,經常出現的題目類型有:What is the purpose of writing this assage?What is the best title for the text?What is the main idea of the passage?What is the article mainly about?對於這些題型,同學們要熟悉找答案的訣竅,及剛才所說的找主題的辦法。


除了主旨題以外,細節理解題也是閱讀理解題中的基礎題,它主要考察學生對文中的具體事例、數字、情節、人物等的理解,經常出現排序題(按事情發展順序排序)、圖表題(按文章內容找出正確圖形)、正誤題(依據文章內容對所列的陳述進行正誤判斷)。如Which of the following statements is?對於這種題型同學們必須細讀文章,對於文章的內容和細節做到胸有成竹,對事態的發生、發展有深入的了解,才能動手選擇答案。同學們必須知道,作者提出了一個話題以後,必定會用很大的篇幅圍繞這一主題展開細節,這些細節對於理解全文內容至關重要,同時也是歸納和概括文章中心思想的基礎,因此不可忽視。但記住,無論細節題如何變化,立足點都應該是從文章中找出相應詞語作為依據。








❾ 高中英語閱讀題不知道為什麼感覺自己總是無法理解作者的意圖,做題時總是會出錯


  1. 一定要多讀,語感很重要,慢慢你會感覺英語很親切,最好是每天背一些好的句子或者文章,這樣你會慢慢掌握一些外國人的思維方式,對閱讀很重要

  2. 每天至少保證3篇閱讀文章,前兩篇要詳細地做,後一篇像看故事一樣,盡量享受其中

  3. 你們閱讀題是不是有4篇啊,有沒有感覺前兩篇准確率相對高一點?做題的時候適當用一點小方法,比如做前兩個閱讀的時候先看問題,帶著問題讀文章,第三個可以先看文章,再做題,,一般前3個閱讀做了之後頭會比較大,所以可以先做一道後面的小題比如改錯,單詞填空或者7選5什麼的,返回來再繼續做,頭腦可以清醒一些

  4. 不認識的單詞可以猜,,這也是上面我說的第二點讓你看故事的作用

  5. 做題的時候盡量不要把自己認為的東西理所當然地當成是作者的看法,這樣就很容易出錯,

  6. 還有一個小tip,看到imply 這類詞所選的答案一定不是原文中的話,是要稍微推一下的



❿ 英語閱讀理解很多人都說要明白出題人的意圖,到底該雜去理解求大家給個例子讓我明白點。

例如:A Swing and a Hug
It was a warm,sunny,Saturday afteroon som fifteen or sixteen years age.I had volunteered to take my two older kids to the local playground while my wife put the youngest down for a nap.As soon as we got there my daughter headed forl the swings and asked for a push. As I was helping my daughter to go higher and higher ,I noticed another little girl trying in vain to get her own swing going .Her elderly grandmother was sitting quietly on a nearby bench and smiled at me.
I gave my daughter on bigpush and then walked over to the little girl an dasked if she could use a push too. She smiled and said "Yes!" I soon had her feet soaring towards the clouds while she laughtedd happily.For the next two hours I found myself pushing swings and playing tag with amy son ,daughter,and the other litter girl.By the time we headee home,I was physically exhausted ,but my spirits was still flying higher than those swings.
Two years later I was exhausted again after a long day's work. Still, I needed to pick upmy kids from the local grade school before heading home.I stood wearily in the parents'waiting area watching for my children. Suddenly ,I felt two tiny arms wrap around my stomach.I looked down and there was the little girl from the playground smiling up at me .she gave me one more big hug before heading off to catch her school bus.As I watched her back ,I didn't feel quite so tired anymore and my spirits were once again soaring in the Heavens.
In this life every single bit of love we share finds its way back to us again.It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom in the soul where it was planted.It may take seconds or it may take years.The law of love,though,is never broken.What we give,we get back.What we sow ,we reap.The love we share,the kindness we give,and the joy we create will always come back to bless us.


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