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㈠ 英語文體有哪四種

1. 英文寫作的四種文體及注意事項 四種文體: 1、記敘文, 2、議論文, 3、說明文 4、應用文:包括書信、通知、便條等。 注意事項: 1、確保提綱中段落結構的思路與各段主題句的一致性。只有這樣凳塌鍵,才能保證所寫段落不偏題,不跑題。 2、要綜合考慮各個段落的內容安排,避免段落內容的交叉。 3、用好連接詞,注意段落間、句子間的連貫性。 要做到所寫文章層次分明,思路清晰,文字連貫,就需要在句與句之間,段與段之間架起一座座橋梁,而連接詞起的正是橋梁作用。 4、平時多注重積累一些高級詞彙也是很重要的。 (1)英語閱讀人物傳記的特點擴展閱讀: 作文關鍵: 作文是中學英語學習的重要內容之一,也是學生綜合能力的體現。它與學生的詞彙量、語法、句法能力和邏輯思維能力等有密不可分的關系,在高考中佔有相當大的比重。 而許多學生在此方面丟分甚多,以致影響最後總分,因此提高學生寫作能力勢在必行。 任何文章都是由句子組成的,句子又是由片語、基本句型構成的。 要重視詞、短語、句型的理解記憶,因此,書面表達要從片語、句型訓練入手,強化基礎知識。 掌握好片語、基本句型,再配上合適的時態,一篇文章就基本完成。 句子是作文 的基本單位,我們要有意識地進行連句成文的有步驟的訓練。 先把詞彙寫出來,然後巧用一些關聯詞連句成篇。 在大量形式多樣的簡單句子中,要逐步學會用簡單句子表達思想,並學會構寫一個語段來表達連貫的思想。 參考資料來源:網路-英語作文。 2. 英文作文的體裁有哪些 文體分為文章體裁和文學體裁。文章體裁包括記敘文、說明文、議論文、應用文 。其中文學體裁包括詩歌、小說、戲劇、散文。 一、記敘文是以記敘、描寫為主要表達方式,以記人、敘事、寫景、狀物為主要內容的文章。中學階段,為了教學的方便,常常把消息、通訊、人物傳記、回憶錄、寓言、童話、小說等,都劃歸到記敘文教學中。 記敘文的分類:從寫作內容與方式看,可分為兩類:簡單的記敘文和復雜的記敘文。從寫作對象的不同,可分為四類: 1、寫人的記敘文; 2、敘事的記敘文; 3、寫景的記敘文(即散文); 4、狀物的記敘文。 二、說明文是一種以說明為主要表達方式的文章體裁。它通過對實體事物科學地解說,對客觀事物做出說明或對抽象事理的闡釋,使人們對事物的形態、構造、性質、種類、成因、功能、關系或對事理的概念、特點、來源、演變、異同等能有科學的認識,從而獲得有關的知識。說明文的中心鮮明突出,棗巧文章具有科學性,條理性,語言確切生動。 (1)英語閱讀人物傳記的特點擴展閱讀 語考試作文試題的一個最大的特點就是時限性,即在有限的時間內(一般分配30分鍾)按試題要求完成作文試題。有很多參試者最後交卷時作文題要衫謹么沒有完成要麼質量比較差,這其中當然有很多原因,但不可忽視的一點原因便是寫作文時間不夠來不及完成作文或來不及仔細思考寫一篇合乎題目要求的文章。 英語作文試題一般要求字數在120字左右,段落一般為三段,因而有「三段論」一說。所謂「三段論」即全文分為三個自然段,一般結構為「首段擺事實(現象)、提觀點(論點或問題),在這一部分參試者最好將題目要求中的第一個要點(一般為提出問題或觀點)作為首段的內容之一;第二段剖析現象、分析論點,這也是全文的主體部分。 在這一部分參試者需要將試題要求中的所有要點的內容都加以闡述和擴展,同時注意不要信馬由韁的寫一些與文章主題無關的內容以免被當作跑題處理;第三段為結論段,這一段的主要任務是為全 *** 一個結論性的終結,讓文章顯得完整和連貫。至於開頭和結尾有一定的固定的套路可循。 參考資料來源:網路-英語作文 3. 英文寫作的四種文體及注意事項 同文體的寫作 書面表達旨在測試學生的英語書面表達能力。 高考的書面表達是一種指導性寫作。試題對寫作的目的,對象,體裁及字數等都有明確的規定。 提供給學生的材料形式為文字,圖畫或圖表。試題要求學生根據所給的情景和要表達的意義,寫出一篇 100 字左右的文章。 高考中常見的文體為記敘文、說明文、議論文和應用文等。 (一)記敘文: 記敘文是以敘述人物的經歷或事物的發展變化過程為主的一種文體。 它分為記人和記事兩種。記敘文的幾個要點為: 1. 時間、地點、人物、事件,這幾個要素在寫作時要交代清楚。 2. 人稱:記敘文一般可以有第一人稱和第三人稱兩種敘事方式:第一人稱是作者以當事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以「我」的所見所聞的方式來敘述,第三人稱是寫作者從旁觀者的角度來敘述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和見解。 3. 記敘文的線索一般為時間,即按照事件的發展順序來寫。 以可以按照地點的線索來寫,即以地點的轉移為順序。 4. 重點突出,層次分明,詳略得當。 5. 注意文章的完整性。 6. 所用的時態通常為一般過去時。 例: NMET 2004 遼寧卷 下面四幅圖片描述的是星期天上午在中山公園里發生的一件事。請根據圖片所提供的信息用英語為你校的「英語園地」寫一篇文章。 注意:1. 短文必須包括所有圖片的主要內容,短文的內容要連貫,完整。 2. 短文單詞數 100左右。 3. 參考詞彙:貨攤 stand 搶奪 snatch 逮捕 arrest 寫作步驟: 1. 審題:理解圖意,將幾幅圖連成一個完整的故事。 2. 