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① 五年級學生英語閱讀理解(六篇)

【 #小學英語# 導語】很多學生在做閱讀理解題時,總是丟分,甚至丟很螞纖多分。究其原因,貌似閱讀理解做不好,實質上,是讀書面太窄,對漢語的意蘊把握不夠。要想把閱讀理解做好,必須讀足夠的讀物。日常沒有閱讀,卻想把閱讀理解做好,那隻能頃拍是痴人說夢。以下是 整理的《五年級小學生英語閱讀理解(六篇)》相關資料,希望幫助到您。


Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Nikon.
Bob Pearson is not the children's real father, but he loves them very much. The children love their "father", too. Bob Pearson has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob Pearson is the children's "father", and he is their good friend, too.
( )1. Bob Pearson has six children.
( )2. Bob Pearson is a nice young man.
( )3. Nikon is a Japanese girl.
( )4. Bill and Mike are from England.
( )5. Nikon and Lanlan like toy animals.


My sister is a pretty girl. She is active. She likes singing. Her favourite day is Thursday Because she has music on Thursday. And after school she can sing and dance with me.
6.( )My sister is active.
7.( )She likes singing.
8.( )Her favourite day is Tuesday.
9.( )悶乎仿She has computer on Thursday .
10.( )She sings and dance by herself.


My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college. I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends.
( )1. I am twelve.
( )2. Ted is Mary's brother.
( )3. Ted and I are in the same class.
( )4. My parents are teachers.
( )5. I have a cat.


Look at this desk. It's Jim's desk. It's brown. Jim's book is on it. It's an English book. His pencil-box is on it, too. His pencil is in his pencil-box. But where's his pen? He can't find it.
( )1. Jim's desk is brown.
( )2. Jim's book is on his bed.
( )3. His book is a Chinese book.
( )4. His pencil is in his pencil-box.
( )5. His pen is on his desk.


This is a Chinese gird. Her name is Wu Yan. She is a new student. She is in Yuying Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy. He is eleven. He is Yuying Middle School, too. Miss Li is their PE teacher. She is a good teacher.
( )1. Wu Yan is .
A. a Chinese girl B. an American girl C. an English girl
( )2. She is a student.
A. good B. new C. old
( )3. Bill is .
A. a Chinese girl B. an American boy C. a good boy
( )4. Their PE is Miss Li.
A. friend B. teacher C. student
( )5. Miss Li is a good .
A. teacher B. student C. boy


The father's name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mother's name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen.
The son's name is John Smith and the daughter's mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It's a very good family.
( )1. Lake Smith's parents are .
A. Americans B. American C. America
( )2. John's father is .
A. 44 B. 40 C. very old
( )3. Mary's mother is a .
A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor
( )4. they are in the school.
A. some B. same C. any
( )5. The family has children.
A. six B. twoC. four

② 小學五年級英語閱讀理解(求答案!!!)快快快

因為Mr & Mrs Jone do not like beer, 所以beer是給Mr or Mrs Zhang的。
因為One of the Zhangs says " I want lemondade", 所以Mr Zhang 和Mrs Zhang 喝的版是beer和lemondade.

One woman want a cup of coffee, 所以coffee是給Mrs Jone的.
Tea是給Mr Jone的
因為one man says I only drink lemonade,而權Mr Jone喝的是tea,所以lemonade是給Mr Zhang的。
最後beer是給Mrs Zhang的。

