當前位置:首頁 » 年級學生 » 造成學生近視的原因英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2021-02-08 05:56:17

『壹』 用英語向全班報告同學們近視的主要原因.

hello everybody,
today i'd like to say something about shortsightedness.
before i start my topic,here's a question for you——what's the primary cause do you think that lead to your shortsightedness.(then listen to their question.)
OK,as we all know,the fist one to blame is TV.we sart to whatch tv when we were still a child,we do it everyday but ignore the problem that it hurts our eyes terribly,or we clearly know the harm but just leave it all behind,so,the TV hurts us everyday,everyyear .
another sinner is book.we start to read from the primary school to now,sitting with the wrong posture,too close to the book and reading with light that too dim or too stong is all the reason for shortsightedness.
the last but not the least,the use of computer increased the chance to become myopia.teenagers now use computer several hours a day and somes just more than 10 hours,it's a big harm.

『貳』 用英文翻譯導致近視的原因和提一些建議關於如何保護眼睛


1、Myopia tends to happen in children and young teenagers. It often runs in families. (近視往往發生在兒童和青少年時期。通常是家庭成員的共同點。)

2、It is a very common problem that can be corrected by glasses or contact lenses, or cured with laser eye surgery.(這是一個非常普遍的問題,是可以得到糾正的,利用眼鏡或隱形眼鏡,或激光眼科手術來治療)。

3、The medical name for short-sightedness is myopia. Eyesight problems, such as myopia, are also known as refractive errors. (對於短視的醫學名稱是近視。視力問題,如近視,也被稱為屈光不正。)





『叄』 用英語向全班報告同學們近視的主要原因。

hello everybody,
today i'd like to say something about shortsightedness.
before i start my topic, here's a question for you——'s the primary cause do you think that lead to your shortsightedness.(then listen to their question.)
OK,as we all know, the fist one to blame is TV. we sart to whatch tv when we were still a child, we do it everyday but ignore the problem that it hurts our eyes terribly, or we clearly know the harm but just leave it all behind, so, the TV hurts us everyday,everyyear ......
another sinner is book. we start to read from the primary school to now, sitting with the wrong posture, too close to the book and reading with light that too dim or too stong is all the reason for shortsightedness.
the last but not the least, the use of computer increased the chance to become myopia. teenagers now use computer several hours a day and somes just more than 10 hours, it's a big harm.

『肆』 首先讓我們來看一下造成近視的原因的英文

首先讓我們來看一下造成近視的原因 英文:

First, let's look at the causes of myopia.

『伍』 導致學生們近視肥胖體質弱等用英語怎麼說

Causes the student to have the short stature physique weak and so on.

Causes the student to have the short stature physique weak and so on.

『陸』 青少年近視的原因用英語寫


『柒』 許多學生由於看電視看多而導致近視的英文

Because many students watch TV more and lead to myopia

Because many students watch TV more and lead to myopia

『捌』 中小學生的近視問題比較嚴重,請你用英語簡單講述這一現象的原因,並對同學們該怎樣保護視力提出二、三條

Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, concerning about short-sightedness of school children in China. according to Professor Wang,slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted, rankingthe first in the world. He also pointed out that the causes for short-sightedness are so complicated that no medicine can cure short-sightedness. He suggested that schoolchildren avoid overuse of their eyes and do more out door activities or do eye exercises. He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to short-sightednes.

『玖』 英語作文大約有90%的學生近視重要原因是什麼

The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a
very young age.At present,about 70% of the students are shortsighted.
Here are some main causes.
Some students may not have enough sleep.Some students spend too
much time reading or doing their homework without a rest.Some students
even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time.

『拾』 用英語寫一篇青少年近視的原因

With the development of the seriytor.more an more people like to play computer games when they after class.what~s more,litter people go over the school wall to WANGBA play games.This is a way to heart

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