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Ⅰ 求20篇英文閱讀(附帶感想的)


Ⅱ 英文文章讀後感(要原文)

Black Horse 黑駿馬

Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot.

It had been a long walk to the top and he was tired. He knew the horse he was trying to capture could not be too far away. He looked at the mountain and the valleys below, searching footmarks left by the horse.

Then he saw the marks going down the other side of the mountain. He must capture the horse. He knew better men than he had tried. Tom Raglan, the best rancher in the state, had tried with the help of his cowboys.

But they had not been able to capture it. It had gotten away from others, too. They all said it was too wild. It could not be captured.

After a slow, painful walk down the mountain, Jed came to a cool-looking river. He drank the clear water.順著山路向下,慢慢地、艱難地走了一段之後,傑德到達一條水看上去十分清澈的河邊,喝了幾口河水。

Further down the valley he saw the black horse. It stood under a tree out of the sun. Jed moved closer, then hid behind a tree to watch. It was the biggest and blackest and blackest he had ever seen.

Jed knew all about horse. He had grown into a man caring for them. He had never earned more than '10 but he had dreams: If he could get a male and female house and 10 hectares of land, he could sell horses. That would be all the happiness Jed wanted.

Night came. The big black house moved from under the tree and began to eat grass near the river. Jed watched again. A few hours later, he found a soft place in the ground. He placed his head against an old fallen tree and slept.

The next day he woke with the sun. His eyes searched for the horse, and there it was, grazing. Jed saw how it ate, then lifted its head and looked all around. It was the mark of the wild, always looking for hidden danger.

Jed started to walk toward the horse. The horse stopped eating and looking at Jed. Jed's heart began to beat heavily. Men had said the horse was a killer. Still, he walked closer.

Fifteen meters away from the horse Jed stopped. The horse had lifted its front feet high in the air, then placed them heavily back on the ground. Jed moved closer. He talked to the horse in a soft voice.

Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done.

He had almost touched the wild horse. The animal was not a killer. If it had been, Jed would be dead now.

For six days he followed the horse. He rested when the horse rested. Jed did not like the land they were in now. The sides of the valley were high and filled with big rocks. Few trees were around. And the bottom of the valley was soft and wet.

Jed watched the horse a while, and then lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by thunder and rain. He walked up the rocks until he found a dry hole, safe from the rain, and he slept again.

The next day was cold and wet. Heavy rains had softened the bottom of the valley. He followed the house most of the day. The wet valley was the only place it could walk now.

The sides of the valley had gotten higher. Toward evening he saw it again. But this time there was fear in its face. He stopped and watched. The horse's nose was smelling the air. It smelled danger. It smelled danger.

Jed thought of wild animals, a wildcat(鏈接至同目錄下wildcat)or bear maybe. He pulled his knife from his pants. He looked among the rocks but saw nothing.

He began walking toward the horse. The wildcat could have been on either side of the valley. He walked slowly, trying to watch both sides at the same time.

Slowly he came to the horse's side. Jed kept watching the rocks. If the cat was going to attack, it would do it now. He felt the excitement of danger.

Suddenly the silence was broken. The black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear. It began running down the wet valley.

At the same time there was a heavy, deep noise from the rocks. Then it happened. Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain. The land itself was the enemy.

When the air became clear, Jed looked for the horse. In front of him were tons of the fallen earth. He could not see down the valley and could not see the horse.


He slowly climbed over the fallen rocks. On the other side was the horse, more frightened than ever. Its legs were stuck in the soft earth and it could not move. The more it struggled, the deeper it sank in the mud.

他慢慢地爬過那些落下來的岩石。馬在這個石土堆的另一邊,看上去比先前更加恐懼。它的腿陷入了軟土裡,動彈不得。 而它越掙扎,就在泥中陷的越深。

Jed walked toward the animal. Each step he took, the soft mud tried to suck him down, too. He walked on the grassy places harder than the mud.


When he got to the horse, it was in the mud up to his stomach. Now it could move only its head. Jed felt wildly happy when he touched the horse. 「Don't struggle and do not worry, Horse! I'll get you out!」


Suddenly he felt the horses teeth on his arm. He bit his lip to stop it from crying aloud. His free hand gently calmed the horse and slowly it let go. It pressed its nose against Jed's face. At last they were friends.


Now Jed could go to work. He studied the problem carefully. He had no way to lift the big horse from the mud. Certainly his rope was not strong enough.


He began to pull the mud away with his hands. But more mud fell into the hole he g. He ran to the rocks that had fallen down the mountain. He took off his shirt and filled it with rocks. He g again.


