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發布時間: 2020-12-27 21:55:06

A. 更不用說大量閱讀自己學科一位的東西了用英語怎麼說

much less to read a lot outside of his own subject
更不版用說 可以用權以下英語表達
1)let alone更不用說,還不算; 何況; 別說
[例句]The couple are not communicating, let alone conversing.這對夫妻彼此都沒有交流,更不用說聊天了。
she can't boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal。她不會燉土豆,更不用說做頓飯了。
2) Not to mention更不用說;不消說
[例句] Mary decided not to mention her cold. 瑪麗決定不提她感冒的事。
3) much less 副詞短語,常用於否定句中,意思是「更不用說「
[例句] I am so tired that I cannot walk any more, much less run.

B. 描述各種學科的英語優美句子

數學:Mathematics is a very profound discipline. It is very wonderful, like fog loose layer after uncovering beautiful like fairyland attracts you. (數學是來一門很深奧學科自。它很奇妙,就像解開層層迷霧之後露出的美麗仙境一樣吸引著你。)
.The language is very pure and fresh quietly elegant, like the light open lilies, in all the subjects, which embodies the unique beauty of subjective thought, and let people understand the language of the broad and profound.(語文很清新淡雅,就像那淡淡開放的百合花,在所有的學科中獨樹一幟,既體現著主觀思想之美,又讓人領略語言之博大精深。)

C. 英語是所有學科的中最有興趣的三種表達方式

Among all the subjects I took, English is the subject that insterested me the most
I prefer in English rather than other subjects, because I am interested in it
I am interested in English rather than other subjects

D. 英語翻譯我認為歷史是所有學科中最枯燥的

I think history is all the most boring subject

E. 各種學科的英文,越多越好

學 Philosophy
哲學 Philosophy
馬克思主義哲學 Philosophy of Marxism
中國哲學 Chinese Philosophy
外國哲學 Foreign Philosophies
邏輯學 Logic
語文輔導language and literature
微機Computer Science美學 Aesthetics
宗教學 Science of Religion
科學技術哲學 Philosophy of Science and Technology
經濟學 Economics

