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『壹』 八年級英語題錯題分析

1,Drinking是動名詞,在句中做主語,動名詞做主語時謂語用單數,所以make是三單要加s2,應該沒有正確答案,want to be後加形容詞,意為想變得怎樣,排除A和B,至於C,little表否定,翻譯成「你應該不做運動」,前後矛盾,不選。D中的hardly是幾乎不的意思,所以也不應該選3,I'm sorry to hear that是用在聽到某個壞消息以後表示遺憾才說的,一般單選題中提到壞消息都選這個4,do sth for sth 為了某物而做某事 do sth about sth 做關於某物的某事。所以答案很明顯了吧5,根據句中意思,應該要用比較級louder,這個沒得解釋,提高一下自己的語感吧6,的確選B,應該是改錯了,如果是A,close做動詞要用三單後面要加s7,far遠 farther更遠 further更遠 farthest最遠8,同上9,和第5題一樣 沒可能說「我表演的好,但安表演的好」吧,應該是「我表演的好,但是安表演的更好」10,改錯了 應該是not to play.這是固定短語搭配,tell sb to/not to do sth讓某人做/不做某事11,in+一段時間,表示「在一段時間內」(以現在為基準),此句翻譯成我們將在未來兩年內買一個新的冰箱,很明顯是以現在為起點開始計算時間,在未來兩年內買個新冰箱,所以用in12,in後接一個大的地點,例如國家,省份之類的大地點。而at後接一個具體的小地點,例如巴士站,學校等13,同第一題14,童鞋,看到前面的play了嗎,as...as中間可接形容詞或者副詞,若前面有動詞,後面接副詞,所以用well15,There will be+名詞,將會有.....舉行/發生.固定短語搭配。萬萬記住不能用There will have16,will=is going to,同15題17,do sth by sth,通過某種方式做某事18,In後接籠統的時間,如年份,月份,on具體到某一天,如星期一,星期二之類的。at則更具體,具體到時刻,所以用at19,take out,拿出的意思。而find out是指查明(真相,事實)20,do sth In+動詞ing,通過某種方式做某事,與by相同,to的話真的沒得解釋,只能說增強語感吧21,這里改錯了,應該用for,解釋請看第四題23,would like to do sth 想做某事,固定搭配24,這是條件狀語從句,遵從主將從現原則(主句用將來時,從句用一般現在時)