Only this time, he placed rocks in the holes he g. The rocks stayed still and slowly a wall began to form. He did this through the day and when night came, his hands were bloody, torn by the sharp rocks.


He knew night would be a bad time for the horse. He did not want it to become frightened and struggle against the wall of rock he was building in the mud.


He cut some small trees, laid them on the ground next to the horse and all through the night, he spoke soft, kind words to it to calm its fears.


The next morning, he brought grass for it to eat and began his work again. It was slow, hard work. When night came, he lay next to the horse again. He did not want it to struggle yet. The time had not come for the test.


By the middle of the next day, he had enough rocks in the mud on one side of the horse. Now he began to dig near the houses front legs. His rocks began to make the mud harder. The horse was able to move a little.


And when the pressure became less, it raised one of its front legs on to the rocks. It pushed against the rocks on its side and lifted its body a little out of the mud.


Jed got his rope and tied it around the horses neck. He began to pull on the rope.


The horse felt the pull and struggled with all its power against the mud. It raised its other front leg on the rocks and with a mighty push with its back legs and with Jed pulling on its neck, it moved forward toward hard land.


Jed fell on the earth, happy but tired. He had not eaten for three days. He had slept little. Half sleep, he felt the horses nose push against his face. He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him.


A week later, a big black horse rode on the land owned by Tom Raglan. It stopped near the ranch house. A little man got off the horses back. Tom Raglan looked at the horse with eyes that did not believe. Finally he said: "You got him."


"I got him, Tom, and I brought him back as I said I would."


Raglan looked at the horse. Above all, he was a horseman and there was no need for Jed to tell him how he captured it. Jed's tired face, his torn hands, dirty clothes and thin body told the story.


「Jed,」 Raglan said. 「that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it. But I have not forgotten my promise."


"I will give you some land and the old house in back of the ranch if you will keep the horse there. I pay you '30 a month, if you will let me send my female horses to the black horse."


"I want the black horse's blood in my horses. And you can keep every seventh horse for yourself.」


Jed put his arm around the black horse. The black horse was his. His dream had come true. It was too much all at once.


下面是 讀後感
「Animals deserve our kindness, sympathy and understanding,」 that is what Anna Sewell-the author of Black Beauty-wanted to convince her readers. Thanks to Sewell, I now think about the animal-human relationship from both the human and the animal』s point of view.
The inspiration for Anna Sewell』s novel was drawn from her own relationship with horses. Anna Sewell was born on March 20th, 1820 in Norfolk, England and was crippled while still very young. Due to her disability, she relied on horse-drawn carriages and grew to love horses as a result. She also became appalled by the careless and cruel treatment horses often received from humans and determined to write a book.. In the second year of work on the book, she was told that she had only eighteen months to live, but she persevered in order 「to ince kindness, sympathy and an understanding [of the ] treatment of horses.」 Five years later, she was still working on Black Beauty, her only book. Unfortunately, Sewell died a few months after publication and never learned of the book』s huge success. Black Beauty formed an impassioned plea for animal rights at a time when such a notion had been dismissed as ridiculous.
The novel portrayed the real condition of working horses living in Britain ring the Victorian Era. In that time period, the wealthy thought that their horses were treated well because they never stepped into the stable. In order to call people』s attention to horses』 hard life, Sewell tells the story through the first-person narrative voice of a horse. This innovative personification of an animal made the book a real success. Readers heard the stories straight from the horse』s mouth, literally, as an animal spoke of extremes of joy and suffering. People were shocked by the truth exposed by the novel and changed their attitudes towards animals.
Sewell formed the novel with three kinds of characters: Black Beauty, Ginger and other farm animals. Through their different experiences, I saw similarly painful lives led by the animals. This method made the earnest appeal for animal rights become more and more persuasive.
As a domestic animal, Black Beauty was continuously sold from one family to another. Over the years Beauty enjoyed good masters but also enred mean ones. Sometimes, he was cared for and at other times tortured. In the end, everything turns out all right in a story that is so tender and yet meaningful. His story was so vivid that caught the readers』 heart. The novel brought people laughter and tears and also enlightened them to understand animals at the same time.
Animals cannot speak so understanding is significant to them. Once, for example, Beauty was drawing the carriage to a wooden bridge. The bridge was flooded out in the river and John, the groom, was not aware that it was cracked. But the quickly realized that something was wrong because of Beauty』s abnormal behavior. Momentarily, a man shouted to them, 「Stop! Stop!…The bridge is broken in the middle. If you come across, you』ll fall in the river!」 Beauty had saved John. However, if John had not tried to understand what Beauty wanted to tell him, there would definitely have been an accident. I learnt from the story that understanding animals is not only essential to them but is also beneficial to us ourselves.
In order to emphasize the importance of understanding animals, the writer created Ginger as a negative example. Ginger was the friend of Beauty who led a much more miserable life than Beauty did. Once she told Beauty: 「When I was trained, several men caught me in a corner of the field and one held my nose so hard that I could only just breathe. Then others pulled my mouth open to put the bit in, and I was pulled along and beaten from behind. They didn』t give me a chance to understand what they wanted.」
Poor Ginger, kindness was all she needed. She was frightened seriously so she bit or kicked to defend any possible attacks. The more she was whipped the more she bit, the more she bit the more she was whipped. In this way, both animals and humans were trapped in a terrible cycle made by human beings. Consequently, humans were frequently hurt by frightened horses. The author thus portrayed Ginger to tell me that harming animals may also harm us.
When I have a sketchy look at other farm animals the writer depicts, it is simple to find more examples of cruel things humans do to animals out of ignorance. This part of the novel expanded people』s scope from only horses to all the animals and deepened the plea for animal rights and that made the novel more successful.
Sir Oliver, the old horse, had a 20-centimeter-long tail. His beautiful long tail was cut off just because the owners thought it was fashionable. Humans never understood how pained a horse is when he can』t brush flies off his sides and back legs.
Sky, the terrier, had had a part of her ears sheared off. Her owners wanted to make her look cute and ignored that parts of her ears were intended to protect the delicate parts from injury. 「Why don』t people cut their own children 『s ears to make them look lovely?」 Asked the poor dog angrily. Yes, why can』t we think from the animals』 perspective?
「Black Beauty is a heartbreaking story,」 I thought when my mother read it to me when I was a child. As a child I was haunted by the described cruelty to those horses. Now I deeply hope, in the future, we will be able to tell our children that because of the book, and others like it, such mistreatment of animals no longer exists. And they just need to enjoy the novel as a beautiful historical documentary recording the progress of upholding animal rights. At that time, the dream of the author will have come true and her hard work will have been rewarded.

