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❶ 五年級下冊英語小知識點

1. 五年級下冊英語小知識
五年級下冊英語小知識 1.五年級下冊英語知識點
五年級下冊英語語法知識點語法知識 : 第一單元語法知識: 1.近義詞 eat breakfast—have breakfast eat lunch—have lunch eat dinner—have dinner play sports—do sports usually—often 復數形式:policeman—policemen policewoman—policewomen 現在分詞:tell—telling 第三人稱單數形式:say—says 同義句:What do you do ? ---What are you? 你是干什麼的? 2、頻度的副詞: always 總是,一直 usually 通常,常常 often 經常 sometimes 有時候 4、介詞後跟表示時間的詞語時,表示在某年、某月、某個季節,某個時候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期幾用on,在具體的幾點幾分用at. 5、too 和either的用法區別:too和either都是「也」的意思,但too用於肯定句,either用於否定句。

第二單元語法知識 同義詞:autumn(英)—fall(美) 對應詞:wake up—sleep go to bed—get up 2.三單:say—says ask—asks e—es 3.同義句:What's your favourite season?(你最喜愛的季節是什麼?) ----Which season do you like best?(你最哪個季節?) 4.表示天氣的介詞。當表示某地某個季節的天氣情況時,要把季節放在前面,地點放在後面。

其結構為:What's the weather like in 季節in 地點? 第三單元主要語法點: 1、關於月份:(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,沒有簡寫形式。九月September 的簡寫形式是前四個字母加點Sept. 其他八個月的簡寫形式是前三個字母加點。

(2)無論是完全形式還是簡寫形式,表示12個月的單詞的第一個字母都要大寫。 2、關於基數詞變序數詞。

(1)一般情況下,直接在基數詞後面加th. (one , two , three 除外)。one—first , two—second , three—third . (2) 以ve結尾的基數詞,變ve為f, 再加th. 如:five—fifth , twelve—twelfth. (3)以t結尾的基數詞,直接加h。

如eight—eighth. (4) 以不發音的字母e結尾的,丟掉不發音的字母e,再加th. 如 nine—ninth. (5) 以y結尾的整十數,在變為序數詞時,將y變為ie, 再加th. 如twenty—twentieth (6)20以上的兩位數,變為序數詞時,十位數不變,只將個位上的數變為序數詞。如:twenty-one--—--twenty-first , twenty-two——twenty-second , thirty-four——thirty-fourth (7)序數詞的簡寫形式為表示該詞的 *** 數字加上該單詞的最後兩個字母,最後兩個字母要變成上標格式。

如:first—1st , second—2nd , third—3rd , fourth—4th . twentieth—20th 3. 回答When is your birthday?這個問題,如果只說明生日在幾月份,在月份前用in.如 My birthday is in July. 如果要具體說明生日是在幾月幾日,則要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is後加on。如My birthday is June 9th. 或My birthday is on June 9th . 4.注意區分兩個句子:What day is it today ?今天星期幾? What's the date today? 今天是幾月幾日? 5. 根據要求寫單詞: make (現在分詞)---making. send( 現在分詞)---sending. 6.句子: How many birthdays are in October ?有幾個人的生日在十月? There are 3. 7. My birthday is in February .(變為一般疑問句)---Is your birthday in February? 8. Does she have a puter? 她有計算機嗎?當第三人稱單數和句子中出現了does時,其他動詞必須使用原型。

