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A. 小學生英語小故事

One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell.

"It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn't it?" the teacher said.


"Yes, sir." said one of the boys, " but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand."


B. 小學生英語故事


很多山羊被牧羊人趕到羊圈裡。有一隻山羊不知在吃什麼好東西,單獨落在後面。牧羊人拿起一塊石頭扔了過去,正巧打斷了山羊的一隻角。牧羊人嚇得請求山羊不要告訴主人,山羊說:"即使我不說,又怎能隱瞞下去呢?我的角已斷了,這是十分明顯的事實。" 這故事說明,明顯的罪狀是無法隱瞞的。

Goats and sheep shepherd many goats were rushed to shepherd Lane. I wonder if there is a goat ate things in isolation, left behind. Shepherd picked up a piece of stone-throwing in the past, the goats were lucky to interrupt the corner. Goat shepherd scared request not tell the owner, goats, said : "Even if I do not say, How can we hide? I have cut off the angle, it is very obvious. "This story illustrates. Obviously it is impossible to hide the crimes.
風和太陽(The Wind And The Sun)
One day the wind said to the sun, 「Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.」
「We will see about that,」 said the sun. 「I will let you try first.」
So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.
「I give up,」 said the wind at last. 「I cannot get his cloak off.」 Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.
(有一天風跟太陽說: 「看看那個沿著路上走的人.我可以比你快讓他把披風脫下來.)
(「我們等著看吧,」太陽說, 「我讓你先試.)
(「我放棄了,」風最後說, 「我無法讓他把披風脫下來.」然後由太陽試試看.他盡可能地曬他.不久,那個人很熱就把披風脫下來了.)

C. 適合小學生閱讀的英語故事有哪些


D. 小學生英語故事

Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn』 know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went up to the man and said, 「Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?」 The man smiled. He didn』t know English! He came from Germany. But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, 「I』m sorry I can』t understand you.」

E. 適合小學生的英語小故事

The hare and the tortoise

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."

The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."

The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.

The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.


F. 小學生英語小故事 2分鍾左右

The country Maid and Her Milk Can 村姑和牛奶罐 A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head,when she fell into the following train of reflections."The money for which I shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred,These eggs,allowing for what may prove addle,and what may be destroyed by vermin,will proce at least two hundred and fifty chickens.The chickens will be fit to carry to market just at the time when poultry is always dear;so that by the new year I cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown.Green-let me consider-yes,green becomes my complexion best .and green it shall be, In this dress I will go to the fair,where all young fellows will strive to have me for a parter;but no-I shall refuse every one of them,and with a disdainful toss turn from them." Transported with this idea,she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind,when down came the can of milk!And all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment. 一個村姑頭上頂著一罐牛奶在路上行走。走著走著,她的腦子里浮現出一連串的幻想:「我賣了這罐牛奶後,用這筆錢買雞蛋,這樣我有的雞蛋可以增加到300個。用這300個雞蛋孵小雞,這就算有壞的、生蟲的,至少也能孵出250隻小雞。等小雞長大後,正好能趕上賣個好市價;那麼到了新年,我就能有錢買一件新晚裝。買一件綠色的——讓我好好想想——對,綠色與我的膚色最相襯。我穿上這件衣服去趕集,所有的年輕小夥子都會搶著邀請我做舞伴;但是不行——我要輕蔑地把頭一揚,轉身過去不理他們,讓他們人人都碰個釘子。 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把頭一揚,剎那間,牛奶罐跌了下來!她幻想的一切幸福瞬間破滅了。

G. 小學生英語故事

The Dog And The Shadow 狗和它的影子
A DOG, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of flesh in his mouth, saw his own shadow in the water, and took it for that of another Dog, with a piece of meat double his own in size. He therefore let go his own, and fiercely attacked the other Dog, to get his larger piece from him. He thus lost both: that which he grasped at in the water, because it was a shadow; and his own, because the stream swept it away.
一條狗嘴裡叼塊肉,來到一座橋上.它看見水裡有自己的影子, 以為是另一條嘴裡也叼著一塊比自己那塊肉大一倍的狗.它忙丟下自己嘴裡的那塊肉,猛力地攻擊水裡的狗.試圖去搶它的肉.結果,它兩塊肉都得不到. 因為那隻是一個影子,它自己的影子而已.真正的肉也被水沖走了.


