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發布時間: 2024-10-07 20:23:25

⑴ 在老師細心的教導下,學生取得了好成績用英語怎麼說

譯文為Carefully under the guidance of the teacher, the students achieved good results

⑵ 知識由老師傳授給學生用英語怎麼說必須用transmit

The knowledge is transmitted from the teachers to the students.


⑶ 請問「因為老師可以教學生很多知識\」這一句子在英語中怎麼說

Because the teacher can teach students a lot of knowledge

⑷ 這個老師善於和學生相處,英語翻譯

The teacher is good at getting along with her students

⑸ 李老師對我們學生非常好用英語怎麼說

Miss Li is full of enthusiasm for work,and cares for students sincerely.We all get along very well with her.But for my part,I hate English very much at one time.In order to have me like English,She tell me how to learn English, patient.She encouraged me to write a diary in English, in which write down what I saw and felt.It was the first time to chanllenge for me.

⑹ 女老師能夠更好的促進學生身心發展用英語怎麼說

Female teachers can better promote the physical and mental development of students.

⑺ 「一位好老師可以教出許多好學生」用英語怎麼翻譯


翻譯為:"A good teacher can teach many good students"

⑻ 「盡管很多學生反感英語,經常對英語學習感到迷茫,他們仍然覺得必須學好英語。那麼老師如何使學生的英語


Although many students dislike English and often feel confused about English learning, they still feel that they must learn English well.

So how can teachers make learning English a pleasant experience for students?

Accurate, effective and useful communication skills depend on grammar and vocabulary.



如:Smokingis detrimental tohealth.吸煙有害健康。

2、distinguished 為famous的高級替換

如:The distinguished travel writer Freya Stark.著名的游記作家弗蕾亞· 斯塔克。


如:The only way to attain goals is to stay focused and work hard.達到目標的唯一辦法,就是集中思想於目標上,並努力工作。

⑼ 用英語怎麼說下面這段話 我認為一個優秀的老師必須專業知識面廣。對學生有耐心有責任心。能多關愛學...

I think a good teacher must be professional knowledge broad. Students have the patience to have responsibility. More care for students. Stimulate students' motivation to learn

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