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❶ 八年級(新目標)英語同步閱讀,下冊,里所有文章的翻譯

1.p6 UNIT 1 3a:In ten years,I think I"ll be a reporter.I"ll live inShanghai, 十年後,我想我會成為一名記者。我將住在上海。因為去年我去了上海,並愛上了這座城市。上海真的是座漂亮的城市。作為一名記者,我想我會遇到很多有趣的人。我想我會和自己最好的朋友住在一套公寓里,因為我不願意獨居。我會養寵物,但是我現在不能養,因為我媽媽討厭寵物,況且公寓太小。所以十年後,我會擁有許多不同的寵物。我可能甚至養一隻鸚鵡!我也許每天去溜冰和游泳。工作日里,我每天打扮精幹或許會著一身西裝。逢到周末,我穿得更休閑些。我想我會去香港度假,甚至有一天我會去澳大利亞游覽。 1.p8 UNIT 1 3a:Do you think you will have your own robot? 你認為你將會有屬於自己的機器人么? 在一些科幻電影里,未來的人們都擁有自己的機器人。這些機器人就像人類一樣。他們幫助人們做家務和大多數令人感到厭煩的工作。 一些科學家相信將來會有這樣的機器人。然而,他們認為這需要花幾百年的時間才能成為現實。科學家們正在試圖研製看似人類且能和我們作相同工作的機器人。一些日本的公司已經製造出能走路和跳舞的機器人。這種機器人看起來非常有趣。 但是研究機器人的科學家詹姆斯懷特並不認同這類觀點。他認為要讓機器人和人類做一樣的事情是非常困難的。比如說,對一個孩子來說要醒來並知道自己身處何處是很簡單的。懷特認為機器人不能做到這一點。但是其他的科學家並不贊成。他們認為在未來的25到30年間,機器人就能和人類談話。 研究機器人的科學家們不只是在試圖讓機器人外觀接近人類。比如說,現在已經有能在工廠工作的機器人了。這些機器人看起來就像巨大的胳膊。他們能一遍又一遍重復簡單的工作。人類不喜歡做這類工作而且容易對此感到厭煩。但機器人永遠不會厭倦。 在未來,將到處都有更多的機器人,而人類要做的工作就更少了。新的機器人會有很多不同的形狀。一些看起來像人類,有些可能像蛇。在發生地震後,一種蛇形機器人能夠幫助尋找建築下埋著的人。這在現在看來還不可實現,但在一百年之前,電腦,太空火箭甚至電動牙刷也被視作不可能的存在的。我們永遠都不能了解未來會發生什麼! 2. p14 UNIT 2 3a: Dear Mary, I have a problem, and I need your help. 親愛的瑪麗: 我有一個問題,我需要你的幫助。我以前經常以為我在學校里十分受歡迎。但是我才發現我的朋友們在為我的一位最要好的朋友准備生日派對,可是他們沒有邀請我,除了我,我們班的其他人都受到了邀請。我不知道為什麼。我並不知道我哪裡做錯了。我感到很沮喪卻也不知道應該去做什麼。你是怎麼想的?你能幫我嗎? 孤單的孩子 2. p16 UNIT 2 3a: Maybe you should learn to relax! 也許,你應該學會放鬆! Cathy Taylor三個孩子的生活十分繁忙。他們的學校生活就足夠繁忙。盡管在放學後,Cathy把兩個男孩從足球班帶到籃球班。然後,她不得不把她的女兒帶去學鋼琴。疲倦的孩子直到下午七點才能回家。他們迅速的吃一頓晚餐,然後他們就開始做家庭作業。 Taylors像許多美國和英國的父母一樣。他們把他們的孩子從一個活動帶到另一個活動,並試圖經可能的適應到他們的孩子的生活。醫生說許多孩子有非常多的壓力。而教師在教室中抱怨教學疲倦的孩子。 大多數孩子參加課外的輔導班。活動包括體育運動,語言學問,音樂,和數學類別。固執的家長沒有什麼新的東西,但是父母們現在似乎把他們的孩子推到更多的輔導班中去。父母看見其它做許多事情的孩子,而他們感到他們自己孩子應該做同樣。 Linda Miller,在倫敦三的一名母親,知道有關全部這樣pressure."In一些家庭,當他們十分年輕時,從十分年輕age,"she says."Mothers的競爭星把他們的孩子派遣到各種課。同時,他們總把他們與其它孩子比較。它是瘋狂的。人們不應該如此努力`推他們的孩子」。 綠色的博士Alice同意。她也說當他們是older."Parents時,這些孩子可能發現為了他們自己想是困難的試圖為了他們計劃他們的孩子的生活。當這些孩子是成年人時,他們可能發現計劃事情是困難的因為themselves."Parents應該學習給把他們的孩子有一點更多時間他們自己。一方面,孩子需要組織活動。另一方面,他們也需要時間和自由放鬆,而他們需要時間靠自己做事情。 