Totoally 5 person: Mr & Mrs Zhang, Mr & Mrs Jone,Waiter


③ 如何教好小學英語五年級Read and write

如何教好 PEP 小學英語五年級「Read and write」 廣東省東莞莞城中心小學 李劍春 PEP 小學英語對五年級學生閱讀和寫作水平要求是接近或達到了課程標 準的二級目標,即激發學生的閱讀興趣,讓學生能讀懂簡單的文章,形成自己 的語言進行交流,並掌握一些基本的閱讀方法和技能,為獨立閱讀打好基礎, 並能根據圖片或提示寫出簡單的句子。PEP 小學英語五年級的「Read and write」部分編寫的是與各個單元話題相關的趣味對話,筆者發現有些教師把 「Read and write」 組織成對話課;有的把閱讀語篇看作教口語或聽力的素材。 教師逐句逐句解釋、分析意義、反復放錄音,直到學生能正確發音,熟練朗讀 並完成課本上的閱讀檢測任務為止; 有些教師認為這部分內容不重要,帶學生 讀一讀,翻譯一下,提幾個問題,讓學生回答就可以。筆者對這個課型進行了 積極的探索和研究,下面結合五年級下冊 Unit 6 A Field Trip A Read and write 課例來談談這部分的教學思路以及在閱讀教學中要注意的問題。 一、教學案例與設計思路 教學目標: 1.能夠掌握句子「Are you eating lunch? NO,we aren』 Are they eating t. the honey? Yes,they are」. 2.能夠聽、說、認讀「Read and write」部分的對話,完成閱讀前、閱讀 中和閱讀後相應的活動。 3.能夠運用所學語言較好地完成 Task time 的活動。 教學重點:本課重點是使學生四會掌握「Are you eating lunch? NO,we aren』t. Are they eating the honey? Yes,they are」. 教學難點:理解 That』s interesting.sweet things. 教學過程: (一)閱讀前——感知激趣 1.Revision T:Let』s play a guessing game.Look at the small picture.Can you see it clearly?Oh, you can』t. What are they doing?Guess! (設計思路)通過「猜」圖中的孩子們在做什麼游戲,復習學過的片語和 現在進行時的一般疑問句,為閱讀作準備。 2.Free talk T:My favourite food is ice-cream.I like to eat the ice-cream.What about you?What do you like to eat? S1:I like to eat apples. S2:I like to eat fish. T:Do you like to eat the chocolate? S3:Yes,I do. 1 T:Do you like to eat the cake? S4:Sure. T:Do you like to eat the ice-cream? S5:Of course,I like them very much. T:Look!Cakes,ice-cream and chocolate.They are all sweet.They are sweet food.You like sweet things. T:I have something sweet here.(拿出 honey 瓶子)Is it sweet food? SS:Yes,the honey is very sweet. T:Do you like to eat the honey? S1:Yes,I do. T:They are all sweet.They are sweet food.You like sweet things.Do you like ants?What are the ants like?What do the ants like to eat? (設計思路)通過和學生 free talk,討論喜歡的食物,營造輕松愉快的 學習氛圍。教師在談話中巧妙地排除了語篇中的難點:sweet things 和 honey 兩個知識點,為下一步的學習進行鋪墊。同時教師和學生談論螞蟻長得如何、 愛吃什麼,激發學生閱讀興趣。 (二)閱讀中——理解吸收 1.First reading Read and answer:What are the children doing? (設計思路)學生進行第一次閱讀——略讀。閱讀設計的任務很簡單,目 的是讓每個學生都能找到答案, 享受閱讀的愉悅。 在文中尋找信息的閱讀技巧, 教師給學生 20 秒的時間。 