9、讀序數詞時,前面一定要加the. 如 October 1st .讀作October the first. 10、同義句: Who has a birthday in October? = Whose birthday is in October? 第四單元知識點: 1、在電話中介紹自己時,可以用「It's „ 」或者『This is „.』。但是不能用「I am „」或者「My name is „」 2、在電話中表另一個人接電話時,應該說:「Can I speak to „?」 3、告訴別人接電話時,說:There is a call for you. 4、在接電話時請別人稍候說:Hold on please.或者Please hold on. 5、動詞變為現在分詞(加ing)的規則: (1)一般情況下,在動詞的後面直接加ing. 如:play—playing clean—cleaning draw—drawing cook—cooking (2) 以單個不發音的字母e結尾的動詞,去掉不發音的字母e,再加ing .如: write—writing e—ing take—taking make—making leave—leaving have—having (3) 以重讀閉音世結尾的動詞,如果詞尾只有一個輔音字母,則要先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加ing. 如: run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting set—setting 五單元主要知識點: 1、在英語中,當表示媽媽時,無論是人類媽媽還是動植物的媽媽,都可以用she . 而表示嬰兒時,也都可以用it. 2、系動詞be 的用法:我是am你是are, is跟著他她它。

如果人稱是復數,撲面一律都用are. 如:I am reading a book. He is cooking dinner. We are doing an experiment. Are you eating lunch? 3、With 除了表示和„一起外,還可以表示「使用」,如: That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.大象正在用它的象鼻喝水。 I am writing with my pen.我正在用我的鋼筆寫字。

4、當句子中出現了can時,動詞一定要用原形。因為can是形態動詞形態動詞跟動詞短語 。

如:Can tigers really swim? I can wash the clothes.我會洗衣服。 I am washing clothes.我正在洗衣服。

一.單詞 1.漢語 2. 英語 3. 哦 4. 數學 5. 有趣的 6. 減去 Chinese English er Maths interesting minus 7. 美術 8. 學科,科目 9. 告訴;講述 10. 竅門 11. [縮寫]體育 12.星期 Art subject tell trick PE week 13. 科學,自然科學 14. 星期日 15.星期一 16.星期二 17.星期三 18. 星期四 Science Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 19. 星期五 20. 星期六 21 .[用於接話等]嗯,哎呀 Friday Saturday well 二.片語 1. 立刻,馬上 at once 2. 計算機課程puter Studies 3. 社會科學 Social Science 4. 上課 have a lesson 5. 新學期的第一節課 the first lesson of the new term 6. 在上午 in the morning 7.在下午 in the afternoon 8.星期一早晨 Monday morning 9. 在星期二 on Tuesday 10. 多少節課 how many lessons 11. 孩子們 boys and girls 三.句型 1. 孩子們,歡迎(你們)回到學校。

Wele back to school,boys and girls. 2.見到你很高興。Nice to see you. 3.今天是星期幾?今天是星期三。

What day is it today? It's Wednesday. 4.今天上午你們有什麼課?What lessons do you have in the morning? 我們有語文,數學,英語和自然課。We have Chinese, Maths, English and Science. 5.你喜歡什麼科目?What subject do you like ? 我喜歡電腦課。

你呢? I like puter Studies. How about you ? 我喜歡美術課。 I like Art. 6.我非常喜歡數學。

它很有趣。I like Maths very much. It's interesting. 7.321減123等於多少? How much is three hundred and twenty-one minus one hundred and twenty-three? 讓我想一想。

Well, let me see. 我能立刻告訴你。 等於198。

I can tell you at once. It's one hundred and niy-eight. 8.星期五你們有什麼課? What lessons do you have on Friday? 我們上午有語文,數學,社會和體育課。下午有英語和音樂課。

We have Chinese, Maths, Social Science and PE in the morning, English and Music in the afternoon. 9.現在是星期一早晨。李老師和她的學生們正在上一節課。

It is Monday morning. Miss Li and her students are having a lesson.。
一般現在時表示: 1. 經常發生的動作或存在狀態,常和always(總是), usually(通常), often(經常), sometimes(有時候), everyday(每天), every week(每周)等時間狀語連用。

2.表示普遍真理。 一、陳述句: 肯定句:《主語+be動詞~》 1. I am a teacher. 我是老師 2. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 綠色的春天,鳥語花香。