3. p20 UNIT3 3a:Dear Jack, i had a very unusual experience on Sunday. 親愛的傑克: 我有一個非常不尋常的經歷在周日.大約在上午10點,我正在街上走,一架UFO著陸在我的前面.你可以想像這是多麼的奇怪!一個外星人走出來,然後沿著中心街走.我跟著它想看看它要去哪,我很驚奇當它走進一個禮品店.當它正在看禮品的時候,店裡的售貨員給警察打電話.在警察到之前,那個外星人已經離開商店去參觀航天博物館了.當那個外星人在博物館的時候,我給電視台打了電話.那太令人驚奇了! 3. p22 UNIT3 3a: Linda loves her dog Davy.They went to New York City last Saturday.While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station,the dog got out of his box and ran away.The station was crowded and Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.When Linda shouted his name,some people looked at her but Davy didn't come.Then she called the police. 琳達很喜歡她的狗狗戴維。上周六她們一起去紐約。當琳達在火車站買報紙的時候,她的狗狗從盒子里跑開了。火車站很喧鬧,琳達怎麼找也找不到戴維。琳達大聲叫著狗狗的名字,人們紛紛看著她,並幫他一起找,但狗狗並沒有出現。琳達就報了警。 就在琳達打電話的時候,戴維在火車站外遇見了另一條狗。當警察來的時候,琳達還在找她的狗並大喊他的名字,最後一個小男孩問他,你有沒去火車站外找找?我剛才進站的時候看到一條黑色的大狗。」 琳達終於見到了戴維,他正和另外那條狗追逐嬉戲。有一個警察局在他們旁邊。警察對琳達說:「我想,是我的狗找到了您的狗。 3. p24 UNIT 3 3a: Do you remember what you were doing ? 你是否記得你當時在干什麼呢? 人們總能夠回憶起當一個在歷史上一 重大影響事件發生時自己在幹些什麼。例如,在美國很多同時代的人能夠清楚的回想起自己在1968年4月4日--一個在 美國現代歷史上舉足輕重的日子在做什麼,在這個灰暗的日子裡,馬丁路德.金博士在孟菲斯市遇刺。也許人們會不記得誰殺了馬丁博士,他們知道自己當時在干什麼。 就是一些日常生活事件也會被顯得很重要,羅伯特.阿倫先已年過40,當他聽見這個噩耗的時候他還是個學生,「那是個一望無垠,陽光燦爛的日子」他回憶道:「鈴響時我們正在操場嬉戲,我們老師要我們停止玩耍,他哽咽道,馬丁博士10分鍾前已經永遠離開我們了,我們都不敢相信這是真的 」放學後他 和其他同學一言不發的 一起回家。 馬丁博士的死訊一晃30年已過,那個時候還有很多當代人尚未出生。但是,在更近的時候,大部分美國人清楚的知道他們當時在干什麼當紐約世界貿易中心被恐怖分子摧毀的時候。甚至這個日期--2001.9.11在許多美國人心中也佔有重要的地位。 並不是所以的歷史大事是糟糕的,許多美國人依然記得自己在1969.6.20人類第一次涉足月球的時刻做什麼。遠的不說,就看前幾年。無數中國人記得他們當時在做什麼當中國小伙楊利偉成為神州第一個宇航員。楊在2003.10.15升空,在繞地22個小時後返回。當他回到母親的懷抱的時候,他已被人們視為 民族英雄,同時名揚全球!! 4. p30 UNIT 4 3a: 近來一切可好?但願爺爺現在康復了。聽到他上周感冒了我很遺憾。希望你們的身體都健健康康的。這兒一切都好。我上周參加期末考,今天已經拿到成績報告單。 在郵箱里看到學校發過來的信件時,我總是覺得好緊張。幸好這次我幹得還算不錯。這學期的自然科學課程對我來說確實很難,所以,這一門課的老師給了我所有學科里最差的評價我一點也不吃驚。 自然科學的老師說我很懶,但這不是真的。我真的覺得自然科學很難學。另外,我的歷史考得也不好。我的歷史老師說我可以考得更好的。好消息來了,數學老師說我很勤奮,西班牙語老師說我的聽力很好。 好了,這些就是我想告訴你們的所有消息。老爸老媽讓我向你們問好。 4. p31 UNIT 4 3a: My best friend is Xiao Li, 我最好的朋友是小李,但是上周在學校我們大吵了一架,她不跟我說話。這都開始於她問我她是否可以抄我的作業。我問她為什麼要這么做,她說因為她忘了做。我說我覺得她抄我的作業不是個好主意。