列出要點: 地點:公園的冰激凌貨攤旁。 人物:一名年輕婦女,一個小偷和一個老人。 事件:年輕婦女的包被搶,人們追趕,老人用傘將其絆倒,警察逮捕搶劫者,婦女和人們感謝老人。 3. 將要點擴展成文,注意上下文的連接,用適當的連詞,副詞。 4. 通讀一遍,改錯。 Possible Version: One Sunday morning, there were some people in Zhongshan Park. At a stand, a woman was buying an ice cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. She shouted, 「Stop the thief! He's snatched my bag!」 Hearing this, a few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it beeen the snatcher's legs. The young man fell down on the ground hard. Soon o policemen came in a police car and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness. (二)議論文: 在近幾年的高考中,議論文的比重佔得越來越多,議論文的出題形式可以多種多樣,有看圖寫作、圖表、表格、書信等各種類型,但文體實際上是議論文,而有時是夾敘的議論文。議論文的寫作要點是: 1. 觀點鮮明,文章一定有一個明確的中心論點。 2. 層次分明,一個中心論點通常有幾個分論點支持,不同層次之間要分明,過渡清晰自然。 3. 最後一段一般要總結全文,得出一個符合邏輯的結論,突出中心思想。 4. 一般採用一般現在時。 5. 語言簡潔有力,一般不採用口語。 例: 2005年全國高考英語(福建卷) 目前,學校存在少數學生考試作弊現象。某英文雜志社擬對此現象向中學生徵文,標題是「My opinion on Cheating in Examinations」,請根據下列提示用英語寫一篇徵文稿。 內容要點如下: 主要原因:考試偏多,偏難;不用功,懶惰;取悅老師,父母 個人看法:作弊不對,影響校規;要誠實,努力學習;……其他看法 注意: 1. 短文必須包括所有內容要點,可適當發揮; 2. 短文標題與開頭已為你寫好,不計入總詞數; 3. 詞數:100左右; 4. 參考詞彙:作弊 cheat (v.) 寫作思路: 1. 首先審題,確定要點——本文的中心論題是:My pinions on Cheating in Examinations ,所以首先要提出中心論題,點題。 2. 接下來從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分做兩段,現分析這種現象的產生原因, 然後很自然地過渡到自己的看法。 在講述自己看法時要有鮮明的觀點及支持觀點的論據。 3. 最後對自己的觀點做簡短的總結,點題。 Possible Version: My opinions on Cheating in Examinations It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school. As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers. In my opinions , it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations. In a word, it is wrong to cheat in examinations. (三)說明文: 說明文是以簡明的文字介紹事物的形狀、性質、構造、。 4. 英語寫作有哪些體裁 說明文,議論文最近幾年的四六級作文的體裁以說明文和議論文為主。 說明文如:How to Succeed in a Job Interview (2000,12,四級), How I Finance My College Ecation(2000,1 四級), Practice Makes Perfect, Haste Makes Waste(97,1 六級) 議論文如:Don't Hesitate to Say 「NO」(99,1 四級和六級), Can Money Buy Happiness(95,1 四級), Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?(2000,6 四級) Reading Selectively or Extensively? (99,6六級),Do 「Lucky Numbers」 Really Bring Good Luck? (98,6 四級和六級)

㈡ 英語作文:人物傳記


英語作文:人物傳記 篇1

Do you know our English teacher? Look! There is a young man standing over there. He isnt tall, and looks very thin. Who is he? He is our English teacher. His name is Sun Feng.

Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us. We all like him, because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English.

My classmate Wang Haiyan was not good at Eng-lish at first. He often thought: "My English is poor, what can I do?" Mr Sun knew it and said to him: "Dont be disappointed, keep up with your classmates! I believe, you can. " With the help of our teacher, he decided to catch up with his classmates. So he began to put his heart into English and did better in English. At last, he took part in the English contest and got a prize.

Our English teacher works hard and he is as busy as a bee. He often prepares lessons and studies until late at night. In Grade three, we often have tests and have more English homework. Mr Sun always goes over it carefully.

Mr Sun gets on well with us. He likes singing very much. One day before classes began, he said to us: "Now, let me teach you an English song. "

We all like our English teacher. He is not only teacher but also our good friend. Dont you think so?

英語作文:人物傳記 篇2

In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention.

Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the womens high jump world record with a leap of 1.77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957.

The new record, the first womens world record for the Peoples Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel .

The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936.

The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated Chinas first athletic world record.

Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (喚醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger the "sick man of the East. "

Born in the spring city of Jinan, Shandong Province, Zheng, who stands at 1.70 metres, has a good physique and a skillful scissor--sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world.

She once leapt 1.78 metres, a national record in 1963.

She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records (吉尼斯世界紀錄) .

Due to her contribution (貢獻) to athletics, Zheng was awarded a series of honours. She was named among the nations greatest athletes (運動員) in 1984.

英語作文:人物傳記 篇3

Good morning everyone . Today my topic is "Do you prefer to study and live in a big city or a small-one?".

As we all know , there is a big differencebetween big cities and small cities .

I prefer to study in the big city. BecauseI can learn a lot in the big city. Big cities have rich teaching resources.Here I can meet people all over the country. And I can learn about different cultures.I』ll have more opportunities in the big city.

But I don』t like living in a big city. Itis true that big cities are economically developed which offers various jobopportunities and the traffic is very convenient. There are a lot of places forpublic entertainment such as parks, restaurants, museums, etc However, thereare still disadvantages. The cost of living here is high and it』s overpopulated.Besides, the air pollution and bad living environment should be considered .

As for small cities, although the economy isnot very developed, the air is fresh, the environment is quiet and peaceful, andit is more comfortable to live in. So I prefer live in small cities whilestudying in big cities. So, that』s why I chose to attend college in a big city.But after graation, I might go back to my hometown to find a job and livethere.

That』s all, thank you.

By Jinmin

英語作文:人物傳記 篇4

When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true.

Rong became New Chinas first world champion after he won the mens singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959.

Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the mens team. But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five.

After a chain of unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough.

Rongs rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.

Rong was seen as an underdog for the title as he had just lost to Sido in the team contest. Even the victory flowers were being prepared for Sido.

But much to the surprise of the 8000-member audience, Rong won three straight sets with a big margin 21-12, 21-15, and 21-14 after losing the first set 19-21. Until that very moment, Rong realized the promise he made one year ago, that was to win a world championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championships in Beijing,Rong led the Chinese men to win the team title.

After becoming the coach of the Chinese womens team, Rong led the team to the winners podium at the 28th championshipsin 1965.

英語作文:人物傳記 篇5

Dear Jack,

I was very glad to receive your letter on the tenth of February. You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works since you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about him. Lu Xun was a well-Known Chinese writer, he was not only a writer, a thinker, and translator, but also a founder of modern Chinese literature. His novels have been put into many languages and some of novels have been made into films, such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year』s Sacrifice which expose sharply the old society. The late Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks. Since you are learning Chinese literature, I think reading Lu Xun』s novels will benefit a lot.


Wei Ming

英語作文:人物傳記 篇6

Hello everyone, today I want to discuss topicwith you: Should our fresh men live by themselves or live with others in thedifferent grades?

Of course, different people have differentideas. Now, I will share my idea with you, which is that we should live with studentsin the same grade

First,Freshmen can go to class together, to adapt tothe new teaching method and spend the free time together. Unlike high schoolwhich is busy, college life gives us a lot of spare time when everyone gather togetherin the dormitory to share the attitudes towards the new school and new teachers, discusstheir professional knowledge, and talk about the future plan of development. Itis very convenient to do these things if students in the same grade live in thesame dormitory.