『貳』 英語期中復習資料 要英語(新目標)GO FOR IT 八年級 上冊的

准時 on time
歡迎返校。 Welcome back to school.
教師節快樂!Happy Teachers』Day!
沒關系。It does not matter.
過得快活 have fun
我沒有主意。I have no idea.
做一次演講 give a talk
例如 for example
姓 family name
名字 given name
……的簡稱 be short for …
為某人製作某物 make sth. for sb./ make sb. Sth.
給某人買某物 buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. Sth.
不再…… not…any more
浪費時間 a waste of time
去野外旅行 have/go on a field trip
去遠足 go hiking
去野餐 have/go on a picnic
後天 the day after tomorrow
前天 the day before yesterday
山頂 the top of a mountain
被……絆倒 trip over
趕快 hurry up
我同意 I agree
系好我的鞋帶 tie my shoes
走錯路 go the wrong way
昨晚 last night
下星期 next week
相聚 get together
在中秋節 on Mid-autumn Festival/Day
順便拜訪 come over
在一年的這個時候 at this time of year
在戶外 in the open air
嘗起來有點像 taste a little like…
晚安 good night
昨天早上/下午/傍晚 yesterday morning/afternoon/evening
你要再來一塊嗎?Would you like another one?
我可以嘗一下嗎?May I have a taste?
晚上好 good evening
明晚你有空嗎?Are you free tomorrow evening?
喂養動物 feed the animals
同意……的意見 agree with…
種水稻/小麥 grow rice/wheat
呆在籠子里 stay in cages
在春/夏/秋/冬季 in spring/summer/autumn/winter
住在農場上 live on the farm
大學 go to college
住在一幢大樓里 live in a tall building
不得不 have to
住在十九層 live on the nineteenth floor
所有之中最多的 the most of all
學校畢業 leave school
每一塊地 each field
一場海豚表演 a dolphin show
我可以找……聽電話嗎?May/Could I speak to …,please?
有什麼事嗎?What』s up ? / What』s the matter?
沒什麼事。Nothing much.
動物玩具 toy animals
在農村/城鎮/城市 in the country / town / city
讓我們討論一下。Let』s discuss it.
讓我們把時間定在…… Let』s make it…(時間前不加at)
哪一個你比較/最喜歡?Which (one) do you like better/best?
帶某人/物去某地take sb./sth. to …(home,there,here不加to)
將某人/某物帶來 bring sb./sth.
有空/自由的 be free
為……感到難過 feel sorry for
對……有益 be good for
在山林里 in forests and mountains
跌入……里 fall into…
去看電影 go to the cinema
離……很遠 far from…
在……的背上/背面 on the back of
遙遠的 far away
你認為怎麼樣? What do you think?
請求/詢問 ask for
學習第一。Work must come first.
上上下下 up and down
仍然很感謝你。Thank you all the same.
最好(不要)做某事 had better do sth/had better not do sth
It is(not) better to do sth.
告訴某人做某事 tell sb to do
在……的前面(整個物體的前面) in front of
在……的前面(物體空間裡面的前面) in(at) the front of
在左邊/右邊 on the left/right
笑著說 say with a laugh/smile
在這個時候(現在) at the moment/at this time/right now
把……從一個傳遞到另一個 pass…from one to another
到……裡面去/從……出來 get into…/get out of…
一點兒早/晚 a little early/late
上來 come up
在…與…之間的不同 the difference between … and …
Jim Allan Green 王 小明
(first name)(middle name)(family name)(family…)(given…)
( given names )( last name )
姓名的意義 the meaning of a name
南瓜餅 a pumpkin pie
你打算做什麼(加未來的時間)?What are you going to do …?
They have some problems getting there.
我們一邊遠足一邊吃時新水果會有許多樂趣。We are going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit.
你願意……嗎?Would you like to do sth ?
裡面有甜點的小園餅 small round cakes with something sweet
inside. 三者/所有之中最好的 the best of the three/of all
我們都有一個秋天的節日。We each have an autumn festival.
我很高興你能來。I am very glad you can come.
讓我跟你一塊走吧。Let me walk with you.
聽到/看到某人/物正在干某事 hear/see sb/sth doing sth.
直到晚上很晚 until late at night
想要做某事 want to do sth/would like to do sth.
在摘玉米之後 after picking corn