她問我為什麼我覺得這不是個好主意。我說這是一個壞習慣的開始,她應該自己做作業。她對我發火,說她不想再做最好的朋友。我說好,我確定她可以克服這個困難,並且她確實做到了。昨天她告訴我她對她發火表示抱歉。她說如果她自己做作業會好得多。 4. p32 UNIT 4 3a: She said helping others changed her life. 她說幫助別人改變了她的生活。 在甘肅省的一個貧窮的山村教中學生對你來說可能聽上去沒有什麼樂趣。不過,它改變了來自北京的楊蕾的生活。北京大學畢業生首先作為在一個一年計劃中的志願者去那裡。這項活動是由教育部和中國少先隊發起的。每年他們派100位志願者到中國的農村地區去任教。 山中的生活是楊蕾的一次新的經歷。她的村莊海拔是2,000米,起初稀薄的空氣使她覺得不舒服。食品非常簡單——教師一天3次都是吃粥。幸好,楊蕾的母親支持她。她說她和她的丈夫認為這是一種好的想法。「今天的年輕人有必要經歷不同的事情。」她說。 大多數小學生住在學校宿舍里。他們學習很刻苦。他們早晨5點起床一直學到晚上11點。他們喜歡志願教師到他們那裡去。「你和他們之間沒有差別,」楊蕾說,「他們說我們看起來就像他們的大哥哥大姐姐,並且他們感到很幸運。」 一些學生可能不能上高中或者大學。家庭貧窮,通常也沒有錢來接受教育。「我對此無能為力,」楊蕾說,「但是我能讓我的學生開擴眼界,並且給他們一個生活的好起點」,她說她喜歡給孩子們的一生留下好的影響。 楊蕾很享受她作為一位志願者的日子。一年的志願生活結束時,她說在完成她的研究之後,她將返回該地區。她現在是甘肅省平涼市某高中的一名數學教師。 5. p38 UNIT 5 3a:If I become an athlete, will I be happy? 如果成為了運動員,你會快樂嗎? 對於許多年輕人來說,成為一個專業的運動員,你就可能創造一種能做自己喜歡的事情的生活。如果你變得有名,世界上的人們都可以認識你。許多運動員給學校和慈善機構捐款,並做著幫助他們的很多工作。這是一個許多人都沒有的偉大機遇。 然而,專業運動員也會有許多問題。如果你出名了,人們會一直注意著你並跟從你到處走。這會讓生活變麻煩(困難)! 如果你為了生存而運動,你的工作有時是非常危險的。許多專業運動員都受過傷。如果你變富有了,你會很難知道誰才是你真正的朋友。事實上,許多名人抱怨他們不開心。他們都說自己在出名和富有之前的生活更快樂! 6. p46 UNIT 6 3a: I am talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. 我在山頂馬拉松滑雪學校跟你們講話。在此,學生滑雪是為了為慈善事業籌款。他們每滑一小時,每位學生將為慈善事業捐款10元。現在,馬拉松滑雪賽已進行了五個小時。幾名選手還在繼續滑雪。艾利森是第一個滑雪的,他已經滑了整整五個小時。下一個便是山姆,特已經滑了四個小時。劉寧也已經滑了兩小時。李辰一個小時前才開始滑。 6. p48 UNIT 6 3a: Dear Jack: Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. 親愛的傑克: 謝謝你給我寄來怪獸的雪球,我很喜歡。事實上我覺得它大概是我最喜歡的東西。我收集雪球已經有七年了,我現在有226個。我媽媽告訴我我必須停止,因為我們已經沒地方存放它們了。它們遍布在我們寓所的外圍,我甚至在我床下的盒子里存放它們。我最先得到的雪球是在我七歲生日那天得到的一個生日蛋糕雪球。我特別喜歡有動物的雪球。我有一個裝著許多小熊的大雪球,另一個裝著企鵝。如果你知道有誰也在收集雪球,請告訴我吧。我想成立一個雪球收集的俱樂部。順便問一句:你的愛好是什麼? 你的艾倫 6. p50 UNIT 6 : I』ve been studying history in China 我在中國學歷史 我的名字叫里奧。我來自澳大利亞,在中國教書已經兩年了。我在黑龍江的首府哈爾濱教書。這是一個很有趣,有著五彩歷史的城市。這個城市受到一些歐洲國家的影響,在哈爾濱有的古建築還是俄羅斯風格。自從我來到中國,我學習了很多關於我家的歷史。盡管我是澳大利亞人,但我家人是猶太人。所以對我來說學習關於猶太人在哈爾濱是非常有意思的。實際上,第一個猶太人可能是在一千多年前來開封的,並受到宋朝的歡迎。 當我住在澳大利亞的時候,我在學校學習了歷史,但我們一般都是學習澳大利亞史或者西方史。然而,當我聽到我將要來中國工作的時候,我開始學習中國歷史。到現在我已經學了兩年了。我在澳大利亞的朋友告訴我說中國歷史很難懂,但我不同意。我想如果你很努力的去學,你將學會任何一種文化。