Ⅲ 急求一篇英語文章閱讀的讀後感!!!

我在此談談讀巨著《簡愛》的讀後感,當我合上簡愛這本書之後,我深深的被Jane Erye(簡愛)所打動,她是如此善良而優秀的女人。Eyre夫人有一顆金子般的心。她真愛著她身旁的每個人,並且真誠的給予他們幫助,她自重,並且做每件事都很優秀,我非常喜歡她。她不僅僅是我的老師還是我的摯友,每當我迷惘的時候,我就會想到她,想到她如果是此時的我將會怎麼做,為什麼不去讀我的朋友《簡愛》!
Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely(真誠地).She respected(尊重) herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse(迷惑的),I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!

I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. There's even some pretty satisfying paybacks. The characters are fantastic and fantastically realistic. There are bad people who turn out to be good guys and good people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life.

Ⅳ 英文短文和英文讀後感

A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《魯賓遜漂流記》讀後感
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his「man」 become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.

Ⅳ 急求英語文章讀後感 150字左右~!! 急急~ 謝謝啦`


Ⅵ 英語美文 並且帶讀後感









"Autumn Love" Feedback

I do not know why, for autumn, I always a kind of a special attachment. Inside the cool autumn love, love autumn in the same yellow butterflies fluttering all over the sky like a leaf, but also love the taste of autumn, savory, and sweet, there are harvest ...... deep breath, and if I Love autumn ......

Often a person walking in the forest between the track, autumn leaf falling from a tree a piece to my head, shoulders. Gently, as if a beautiful butterfly in me to stay a bit then fly away, a feeling of lost it filled my heart. Inadvertently picked up one, on the nose before the smell, there is an aroma of exotic and ancient, it seems that it did not come from trees, but from the past, the yellow leaves a record of its history, small wrinkles speak v. with its past, each leaf has its own memories, bitter or sweet it alone can we look back ... ...

Occasionally see the trees at the junction with heavy fruit trees, an inexplicable joy filled my heart like a shake the trunk, and it fell not fresh, picked up, and holding in the palm of the hand heavy, know that they are hard to come by . A kind of joy they did not forget the harvest looked up, there are a few leaves on trees, the wind gently rocking, do not guess, they must pay for their own singing for themselves the fruits of his life in exchange for jumping the dance, they know very soon end their lives would be buried in the ground Feng ER can have no regrets. Because they understand that fruit is a continuation of their life, next spring, another batch of new "soldiers" to take over their positions, does not stand still ... ...

