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發布時間: 2024-10-14 22:50:48

Ⅰ 英語翻譯高手進哈!翻譯辦公室門牌!~~分!~分~~!~分!~!

職業技能鑒並段定所: Vocational skill appraisal institute

綜合辦公室: Comprehensive office

常務副凱伍院長 :Routine vice-president

黨總支書記 :General party branch secretary

教學資料庫 :teaching information bank

教學工作部 :Teaching service department

學生盯蔽或工作部 :Student service department

招生辦公室 :Recruitment of students office

就業指導服務中心:Career guidance service center

學生檔案室:Student archive office

會議室:Conference room

Ⅱ 關於學校設施的詞彙有哪些用英語回答(英語題啊!請用英文回答!最好加翻譯)

1 classroom building 教學樓
2 administration building 辦公樓
3 lecture hall 階梯教室
4 auditorium 大禮堂
5 dining-room 食堂
6 students' dormitory 學生宿舍
7 sports field 體育場
8 library 圖書館
9 reading-room 閱覽室
10 laboratory 實驗室
11 teachers' office 教師辦公室
12 headmaster's office 校長辦公室
13 moral ecation office 德育處
14 teaching affairs office 教務處
15 sports equipment room 體育器材室
16 conference room 會議室
17 conference hall 報告廳
18 School (Youth) League Committee 校團委
19 students' affair department 學工部
20 blackboard 黑板
21 platform 講台
21 microphone 話筒
22 teacher's pointer/teaching stick 教鞭

23 overhead projector 投影儀
24 screen 投影屏幕
25 computer 老師授課時使用的電腦
26 desk 課桌
28 chair 椅子
29 chalk 粉筆
30 loudspeaker 音箱
31 fan 吊扇
32 air-conditioner 空調
33 school doctor room 校醫室
34 janitor's room/ information bureau 傳達室
35 supervisor of dorm 宿管

office/administration building 辦公樓

research activities building 科研樓

teaching/classroom building 教學大樓

dining-room/canteen 食堂

sports field/ground 體育場

gym 體育館

sports center 體育中心

stadium 露天大型運動場

bulletin/notice board 布告欄

stack room 書庫

bookshelf 書架

periodical reading-room 期刊閱覽室

language laboratory 語言實驗室

sound lab 語音室

audio-visual room 視聽室

multi-media classroom 多媒體教室

lantern slide 幻燈片

remote control 遙控器

Ⅲ 學生公寓用英語造句

  • room.


  • The foreignstudentsshouldlive in the foreignstudentapartment.


  • -classin China.


  • colleges therear servicesocialization.


  • HuaUniversity,CapitalNormalUniversityandthe EasternUniversity campus werealsostarted.


  • Rentrate refers to therateof InternationalstudentApartment. Internationalstudentsneed topaytherentin RMBwhenregistering.


  • Careforpeopleis anyhumanizingproct should satisfy the needofpeople, based onit.


Ⅳ 英語高手請進,幫忙翻譯這些科室牌,急!!!!!!!!!

音樂室 :music room 綜合電腦室:computer room 學生閱覽室:reading room of students 教師閱覽室:reading room of teachers

Ⅳ 學生工作辦公室 用英文怎麼說

Student affairs office


Ⅵ 學生公寓用英語造句

There are two dormitory buildings in our school.

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