2.Second reading Read and choose 1)What are they doing an experiment on? They are doing an experiment on . 瓢蟲圖片 蝴蝶圖片 螞蟻圖片 A B C 2)What experiment? A.What do ants like to eat? B. What do ants like to do? (設計思路) 第二次閱讀任務設計難度增大——通過跳讀第一段搜索所需要 的信息, 解決難點句子 (That』 interesting.What do the ants like to eat?Is s it interesting?Yes,that』s interesting.)這是一篇討論螞蟻生活常識的 語篇,教師通過指導學生分段閱讀來降低閱讀難度。 2 3.Third reading Now read the dialogue in groups of four and judge. 1)The ants are eating the vegetable. ( ) 2)The ants are eating the honey. ( ) 3)The ants like sweet things. ( ) 4)Wi Yifan likes sweet food,too. ( ) (設計思路)第三次閱讀——細讀第二段。到了這一環節,學生進行深層 閱讀,教師主要關注學生對詞彙和一些語言點的理解。 同時讓學生理解語篇中 「Do an experiment on me,please.」句子的幽默之處。教師採用學生四人小 組合作閱讀的形式(即四人小組共同閱讀第二段的內容,發現問題並合作解 決) ,降低閱讀的難度,培養學生的合作精神。 4.Read after the tape.Imitate the pronunciation and intonation,focusing on the reading skills. (設計思路)朗讀階段一般讓學生跟錄音讀,難讀的地方,如連讀、爆破 等,教師領讀。要求學生每個字母,每個音節,每個意群,每個句子都在強烈 的韻律和節奏的基礎上讀清楚。 5.Finish the exercise in the textbook (設計思路)學生理解了全文,做課後的練習也就水到渠成了。有些教師 認為,這些練習可以放在每一次閱讀後做,即教師講解課文前做,可以檢測學 生的理解程度,但這些練習對於學生來說有難度,所以一般放到後面做。要檢 測學生的理解程度,教師還可以自己設計一些簡單的練習,如:判斷、連線、 選擇等。 (三)閱讀後——鞏固拓展 Exercise 1 T:What do ants like to eat?Choose and fill cake potatoes candy tomatoes eggplants cabbages chocolate They like They don』t like (設計思路)教師通過布置任務型的活動來檢查學生對課文知識的理解。 Exercise 2 --Look!They』re twins.Are they doing an experiment? --No,they aren』t. (出 示 這 個 對話 時 配以 「Listen and write」第二幅圖。 3 1--.Look at the twins.Are -- Yes, ? . (出 示 這 個 對話 時 配以 「Listen and write」第三幅圖。 2.—Hello,twins!Are --No, ? . (出 示 這 個 對話 時 配以 「Listen and write」第一幅圖。 (設計思路)通過將課文對 Listen and write 部分改編,練習一般疑問 句的運用和書寫,訓練學生寫的能力。通過知識的遷移,將課文的四會句子活 學活用。 Homework 1.Listen and read the dialogue.Try to recite it . 2.Do an experiment and finish the report.(P76 Task time) write」 二、 Read and write」教學注意事項 「 (一)教學前教師應注意兩點 1.了解「Read and write」部分的作用 五年級的「Read and write」部分都是由一段對話、一組練習題和一個任 務型活動組成。這部分的功能有兩個:一是復習鞏固本單元 A、B 部分的主要 語言;二是適當擴展,增大語言的輸入量。 2.明確「Read and write」部分的教學目標 「Read and write」部分的教學目標是:學生能讀懂對話;能完成教材提 供的檢測學生閱讀理解程度的填空或問答題;會書寫兩組重點句子;能完成一 項綜合運用所學語言的任務型語言活動。 (二)教學中教師應注意的事項 1.