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發布時間: 2024-10-19 19:48:25

㈠ 我丟了學生卡學生卡號碼是68913用英語怎麼說

這個句子翻譯成英語. I lost my student card and its number is 68913.

㈡ 學生卡用英語怎麼說



student card


國際學生卡 International Student Card

學生卡影印件 Copy of Student Identity Card

學生娛樂卡 recreation card


1. She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker.


2. " Oh, no one,'said Jessica, pursing her pretty lips. " He's just a student there.

「 噢, 無名之輩, "傑西卡說著噘起了她美麗的嘴唇, " 他只是學校里的一個學生.

3. I would like to apply for Lingnan University Student MasterCard.


4. Luca clever and audacious, offer his help assistance to students.

盧卡是聰明的和大膽的, 他幫助學生們.

5. Two students, Beth and Carl, are talking about the red - haired mummies.


6. Master Carter asked his class to play cards in the park.


7. Kaka is a good student.


8. That tendency to be loose and bluff often es from their mastery of Italian 5 - card draw.

這一趨勢將鬆散和虛張聲勢往往來自於學生掌握義大利語 5- 卡參加抽獎.

9. The cafe - lined Borgo Stretto and the Piazza dei Cavalieri often teem with students.


10. The paper tested the personality of 264 teacher - training students by using Cattell 16 PF.


11. The student considers jotting down the number of the busines *** an's American Express card.


12. Step 2 Thethe blue and white cards, giving one card to each student in random order.


13. One of his students is a beautiful young woman named Katrina Van Tasse.


14. When Kaplan started, the tests'creators told his students they were wasting their money.

當卡普蘭開始輔導學生時, 考試的設計者告訴他的學生,他們是在浪費自己的錢.

15. Former school teacher Dorothy Metcalf - Lindenburger launched her space - flying career thanks to a student's question.

高中教師多桃樂西?梅特卡夫 - 林登伯格拜一個學生發問之賜,發動了她太空飛行的事業.

㈢ 學生卡翻譯成英語是什麼

student card.我的學生證上面就這么寫的

㈣ 我知道他的學生卡號碼用英語怎麼說

There is a number of his student identity card, I have it already.

㈤ 這幾句話用英語怎麼說

a set of keys = 一把鑰匙
my school ID card = 我的學生證
pencil case = 鉛筆盒
the lost and found case = 遺失物品收集處

我的藍色書包 = My blue school bag
打電話給她 = Make a phone call to her
她的漂亮手錶 = Her pretty watch
一個橘色的棒球 = An orange baseball
你的英語字典 = Your English dictionary
你的電子游戲 = Your computer game

作文 1:I lost a notebook with a blue cover in the reading room. Please contact Alan at 0539-725881 if you have found it.

作文 2:My name is David and I accidentally lost a dictionary. Anyone who found it please contact me at happy [email protected]

㈥ 一張學生卡用英語怎麼說

A student card

㈦ 我撿了一個學生卡。英譯漢

I picked up a student card.

I picked up a student card.

㈧ 請向老師要你的學生卡。英文怎麼說

Please ask teacher for your student card

㈨ 把他們的學生卡給我看的英文怎麼說

Show me their student cards.

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