像我作為一個外國人,學了越多的中國歷史,越覺得生活在中國史一種享受。 盡管我住的地方離北京有些遠,但我還是一定會去看08年的奧運會的 7. p56 UNIT 7 3a: I can't stand it! 我不能忍受它 當售貨員在接一個很長的電話時,我不喜歡排隊等著。如果這種事情發生了,我經常會說,「你介意幫我一下嘛?我也不喜歡售貨員跟著我到處轉悠。然後我會說,"請你不要跟著我好嗎?如果我需要你,我會叫你."通常,售貨員會說他們感到很抱歉,但是有時候他們會很生氣。如果這樣事情發生,我就再也不會光顧那家店。 當我在閱讀時有人和我說話,我會感到惱火。這在學校圖書館里一直發生在我頭上。當這種事發生時,出於禮貌我往往會跟那個人說話。但因為我很禮貌,人們不知道我很惱火。所以他們會再次做同樣的事。也許將來我該試著不表現得那麼禮貌。 7. p58 UNIT 7 : Would you mind keeping your voice down? 說話聲音小一點,好嗎? 如果你在任何時候到說英語的國家,你可能聽到這個詞語「禮節」。它指的是正常禮貌的社交行為。起初,這似乎像個很難的詞,但理解起來會很有用。 禮節在每一種文化或每一個場合並不總是一樣的。例如,在一些亞洲國家與你正交談的人近距離站著是很平常的。不過如果你在歐洲這樣做,有一些人會感覺不舒服。甚至在中國,大家都知道在各種場合下禮節並不總是一樣的。也許我們認為在自己家裡大聲說話很好,但在有些地方,大聲交談是不被人接受的。例如,大多數人同意在圖書館、博物館或是影院大聲交談是不禮貌的。即使你和朋友在一起,在公共場所最好是壓低聲音。事實上,如果可能,我們應當注意不要在公共場所大聲咳嗽和打噴嚏。 如果我們看見有人違反了禮節的規定,我們可以禮貌的提醒一下他們。也許最禮貌的方法之一是去問某人,你介意做這件事嗎或您介意不做那件事吧。例如,如果有人在你前面插隊,你可以問他們,對不起,請您排隊好嗎?如果有人在公共汽車上吸煙,我們可以問,對不起,請您把煙掐滅好嗎?人們通常不喜歡被批評,因此我們得注意我們應該怎麼做。 盡管禮節的規則市場會不同,但有些規則幾乎全世界都一樣!例如,亂扔垃圾是不允許的。如果你看見有人這樣做,甚至在外國,你可以問他們把垃圾撿起來好嗎? 8. p64 UNIT 8 3a: The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. 時下最流行的寵物是大肚豬。倫敦北部的David Smith 有一隻名叫Connie的大肚豬。「大肚豬是最好的寵物,」David說:「她每晚都在沙發上和我一起看電視。她是我最好的朋友。」無論如何,和豬在一起的生活並不總是完美的。「我剛把她抱回來時,她很小,」David說:「但她吃得很多。現在她大得不能在屋裡睡了,所以我給她做了個特製的豬窩。豬也需要許多愛。有時我沒有足夠的時間陪她。」 8. p65 UNIT 8 : Everyone likes gifts.Some little kids think they don't get enough gifts. 每個人都喜歡禮物。有些孩子覺得他們沒得到足夠的禮物。一些老人覺得他們收到的禮物太多了。不同的人喜歡不同種類的禮物。有些禮物永遠不嫌小。一個小孩可能會給媽媽一片樹上的葉子。這足夠令媽媽高興了。 在不同國家,送禮方式是不同的。人們有時會送特殊的禮物,但是未拆封的。之後,這禮物可能會被送給其他人。很多人有足夠的東西而且自己不想收太多的禮物。在加拿大,許多人不會把貴重禮品送給別人。他們會買下一把公園的長椅或一棵樹來紀念某個人。在美國,一些人叫他們的家人和朋友給慈善機構捐款而不是買禮物給他們。在瑞典,為某人做一件事是最好的禮物。人們不需要花很多錢。作為替代,請吃一頓飯就夠了。 8. p66 UNIT 8 READ:WHY DON'T YOU LEARN TO SING ENGLISH SONGS的全文翻譯 中國將主辦2008年奧運會,所有中國人想通過各種途徑提高英語水平。例如,24位青年歌手從中國各地匯集到一起進行英文流行歌曲演唱賽,一些歌手能夠唱得和英語母語歌手一樣好。 歌手真的來自中國不同年齡不同地方。男聲組冠軍是一位40歲的西安人,女聲組冠軍是一位19歲的大連姑娘。兩人都很謙虛,認為他們並不比其他人好多少。女聲組冠軍江梅說學習英語幫她獲得了獎金。6個月前,她覺得她的英語不太好,因此她必須努力學習。英語演唱賽使得她對於學習英語更有興趣了。 這樣的比賽鼓勵中國人學習英語。」中國人應該試著更多的說英語,我們應該在奧林匹克到來前得到提高「 奧委會的一位發言人這樣說道。他認為以娛樂的方式學習英語是一個好主意。 你聽過「北京說英語」節目嗎?如果沒有,為什麼不去看看呢?