我愛春天。 3. My birthday is on October 1st. 我的生日在十月一日 《主語+動詞~》 1. I often play football on Sundays. 我經常在周日踢足球。

2. I like spring. 我喜歡春天 1. She likes summer. 她喜歡夏天 否定句: 《主語+be動詞+not~》 如:You are not a student. 你不是學生 《主語+do not +動詞~》 如: I don't go to school every day. 我每天不去上學 如: She doesn't go shopping on Saturdays. 她在周六不購物。 二、一般疑問句 (句型、用法) 陳述句變一般疑問句時, 1. 把be動詞移到主語前面,即《Be動詞+主語~》 如: ------Are you a student? ------Yes, I am. 2. 把do或does移到句首,即《Do (Does)+主語+動詞原型~》 如:------Do you have English class on Mondays? ------ No, we don't. ------ Does he play football every day? ------ Yes, he does. (練習,按要求做題) 1. I am a teacher. (變成否定句) 2. You are student. (變成一般疑問句) 3. We have math class on Tuesday. (變成一般疑問句) 三、特殊疑問句 (句型、用法) 1. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什麼? 2. When do you get up?你什麼時候起床? 3. What time is it now?現在幾點了 4. Which season do you like best?你最喜歡哪個季節? 5. When is your birthday?你的生日是什麼時候? (練習,給上面的特殊問句找到合適的答語,將字母標號寫在橫線上) A. I get up at 9:00.B. It's June 3rd .C. I like fall best. D. It's 7:30 now. E. I usually climb mountains 四、There be (is, are)句型 1. There is + 單數名詞+場所 如: 1. There is a bed in the room. 房間里有一張床。

2. There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本書。 3. ------Is there a picture on the wall? 牆上有照片嗎? ------ Yes, there is. 2. There are +復數名詞+場所 如:1. There are many students in our school. 我們學校有許多學生 2. There are many eggs in the kitchen. 廚房裡有許多蛋. 3. ------Are there any fish in the river? 河裡有魚嗎? ------ Yes, there are. (練習,填寫合適的be動詞) 1. There an apple in the box. 盒子里有一個蘋果。

2. There many trees round the house. 房子四周有許多數。 第十一課:現在進行時 現在進行時表示現在正在進行的動作。

一、陳述句結構: 《 主語+ be動詞+現在分詞~》 (現在分詞是:動詞+ing) 如:1. I am watching TV now. 我正在看電視。 2. We are playing chess. 我們正在下棋。

3. She is catching butterflies in the woods. 她正在樹林里捉蝴蝶。 二、否定句和疑問句 (句型、用法) 否定句:《主語+be not +現在分詞~》 如:1. I am not picking up leaves. 我沒有摘樹葉。

2. She isn't writing a report. 她沒有在寫報告。 3. We aren't having a piic. 我們沒有野餐。

疑問句:《Be動詞+主語+現在分詞~》 如: 1. Are you taking pictures? 你(們)正在照相嗎? 2. Is he collecting leaves? 他正在收集樹葉嗎? 三、特殊疑問句 (句型、用法) 結構:《特殊疑問詞+be動詞+主語+現在分詞~》 如: 1. What are you doing? 你(們)正在干什麼? 2. What is John doing? 約翰正在干什麼?。
小學五年級全科目課件教案習題匯總 語文 數學 英語 4 have + 病名 have measles (麻疹) have mumps (腮腺炎) 17. have to 不得不, Her mother is ill, she has to look after her mother, so she can't e to the party. 重點:含有have to 的句子變否定 用don't 或 doesn't e.g. She has to finish her homework.. She doesn't have to finish her homework. (正確) She has not to finish her homework.(錯誤) 18. be worried about 擔心 She is worried about her exam. 19. help … with 幫助…做某事 help …with = help *** . (to) do sth. Peter helps her mother with the housework. = Peter helps her mother (to) do the housework. 三、重點單詞用法 1. call v. 稱作 What do you call it in English? 2. like v. 喜歡 sth. I like English very much. like to do sth. I like reading very much, but I don't like to read now. doing sth. 3. let's + 動詞原形 Let's (=let us) make animals. let *** . do sth. 讓某人做某事 4. want v. 想,想要 want sth. I want a piece of paper. to do sth. I want to watch TV. 5. 情態動詞 情態動詞很簡單,沒有人稱數之變,動詞原形後邊站,can表能力 may許可 should應該 would願 must必須 ,否定needn't換 have to不得不表客觀 四、重點語法 A) 一般現在時 1. 概念:一般現在時表示經常的、習慣性的動作或存在的狀態。

