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發布時間: 2021-11-02 06:37:51

⑴ 有位名人曾說過 英語閱讀重要性 好像是學習一門外語的捷徑之類的話 是誰說的

李陽 得閱讀者得天下

⑵ 用英語寫一篇關於偉人的作文翻譯大概80字左右


⑶ 英語作文"我心中的偉人"介紹魯迅先生

The great man in my heart is lu xun.Lu xun was born in 1881 in shaoxing, zhejiang province a wealthy family, parents named parents Zhou Zhangshou.
Lu xun left his hometown to study in nanjing, 1898 changed its name to zhou shuren.In 1902 he went to Japan to study medicine.In 1909, he returned home teaching.In 1918 he began to write articles, he died in 1936 in Shanghai.

⑷ 《名人介紹》英語閱讀理解

I. 1-5 CABCB
II 1. coffee 2. fever 3. coughs 4. lift 5.headache
IV. 1. will get well 2. betternot drink 3.have a rest 4. What』s wrong with
iends 4. are preparing for

⑸ 描寫偉人的英語作文

Mao Zedong -- A Great Man in Chinese History
Mao Zedong, also well known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in human history. His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artist poems, his political skill, his famous third world classification theory and his dictator's leading style in his years have influenced generations of people. In order to fully understand the modern history of China, it is indispensable to study the father of the People's Republic of China.
Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893, and died on September 9, 1976 at the age of 83. He was the head of the Chinese Communist Party for forty-one years since the historic ZhunYi meeting (1935) ring the Long March. He built the Red Army (Late, referred to the People's Liberation Army), took part in the anti-Japanese War and the civil war in China and finally chased the Guo Ming Dang to Taiwan and established the People's Republic of China. He was one of most influential people in the modern China history.

⑹ 介紹名人一生的英文文章閱讀(五十個英語單詞

Original name: Mary can Sklodowska (Polish: Marii Skłodowskiej może)
Marie Curie (Marie Curie), (1867.11.7-1934.7.4) was born in Poland, because Poland was occupied, into the French nationality. French physicist, chemist. World-renowned scientists, researchers, the phenomenon of radioactivity was found two kinds of natural radioactive elements radium and polonium, was known as the "mother of radium," life twice awarded the Nobel Prize (first awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, and the second was awarded the Nobel Chemistry Award). Of radium in the process, she and her husband spent 3 years and 9 months of tons of slag from the extracted 0.1 g of radium. As a distinguished scientist, Marie Curie scientists do not have a general impact on society. Especially since a successful pioneer of women, so her example inspired many people. Many people heard of her childhood stories, but mostly get a simplified and incomplete impression. Madame Curie's understanding of the world on a large extent by the second female biography, published in 1937, "Madame Curie" by the impact. Beautified book Madame Curie's life, her life's ups and downs faced by all plain to deal with. She can also tell the location of radium per gram of the world! This is her most outstanding place!

⑺ 英語的介紹偉人的文章50字左右

Madame Curie 居里夫人

Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and discovered the element radium. She received the Nobel Prizes in 1903 and in 1911.

For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. the radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. She died in Paris at the age of 66.

Today she is remembered as a GREat scientist. But she is also remembered for her determination and courage.

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