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⑴ 如何做好小學三年級上英語情景會話


⑵ 三年級上冊英語第六單元怎麼讀


教學內容與分析let's talk:本部分主要通過sam和媽媽在蛋糕店買蛋糕的情景,呈現核心句型 how many…?的語意及語用情境。讓學生在模仿、學習、表演的基礎上逐步達到自然交流與真實運用的目的。

count and say:本部分練習所學 let's talk 的重點句型 how many?,通過詢問不同物品的數量,幫助學生鞏固句型,使之印象深刻。



2、會用how many…?查問相同物品的數量並答題,聽得懂,可以用句型this one,please.抒發自己想的物品。




1、查問相同物品的數量並答題的句子:how many…?five/….




1、教師准備數詞 1-5的圖片和單詞卡。

2、教師准備工作 let's talk 的錄音和折頁。

3、教師准備count and say 的掛圖,和不同數量的各種物品。

⑶ 小學三年級上冊第二單元英語文化意識目標怎麼寫

本單元共分A、B、C三部分。A部分共三頁,分三課時。第一課時為情景對話和練習部分。Miss White(懷特老師)在向Mr. Jones介紹Miss Green。呈現出介紹人的句子:This is ... 以及打招呼用語:Good morning. 接下來的Draw and say活動,學生要畫出人物,並使用重點句式來介紹畫中人。第二課時的Let』s learn部分學習四個顏色名稱:red, yellow, green, blue. 教材通過孩子們觀察雨後彩虹中的顏色來引出詞彙及句子:I see green. 並通過Let』s do里Show me green的指令,來使學生操練顏色類單詞。在第三課時Letters and sounds部分里,學生開始學習字母ABCD四個字母的字形、書寫及其在單詞里的發音。

⑷ 幫我寫七份三分鍾的小學三年級的英語情景對話。

1、A:May I help you?
B:l want to buy a pair of shoes.
A:What size do you want?
B:My size is M.
A:Here you are.
B:Thank you.
2A:What』s the matter?How dirty your clothe is!
B:Oh,mun,l was just playing football with my friends and knocked down.
A:You are too careless.
B:I』m sorry, and l want to wash clothes by myself.
B:Good boy.
3 My father is a kind man.He is tall and thin.His jod is a doctor, and he likes his job very much.
And l like him very much
4A:Oh,how lovely panadas!
B:yeah.They are my favourite animals.their bodies are black and white.And their favourite food is the bamboo.
A:You know so much about panadas.
B:aknow monkeys as well,for they are my father』s favourite animals. They are considered to be the ancestors of humans,and they look quiet like humans.As they like fruits,you can feed them on some bananas.

⑸ 簡單的三年級英語故事帶翻譯_英語情景對話

Mrs. Jones, a chairwoman of a big drug pany, was waiting for an important official telephone call. But she had no sugar and vinegar in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to his 5-year-old brother, "I am going to the canteen, Jimmy. And I will be back in a few minutes."


While she was out, the telephone rang and Jimmy answered.


"Hello," said a man, "Is your mother there?"


"No," the lively boy sucked a chocolate pole and answered.


"Well, when she es back, say to her,' Mr. Baker telephoned.'"




"Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R."

「貝克先生。你記下來: B-A-K-E-R。」

"How do you make a 'B'?"


"How do I make...? Listen, little boy! Is there anybody else with you? Any brothers or sisters?"


"My brother Billy is here."


"Good! I want to talk to him please."


"All right!" Jimmy took the wireless telephone to the baby's bed and give it to Billy.


When their mother came back, she asked: "Did anyone telephone?"


"Yes," said Jimmy, "a man, but he only wanted to talk to Billy."

A busines *** an entered a bar and ordered a double wine. After he finished the drink, he peekedinside his shirt pocket, then he ordered the Bartender to prepare another double wine. After hefinished that one, he again peeked inside his shirt pocket and ordered the Bartender to bringanother double wine.


The bartender who observed him the whole night said to him, 「Look buddy, I'll bring you wineall night long, but you have to tell me the riddle why you look inside your nylon shirt pocketbefore you order another?」


The customer replied, 「I'm peeking at an unpleasant photo of my wife. When she starts tolook good, then I know it's time to go home.」

Johnny lived with his mother and father in a restful mountainous town in Switzerland.


One day there was an earthquake near the town. Many houses were injured. Everybodythought that there would soon be another earthquake. They were worried that the secondearthquake would be worse than the first.


"We must send Johnny to a safe place," Johnny's mother said to her hu *** and, "many of ourfriends are sending their children to relatives in other towns."


"We'll send him to my brother, Peter." "Johnny's mother said, "He lives a long way away. Johnnywill be safe with him."


He telephoned Johnny's Uncle Peter, an expert in botany, and asked him if he would let Johnnylive with him.


"Your nephew is a good boy," he said, "He won't give you any trouble."


"All right," Johnny's Uncle Peter said, "But I'm not used to children. I live a very quiet andpeaceful life."


"You won't know Johnny's in the house," his father told him.


So Johnny, who was five, went to live with his uncle.


Two days later, his mother and father received a telegram from Peter. It said: "An returningchild. Please send earthquake."


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