2. 構成:一般現在時的構成主要有兩種形式: (1)be型:句子的謂語動詞只有be(am,is或are): a.肯定句中,只出現be,如: 5 I am a student.我是一名學生。 b.否定句中,要在be後面加not,如: She isn't a teacher.她不是教師。

c.一般疑問句,要將be放在句子開頭(注意句首字母大寫),句尾用問號,答語用Yes,主語+be.或No,主語 + be + not.如: —Are you ready?—你准備好了嗎? —Yes,I am.—是的,我准備好了。 (—No,I'm not.—不,我沒准備好。)

(2)實義動詞型:句中的謂語動詞為實義動詞(也叫行為動詞): a.肯定句中,只出現實義動詞,如: I get up in the morning.我早晨起床。 b.否定句中,要在實義動詞前面加do(does)+not,do(does)作助動詞,本身無意義,常與not縮寫成don't(doesn't),如: I don't like vegetables.我不喜歡蔬菜。

c.一般疑問句,要在句子開頭加助動詞Do(does),句尾用問號,簡略答語用Yes,主語+do(does).或No,主語+do(does)+not.如: —Do you like oranges?—你喜歡桔子嗎? —Yes,I do.—是的,我喜歡。 (—No,I don't.—不,我不喜歡。)

3. 一般現在時的用法 1) 經常性或習慣性的動作,常與表示頻腮度的時間狀語連用。 時間狀語: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2) 客觀真理,客觀存在,科學事實。

The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 6 3) 表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall. 驕者必敗。

注意:此用法如果出現在賓語從句中,即使主句是過去時,從句謂語也要用一般現在時。 例:Columbus proved that the earth is round.. 4) 現在時刻的狀態、能力、性格、個性。

I don't want so much. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well. 比較:Now I put the sugar in the cup. I am doing my homework now. B) 一般將來時 一、概念:表示將要發生的動作或存在的狀態及打算、計劃或准備做某事。 句中一般有以下時間狀語:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(後天)等。

二、基本結構:① be going to + do; ②will+ do. 三、否定句:在be動詞(am, is, are)後加not或will後加not成won't。 例如:I'm going to have a piic this afternoon.→ I'm not going to have a piic this afternoon. 四、一般疑問句: be或will提到句首,some改為any, and改為or,第一二人稱互換。

例如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend. → Are you going to go on an outing this weekend? 五、對劃線部分提問。一般情況,一般將來時的對劃線部分有三種情況。

1. 問人。Who 例如:I'm going to New York soon. →Who's going to New York soon. 2. 問干什麼。

What … do. 例如: My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. →What is your father going to do with you this afternoon. 3. 問什麼時候。When. 例如:She's going to go to bed at nine. →When is she going to bed? 六、同義句:be going to = will I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow. 七、be going to和will 的區別 be going to和will 的用法雖然都表示將來發生動作或情況,但它們的用法是有區別的。

1. be going to主要用於: 7 (1)、表示事先經過考慮、安排好打算要做的事情。 What are you going to do today? 今天你們打算做什麼? Dad and I are going to see a Beijing opera this afternoon. 今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京劇。