H. 適合小學四年級學生閱讀的英語故事

1. A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second" 一男子進入教堂和上帝對話.他問:"主啊, 一百萬美元對你意味著多少?"上帝回答:"一便士."男子又問:"那一百萬年呢?"上帝說:"一秒鍾."最後男子請求道:"上帝,我能得到一便士嗎?"上帝回答:"過一秒鍾."

2.Mother sent Tommy to the store across the street to buy a good box of matches.When Tommy came back,mother asked him,」Did you buy a good box of matches?」 「Yes,Mum.」Tommy replied,」I have tried them all.」 媽媽讓湯米去馬路對面的商店裡買一盒好用的火柴。湯米回來後,媽媽問他,「你買的是好用的火柴嗎?」 「是的,媽媽。」湯米回答,「我把它們都試過了。」——《 一盒小火柴》

3.Little Robert asked his mother for tow cents.」What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?」 「I gave it to a poor old woman,」he answered. 「You』er a good boy,」said the mother proudly.」Here are tow cents more.But why are you so interested in the old woman?」 「She is the one who sells the candy.」 小羅伯特向媽媽要兩分錢。 「昨天給你的錢干什麼了?」 「我給了一個可憐的老太婆。」他回答說。「你真是一個好孩子,」媽媽驕傲地說. 「再給你兩分錢。可你為什麼對那位老太太那麼感興趣呢?」 「她是個賣糖果的。」——《好孩子》

4.Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which? Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer. Teacher: Please tell us. Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow. 老師: 這兒有兩只鳥,一隻是麻雀。誰能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀嗎? 學生:我指不出,但我知道答案。 老師:請說說看。 學生:燕子旁邊的就是麻雀,麻雀旁邊的就是燕子。——《 兩只鳥 》

A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small daughterher tea before putting her to bed. First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. She asked for some jam on her bread as well.Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, When I was a small girl like you, Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam.Lucy looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly, Aren't you pleased that you've come to live with us now?
一位年輕的母親認為,世界上還有許多受飢餓的人,浪費食物真不應該。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女兒睡覺之前,她給女兒喂夜宵。她先給她一片新鮮的黑麵包和黃油,但孩子說她不喜歡這樣吃。她還要一些果醬塗在麵包上。母親看了女兒幾秒鍾,隨即說道,露茜,當我象你一樣小的時候,總是吃麵包加黃油,或者麵包加果醬,從來沒有麵包既加黃油又加果醬。露茜看了母親一會兒,眼中露出憐憫的神情,然後她柔聲說:您現在能跟我們生活在一起難道不感到高興嗎?——《 幸運的母親 》Lucky Mother

6.Two Pieces of Cake
Tom: Mom, can I have two pieces of cake, please?
Mom: Certainly -- take this piece and cut it two!
媽媽:當然可以----拿這塊蛋糕把它切成兩塊吧!——《 兩塊蛋糕》Two Pieces of Cake

A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.
Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."
The next class the professor handed the tests back out. This student got back his test and $64 change.
——《一分一塊錢 》A dollar per point

拔苗助長Help the Young Shoots Grow
Long, long ago, a farmer thought the shoots in his fields were not growing fast enough. He wanted to help them. So he pulled every shoot up, then went home, feeling very tired but very satisfied. "Look, how great I an! I can think out such a good idea. From now on, my shoots will grow faster and faster," he thought. "I an very tired today," he said to his family, "I've been helping the young shoots to grow." When his son heard this, he ran out to the fields to have a look. To his surprise, he found all the shoots weredead. 很久很久以前,一個農夫感覺他田裡的幼苗長得不是很快,他想幫助它們。於是他就向上拔它們,然後回了家,雖然感覺很累但是卻很滿意。他默默地想:「瞧我多麼的偉大,我能想出如此好的辦法。從現在起,我的幼苗將會生長得越來越快。」於是他對家人說:「我今天累壞了,我在幫助幼苗生長。」當他的兒子聽到這話,便匆忙跑到地里去看。讓他吃驚的是,他發現所有的幼苗都死了。