這個節目使北京人學英語更有興趣。除了唱英語歌曲,還有很多其他有趣的方式學習英語,看看英語電影,讀讀英文書籍,也許你甚至能交到一個母語是英語的朋友。如果你足夠努力,你將找到一條更好的學習英語的方法。 9. p70 UNIT 9 3a: Have you ever been to Disneyland?課文翻譯 你去過迪士尼公園么? 我們中的大多數人可能都聽說過米老鼠,唐老鴨和其他一些有名的迪士尼人物。我們甚至可以在電影中看到他們。但是你去過迪士尼樂園嗎?事實上,現在世界上已有幾座不同的迪士尼主題公園了。 迪士尼樂園是個娛樂的公園,但我們也可以叫它「主題公園」。它擁有你在其他公園可以找到的所有的娛樂設施,但是它有一個主題。當然,這個主題就是迪士尼電影和迪士尼人物。比如說,在其他一些公園你可以看到到摩天輪,但是在迪士尼樂園,摩天輪就有了「迪士尼人物」的主題。這意味著你可以在摩天輪的任何地方看到迪士尼人物。同樣,你也可以看有關迪士尼的電影,在迪士尼餐廳就餐,買迪士尼禮物。你還隨時可以看到迪士尼樂園里來回走動的迪士尼人物! 你聽說過「迪士尼航行」嗎?那是同樣有迪士尼主題的巨大的船。你可以在船上航行幾天,還可以在甲板上吃東西睡覺。和迪士尼樂園一樣,甲板上也有許多吸引人的地方。你可以購物,參加迪士尼的聚會,和米老鼠一起吃晚餐。這些船有幾條不同的航線,但最終都會抵達同樣的地方。那就是屬於迪士尼樂園的小島。 在迪士尼樂園的樂趣簡直太多了! 9. p72 UNIT 9 3a: Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life. 來到Hilltop語言學校,改變你的人生! 第一篇:這里是兩名同學講述關於我校的事情 當我還是個小女孩,我就夢想著去旅行,因而我選擇了個最佳的方式—從事空中乘務員.我做這個行業已有兩年了,它的確是份有趣的工作,我能游遍世界各地,但也我發現說好英語對我來說是件多麼重要的事,正因如此早在當空乘之前我就在Hilltop語言學校學習五年了,我以一口流利的口語贏得了這份工作,謝謝, Hilltop語言學校! Mei Shan 第二篇: 我渴望當一名導游,事實上,這是我一直都很想要從事的事業.我渴望旅行,特別是英語國家,像是美國,澳大利亞.不論如何我知道我必須提高我的英語能力,於是我來到Hilltop語言學校進行口語學習, Hilltop語言學校對我的學習有很大的幫助,我已經在這里學滿一年了,非常熱愛這個地方.或許當我要離開這個學校的時候,我開始想做一名英語教師的熱情會大過於想做一名導游! David Feng 9. p74 UNIT 9 3a: Have you ever been to Singapore?翻譯! 你去過新加坡嗎? 對於很多中國旅遊者來說,這個位於東南亞的小島是個度假的好去處。一方面,超過四分之三的人是中國人,你在大多數時間可以說普通話。另一方面,新加坡是個講英語的國家,所以那裡是你練習英語的好地方。 你曾經在中國以外的地方吃過中國菜嗎?可能你會擔心在國外你不能找到任何吃的。在新加坡,你能找到很多來自中國的食物;你不難找到米飯、面條或是餃子。然而,如果你夠大膽,新加坡是個嘗試新食物的好地方。無論你喜歡印度菜還是日本菜,你都可以在新加坡找到。 許多城市都有動物園,但是你在夜裡去過動物園嗎?新加坡有個夜間動物園叫做"Night Safari"(夜間野生動物園)。在夜晚去可能看起來很奇怪。但你只要白天去過你就可能理解這個動物園的奇特之處。大部分動物只在夜間醒來,所以那時是觀看它們的最好時間。如果你在白天去看獅子、老虎或是狐狸,它們可能在睡覺!在夜間野生動物園,你可以在比普通動物園更自然的環境下觀看這些動物。 在新加坡,很棒的是一年到頭溫度都大致相同。這時因為這個島很靠近赤道。所以你可以選擇任何你喜歡的時間去——春夏秋或冬!另外,它離中國並不遠! 10. p80 UNIT 10 3a: 1.親愛的Kim 作為一名新生有時在學校真的很難,但是周六的晚上我渡過了一段美妙的時光。非常感謝你能邀請我參加。有一些女孩子我並不認識,但是她們對我都很友善。還有你放的那段影片真的是太有意思了。現在我感覺我就是你們其中的一員了。 Maria 2.親愛的Tony 謝謝你上周帶我去看學校。在你陪我去那之前我一直找得很辛苦。我很高興能見到Carlos。他的數學太棒了,不是嗎?他對我說他將會幫助我學習數學。朋友們都像你一樣使得我更容易的融入到新環境中。 Bill 3.親愛的Allen 謝謝你下周球賽的門票。很遺憾你和你的父親不能去,但我真的好高興能擁有球賽門票。我准備邀請我的堂弟Tommy和我一起去。當黑襪子贏得了比賽我會想起你的。(我希望!) John