Shall we/I +動詞原形 ?OK/All right/Good idea…
Why not +動詞原形?= Why don』t you/we/they…?
Let』s +動詞原形. No,let』s… (否定回答)
讓某人做某事 let sb(賓格) do sth
這就是……的原因 That is why …….
觀看/注視某人/某物做某事 watch sb/sth do/doing sth
讓我們在一點差一刻出發 Let』s leave at a quarter to one.
更早一點/早得多 a little earlier/much earlier
(a little/much可以修飾形容詞比較級)
跟某人打招呼/告別 say hello to sb/say goodbye to sb
對……很熟悉 know…very well 靠近 next to
沿著……走 go along/walk along/go down
Excuse me. Where is the (nearest) …,please?
Excuse me. Is there a …… near here?
Excuse me. How can I get to the ……?
take the 序數詞turning on the left/right
離這里大約有……公里遠It is about … kilometer(s) away.
It is about … meters along on the left/right.
加拿大/加拿大人 英國/英國人 瑞典/瑞典人
Canada/Canadian(s) England/Eghlish Sweden/Swedish
澳大利亞/澳大利亞人 美國/美國人 日本/日本人
Australia/Australian(s) America/American(s) Japan/Japanese
喜歡做運動 like doing sports 做同一件事 do the same thing
喜歡做某事(含有享受欣賞的意思) enjoy doing sth
乘坐……路車去上班 catch/take the NO. … bus to work
找到;發現(需費時費力)find out 多倫多市 the city of Toronto
聽到這個(消息)我很難過/遺憾 I am very sorry to hear that.
將……帶到這兒來/帶到那兒去 bring sth here/take sth there
照顧好你自己 look after yourself 保持健康 keep healthy
昨晚/去年 last night/year 成長;長大 grow up
上周三/去年二月 last Wednesday/February
想要做商人/醫生/警察/士兵 want to be a businessman/doctor/
policeman/soldier三天/半小時前 three days/half an hour ago
從一個地方旅行到另一個地方 travel from one place to another
同時 at the same time 回到紐約 be back in New York
多麼有趣和令人興奮啊! How interesting and exciting!
剛才 just now/a moment ago 順便說一下 by the way
在客廳/卧室/書房 in the living room/bedroom/study
沒有反應/回答 there is no reply 使……恢復正常 put…right
關於……有些問題/毛病 there is something wrong with…
我的工作是銷售電腦。My job is to sell computers.
吃一點兒早餐 have a light/little breakfast
分秒必爭 every minutes counts 打電話 make telephone calls
出門 go out/be out在早餐/午餐/晚餐時 at breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)
我希望你現在好多了。I hope you are better now.
開始/著手干某事 start/begin to do/doing sth
結束/完成干某事 finish doing sth
早餐之前你做了什麼?What did you do before breakfast?
forget to do sth/remember to do sth
forget doing sth/remember doing sth
他說的每句話/他做的每件事 everything he said/he did
聽……/聽到 listen to…/hear 看……/看到 look at…/see
找……/找到 look for…/find 起先/最後 at first/at last
詢問某人有關……ask sb about 出生於 be born
關於……的每件事 everything about…
要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 向某人要某物 ask sb for sth
你出生在哪裡/什麼時候?Where/When were you born?
一直;始終 all the time 搖滾樂隊 the rock band
開音樂會 give a concert 在音樂會上 in(at) the concert
中央電視台記者 a journalist from CCTV
被稱為甲殼蟲的著名樂隊 a famous band called The Beatles
你出生時誰給你取的名字?Who named you when you were born?
五千多人 more than five thousand people
發生了一次事故 have an accident 跌倒 fall down
繼續/繼續做某事 go on/go on doing sth
非常粗心大意/小心仔細 be very careless/careful
一些他們最著名的歌曲 some of their most famous songs
忘記過去 forget the past 在某人的心裡 in one』s heart
在……的結尾/開始 at the end of…/at the start of …
在……的中間 in the middle of… 在音樂會後after the concert
在中國的其他一些地方 in some parts of China
在中國的大部分 in much of China/in most parts of China
在中國的哪一地區 which part of China/which place in China
許多其他的遊客 many other tourists 匆忙地 in a hurry

