❶ Tom是這個班最聰明的學生,英語的五種表達方法
Tom is the cleverest student in the class.
Tom is cleverer than any other student in the class.
Tom is cleverer than the other students in the class.
❷ 她真是一個聰明的女孩英語表示
She is really a clever girl
她 真是 一個 聰明的 女孩
❸ (我是一個很聰明的人) 翻譯成英語
I am a very clever person.
❹ 他是一個聰明的學生 用英語翻譯 強調部分是聰明
He is such a smart/clever student. 這里用such起到一定的強調語氣。
為了強調「smart/clever」,也可以用感嘆句:How smart/clever a student he is! = What a smart/clever student he is.
強調句還有一個固定句式是it is...that...但是,我不認為適合用在這里。
❺ 「他是一個非常聰明的學生以致於每個老師都喜歡他」譯成五句不同的英文
He is an extremely clever student, making every teachers to like him.
He make all teachers fond of him because of he is a student with extreme intelligence.
He is a student with extreme intelligence, making every teachers to like him.
He is a very clever pupil, for that all the teacher like him.
All the teacher like him because his is a very clever pupil.
❻ 我是一名聰明的小學生用英語怎麼寫
I am a smart pupil.
❼ 一個聰明的小學生英語怎麼說
a clever small student
❽ 他是一個如此聰明的孩子以至於我們都喜歡他 英語兩種說法
1 He is such a clever child that we all like him
2 He is so clever a child that we all like him.
3 The child is so clever that we all like him.
你們老師怎麼不給個提示詞 / 關鍵詞啊?連高考都給啊專。看來,他不行哦屬。