❷ 八年級下冊英語書課文原文和翻譯


❸ 八年級下冊英語第六單元reading原文 速度、在線等、、

I've been studying history in China
My name is Leo. I'm from Austral, and I've been teaching in China for two years. I teach in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province. This is really an interesting city with a very colorful history. There is some European influence in the city, and a lot of the buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.
Since I came to China, I've been learning a lot about my family history. Although I'm Australian, my family is Jewish. So it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of Jews came to live in Harbin many years ago. My parents were so surprised when I told them about this in China. In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago, and were welcomed by the Song Emperor.
When I lived in Australia, I studied history at school, but we usually studied Australian or western history. However, when I heard that I was going to work in China, I started studying Chinese history. I've been studying for over two years now. My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was very hard to understand, but I don't really agree. I think if you study hard, you'll be able to understand any culture. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.
And although I live quite far from Beijing, I'm certain I wil be here for the Olympic Games in 2008!



❹ 英語八年級下冊第五單元3a長閱讀翻譯35頁









  1. Ben』s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.


  2. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.



❺ 八年級下冊英語課文原文


Mole 1 Feelings and impressions

1、Lingling: Guess what it is!


Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie?


2、Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour.


Tony: Don』t drink it.


3、Betty: This bed feels a bit soft.


Lingling: Try a harder bed.


4、Hi Lingling,


Thanks for your last message, It was great to hear from you, and I can』t wait to meet you.


I hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport.


I』m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses.


I』ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I』ll also carry my warm coat.


I』ve got your photo ---- you look very pretty, so I』m sure we』ll find each other!


Mole 2 Experiences

1、Listen and number the words as you hear them.

Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US?


Lingling: No, I haven』t. I』ve always wanted to go there.


Betty: Would you like to come and visit me next year?


Lingling: That sounds wonderful! I』d love to.


Betty: I haven』t asked my parents, but I』m sure they』ll say yes. Have you ever travelled by plane ?


Lingling: Yes, I have.


Betty: Did you enjoy it ?


Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quite tired.


2、Listen again and answer the questions.

Presenter: Today we』re talking to Winnie, Diana and Bob about their travel experiences. Welcome, everyone! Winnie, you』ve travelled a lot, haven』t you ?


Winnie: Yes. I』ve been all over China. I』ve also been to the US. In fact, I』ve flown to the US three times!


Presenter: What about you, Diana? Have you been to the US or China ?


Diana: I』ve never been to the US, but I』ve been to China many times. I』ve travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic! I』d like to go there again, and look around the country some more.


Presenter: And you, Bob ? Where have you been ?

主持人:你呢,鮑勃? 你去過哪兒?

Bob: Well, I live in France. I』ve been all over Europe, but I』ve never been to Africa or Asia. I』ve never been to the US either.


Mole 3 Journey to space

Listen and number the words as you hear them.

Lingling: I』m really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. It』s so exciting! Has the spaceship landed yet ?


Tony: I don』t know. Let』s listen to the news on the radio and find out.


News reporter: We』ve just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasn』t sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isn』t any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find life on Mars and other planets.


Mole 4 Seeing the doctor

Listen and check(√)what』s wrong with Betty and Daming.

Daming: Hi, Betty.


Betty: Hi, Daming. You don』t look very well. What』s the matter with you?


Daming: (groaning) I』ve got a stomach ache and a headache.


Betty: Have you seen a doctor ?


Daming: No, I haven』t.


Betty: You should go and see one!


Daming: OK. You don』t look very well either, Betty. What』s the matter with you? Have you got a fever ?


Betty: Yes, I』ve got a temperature…and a cough.


Daming: You should see a doctor too.


Betty: I』ve seen a doctor. I saw a doctor this morning. Ah!


Daming: What』s the matter ?


Betty: I』ve got a toothache as well!


Mole 5 Cartoons

Cartoon heroes


Nemo is a cute orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an ugly green animal.


They look very different, but both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world.


The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are everywhere, on office desks, handbags, and computer screens.


Mole 6 Hobbies

Lingling: Hi, everything ! Come in and find somewhere to sit down. Sorry, it』s a bit of mess. I』ll put the fans on the shelf.


Betty: Let me have a look. You』ve got so many fans.


Lingling: Yes, about sixty.


Betty: Where did you get them ?


Lingling: Most of them are presents. People often give me fans as presents because they know I likethem. Do you collect anything ?


Betty: Yes, I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and US dollars and cents.


Lingling: Coins? They must be really valuable. Can I see them ?


Mole 7 Summer in Los Angeles

Learn English in Los Angeles


Come and learn English in Los Angeles!


We can offer you great summer English courses.


You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at the same time.


The courses last for four, six or eight weeks.


They start at the beginning of July.


Our teachers are well trained and have a lot of experience.


They teach English classes for four hours a day.


You can work in small or large groups and it depends on your personal choice.


We provide books and we set tests every week to check your progress.


They are also computers and other forms of technology for personal study.


Mole 8 Time off

Dear Mum and Dad,


I promised to write, so...


We』re staying with Lingling』s uncle in Hunan Province, and I』m having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie.


It』s a magic land of mountains, forests and rivers.


It's very large, about 480 square kilometres.


It』s famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks.


Some of them look like humans, and others look like wild animals.


Mole 9 Friendship

A beautiful smile


By Zhang Bei


When I was thirteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift. It was a smile.


It was the early autumn of my first year at a new school.


No one knew me.


I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.


Mole 10 On the radio

「How old are you?」 The radio studio manager looked down at me.


「Fifteen,」 I said.


「And you want a job in radio? Shouldn』t you be at school?」 he asked.