在……以前 before…… 在……以後 after……
(一段時間)以前/以後 ……ago/later 如果…… if……
在……的時候 when……在語言方面很擅長 be good at languages
科學家/自然科學 science/scientist 結婚 get married
足球世界盃 the Football World Cup 上演;放(唱片)等put on
你在學校里最喜愛的學科 your favourite subject at school
每個人 everyone/everybody 任何人 anyone/anybody
一些人;某個人 someone/somebody 沒有人 no one/nobody
一切事(物) everything 任何事(物) anything
一些事(物);某個事(物) something 沒有事(物) nothing
從……持續到…… last from … to …
詢問日期: What is the date today?(注意過去與現在的時態
詢問星期: What day is it today? 變化 is --- was)
詢問天氣: What is the weather like today / in + 地點?
變得更暖/冷/長/短 get warmer/colder/longer/shorter
變綠/黃 turn green/yellow 開花;發芽 come out
在田野里 in the fields 打電話給…… ring up sb/ring sb (up)
在一年的(天氣)壞時節里 at a bad time of year
你說話的口音/方式 the way you speak 三月下旬 late March
與……不同 be different from… 暖和的衣服 warm clothes
這是個容易/難以回答的問題。That is an easy/a hard question.
喜歡……更勝於…… like…better than… 以後 later on
其他任何一個…… any other +單數名詞
需要去做某事 need to do sth 幾乎相同 be nearly the same
完全相反 be the opposite 這是真的。That』s true.
訪問中國最好的時間 the best time to visit China
今天天氣好冷啊! What a cold day (it is today)!
How cold it is today! 我恐怕(擔心,害怕……) I』m afraid
這個問題的答案 the answer to this question
滑旱冰 go roller-skating 學校操場school playground
給某人一個電話 give…a ring/call 有時;偶爾 at times
淮河以北將有一場大風。There will be a strong wind to the
north of the Huai River. 在中國的西部in the west of China
北京在中國的北方。 Beijing is in the north of China.
日本在中國的東面。 Japan is to the east of China.
天氣預報 a weather report 在東北/西北 in the Northeast/Northwest
在白天/黑夜 in the day(daytime)/in the night
保持在零度以上 stay above zero 降到零度以下fall below zero
高溫/低溫 the high/low temperature 爬山 climb the mountain
看書/洗衣服/搞衛生 do some reading/washing/cleaning
在下雨天 on rainy days 一次聚會 a get-together
在世界各地 across the world 感到快樂/悲傷 feel happy/sad
祝賀與應答: ---Happy New Year! ---The same to you.
---Happy birthday! ---Thank you very much.
邀請與應答: Would you like to …? I』d(would) love to.
Can you ……? Thank you for…….
I hope you can ……. I』m sorry, but I can』t …
請等一下。Hold on(打電話用)/One moment, please.
我恐怕我也許會晚一點。I』m afraid I may be a little late.
捎/留個口信 take/leave a message 翻過來 turn over
我可以為你捎個口信嗎?Could/Can I take a message for you?
你可以為我留個口信嗎Could/Can you leave a message for me?
我會將口信轉告給…… I』ll(will) give… the message.
感謝你邀請我(們)。Thank you for inviting/asking me/us.
沒有時間去做某事 there is no time to do sth
她其他的所有朋友 all her other friends 取出 take out
她的大部分/許多/一位朋友 most/many/one of her friends
生日禮物 birthday present 與……一樣 be the same as…
什麼也沒有除了…… there is nothing but… 遲到be late for
缺課 be away from school 少於/多於/晚於less/more/laterthan
每隔多久(發生一次) how often 多久(指一段時間) how long
再多些/再來一塊(個,張……) some more/one more
我可以吃一塊蛋糕嗎May/Could I have a piece of cake, please?
隨便吃…… help yourself to… 只要一點點 just a little
你可以將……遞給我嗎? Could you pass me …, please?
一切都順利嗎?How』s everything going? 我們每個人each of us
在聖誕假期期間 ring the Christmas holiday
寒假/暑假 winter/summer holiday 春節 the Spring Festival
在1月19日下午 on the afternoon of January 19th

『叄』 八年級上人教版英語卷子,詳細點,急!!!

八年級英語上 考試
一、聽句子,選出與其意思相符的圖畫。 (5分)
( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )5.
( )6.A.The book is 50 dollars.
B.The book is 5 dollars.
C.The new book is 15dollars.
( )7.A.Could you help me look after my little cousin?
B.Could you help me look for my little cousin?
C.Could you take my little cousin for a walk?
( )8.A.I'm an actor.
B.I want to be an actor when I』m older.
C.I don't want to be an actor.
( )9.A.I often get letters from my friends.
B.I often go to visit my friends.
C.My friends often come to see me.
( )10.A.He is only five years old.
B.He could play the piano at the age of five.
C.He couldn』t play the piano at the age of five.
( )11.What』s Mary doing?
A.She is listening to music.
B.She is washing her coat.
C.She is watching TV.
( )12.What will Jack do tomorrow?
A.He will go to a concert. B.He will play soccer.
C.He will eat out with his classmates.
( )13.What time will Jack play soccer tomorrow?
A.10 am. B.2 pm. C.4 pm.
( )14.Who is older, Jack or Gina?
A.Jack B.Gina. C.We don』t know.
( )15.When was Gina bona?
A.On October 18th 1993. B.On March 18th 1994
C.On April 18th,1993.
如:你聽到的是He likes green.看到的是He likes blue.
16.Mrs Green is a good leader in his office.
17.He never does any housework after.dinner.
1 8.After supper he watches the matches Oil TV or reads newspapers.
19.After that she has to clean the floor.
20.She hopes to have a son, so she call give her a hand.