Do not care, small fruit falls not fresh, the wind with the ground Gunzhe forward, could not bear to let them leave, followed by running up. Among unknowingly ran up a small hill, standing on top of the hill, pulled by the wind Yijiao floating, eyes closed, feeling the wind from the hair that wonderful feeling to find myself a good loved the cool breeze, good love the wind, bleak yet sweet flavor. Stand for a long time and refuse to leave, watching the sun a little bit of fall, feeling the evening is slowly coming to beautiful things in a short sigh and vulnerability ... ...

No stars, but hear the whispers Feng ER. Lying in an open space looking at the sky, think of miss friends, family, tears falling inadvertently, academics can not even my nearest place where it was for me to bring the voices of distant waves, blue, and melancholy, but in vain , Liang Liang, and joyous of the ... ...

Tired, shut our eyes, the eyes Meng Meng, and blurred, and fell asleep ... ...

A cool thing like a pearl slide down my face, opened his eyes and found that the sky are inundated with light rain, thin, Rou Rou's seems a bit sad, and slowly and beat the rain ran back to my depart -- warm, loving little room in which my favorite of all and love all my sitting on a soft sofa, drinking the prepared milk, sweet little Qiushi atmosphere, drinking it the warm, waiting, waiting for dawn, waiting for the arrival of autumn, the next one ... ...

Ⅶ 求一篇英語文章和它的讀後感

呼嘯山莊讀後感-Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights which has long been one of the most popular and highly respected novels in English literature seemed to hold no promise when it was first published. Even Emily Bronte』 sister Charlotte--the author of Jane Eyre--remained contradiction toward the intense feeling of Emily. Not long after Emily』s death, Charlotte wrote」Whether it is right or advisable to create beings like Heathcliff, I do not know. I scarcely think it is.」 as the preface of this novel.

This novel narrates a man named Lockwood rents Thrushcross Grange which is a manor house in the isolated moor country. Here, he meets his landlord, Heathcliff, a wealthy but eccentric man who lives in Wuthering Heights, just four miles away. In the wild stormy countryside, Lockwood insists Nelly Dean, the housekeeper, on telling him the story of Heathcliff and about the unusual strangeness of the Wuthering Heights. Lockwood just writes down the recollections of her tale in his diary; and these recollections form the main part of Wuthering Heights.

This novel centers surround the story of Heathcliff. It begins with the vivid physical picture of him; develops with his insidious revenge; and ends with his deplorable death.

Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool. At that time, English economy was in a depressed situation, and as in the instrial areas like Liverpool, the survival environment was so appalling that the upper and middle classes both feared violent revolt. Based on this background, Heathcliff seems to represent the upper and middle classes』 anxiety toward the working classes.

Ghosts appear throughout Wuthering Heights, as they do in most other Gothic fiction. But Emily used so special a way to describe it that you can not tell whether it is really existed. But no matter what, they just symbolize the connection between the present and the past; indicate the memory has already infiltrated into people』s daily lives.

I』m so inspired by Heathcliff』s words at the end of the novel:」 my old enemies have not beaten me; now would be the precise time to revenge myself on their representatives: I could do it; and none could hinder me. But where is the use? I don't care for striking; I can't take the trouble to raise my hand!」

These gloomy words are just the sublimation of the humane spiritual and the humanist of the author.

Yes, where is the use?


Recently, I read through 「Pride and Prejudice」 which written by a well-known English writer----Jane Austen.

Austen was born in the countryside, so she didn』t go to any normal schools. But she really read widely instructed by her father who was the local parson.

During that period of time, Austen was regarded as the first author to realistically describe the common characters in common life. Her works, to some extent, reflect the comedy in the middle-class of England and also got rid of the fixed tradition in the 18th century by analyzing the personalities of the characters artfully.

「It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife.」 With these lines, a classical novel about the value of the love begins.

This writing pictures four marriages in Bennet』s family, and the primary one was between Elizabeth and Darcy.

Darcy who was a single man of a large fortune fell in love with Elizabeth after only a transitory intercourse. And later on, Darcy proposed to her with regardlessness to the gap of the wealth and class. But Elizabeth unmercifully refused him by misunderstanding his represented extreme pride which was just a reflection of the high-class. After a long-term observation of his behaviors, Elizabeth was finally loyal to her own heart.

「Pride and prejudice」 was superficially a love comedy. But it actually explained that only by action and introspection can have the hope and the true love; and also the dignity of a person which was as well built up by action and introspection was not inherent.