I'm going to play the violin. 我打算拉小提琴。 She's going to play the piano. 她打算彈鋼琴。

(2)、表示根據目前某種跡象判斷,某事非常有可能發生。 e.g. Look! There e the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 瞧!烏雲密集,天。
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) west of Ame *** ury and 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) north of Sali *** ury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is posed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. It is at the centre of the most dense plex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.[1]

Archaeologists had believed that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500 BC, as described in the chronology below. One recent theory, however, has suggested that the first stones were not erected
Unit 1

do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯)

have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動)

eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候)

evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床)

at(在……點鍾) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午)

climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西)

play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母)

go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候)

Unit 2

spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳)

fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人)

plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺)

Unit 3

Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)

Unit 4

draw pictures(畫畫) cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) mom(媽媽) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信)

write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) grandpa(爺爺;外公) study(書房)

Unit 5

fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳)

kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架)

swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水)

Unit 6

take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a piic(舉行野餐)
Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨練) eat breakfast(吃早飯) have english class(上英語課) play sports(進行體育運動) eat dinner(吃晚飯) when(什麼時候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……點鍾) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(購物;買東西) play the piano(彈鋼琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去遠足) weekend(周末) often(經常) sometimes(有時候) Unit 2 spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季節) which(哪一個) best(最;極) swim(游泳) fly kites(放風箏) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(種樹) why(為什麼) because(因為) sleep(睡覺) Unit 3 Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期) Unit 4 draw pictures(畫畫) cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書)answer the phone(接電話) mom(媽媽) listen to music9(聽音樂) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫信) write an e-mail(寫電子郵件) grandpa(爺爺;外公) study(書房) Unit 5 fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡覺) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(盪;盪鞦韆) drink water(喝水) Unit 6 take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉) do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) wtite a report(寫報告) play chess(下棋) have a piic(舉行野餐)。

❷ 求一份人教版五年級下冊英語的知識點


一、主要單詞和短語: season

季節 spring
春天 summer 夏天 fall 秋天 winter 冬天 swim 游泳 fly kites 放風箏 skate 滑冰 make a snowman 堆雪人 plant trees
Which season do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個季節?
I like winter best. 我最喜歡冬天。
Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. 夏天是很好,但是秋天是我最喜愛的季節。
Why do you like summer? 你為什麼喜歡夏天?
Because I can swim in the lake. 因為我可以在湖裡游泳。 Why do you like winter? 你為什麼喜歡冬天?
Because I can sleep a long time. 因為我可以睡很長時間的覺。
三單:say-says ask-asks come-comes
對應詞:wake up-sleep go to bed-get up
同義句:What's your favourite season?(你最喜歡的季節是什麼?)----Which season do you like best?(你最喜歡哪個季節?)
play with 玩雪,play in the snow在雪中玩 , 如果在橫線後面有the ,則選擇in , 如果在橫線後面沒有the , 則選擇 with.
like後面不能直接跟動詞。如果需要跟動詞或動詞性片語時,則需在like後面加to. 如果不加to. 就要把後面的動詞變成相應的動名詞形式。 如:I like to swim ===I like swimming.
當表示某地某個季節的天氣情況時,要把季節放在前面,地點放在後面。其結構為:What's the weather like in 季節in 地點?
January (Jan.) 一月 February (Feb.) 二月 March (Mar.) 三月
April(Apr.) 四月 May 五月

BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot( '920966' );