設計有趣的話題和活動,激發學生閱讀興趣 導入的成功與否影響著閱讀教學的效果。在閱讀教學中, 激發學生的閱讀 興趣是前提。因此, 老師在閱讀課的起始階段應精心設計能引起學生閱讀興趣 的話題或者活動。 如:通過 Duty report 或者 Free Talk 等活動創設英語語境, 營造英語氛圍,激發學生情趣;也可以利用一些圖片、實物創設情境、提出問 題,讓學生根據閱讀材料的題目或關鍵詞進行預測;還要以藉助多媒體的音、 圖、聲等功能,播放歌曲、錄像等,激發學生的想像力,以此引起學生對閱讀 4 材料的強烈好奇和興趣。例如:在教授 PEP 小學英語 Book 6 Unit 2 My favourite season Read and write Part B 時,教師可以這樣問: 「Do Zoom and Zip often skate in winter?What do Zoom and Zip do in winter?Why?」這 些問題能激發學生對語篇的好奇心, 喚起學生的閱讀興趣,不知不覺從閱讀前 的緊張心理中釋放出來。 2.分層次設置任務,使閱讀更具目標性 因為小學生的閱讀能力是有限的,語言儲存量小,詞彙量不夠,所以教師 對閱讀任務的設置是否合理會直接影響他們對閱讀的興趣和信心。 任務的設置 要由易到難,層層遞進,並給予學生及時恰當的引導,保證他們完成任務,保 持學生閱讀的積極性。如果任務太難,又無教師指導,學生無法完成任務,就 失去了閱讀的興趣。例如文中設計的三個閱讀任務,Task 1 要求學生在 20 秒 內找出 What are the children doing?的答案,這個任務既簡單,又能訓練 學生的略讀能力,讓學生有成就感。Task 2 是針對課文做兩道選擇題,解決 難點,培養學生的跳讀能力;Task 3 通過判斷句子對錯,引導學生細讀短文, 進行深層次的閱讀,讓學生讀懂短文。 教師對閱讀材料設置幾個有針對性的任務, 從瀏覽一遍就可以找到答案的 任務開始,通過跳讀找出需要的信息,逐步增加難度到細讀,直至讀懂全文, 學生的感覺是憑自己的能力找到各種信息和答案。學生對有成功感的閱讀,興 趣不會是表面、淺層次的,而是內在的、能持續發展的。 3.關注閱讀方法和能力的培養 在閱讀課上, 教師首先要教會學生閱讀方法, 其次是傳授知識。 「Read and write」 語篇中經常會出現一些新詞, 教師可以讓學生自己根據上下文猜意思; 讓學生根據教師所設置的任務尋找信息,記錄一些有用的詞語,培養他們獲取 信息的能力;訓練他們限時閱讀的能力,避免養成重復閱讀,回視文章的不良 習慣等。但這些自主能力的獲得都離不開教師的悉心啟發與指導。 當學生獲得 了這些學習策略,他們的閱讀能力自然也會隨之提高。當然,培養學生的自主 學習能力並不等於什麼得讓學生獨立操作, 有一定難度的閱讀可以同桌或在小 組內合作進行,然後布置各小組展開討論或合作型閱讀,鼓勵學生向教師尋求 幫助。教師巡視於各小組之間,及時評價學生的閱讀方式和能力,比一比,哪 一個小組的閱讀更有成效。通過這一類合作性的閱讀,學生學得更有興趣,會 收獲更大。 4.精心設計重點句型的書寫活動 在課堂上教師往往認為書寫佔用了過多的時間, 因此把寫的活動留到了課 後,這樣其實失去了及時從學生的書寫活動中得到教學反饋的機會,而且學生 對枯燥機械的書寫練習也經常表現出興趣不大, 從而導致課堂效率不高。 教師 應如何設計書寫活動呢?筆者認為學完重點句型後, 引導學生運用句型講講自 己所想到的句子或是他們感興趣的事物, 並鼓勵小學生用英語寫一兩句話或一 段話表達自己的想法,讓學生言之有物,同時也是對學生思維的一種訓練。在 5 培養學生寫的能力方面,教師首先要抓好學生抄寫句型的基本功。 學生在仿寫 句子的過程 ,要及時糾正學生在書寫句子中常犯的錯誤,比如:句子的第一 個字母要大寫,句子里單詞之間的距離約為一個字母的寬度,英語的句號是一 個圓點以及「我」在句子中永遠大寫等問題;其次,教師要設計具有挑戰性、 趣味性的任務型寫的活動。對於重點句型的書寫活動形式很多,比如:看問句 寫答句,給答句寫問句,理詞成句,看圖寫話等。教師配套教材《學生活動手 冊》里提供了很多創設語言情景的任務型的書寫活動, 教師可以靈活地穿插在 課堂中,或者布置為家庭作業。 在五年級「Read and write」教學中,教師要明確每篇的教學目標,不能 只注重學生看懂了多少,領會了多少, 而是要注重培養學生的閱讀能力及綜合 運用語言的能力。在教學設計上,教師要先進行閱讀前的准備:復習相關的詞 匯和名句型,解決難點,掃清閱讀障礙,激發學生興趣。在閱讀時,通過分層 次設計由易到難的任務讓學生去閱讀,從略讀、跳讀到細讀,教師對一些語言 點進行必要的講解。然後再朗讀,繼而完成課本的練習。完成了閱讀任務後, 可以設計一些鞏固拓展的活動, 讓學生利用所學的方法和內容去閱讀一些課外 閱讀材料,最後精心設計重點句型的書寫活動。