Just as Austen herself said, this novel was sculpted on the two-inch ivory, which exquisitely reflects the conservative life in England of these days.

This writing, to some extent, expresses the author』s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position as well; and also it is foolish if you do not consider the above-mentioned factures. So she objected to getting married for money as well as regarding it as something unimportant. She emphasized the importance of the ideal marriage and regarded the true love as its foundation stone.

Pride and prejudice were two weaknesses in our humanity which was easily distorted. And in the way of pursuing love, we should not be controlled by these shortages, but to keep our own faiths and feelings.

Whether the marriage is a happiness one depended on whether they truly love and know each other. Falling in love at first sight is indeed more romantic than the long-term love. But we can not deny the fact the long-term coexistence will surely bring both of you to a better understanding and a deeper affection.

So now, as for us to do is to strive for the hope with correct attitude towards pride and prejudice.

Ⅷ 英語短文讀後感

[英語短文讀後感]英語短文讀後感I have read a book named Harry Potter,the famous novel around the world.The writer created a wonderful and magical world,which is loved by all children in the world.
What I gained from the book is that you should have a good heart and not be afried of any difficulties.To be a brave and good person,halping the one who is in trouble.
Not only the people but the details in that book give me a deep image.I hope that if you have a chance to read it,you will like me,loving it.
我閱讀了一本名叫 哈利·波特 的書,著名小說家在書上創造了一個美妙而神奇的世界,這是屬於所有兒童的愛的世界,英語短文讀後感。
這本書給我一個深刻的映象,它的裡面細致描繪了每個人的微小細節。如果您有機會閱讀它,祝福你會像我一樣,熱愛它。I have read a book named Harry
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway』s most enring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one\'s skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.
This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardleof, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.
I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.【擴展閱讀篇】
(1)引——圍繞感點 引述材料。簡述原文有關內容。
(2)概——概括本文的主要內容 ,要簡練,而且要把重點寫出來。
(4) 聯——聯系實際,縱橫拓展。圍繞基本觀點擺事實講道理。寫讀後感最忌的是就事論事和泛泛而談。就事論事撒不開,感不能深入,文章就過於膚淺。泛泛而談,往往使讀後感缺乏針對性,不能給人以震撼。聯,就是要緊密聯系實際,既可以由此及彼地聯系現實生活中相類似的現象,也可以由古及今聯系現實生活中的相反的種種問題。既可以從大處著眼,也可以從小處入手。當然在聯系實際分析論證時,還要注意時時回扣或呼應「引」部,使「聯」與「引」」藕」斷而「絲」連這部分就是議論文的本論部分,是對基本觀點(即中心論點)的闡述,通過擺事實講道理證明觀點的正確性,使論點更加突出,更有說服力。這個過程應注意的是,所擺事實,所講道理都必須緊緊圍繞基本觀點,為基本觀點服務。
感要多 讀要少,要善於靈活掌握。比如,「簡述原文」一般在「亮明觀點」前,但二者先後次序互換也是可以的。再者,如果在第三個步驟擺事實講道理時所擺的事實就是社會現象或個人經歷,就不必再寫第四個部分了。

Ⅸ 短篇英文文章讀後感(100到200詞最好)

Recently, I read Helen Keller's autobiography, "Three Days to light ", so that really touch me.

"If my sight for three days ", focuses on the troubled life of the also blind and deaf Helen Keller, and her mentality. Her life only has 19 months of light and sound. Anne Sally and the other teachers to help care for the sake of friends and family, Helen overcome the difficulties of ordinary people can not imagine the completed an academic of Harvard University , with excellent the results obtained a bachelor's degree. She has always been committed to the cause of the handicapped, four fund-raising to improve the living environment for people with disabilities, and to create ecational opportunities for them. She has traveled around the world, cheering for the disabled. Eventually Helen became a prominent philanthropist, speaker and ecator.

This article gave me the greatest inspiration to correctly treat the difficulties are difficulties in everyone's life. Encounter difficulties, do not be afraid to retreat, and to find ways to be difficult to overcome, overcome difficulties is also progress in the process. The same time, there must be optimistic and positive good mentality. Helen was a tremendous blow, and the face of difficulties, not complaining, but the optimistic attitude to face, to get confidence. Good upbeat attitude is one of the important factors for success.

Ⅹ 英文文章的讀後感 帶翻譯

A tale of two cities is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength.
The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.
As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.A tale of two cities has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette's experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style A tale of two cities is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.


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