June 六月 July 七月 August(Aug.) 八月 September(Sept.) 九月
October( Oct.) 十月
November (Nov.) 十一月 December ( Dec.) 十二月
1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候 --It's in May. 在五月。
2. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill's birthday is in June, too. 我的生日在六月。比爾叔叔的生日也在六月。
3. Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月嗎? --Yes. 是的。 4.What's the date? 是幾月幾日? --June 9th . 六月九日。
5. What's the date today? 今天是幾月幾日? -- It's April 10th. 四月十日。
三、主要知識點: 1、關於月份:
(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,沒有簡寫形式。九月September 的簡寫形式是前四個字母加點Sept. 其他八個月的簡寫形式是前三個字母加點。
(2)無論是完全形式還是簡寫形式,表示12個月的單詞的第一個字母都要大寫。 2、關於基數詞變序數詞。
(1)一般情況下,直接在基數詞後面加th. (one , two , three 除外)。one-first , two-second , three-third .
(2) 以ve結尾的基數詞,變ve為f, 再加th. 如:five-fifth , twelve-twelfth. (3) 以t結尾的基數詞,直接加h.如eight-eighth.
(4) 以不發音的字母e結尾的,丟掉不發音的字母e,再加th. 如 nine-ninth.
(5) 以y結尾的整十數,在變為序數詞時,將y變為ie, 再加th. 如twenty-twentieth . (6)20以上的兩位數,變為序數詞時,十位數不變,只將個位上的數變為序數詞。如:twenty-one----twenty-first , twenty-two-twenty-second , thirty-four-thirty-fourth .
(7)序數詞的簡寫形式為表示該詞的阿拉伯數字加上該單詞的最後兩個字母,最後兩個字母要變成上標格式。如:first-1st , second-2nd , third-3rd , fourth-4th . twentieth-20th 3. 在回答 When is your birthday? 這個問題時,如果只說明生日在幾月份,在月份前用in. 如 My birthday is in July.
如果要具體說明生日是在幾月幾日,則要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is後加on. 如 My birthday is June 9th. 或 My birthday is on June 9th . 4.注意區分兩個句子:What day is it today ? 今天星期幾? What's the date today? 今天是幾月幾日? 5. 根據要求寫單詞:
make (現在分詞)---making. send( 現在分詞)---sending.
6.句子:How many birthdays are in October ? 有幾個人的生日在十月? There are 3. 7. My birthday is in February . (變為一般疑問句)---Is your birthday in February?
8. Does she have a computer? 她有計算機嗎?當第三人稱單數和句子中出現了does時,其他動詞必須使用原型。
9、讀序數詞時,前面一定要加the. 如 October 1st .讀作October the first.
10、同義句: Who has a birthday in October?===Whose birthday is in October?

draw pictures 畫畫 drawing pictures 正在畫畫
do the dishes 洗碗碟 doing the dishes 正在洗碗碟 cook dinner 做飯 cooking dinner 正在做飯

BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot( '920970' );

read a book 讀書 reading a book 正在讀書
answer the phone 接電話 answering the phone 正在接電話 listen to music 聽音樂 listening to music 正在聽音樂 wash clothes 洗衣服 washing clothes 正在洗衣
clean the room 打掃房間 cleaning the room 正在打掃房間 write a letter 寫信 writing a letter 正在寫信
write an e-mail 寫電子郵件 writing an e-mail 正在寫電子郵件
1. This is Zhang Peng .(電話用語)我是張朋。 What are you doing? 你正在干什麼? 2.I'm doing the dishes. 我正在洗碗碟。 I'm reading a book. 我正在讀書。
3.Grandpa is writing a letter. 爺爺正在寫信。 Brother is doing homework. 弟弟正在做作業。
4.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 媽媽正在廚房裡做飯。
5.Dad is writing an e-mail in the study. 爸爸正在書房裡寫電子郵件。 三、知識點:
1、在電話中介紹自己時,可以用「It's „ 」或者『This is „'.但是不能用「I am „」或者「My name is „」
2.在電話中表另一個人接電話時,應該說:「Can I speak to „?」 3、告訴別人接電話時,說:There is a call for you.
4、在接電話時請別人稍候說:Hold on please.或者 Please hold on. 5、動詞變為現在分詞(加ing)的規則:
(1) 一般情況下,在動詞的後面直接加ing.
如:play-playing clean-cleaning draw-drawing cook-cooking (2) 以單個不發音的字母e結尾的動詞,去掉不發音的字母e,再加ing .
如:write-writing come-coming take-taking make-making leave-leaving have-having (3) 以重讀閉音世結尾的動詞,如果詞尾只有一個輔音字母,則要先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加ing.
如: run-running swim-swimming put-putting sit-sitting set-setting
fly 飛
flying 正在飛 walk 走
walking 正在走 jump 跳 jumping 正在跳

