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『壹』 八年級英語下第二單元的寫作文

1. 八下英語第二單元作文

大概一寫, 你說的八告神下指的是初中2年紀嗎?

Basically, I was study in english in 7 years old. In the very beginning, it is my mother force me to study in it, I was absolutely not intersted.

Few years ago, I met a foreigner, the man who e from Canada. I met him on the railway station, he was like so nervors and ask me how to pronunced the name wrote on his paper. After I helped him, I relized study in english is a good thing, because of all people around were look at me. In that moment, I am a sparking super star.

I do speaking english outside school, as I mentioned, english bee on of the part of my life.

In the conclusion, it is still have huge space which I could improved such as my english reading skills, based on the funding of english, I must read a lot of books to improve my vocabulary. That is one of the major problem I have to slove in the furture.

我在這里邊犯了很多的錯誤,寫的太好反而你老師會懷疑。 不太清楚你到底是什麼要求,字數什麼的,有什麼問題直接告訴我,我可以給你一定的輔導。 我不是老師,不收錢。 我只是個閑得蛋疼的留學生

2. 八下英語第二單元作文

大概一寫, 你說的八下指森陵的襪春虧是初中2年紀嗎?Basically, I was study in english in 7 years old. In the very beginning, it is my mother force me to study in it, I was absolutely not intersted.Few years ago, I met a foreigner, the man who e from Canada. I met him on the railway station, he was like so nervors and ask me how to pronunced the name wrote on his paper. After I helped him, I relized study in english is a good thing, because of all people around were look at me. In that moment, I am a sparking super star. I do speaking english outside school, as I mentioned, english bee on of the part of my life. In the conclusion, it is still have huge space which I could improved such as my english reading skills, based on the funding of english, I must read a lot of books to improve my vocabulary. That is one of the major problem I have to slove in the furture.我在這里邊犯了很多的錯誤,寫的太好反而你老師會懷疑。

不太清楚你到底是什麼要求,字數什麼的,有什麼問題直接告訴我,我可以給你一定的輔導。 我不是老師,不收錢。


3. 八年級英語下冊第二單元作文怎麼寫

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,「chenlu, don't do anything halfway.」at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

4. 人教版八年級下冊英語第二單元作文

It also can help you be relaxed to eat some fruit.So we should know how to relax,isn',我重新寫一篇就是了;t do well in work. It is improtant way to relax.It is bad for healthy and study to be sressed,4點再說. Then we can do some activites we like to do.

At lastMany people under the pressure,不行的話;t get good grades in study or don'。;t it.

First of all。謝謝, wo need to fet the things that make us nervous. They feel tired。?

你先寫。, keeping in a good interest to your life, like don'。

5. 初中八年級下冊第二單元英語作文範文

Dear looking for hlep, There are lots of thing you couid do .first,you should tell your teacher why didn't do homework .then youshould tell her to return your mathbook as quickly as possible .and you mustn't borrod her things again . or maybe you could borrow her things and don't return her good luck yous aunt chen。

6. 八年級下冊英語 第二單元作文寫一封回信

Dear Lucy,

I have a problem these days ,and I need your help .I am not getting on will with some of my clas *** ate. I don`t know why. Last Saturday one of my clas *** ates had a birthday party at home . She invited many clas *** ates ,butshe didn`t invit me.I feel worried and I don`t know what to do. Could you tell me what I should do?

7. 【八下英語第二單元做志願者的學生們短文翻譯


馬里奧.格林和瑪麗.格林,他們是河邊高級中學的學生,每周自願用幾小時時間來幫助他人。 馬里奧.格林喜歡動物,他想當一名獸醫。






8. 8年級下冊英語配套第二單元作文寫養老院

Today my clas *** ates and I went to the Home for the Elderly to have our deepest sympathies with the old by bus at 2'clock p.m..With pleasure,we helped the old clean their clothes and sweep the floor.We talked things happened in our young life,and heard them talk the beauty days in their past time.Even thought this work looked very hard,we felt happy.During the short 3 hours in the Home for the Elderly,we deeply realized that-- it's important to look after the old and respect them.How time flies,we had to say goodbye in the end,and promised to visit them next time.And then the same bus took us back.。

9. 八年級下冊Unit 2英語作文

Dear Dennis,

I am so sorry to hear that you have no friends and you`re poor in your lessons. But don`t care about that and you must trust yourself. Tell you something easy to make friends and do well in lessons.One, you must be outgoing and you should try to make friends actively. Two, you should buy a note-book and when you have all the lessons,you should write down the important knowledge. Three, wish you successful !



『貳』 八年級 用英語怎麼說 三種

八年級的英文是:Grade 8 或 Eighth Grade。

在英語教育體系中,“Grade 8”是最常見的表示方式,它直接對應了教育體制中的第八個年級,即八年級。這種表達方式簡單明了,易於理解,無論是在學校、考試還是日常生活中,都廣泛使用。

另外,“Eighth Grade”是更詳細的表達方式,它強調了“第八”這個序數詞,表達了這是教育過程中的第八個階段。這種表達方式在需要更精確描述年級或強調年級順序的場合中更為適用。

除了這兩種常見的表達方式外,根據具體的語境和地區差異,可能還有其他的表達方式。例如,在一些地區,“8th Grade”也被廣泛使用,它與“Eighth Grade”意思相同,只是縮寫了單詞

總的來說,無論是“Grade 8”還是“Eighth Grade”,它們都能准確表達“八年級”的含義。在不同的語境和場合中,可以根據需要選擇使用哪種表達方式。同時,了解這些表達方式也能幫助我們更好地融入英語教育體系,提高語言交流的能力。

『叄』 八年級二班用英語怎麼說

Class Two,Grade Eight

『肆』 八年級 用英語怎麼說 三種

eighth grade
grade eight

『伍』 八年級三班用英語怎麼說

class 3,grade 8

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