The Rabbit And The Turtle
One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise. The Tortoise replied:
"You may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in a race!"
The Hare thought this idea was impossible and he agreed to the proposal. It was agreed that the Fox should choose the course and decide the end.
The day for the race came, and the Tortoise and Hare started together.
The Tortoise never stopped for a moment, walking slowly but steadily, right to the end of the course. The Hare ran fast and stopped to lie down for a rest. But he fell fast asleep. Eventually, he woke up and ran as fast as he could. But when he reached the end, he saw the Tortoise there already, sleeping comfortably after her effort.一天,兔子嘲笑烏龜爬得慢,烏龜說:「即使你跑得像風一樣快,我也要和你比一場賽跑!」兔子心裡想,烏龜是不可能跑贏它的。於是兔子同意了這場彷彿看到比賽結果的比賽。當比賽開始時,烏龜和兔子同時起跑。在這段賽道上烏龜一直不停歇地向前爬,雖然爬得很慢,但是步子卻很堅定地邁向終點。兔子跑得很快,它中途還躺下來睡了一覺。當兔子睡醒時,它用最快的速度跑向終點。但是當它接近終點時,它卻看到烏龜已經在終點處沉沉的睡著了。

In the Spring and Autumn Period, a farmer in the State of Song was one day working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump(樹樁) accidentally and break its neck. The farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious meal. That night he thought, 'I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump.' So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for rabbits to come and run into it.
This idiom satirizes(諷刺,挖苦) those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need.

One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.He looks in the well and shouts :「Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!」An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,「Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!」And olderly monkey comes over.He is very surprised as well and cries out:「The moon is in the well.」A group of monkeys run over to the well .They look at the moon in the well and shout:「The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let』get it out!」Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .And he pulls the next monkey』s feet with his hands.All the other monkeys follow his suit,And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,He yells excitedly 「Don』t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!」一天,有隻小猴子在井邊玩兒。它往井裡一瞧,高喊道:「噢!我的天!月亮掉到井裡頭啦!」一隻大猴子跑來一看,說,「糟啦!月亮掉在井裡頭啦!」老猴子也跑過來。他也非常驚奇,喊道:「月亮掉在井裡頭了!」一群猴子跑到井邊來,他們看到井裡的月亮,喊道:「月亮掉在井裡頭啦!快來!讓我們把它撈起來!」然後,老猴子倒掛在大樹上,拉住大猴子的腳,其他的猴子一個個跟著,它們一隻連著一隻直到井裡。正好他們摸到月亮的時候,老猴子抬頭發現月亮掛在天上呢!它興奮地大叫:「別傻了!月亮還好好地掛在天上呢!」

The Tiger and The Fox(狐假虎威)
One day, the tiger and the fox are talking. The fox says, 『Do you believe that all the animals in the forest are scared of me not you?』 The tiger doesn』t believe and follows the fox to the forest. All the animals are very frightened when they see the tiger and ran away. The tiger is shocked and thinks that the animals are scared of the fox. The fox is very complacent because in fact it depends on the terror of the tiger to frighten the animals.

I. 有沒有簡單的適合小學生的英語小故事帶翻譯。

1、Talking on the Telephone

Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.

"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right?」 he began. The children nodded yes.

「Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He's on the other end, but you can't see him. He is listening though.」

Just then a little boy piped up and asked, 「What's his number?」




2、Two Little Monkey

The monkey mother has two little monkeys. She likes the younger, not the other.

One day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came running at them. The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.

After some time, the wolf went away slowly. The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly.

Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.


一天, 他們正在森林裡玩的時候,一隻狼來了並向他們撲去。猴子匆忙帶著小猴子跑了,單獨留下打猴子。她跑著小猴子爬到樹上。


3、Look for a Friend

Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn't look like Sam. So Sam goes away.

Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him.

「Hello! Would you like to be my friend?」 Sam answers: 「Of course! But you are round. I am flat.」 The round fish says: 「But we are both fishes.

Sam thinks and says, 」You are right. Let's be friends.「 They become good friends.

塞姆是一條小魚,他在海里。他生在海里。他很孤獨,想要找一個朋友,那個朋友看起來要想他。 塞姆看見一條墨魚。墨魚有8條腿,看上去不像塞姆。因此塞姆遊走了。塞姆遇見一條鯊魚。他想跟鯊魚問好。鯊魚張開大嘴,塞姆有迅速地逃走了。




4、A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. 「What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?」

"I gave it to a poor old woman,」 he answered.

"You're a good boy,」 said the mother proudly. 「Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?」

"She is the one who sells the candy.」



「我給了一個可憐的老太婆,」他回答說。 「你真是個好孩子,」媽媽驕傲地說。「再給你兩分錢。可你為什麼對那位老太太那麼感興趣呢?」


5、One morning a fox sees a cock.Hethink,"This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.

he fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.

They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.






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