run 跑 running 正在跑 swim 游泳
swimming 正在游 climb 爬 climbing 正在爬 fight 打架 fighting 正在打架 swing 盪鞦韆 swinging 正在盪鞦韆 drink water 喝水
drinking water 正在喝水
1. What is it doing? 它正在干什麼?
It's eating bananas. 它正在吃香蕉。 2. What is she doing? 她正在干什麼? She is jumping. 她正在跳。
3. What are they doing? 它們正在干什麼? They are swimming. 它們正在游泳。 They are climbing trees. 它們正在爬樹。
1、在英語中,當表示媽媽時,無論是人類媽媽還是動植物的媽媽,都可以用she . 而表示嬰兒時,也都可以用it. 2、系動詞be 的用法:我是am你是are, is跟著他她它。如果人稱是復數,撲面一律都用are. 如:I am reading a book. He is cooking dinner.
We are doing an experiment. Are you eating lunch?
3、With 除了表示和„一起外,還可以表示「使用」,如:
That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.大象正在用它的象鼻喝水。 I am writing with my pen.我正在用我的鋼筆寫字。 4、當句子中出現了can時,動詞一定要用原形。 如:Can tigers really swim?
I can wash the clothes.我會洗衣服。
5、can , usually , often , sometimes , always 這幾個單詞都是一般現在時的好朋友,當句子中出現了它們時,動詞一般都要用原形。
now, am , is , are 這幾個單詞都是現在進行時的好朋友,當句子中出現了它們時,動詞要用現在分詞形式,也就是ing形式。
pick up leaves 採摘樹葉
picking up leaves 正在採摘樹葉 catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶 catching butterflies 正在捉蝴 take pictures 照相
taking pictures 正在照相 watch insects 觀察昆蟲 watching insects 正在觀察昆蟲

do an experiment 做實驗 doing an experiment 正在做實驗 have a picnic 舉行野餐 having a picnic 正在舉行野餐 count insects 數昆蟲
counting insects 正在數昆蟲 write a report 寫報告 writing a report 正在寫報告 collect leaves 收集樹葉
collecting leaves 正在收集樹葉 play chess 下棋 playing chess 正在下棋
1. Are you eating lunch ? 你們正在吃午飯嗎?
No, we aren't. 不,我們不是。
2. Are they eating the honey? 它們正在吃蜂蜜嗎? Yes, they are. 是的,它們是。 3. Is he playing chess? 他正在下棋嗎? Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 4. Is she writing a report? 她正在寫報告嗎 No, she isn't. 不,她不是。
1、現在進行時的句子變一般疑問句時,只要將系動詞be(am is are )和主語交換位置,將句末的句號變為問號,
但是要注意第一人稱和第二人稱時,人稱和系動詞的相應變化。 如:I am reading a book? ------Are you reading a book? You're walking . -----Am I waling?
He is cooking dinner . -------Is he cooking dinner?
2. 表示用什麼做個實驗時,要用on.如 Do an experiment on me , please. 3. It's time to 後跟動詞的原形,It's time for 後跟名詞。 如:It's time to go to school. 該去上學了。(到了去上學的時間了。)
It's time for English class. 到了英語課的時間了。 It's time to have English class. 該上英語課了

❸ 五年級英語什麼叫同義句

五年級英語中的同義句就是把句子中的一個或一些單詞可以用別的意思相同的單詞或句子代替,單詞或句子用法不同也就導致句子結構不同。例如:This is my book。同義句 This book is mine。

❹ He is from Australia 同義句 五年級

He comes from Australia
It's our classroom.

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