( )21.Mary often goes to work ________ breakfast.It's bad for her health
A with B Without C on D not have
( )22.It's much _________ today than yesterday.
A hot B hottest C the hottest D hotter
( )23.We want _________ these things here.
A give B to give C take D to put
( )24.Are you going to start ___________ French.
A learn B learnt
C learning D learnning
( )25.Tom is ___________ of the three.
A the funnier B funniest
C the funniest D the most funny
( )26.Who is __________ in your family? Linda,Lucy or Lily?
A outgoing B more outgoing
C most outgoing D the most outgoing
( )27.The two students __________ 12 years old.
A are both B both are C are all D all are
( )28.—Mom,could I invite my friends _________ my birthday party?
A in B on C at D to
( )29.They』re going to hold an art show __________.
A two days ago B in two days
C in 2005 D yesterday
( )30.—Could you please sweep the floor?
—__________.I have to do my homework.
A.Yes,sure. B.Sorry I can』t
C.No problem D.Sorry, you can』t
( )31.There ___________ going to be a meeting in our school hall tomorrow evening.
A.are B.is C.was D.were
( )32.—Jim,I want to know the sports news.the TV, please.
A.Turn on B.Turn off
C.Turn to D.Turn over
( )33.The little girl is too young ________.
A.to look up her. B.to look after herself
C.to look at him D.to look for himself
( )34.— _________ for the meeting yesterday?
— Because the traffic was bad.
A.Why did you come late
B.What did you do
C.When did you come
D.How did you come
( )35.Bill Gates is an ________ person.
A.famous B.talented
C.outstanding D.kind
( )36.He _________ many photos on his day off last week.
A.taking B.takes
C.will take D.took
( )37.Andy helps his mother _________ the housework on weekends.
A.to B.with C.for D.of
( )38.We cut the tomatoes and put them __________ the blender.
A.off;in B.up;into
C.down;into D.over;in
( )39.I have got a toothache, I have to __________.
A.lie down and rest B.drink hot water with honey
C.see a dentist D.take moring exercises
( )40._________ do you write to your pen friends? Every month.
A.How often B.How soon
C.How long D.How many
A:May Day is coming.What plan do you have for it,Eric?
B:I』m going to Yunnan.__41__
A:Really? Great! Are you going with your parents?
B:__42__ So I'm going with my mother.What about you?
A:__43__ But my parents say it』s dangerous.
B:Then what are you doing?
B:A nice country! But the weather there is changeable (多變的).__45__

What about your future? Listen to five students talking abort their future.
Fang Ming:I want to be a __46__ when I grow up.I will need good eyesight and I will have to take flying lessons.I really __47__ traveling and I hope to see the world in the __48__.
Jiang Hui:I want to be an engineer when I grow up.I』m going to study design and engineering at __49__.My dream is to __50__ the longest bridge in the world.
Gao Cong:I want to be an actor when I grow up.I』m going to take acting lessons,and__51__ singing and dancing lessons,too.I hope I can be famous one day.
Zhang Wen:I want to be a __52__ player when I grow up.I know that I have to train hard every day.It isn't easy, __53__ I wilt keep on doing it.I want to be just __54__my hero,Yao Ming,in the future.
Guo Xiaoyi:I want to be a cook.I m going to a cookery school in Europe.I hope I can work in a five—star hotel in Beijing when I』m __55__.
( )46.A pilot B doctor C policeman D teacher
( )47.A want B enjoy C ask D get
( )48.A morning B daytime C future D moment
( )49.A the hotel B the bank C the shop D university
( )50.A build B walk C see D buy
( )51.A may B maybe C Can D must
( )52.A baseball B volleyball C basketball D soccer
( )53.A and B if C Or D but
( )54.A like B at C from D with
( )55.A bigger B younger C higher D older