Second, freshman is so shy, not familiar with the surrounding environment.If living together with the seniors, they may be laughed at and bullied, butfreshmen living together can help each other to be familiar with thesurroundings. For example, we can go around the campus and find it so beautiful.Perhaps this is what high school students think of no fun, but freshmen arefull of curiosity, so I think the freshmen should live together.

In conclusion, let us join hands together to create a good livingenvironment. The dormitory is also home to us. It needs our join efforts to letit become warm and harmonious. So, cherish our college life, cherish the collegefriendship.

By Jinhuan

英語作文:人物傳記 篇7

Do you remember, "there is no road in the world, and there are many people walking, and they have become roads."." Whose mouth is it? Can you remember who is writing "some people died and he is still alive"? Youre right! Mr. Lu Xun. He is the man I admire most.

I was impressed by his image of Mr. Lu Xun. The shaggy hair, though it looked messy, was very spiritual; each one stood erect. A thin yellow face is unforgettable. His eyes were small, but he was so divine that he dared not look straight at him, but gave him infinite strength.

His "from" Baicao garden to Sanwei experience of reading pleasure; "drama" feel the innocence of happiness. He is a monumental monument in the history of Chinese literature; he is a giant of literature! From him, we can read the true, the good and the beautiful of human nature, and read black and white, right and wrong.

The real reason why I worship Mr. Lu Xun is because he is a God who leaves all saints. He is a real man in the strict sense! His love and hate, down-to-earth, noble moral character; he was "willing ox bow"!

He said, "time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to push, you always have it."." Time for everyone is fair, diligent will strive to catch up, to earn, to squeeze; lazy people do not want to squeeze, to earn, he will never have. Mr. Lu Xun is a hard worker who can squeeze his time and control his time. His health, working and living conditions are not good, but he works until midnight every day, second days and sleepless nights.

He has been tolerant of us in his fathers mind, waiting for us. Let us go out of the impetuous sea, and later generations of identity, with a secular heart, and his soul dialogue!

㈢ 做好英語閱讀理解的知識(2)


3. 代詞的意義:代詞指代人、事或物,但是在具體的語境中,究竟指代什麼呢?考生不可掉以輕心,而應該根據上下文來弄清楚它的意義。如果把句子 She gave me an interesting book yesterday, which is written by E.E. Cummings 中的 which 理解為指 yesterday理解為指或前面整個句子的內容,顯然就不正確。

4. 動詞的時態、語態和語氣:英語閱讀中必須特別注意文章中的時態、語態和語氣,因為,它們的形式分別代表著特別的意義。如 I didn’t know English 就說明“我”過去不懂英語,言外之意,現在對英語已經略知一二;如句子 If I had been told about this, I wouldn’t have done such a foolish thing 過去不懂英語,言外之意,現在對英語已經略知一二;如句子為虛擬語氣,內容與事實相反,說明“原來沒有人告訴我這件事,於是我做了一件如此愚蠢的事情”。

5. 情態動詞的意義:情態動詞雖然不能單獨充當句子的成分,但是決不能小看。它們在不同的語境中所表示的意義有區別。如:He must have gone to bed, for the lights in his house are all off He must have gone to bed, for the lights in his house are all off 中的 must 只能是表示推測,說明自己一個人的看法;而在 She is very rebellious. When her father tells her to do something in this way, she must do it in another way 中,must 又表示“於說話人願望相反和不耐煩”,意思是“偏要,偏偏”

6. 非謂語動詞的意義:非謂語動詞非常復雜,閱讀理解中,更要小心。如不定式和動詞的 -ing 形式都能表結果,而不定式只能表示一種意外的結果;而動詞的 -ing 形式表示事物發展的正常的結果。在與謂語動詞的關繫上,不定式所表示的動作一般發生在謂語動作之後;動詞的 -ing 形式表示的動作與謂語動作同時發生或發生在謂語動詞的動作之前;而 -ed的形式則表示在謂語動作之前。

7. 形容詞、副詞的理解:

(1) 注意形容詞與副詞同形情況的理解。英語中有些詞既可作形容詞又可作副詞,但在句子中的意義和作用不一樣,在閱讀理解過程中必須注意。如:close 作形容詞時,意思是“親密的,緊密的”;作副詞時,意思是“靠近,接近”。hard 作形容詞時,意思是“堅硬的,猛烈的”;作副詞時,意思是“努力地,使勁地”。