④ 五年級英語閱讀理解:Student

I』m a student in Class Four, Grade Three. My name is Mary. I』m nine. My twin brother』s name is Li Mao. And we are in the same school, and in the same grade, but he is in Class Three. We are good students. I have a good friend. I call her Miss Ying Ying. Do you think call her Miss Ying Ying. Do you think Ying Ying is a good girl? No,you』昌仿祥re wrong. She isn』t a girl, but a cat. She is two years old, but she looks the same as her mother.


( )1. My twin _____ name is ______.

A brother』s;Li Wei

B. sister』s; Li Mao

C. brother』s;Li Mao

( )2. We are in the same _____ and in the same ____.

A. school; grade

B. school;class

C. grade; class

( )3. My good friend Miss Ying Ying is a _____.

A. girl

B. cat

C. dog

大攜( )4. I am ______years old.

A. ten

B. nine

C. nineteen

( )5. Miss Ying Ying is ______ her mother.

A. not the same as

B. not like

C. the same as


⑤ 小學五年級英語短文閱讀理解

We have four seasons in a year. I can do many interesting things in each season. In spring, the weather is cool and windy, I can fly kites when it』s windy. And I can go hiking with my family when it』s sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but it』s not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I can eat delicious fruits in this season. I can watch the leaves fall. Winter es, it』s often snowy in winter in my hometown. When it snows, everything is white. We can play with snow and make a snowman, skate and ski. And winter is my favourite season, because of the Spring Festival. I love seasons. I love the nature.

I am a girl of ten, and I live in a *** all mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.

During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city. He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much!


There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty. He es to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can't drink the water,because the bottle's neck is very long. So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away. After some time,he es back with a *** all stone in his mouth.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle. He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle. The water in the bottle es up to its neck and the bird can drink.

Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.


⑥ 小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析

同學們,今天小編為大家收集整理的關於“小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析”,通過這篇“ 小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析”,小編希望能對同學們提高,小學五年級英語閱讀理解能力有幫助!
What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words? The longer the lists, the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas and information. It’s meaningless knowing all about a language if you can’t use it freely. Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can't speak correctly or fluently (流利地). They are afraid of making mistakes. One shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too. Bernard Shaw once wrote, “Foreigners often speak English too correctly.’’ But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make. They’re English mistakes in the English language. And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule. What used to be wrong becom/#es right. People not only make history, they make language. But a people (民族) can only make its own language. It can’t make another people’s language. So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn’t overdo it. They should put com/#munication first.[小
1. Generally, when an American or all Englishman speaks English, he _________.
A. never makes mistakes
B. often makes mistakes
C. can’t avoid (避免) making mistakes
D. always makes mistakes
2. The sentence “Foreigners often speak English too correctly.” means that _________.
A. foreigners speak correct English
B. foreigners speak incorrect English
C. foreigners speak English according to the grammar rules
D. foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English
3. When we speak a foreign language, we should _________.
A. speak in the Chinese way
B. speak according to the rules
C. break the rules
D. not be afraid of making mistakes
Selina, Hebe and Ella are three pretty young Taiwanese singing girls. Their new album "Magical Journey" can be heard all the way to Beijing's Great Hall of the People. The three singing angels are regarded as the most popular pop group in Taiwan and Hong Kong, However, when they entered a singing com/#petition in Taiwan in 2000, none of them even dreamed of being a superstar. Ella and Hebe were only expecting the 10,000 yuan prize, while Selina was encouraged by her younger sister, who was then too young to take part.
"We had never met before, and we didn't talk at all at the beginning," said Ella with a smile. "Then we were put together in a room, eating and sleeping together. And we soon found we had a lot that was similar to each other and could enjoy everything. "[The three are getting on so well that they each believe it was God that let them becom/#e friends and form a three-in-one band. They even named their band "S. H. E. ", which com/#es from the first letters of their English names.
Selina is a shy attractive girl. Hebe, the youngest of the three, is confident and always com/#es up with new ideas. Bright and encouraging, Ella is regarded as the head of the band. Even when she was off because of the pain in her back last summer, she till remembered to phone the other two and push them to move on.
When asked about the secret to their success, the boyish Ella said, "The not-so-pretty faces and not-so- expensive dresses keep us close to our fans. We are happy to be the girls next door, your singing sisters."
It's really a magical journey, from day-dreaming high school girls to well-known singers. Nothing but magical indeed.
1. The first paragraph mainly tells us the three girls'.
A. today and yesterdayB. new albumC. hometown
2. The three girls became famous after.A. their new album " Magical Journey" was made
B. they came to sing in Beijing's Great Hall of the People
C. they won the prize in the singing com/#petition in Taiwan in 2000
3. They name their band "S. H. E." because.
A. they love their English names
B. it shows its members are all girls.
C. they believe that each of them is quite important to their band
4. What is the secret to their success?
A. Keeping themselves close to their fans.
B. Their pretty faces and nice dresses.
C. Their next door sister's help.
5. Which of the following is true?
A. The three girls are not pretty and their dresses are poor.
B. The album "Magical Journey" may have something to do with their experience.
C. Of the three girls Ella is the youngest and the most encouraging.
1. C解析:文中第六句說到,即使是本民族與的使用者也會犯錯誤,四個選項中只有C “不能避免犯錯誤”最符合意思。
2.C 解析:從最後一句可以看出,作者強調外國人要學語法,但不能過分遵循,所以本句是說說外語時過分遵守語法了。
3. D 解析:本題從第五行最後及第六行開頭可以得出答案。
1.第一段講了Selina, Hebe and Ella --now: “regarded as the most popular pop group”,但是接下來,however轉折為2000年的情形,“when they ··· in 2000, none of them even dreamed of being a superstar···”,可知是今日和昔日的對比小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析。選A.
2.第一段第三行“However, when they entered a singing com/#petition in Taiwan in 2000, none of them even dreamed of being a superstar”從這句推敲,2000年參加比賽時,他們沒期待能出名,但事實上他們是這次比賽中結識,之後組隊、出名的。
4.第五段有原文,When asked about the secret to their success·····keep us close to our fans。選A。
5.事實細節題小學五年級英語閱讀理解題及答案解析英語閱讀。A選項,誇大了文意,第五段確實提到“The not-so-pretty faces and not-so-expensive dresses·····”注意是not-so-pretty,並不是A中的認為他們三個 not pretty,(而且原文這句話是Ella自謙的說法)。
C選項,在原文第四段第二句Hebe, the youngest of the three··,不是Ella,C中有錯誤.所以排除法,選B.