❻ 求新目標八下Unit 8 2b課文原文翻譯

新人教八年級下冊英語unit 8 section b 2b 內容參考譯文:

❼ 八年級下冊英語書課文

在 八年級 英語教學中培養學生的英語思維能力是師生應予以重視指答並需共同努力達到的首要目標。以下是我為大家整理的八年級下冊英語書的課慶逗彎文,希望你們喜歡。
P22 2b

Dear Sir,

I don‟t understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home. Kids these days already have enough stress from school. They don‟t have time to study and do housework, too. Housework is a waste of their time. Could we just let them do their job as students? They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. Also, when they get older, they will have to do housework so there‟s no need for them to do it now. It is the parents‟ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. I don‟t mind doing them.

Mr. Smith

Dear Sir,

I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. It‟s not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days depend on their parents too much. They‟re always asking, “譽悶Could you get this for me?” or “Could you help me with that?” Doing chores helps to develop children‟s independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. Our neighbor‟s son got into a good college but ring his first year, he had no idea how to take care of himself. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

Ms. Miller
P30 2b

Maybe You Should Learn to Relax!

These days, Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win. However, this doesn‟t only happen in China. The Taylors are a typical American family. Life for Cathy Taylor‟s three children is very busy.” On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for my children‟s future. I really want them to be successful. ” However, the tired children don‟t get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then it‟s time for homework.

Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. “In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older,” she says. “Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. It‟s crazy. I don‟t think that‟s fair. Why don‟t they just let their kids be kids? People shouldn‟t push their kids so hard.”

Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child‟s development. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although it‟s normal to want successful children, it‟s even more important to have happy children.”
P35 3a

The Storm Brought People Closer Together

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were

making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news

on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.

Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Ben‟s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.

Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.

❽ 八年級下冊英語書人教版課文

P43 3a

In November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey. Most

of them were hearing this story for the first time. However, this story is not new to Chinese children. The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.

The story says that once upon a time there was a magic rock. One day, it suddenly broke open and gave birth to a monkey. To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick so *** all that he can keep it in his ear. At other times, he is able to make it big and long. Sun Wukong can also make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person.

The Monkey king has excited the children of China many years. And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.
P44 4b

The Monkey King is the main character from the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. Once upon a time, a magic rock ______ ***open*** up and a monkey was born. This monkey is wonderful because he ______ ***help*** weak people. The Monkey King ______ ***have*** a magic stick, He ______ ***use*** it to fight bad people. He can______ ***make*** the stick big or *** all. He can sometimes make the stick so *** all that he can put it in his ear. As soon as he ______ ***see*** bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. He can______ ***turn*** himself into different animals or objects. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot make himself a human. Children all over the world______ ***love*** the Monkey King!

P45 1c

When the emperor______ at himself, he only ______ his under wear.

Nobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy ______, 「Look! The emperor isn‟t ______ any clothes!」

The emperor had to ______ them silk and gold, but they ______ everything for themselves. They were trying to cheat the emperor.

This story is about an emperor who loved . ______

Two ______ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.
P46 2b

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel lived near forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless the left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister.

***Then they heard an old woman』s voice from inside the house.***

Voice: Who is that? Who is brave enough to eat my house?

P48 3b

Gretel heard that their ________________planned to ________________ her and her brother. But Hansel had a plan to ________________himself and his sister. He went to get some white ________________ before he went to bed that night. The next day, the wife sent the children to the________________. Hansel ________________ the stones as they walked. Later that night, they could see the stones because of the shining ________________.The stones showed them the way home. Hansel wanted go get more stones, but his stepmother did not let him go out. The next morning, the wife sent the children to the forest again. Hansel had no stones, so he dropped ________________ of________________ .But the ________________ate them, so Hansel and Gretel were in the forest. They walked until they saw a ________________ made of food. Hansel wanted to ________________the house, but then they heard the voice of an old ________________ing from the house.







❾ 八年級下英語課文原文


P3 3a

Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man

At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman was next to him, shouting for help.

The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.

But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man ona the bus.

Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. "銷檔It's sad that many people don't want to help others because they don‟t want any trouble," says one passenger. "But the driver didn't think about himself. He only thought about saving a life."

P6 2b

He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing

Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah

On that day, Aron's arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.

After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one's life. His lose for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.

Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let's think about it before we find ourselves 「between a rock and a hard place」, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.

P11 3a

Students Who Volunteer

Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.

Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 「 It' s hard work , 」 he says , 「but I want to learn more about how to care for animals . I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners' faces.」

Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program .she still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they‟re going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream e true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.







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