數量經濟學 Quantitative Economics
中文學科、專業名稱 英文學科、專業名稱
國防經濟學 National Defense Economics
法學 Law
法學 Science of Law
法學理論 Jurisprudence
法律史 Legal History
憲法學與行政法學 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
刑法學 Criminal Jurisprudence
民商法學(含勞動法學、社會保障法學) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )
訴訟法學 Science of Procere Laws
經濟法學 Science of Economic Law
環境與資源保護法學 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law
國際法學(含國際公法學、國際私法學、國際經濟法學、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)
軍事法學 Science of Military Law
政治學 Political Science
政治學理論 Political Theory
中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution
科學社會主義與國際共產主義運動 Scientific Socialism and International
Communist Movement
中共黨史(含黨的學說與黨的建設) History of the Communist Party of China
(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)
馬克思主義理論與思想政治教育 Ecation of Marxist Theory and Ecation in Ideology and Politics
國際政治學 International Politics
國際關系學 International Relations
外交學 Diplomacy
社會學 Sociology
社會學 Sociology
人口學 Demography
人類學 Anthropology
民俗學(含中國民間文學) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)
民族學 Ethnology
民族學 Ethnology
馬克思主義民族理論與政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy
中國少數民族經濟 Chinese Ethnic Economics
中國少數民族史 Chinese Ethnic History
中國少數民族藝術 Chinese Ethnic Art
教育學 Ecation
教育學 Ecation Science
教育學原理 Ecational Principle
課程與教學論 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
教育史 History of Ecation
比較教育學 Comparative Ecation
學前教育學 Pre-school Ecation
高等教育學 Higher Ecation
成人教育學 Alt Ecation
職業技術教育學 Vocational and Technical Ecation
特殊教育學 Special Ecation
教育技術學 Ecation Technology
心理學 Psychology
基礎心理學 Basic Psychology
發展與心理學 Developmental and Ecational Psychology
應用心理學 Applied Psychology
體育學 Science of Physical Culture and Sports
體育人文社會學 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports
運動人體科學 Human Movement Science
體育教育訓練學 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training
民族傳統體育學 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports
文學 Literature
中國語言文學 Chinese Literature
文藝學 Theory of Literature and Art
語言學及應用語言學 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
漢語言文字學 Chinese Philology
中國古典文獻學 Study of Chinese Classical Text
中國古代文學 Ancient Chinese Literature
中國現當代文學 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
中國少數民族語言文學 Chinese Ethnic Language and
比較文學與世界文學 Comparative Literature and World Literature
外國語言文學 Foreign Languages and Literatures
英語語言文學 English Language and Literature
俄語語言文學 Russian Language and Literature
法語語言文學 French Language and Literature
德語語言文學 German Language and Literature
日語語言文學 Japanese Language and Literature
印度語言文學 Indian Language and Literature
西班牙語語言文學 Spanish Language and Literature
阿拉伯語語言文學 Arabic Language and Literature
歐洲語言文學 European Language and Literature
亞非語言文學 Asian-African Language and Literature
外國語言學及應用語言學 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in
Foreign Languages
新聞傳播學 Journalism and Communication
新聞學 Journalism
傳播學 Communication
藝術學 Art
藝術學 Art Theory
音樂學 Music
美術學 Fine Arts
設計藝術學 Artistic Design
戲劇戲曲學 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera
電影學 Film
廣播電視藝術學 Radio and television Art
舞蹈學 Dance
歷史學 History
歷史學 History
史學理論及史學史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science
考古學及博物館學 Archaeology and Museology
歷史地理學 Historical Geography
歷史文獻學(含敦煌學、古文字學) Studies of Historical Literature (including
Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)
專門史 History of Particular Subjects
中國古代史 Ancient Chinese History
中國近現代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
世界史 World History
理學 Natural Science
數學 Mathematics
基礎數學 Fundamental Mathematics
計算數學 Computational Mathematics
概率論與數理統計 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
應用數學 Applied mathematics
運籌學與控制論 Operational Research and Cybernetics
物理學 Physics

F. 用英語整理出學科名稱

Chinese 語文
Math 數學(Mathematics)
English 英語
Geography 地理
Physics 物理
Politics 政治
Chemistry 化學
History 歷史
Biology 生物
Algebra 代數
Geometry 幾何
physical ecation 體育(簡稱PE)
computer 電腦

G. 關於常見學科的英文表達有哪些


H. 所有學科英語單詞

Chinese 語文
Math 數學
English 英語
Physics 物理
Chemistry 化學
Politics 政治
History 歷史
Geography 地理
Biology 生物
P.E 體育
Music 音樂回
arts 文科
science 理科
basic course基礎課答
specialized course專業課
required course必修課
optional/selective course選修課


I. 描述各種學科的英語句子。20句.急!!!!!!!!!

I most like subject is physics.
What was your favorite course?
Why do you like this subject?

J. 英語作文我最喜歡的學科最少五句話

英語:I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you
go,you can make speak English. It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as the U.S ,England .English is also used in the business .We can enjoy some music or films if we can understand English.So I like English very much.
Of all the subjects I study i like maths best. I think it is reasonable. You know maths helps you to exercise your brains, and make you smarter and more intelligent. Maths can be applied in all fields of selene, and naturally it is .said that maths is the mother of all subjects.
Maths has been developing rapidly. In the development of science and technology, there continuously appear problems which may be solved only with the help of maths. This in turn makes maths itself develop faster. Many examples can be cited to show the synchronous development of maths and technology and science. From this point of view, we are sure to say that maths will develop still faster, for ,science and technology will con tinue to advance without stop.
However, maths is not easy to master. It requires a high degree of intelligence. You can see some children who often fail to pass their maths examination, but others deal with it very easily. This difference obviously comes from tim levels of intelligence. But what is most important in mastering maths is one's hard work. Though one is less clever, he can master it through diligence. Countless facts have proved this point. Maths is a challenge and that is why I like it.

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