Part A

I』m Xia Xue.I am a girl.I』m ten years old.My favorite subject is English,because
it』s very interesting.And I like to speak English.I have a good English teacher.Her name is Liang Hui.She loves us Very much.She is very strict with us,but we all like her.She likes to play basketball after class.She likes reading books very much.And she often tells us some funny stories.My favorite sports are basketball and soccer.I can』t play chess,but I want to join the chess club.My favorite animal is my cat.Its name is Mimi.It is black and white.
( )56.Xia Xue』s favorite subject is English.
( )57.Xia Xue can play chess.
( )58.Xia Xue』s English teacher likes to play baseball.
( )59.Liang Hui often tells her students funny stories.
( )60.Mimi is black and white.
Part B
There are many kinds of ants(螞蟻) in America.One kind is very-strong. People are afraid of it,and animals are afraid of it,too.
These ants move in large groups.They eat all the animals on their way.They can kill and eat elephants,and they can eat wood houses.Sometimes they even kill people.
When the ants come near.people leave their homes.But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through(經過),because they can see no insects(昆蟲) or snakes.
61.Some ants in America can be very __________.
A.heavy B.strong C.light D.thin
62.People and animals are afraid of__________.
A.one kind of strong ants B.all kinds of ants
C.small ants D.1ight ants
63.People go away from the ants because they__________.
A.can eat and kill elephants B.cart also eat wood houses
C.travel in large groups D.can even kill people
64.Where are the insects or the snakes after the ants pass through?
A.They hide themselves under the ground
B.They move to other places before the ants come
C.Ants kill and eat them
D.People kill them.
65.Which is the best title(題目)of the story?
A.Ants B.American Ants
C.Big Ant D.A Strong Ant

Part A 根據首字母或漢語補全單詞。
66.I』m feeling more ____________ (舒適的)now.
67.John wants to learn to play an ___________ (樂器)in the holiday
68.Yesterday Mary ___________ (邀請)me to her birthday party.
69.They are going to ____________ (修建)a big subway next year.
70.His father works as an ____________ (工程師)in China.
Part B 用所給詞的適當形式填空:
71.How many ___________ (tomato)are there in the basket?
72.Who is the _____________ (young)one in your class?
73.I hate _____________ (do)the dishes.It』s so boring.
74.Thank you for ___________ (help)me.
75.We ___________ (not watch)TV last night.

think of grow up forget travel took part in
76.I』m going to __________ from Dalian to Beijing after high school.
77.My mom gets really angry when I ___________ to clean my room.
78.What do you ___________ the transportation in your town?
79.Are you going to be a doctor when you ___________?
80.Tom ____________ the sports meeting last week.
81.I was born on June 22nd , 1984.(對劃線部分提問)
___________ ___________ you born?
82.Are you going hiking tomorrow, boys?(給出否定回答)
No,_________ __________.
83.Did they have a good time at the cinema?(改為同義句)
Did they __________ __________ at the cinema?
84.She』s going to work hard at English this term.(對劃線部分提問)
___________ is she going to __________ this term?
85.She has to find a part-time job.(一般疑問句)
___________ she __________ to find a part-time job?
86.He should stays at home to look after his mother. ( ) ___________
87.Peter, could you please taking out the trash? ( ) ___________
88.John is more quiet than Tom. ( ) __________
89.Because I was ill, so I didn't go to school. ( ) __________
90.I want to be a reporter because I enjoy talk with people. ( ) __________
We went to the supermarket to __________ a _________ yesterday.
On the way to school,a taxi driver of ten gives me ___________ ?
Don』t ________ _________ late.Or it will make you sick.
I didn』t go to the music class ________ ________ the heavy rain.
__________ _________ yogurt do you need? One cup?
六.任務型閱讀:(5分) 。
Do you know when World Environment(環境)Day(WED)is? It』s on June 5th every year.We use it to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1 972.It is one of the most important memorial(紀念的)days of the United Nations.
WED wants to call on all the people in the world to take an active part in protecting the environment.The whole world will have a better future.
This year, Mexico is the host country of WED.The theme(主題) of it is「Your Planet(星球)Needs You.Unite to Combat Climate Change.」
Come on,please! Let』s get together to protect the environment!
96.World Environment Day(WED)
97.When do we have World Environment Day?
98.In 2009,which country is the host country of WED?
( ) 99.What』s the meaning of the underlined phrase?
A.打電話 B.起床 C.號召 D.叫醒
( )100.According to the passage,what shouldn』t we do?
A.Plant more trees.
B.Turn of fall the lights when we leave the room.
C.Save the water.
D.Use plastic(塑料)bags as usual.


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