⑦ 小學五年級英語閱讀理解:我的朋友-蜜雪兒

My friend----Michelle
In my happy childhood(童年),I have many good friends, but I think Michelle is my best friend. She is patient because she writes and draws patiently(耐心地).She has short hair. She is black. But she looks so cute. She comes to my home and plays with me every weekend. At my home, we often play computer games ,surf the Net or watch cute photos of cats, dogs and birds.
On summer holiday, she often swims with her family in the swimming pool. Her birthday is on July 16th.She usually has a birthday party with her friends. We can sing, dance, take photos and eat birthday cake.
She is a lovely girl, I think. Do you think so?
( )1. Michelle is my best friend.
( )2. She is white.
( )3. Michelle often plays computer games with her mother.
( )4. On summer holiday, Michelle often swims in the swimming pool.
( )5. July 16th is my birthday.
1-5 T F F T F

⑧ 五年級英語閱讀理解:泰迪熊醫院

You might(可能)go to the hospital if you’re ill. You may think it is a little scary(害怕的)to go to a hospital. But doctors and nurses in the hospital can help you feel better.What happens(發生)inside a hospital? What do the doctors do in different departments(科室)? How do the doctors treat(治療)patients? Kids learn more about hospitals and doctors at the Teddy Bear hospital.There is a Teddy Bear hospital in Berlin, Germany(德國柏林). Kids can be doctors here. Their teddy bears are their patients.Real(真正的)doctors teach the kids a lot. The doctors help the kids to examine(檢查)patients and give them shots(打針). They learn to take care of patients.Otto is one of these kids. He lives in Berlin. He studies very hard. He is looking at an X-ray photo(X光照片)of his teddy bear
判斷下面句子正確與否,正確的寫"T",錯誤的寫“F”。1.( )We might go to the hospital if we're ill.
2.( )Doctors and nurses in the hospital can help patients feel better.
3.( )There is no Teddy Bear hospital in China now.【解析】
2.T.從文章第一段第三句But doctors and nurses in the hospital can help you feel better.“醫院里的醫生、護士會讓生病的你覺得好一些”。所以這道題是正確噠。

3.F.從文章第三段第一句There is a Teddy Bear hospital in Berlin, Germany(德國柏林). “現在在德國柏林有一家給泰迪熊看病的醫院。”這家醫院在德國呢,中國暫時還沒有,所以題目中說在中國有是錯誤噠,以後小熊生病了我們只能帶它去德國看病了。

⑨ 我的閱讀英語作文五年級五年級帶翻譯

Reading is my hobby. While reading, I can get a lot of happiness. When I'm free, I often read some famous books. Books are my best friends that always keep me a good company. They often give me powers. Through reading, I can enlarge my eyes as well as widen my heart. Through reading, I become more and more knowledgeable.

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