(2) 注意形容詞、副詞的級的理解。形容詞、副詞的級有時並不表示級的意義,在閱讀理解中也應留心。如:no more than 意為“僅,只”,相當於 only;not more than 意為“至多” ,相當於 at most;在“a most + adj. / adv. + n.”結構中,most 意為“非常”,相當於 very 等。

(3) 注意對詞尾有無 -ly 的形容詞、副詞的理解。一般說來,有 -ly 的是副詞,但是,lovely, lively, friendly, manly 等都是形容詞;有時,不管詞尾有無 -ly時,修飾抽象概念,無 -ly 時,修飾具體的概念,如:high 與 highly,deep 與 deeply 等;而 hard 和 hardly都是副詞,意思卻完全不同,前者表示 hardly“激烈,猛烈;努力”,後者的意思是“幾乎不”,相當於 almost not。

8. 介詞的理解:英語中介詞是由古英語中的動詞演變而來,不同的介詞跟某個名詞搭配,有不同的意思。如 in school 與 at school,前者表示“(在)受教育”,後者意思是“在學校讀書,學習”;in the sun 的意思是“在太陽底下,在陽光下”,under the sun 的意思是“天下,世界上;到底;究竟”等。在做閱讀理解的過程中可不要搞混了。9. 連接詞、引導詞的作用:連接詞、引導詞不僅連接句子,也表示前後兩句的某種關系。如 but 連接兩個句子時,表示後面句子跟前面句子的意思相反;while 連接兩個句子時,表示前後兩個句子的對比;for 連接兩個句子時,表ONT face=宋體>連接句子時,只能放在前一句的後面,補充說明前面句子所發生事情的原因;because 引導原因狀語從句,表示事情發生的原因,句子的位置非常靈活;而 since, as 引導狀語從句,位於句首時,也可表示事情發生的原因等等,考生在英語閱讀中都要注意。

9. 句子結構。從一個句子中所含的主謂結構的多少來看,英語中句子分為簡單句和復合句;從句子的功能來看,英語句子分為陳述句、疑問句、祈使句和感嘆句;從句子的結構來看,英語句子可以分為正常語序句、倒裝句、強調句、省略句等。


高考中的英語閱讀短文的文件一般有 4 種,即記敘文、說明文、議論文和應用文。在寫法上它們都有各自的寫作方法和結構特點。

1. 記敘文:記敘文又分為 3 類:記事文、記人文和景物描寫文。記事文。這類文章首先一般要交代一件事情發生的時間(when)、地點(where)、人物(who)、事件(what),然後再進行分析這件事情發生的原因(why)及發生的過程(how)。因此,對於這類文章,我們只要抓住了這五個“W”和一個“H”就行了。記人文,即人物傳記。這類文章一般是採用倒述的'寫作方法,即首先用幾句話來簡單介紹這個人,接著介紹這個人的出生、成長過程,然後再記述他(她)所乾的一兩件主要的事情或業績,來反映他(她)的思想、品德和情操,最後是作者對他(她)的評論,從而表達作者對他(她)的感情。景物描寫文。一般用來記述在某時、某地所見的事物及心裏面的感受。這類文章一般按照時間或空間的順序來記述,並且有時還夾插作者心裏面的想法和感受。它好似我們中文中的散文,從表面上來看,沒有中心或主題,只有通讀全文後,仔細思考、歸納總結才會找出主題或中心來,從而進一步看清作者的目的、意圖及心情。

2. 說明文:說明文通常是用來對事物的情況進行描繪或對某種觀點、理論進行解釋,從而使人們明白事理或掌握某種方法技巧。在文章中,作者一般是首先提出一個要說明的對象,然後從時間先後、空間順序、用途、方法、手段、事例或進行的步驟等各方面進行描繪或解釋。

3. 議論文:議論文就是用來對人或事物的好壞、是非發表意見和看法。作者總是先提出一個論點,接著對這個論點進行正反分析,邏輯推理或列舉事例加以論證,然後得出結論。它一般分為立論和駁論兩種,在立論中,擺事實、講道理,論證其觀點的可行性、正確性;在駁論中,作者首先提出一個不正確的論點,然後用事實、道理對它逐點進行駁斥,來證明它是錯誤的、行不通的,再得出正確的結論。

㈣ 人物傳記的寫作特點



2、掌握人物傳記的結構特點:以時間為序、以空間變換為序、時空轉換 。

3、語言表達不流於直白,要有文學色彩 。














3、細節描寫 ,人物細節描寫就是指對人物肖像、行動、語言、心理等方面的細枝末節進行描寫。

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